958 resultados para gas phase reactions


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he intrinsic gas-phase reactivity of cyclic N-alkyl- and N-acyliminium ions toward addition of allyltrimethylsilane (ATMS) has been compared using MS2 and MS3 pentaquadrupole mass spectrometric experiments. An order of electrophilic reactivity has been derived and found to agree with orders of overall reactivity in solution. The prototype five-membered ring N-alkyliminium ion 1a and its N-CH3 analogue 1b, as well as their six-membered ring analogues 1c and 1d, lack N-acyl activation and they are, accordingly, inert toward ATMS addition. The five- and six-membered ring N-acyliminium ions with N-COCH3 exocycclic groups, 3a and 3b, respectively, are also not very reactive. The N-acyliminium ions 2a and 2c, with s-trans locked endocyclic N-carbonyl groups, are the most reactive followed closely by 3c and 3d with exocyclic (and unlocked) N-CO2CH3 groups. The five-membered ring N-acyliminium ions are more reactive than their six-membered ring analogues, that is:  2a > 2c and 3c > 3d. In contrast with the high reactivity of 2a, its N-CH3 analogue 2b is inert toward ATMS addition. For the first time, the transient intermediates of a Mannich-type condensation reaction were isolatedthe β-silyl cations formed by ATMS addition to N-acyliminium ionsand their intrinsic gas-phase behavior toward dissociation and reaction with a nucleophile investigated. When collisionally activated, the β-silyl cations dissociate preferentially by Grob fragmentation, that is, by retro-addition. With pyridine, they react competitively and to variable extents by proton transfer and by trimethylsilylium ion abstractionthe final and key step postulated for α-amidoalkylation. Becke3LYP/6-311G(d,p) reaction energetics, charge densities on the electrophilic C-2 site, and AM1 LUMO energies have been used to rationalize the order of intrinsic gas-phase electrophilic reactivity of cyclic iminium and N-acyliminium ions.


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Levulinic acid (LA) is a polyfunctional molecule obtained from biomass. Because of its structure, the United States Department of energy classified LA as one of the top 12 building block chemicals. Typically, it is valorized through chemical reduction to γ-valerolactone (GVL). It is usually done with H2 in batch systems with high H2 pressures and noble metal catalysts, making it expensive and less applicable. Therefore, alternative approaches such as catalytic transfer hydrogenation (CTH) through the Meerwein–Ponndorf–Verley (MPV) reaction over heterogeneous catalysts have been studied. This uses organic molecules (alcohols) which act as a hydride transfer agent (H-donor), to reduce molecules containing carbonyl groups. Given the stability of the intermediate, reports have shown the batch liquid-phase CTH of levulinate esters with secondary alcohols, and remarkable results (GVL yield) have been obtained over ZrO2, given the need of a Lewis acid (LASites) and base pair for CTH. However, there were no reports of the continuous gas-phase CTH of levulinate esters. Therefore, high surface area ZrO2 was tested for gas-phase CTH of methyl levulinate (ML) using ethanol, methanol and isopropanol as H-donors. Under optimized conditions with ethanol (250 ℃), the reaction is selective towards GVL (yield 70%). However, heavy carbonaceous materials over the catalyst surface progressively blocked LASites changing the chemoselectivity. The in situ regeneration of the catalyst permitted a partial recovery of the LASites and an almost total recovery of the initial catalytic behavior, proving the deactivation reversible. Tests with methanol were not promising (ML conversion 35%, GVL yield 4%). As expected, using isopropanol provided complete conversion and a GVL yield of 80%. The reaction was also tested using bioethanol derived from agricultural waste. In addition, a preliminary study was performed for the hydrogenolysis of polyols to produce bioethanol, were Pd-Fe catalyst promoted the ethanol selective (37%) hydrogenolysis of glycerol.


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Biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds play a fundamental role in the atmospheric chemistry, vegetation being one of their major sources. Amongst the VOCs emitted by plants, olefins and terpenoids are the most abundant. These compounds, due to the presence of two or more double bonds and other structural features, are very reactive in the atmosphere and act as precursors of the photochemical smog and aerosols. This article presents a review of the reactions of olefins and terpenoids with ozone, in the gas phase, with emphasis toward the mechanisms and kinetic aspects.


