309 resultados para hitz ordena naturala
56 hojas : ilustraciones, cuadros.
43 hojas : ilustraciones.
Gemstone Team iGEM
Gemstone Team IMMUNE (Innovative Medicines for Maladies Utilizing Nutraceutical Enhancements)
A solar cell relies on its ability to turn photons into current. Because short wavelength photons are typically absorbed near the top surface of a cell, the generated charge carriers recombine before being collected. But when a layer of quantum dots (nanoscale semiconductor particles) is placed on top of the cell, it absorbs short wavelength photons and emits them into the cell at longer wavelengths, which enables more efficient carrier collection. However, the resulting power conversion efficiency of the system depends critically on the quantum dot luminescence efficiency – the nature of this relationship was previously unknown. Our calculations suggest that a quantum dot layer must have high luminescence efficiency (at least 80%) to improve the current output of existing photovoltaic (PV) cells; otherwise, it may worsen the cell’s efficiency. Our quantum dot layer (using quantum dots with over 85% quantum yield) slightly reduced the efficiency of our PV cells. We observed a decrease in short circuit current of a commercial-grade cell from 0.1977 A to 0.1826 A, a 7.6% drop, suggesting that improved optical coupling from the quantum dot emission into the solar cell is needed. With better optical coupling, we predict current enhancements between ~6% and ~8% for a solar cell that already has an antireflection coating. Such improvements could have important commercial impacts if the coating could be deployed in a scalable fashion.
También este trabajo que entrego ahora a la imprenta no es perfecto y acabado en todos los detalles. Faltan los anent a Shakaim y una revisión cuidadosa de la grafía shuar. De todas maneras y a pesar de estas imperfecciones, prefiero que salga, para estimular la colaboración de los especialistas en la recolección e interpretación de datos de la cultura shuar. Shakáim, como lo afirman todos los ancianos shuar, es el mismo Etsa, Así llaman a Etsa cuando actúa en asuntos de agricultura y de vida familiar. La palabra Shakáim está compuesta de la onomatopeya '"shaká" que es el ruido que hace un fuerte chaparrón y de la palabra "yumi" que significa lluvia. Shakáim, por lo tanto, significa chaparrón, huracán. El chaparrón fecundiza la tierra y el huracán tumba los árboles gigantescos. Están relacionadas con este_nombre sea las relaciones matrimoniales, sea los trabajos de roce y tumbe. El misino mito habla de la llegada de Shakáim con el semblante de lluvia a la casa de Chuánk para sembrar las palmeras que proporcionan las hojas para el techo de la vivienda. Shakáim es el complemento de Nunkui. La figura de Nunkui es femenina porque se inspira en la tierra fecunda. La figura de Shakáim es masculina porque se inspira en la lluvia fecundizadora. Nunkui y Shakáim son el arquetipo de la pareja shuar. Si Nunkui enseña el trabajo a las mujeres, Shakáim enseña a los hombres. Shakáim ordena a los hombres los trabajos de roce y tala de la selva, la siembra del maíz al voléo, la construcción de la vivienda y la confección del vestido.
Following orders, hierarchical obedience and military discipline are essential values for the survival of the armed forces. Without them, it is not possible to conceive the armed forces as an essential pillar of a democratic state of law and a guarantor of national independence. As issuing orders as well as receiving and following them are inextricably linked to military discipline, and as such injunctions entail the workings of a particular obedience regime within the specific kind of organized power framework which is the Armed Forces, only by analysing the importance of such orders within this microcosm – with its strict hierarchical structure – will it be possible to understand which criminal judicial qualification to ascribe to the individual at the rear by reference to the role of the front line individual (i.e. the one who issues an order vs the one who executes it). That is, of course, when we are faced with the practice of unlawful acts, keeping in mind the organizational framework and its influence over the will of the executor. One thing we take as read, if the orders can be described as unlawful, the boundary line of the duty of obedience, which cannot be overstepped, both because of a legal as well as a constitutional imperative, will have been crossed. And the military have sworn an oath of obedience to the fundamental law. The topic of hierarchical obedience cannot be separated from the analysis of current legislation which pertains to the topic within military institutions. With that in mind, it appeared relevant to address the major norms which regulate the matter within the Portuguese military legal system, and, whenever necessary and required by the reality under analysis, to relate that to civilian law or legal doctrine.
Tetrasomy, pentasomy, and hexasomy 8 (polysomy 8) are relatively rare compared to trisomy 8. Here we report on a series of 12 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), or myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) associated with polysomy 8 as detected by conventional cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In an attempt to better characterize the clinical and hematological profile of this cytogenetic entity, our data were combined with those of 105 published patients. Tetrasomy 8 was the most common presentation of polysomy 8. In 60.7% of patients, polysomy 8 occurred as part of complex changes (16.2% with 11q23 rearrangements). No cryptic MLL rearrangements were found in cases in which polysomy 8 was the only karyotypic change. Our study demonstrates the existence of a polysomy 8 syndrome, which represents a subtype of AML, MDS, and MPD characterized by a high incidence of secondary diseases, myelomonocytic or monocytic involvement in AML and poor overall survival (6 months). Age significantly reduced median survival, but associated cytogenetic abnormalities did not modify it. Cytogenetic results further demonstrate an in vitro preferential growth of the cells with a high level of aneuploidy suggesting a selective advantage for polysomy 8 cells.
Contient : « Ci commencent les rebriches des establissemens le roy de France, selonc l'usage de Paris et d'Orliens et de court de baronnie » ; « En l'an de grace M.CC.LXX. li bons rois Loeys fist et ordena ces establissemenz... » ; « ... nostre sires li rois deffent les armes et les chevauchiées en ses establissemenz. — Ci fenissent les establissemenz le roy de France, selone l'usage de Paris et d'Orliens et de cort de baronnie. Si a .II.C. et treze chapistres »
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