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The oxidation potential of pulsed corona discharge concerning aqueous impurities is limited in respect to certain refractory compounds. This may be enhanced in combination of the discharge with catalysis/photocatalysis as developed in homogeneous gas-phase reactions. The objective of the work consists of testing the hypothesis of oxidation potential enhancement in combination of the discharge with TiO2 photocatalysis applied to aqueous solutions of refractory oxalate. Meglumine acridone acetate was included for meeting the practical needs. The experimental research was undertaken into oxidation of aqueous solutions under conditions of various target pollutant concentrations, pH and the pulse repetition rate with plain electrodes and the electrodes with TiO2 attached to their surface. The results showed no positive influence of the photocatalyst, the pollutants were oxidized with the rate identical within the accuracy of measurements. The possible explanation for the observed inefficiency may include low UV irradiance, screening effect of water and generally low oxidation rate in photocatalytic reactions. Further studies might include combination of electric discharge with ozone decomposition/radical formation catalysts.


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Boron trihalide and mixed boron trihalide adducts of trimethylamine have been prepared, and characterized by proton and fluorine N.M.R. spectroscopy. The acceptor power of the boron trihalides was seen to increase in the order BF3 < BC13 < BBr3 < BI3, corroborating previous evidence. The mixed boron trihalides had intermediate Lewis acidities. Solution reactions between adducts and free boron trihalides rapidly led to the formation of mixed adducts when the free boron trihalide is a stronger Lewis acid than that in the adduct. A slower reaction is observed when the free BX3 is a weaker Lewis aoid than that complexed. The mechanism of halogen exchange leading to the mixed (CH3)3NBX3 adducts was investigated. 10B labelling experiments precluded B-N bond rupture as a possible mechanism in solution; results are discussed in terms of halogen-bridged intermediates. Pre-ionization may be important for some systems. At higher temperatures, during gas phase reactions,B-N coordinate bond rupture may be the initial step of reaction. Two mixed adduots, namely (CH3)3NBClBr2 and (CH3)3NBHOIBr were prepared and characterized by Mass Spectrometry


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Gas-phase reactions of model carbosulfonium ions (CH3-S+?=?CH2; CH3CH2-S+?=?CH2 and Ph-S+?=?CH2) and an O-analogue carboxonium ion (CH3-O+?=?CH2) with acyclic (isoprene, 1,3-butadiene, methyl vinyl ketone) and cyclic (1,3-cyclohexadiene, thiophene, furan) conjugated dienes were systematically investigated by pentaquadrupole mass spectrometry. As corroborated by B3LYP/6-311?G(d,p) calculations, the carbosulfonium ions first react at large extents with the dienes forming adducts via simple addition. The nascent adducts, depending on their stability and internal energy, react further via two competitive channels: (1) in reactions with acyclic dienes via cyclization that yields formally [4?+?2+] cycloadducts, or (2) in reactions with the cyclic dienes via dissociation by HSR loss that yields methylenation (net CH+ transfer) products. In great contrast to its S-analogues, CH3-O+?=?CH2 (as well as C2H5-O+?=?CH2 and Ph-O+?=?CH2 in reactions with isoprene) forms little or no adduct and proton transfer is the dominant reaction channel. Isomerization to more acidic protonated aldehydes in the course of reaction seems to be the most plausible cause of the contrasting reactivity of carboxonium ions. The CH2?=?CH-O+?=?CH2 ion forms an abundant [4?+?2+] cycloadduct with isoprene, but similar to the behavior of such alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxonium ions in solution, seems to occur across the C?=?C bond. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has found great acceptance among the engineering community as a tool for research and design of processes that are practically difficult or expensive to study experimentally. One of these processes is the biomass gasification in a Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB). Biomass gasification is the thermo-chemical conversion of biomass at a high temperature and a controlled oxygen amount into fuel gas, also sometime referred to as syngas. Circulating fluidized bed is a type of reactor in which it is possible to maintain a stable and continuous circulation of solids in a gas-solid system. The main objectives of this thesis are four folds: (i) Develop a three-dimensional predictive model of biomass gasification in a CFB riser using advanced Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) (ii) Experimentally validate the developed hydrodynamic model using conventional and advanced measuring techniques (iii) Study the complex hydrodynamics, heat transfer and reaction kinetics through modelling and simulation (iv) Study the CFB gasifier performance through parametric analysis and identify the optimum operating condition to maximize the product gas quality. Two different and complimentary experimental techniques were used to validate the hydrodynamic model, namely pressure measurement and particle tracking. The pressure measurement is a very common and widely used technique in fluidized bed studies, while, particle tracking using PEPT, which was originally developed for medical imaging, is a relatively new technique in the engineering field. It is relatively expensive and only available at few research centres around the world. This study started with a simple poly-dispersed single solid phase then moved to binary solid phases. The single solid phase was used for primary validations and eliminating unnecessary options and steps in building the hydrodynamic model. Then the outcomes from the primary validations were applied to the secondary validations of the binary mixture to avoid time consuming computations. Studies on binary solid mixture hydrodynamics is rarely reported in the literature. In this study the binary solid mixture was modelled and validated using experimental data from the both techniques mentioned above. Good agreement was achieved with the both techniques. According to the general gasification steps the developed model has been separated into three main gasification stages; drying, devolatilization and tar cracking, and partial combustion and gasification. The drying was modelled as a mass transfer from the solid phase to the gas phase. The devolatilization and tar cracking model consist of two steps; the devolatilization of the biomass which is used as a single reaction to generate the biomass gases from the volatile materials and tar cracking. The latter is also modelled as one reaction to generate gases with fixed mass fractions. The first reaction was classified as a heterogeneous reaction while the second reaction was classified as homogenous reaction. The partial combustion and gasification model consisted of carbon combustion reactions and carbon and gas phase reactions. The partial combustion considered was for C, CO, H2 and CH4. The carbon gasification reactions used in this study is the Boudouard reaction with CO2, the reaction with H2O and Methanation (Methane forming reaction) reaction to generate methane. The other gas phase reactions considered in this study are the water gas shift reaction, which is modelled as a reversible reaction and the methane steam reforming reaction. The developed gasification model was validated using different experimental data from the literature and for a wide range of operating conditions. Good agreement was observed, thus confirming the capability of the model in predicting biomass gasification in a CFB to a great accuracy. The developed model has been successfully used to carry out sensitivity and parametric analysis. The sensitivity analysis included: study of the effect of inclusion of various combustion reaction; and the effect of radiation in the gasification reaction. The developed model was also used to carry out parametric analysis by changing the following gasifier operating conditions: fuel/air ratio; biomass flow rates; sand (heat carrier) temperatures; sand flow rates; sand and biomass particle sizes; gasifying agent (pure air or pure steam); pyrolysis models used; steam/biomass ratio. Finally, based on these parametric and sensitivity analysis a final model was recommended for the simulation of biomass gasification in a CFB riser.


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We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model for gas-particle interactions in aerosols and clouds (KM-GAP) that treats explicitly all steps of mass transport and chemical reaction of semi-volatile species partitioning between gas phase, particle surface and particle bulk. KM-GAP is based on the PRA model framework (Pöschl-Rudich-Ammann, 2007), and it includes gas phase diffusion, reversible adsorption, surface reactions, bulk diffusion and reaction, as well as condensation, evaporation and heat transfer. The size change of atmospheric particles and the temporal evolution and spatial profile of the concentration of individual chemical species can be modelled along with gas uptake and accommodation coefficients. Depending on the complexity of the investigated system, unlimited numbers of semi-volatile species, chemical reactions, and physical processes can be treated, and the model shall help to bridge gaps in the understanding and quantification of multiphase chemistry and microphysics in atmo- spheric aerosols and clouds. In this study we demonstrate how KM-GAP can be used to analyze, interpret and design experimental investigations of changes in particle size and chemical composition in response to condensation, evaporation, and chemical reaction. For the condensational growth of water droplets, our kinetic model results provide a direct link between laboratory observations and molecular dynamic simulations, confirming that the accommodation coefficient of water at 270 K is close to unity. Literature data on the evaporation of dioctyl phthalate as a function of particle size and time can be reproduced, and the model results suggest that changes in the experimental conditions like aerosol particle concentration and chamber geometry may influence the evaporation kinetics and can be optimized for eðcient probing of specific physical effects and parameters. With regard to oxidative aging of organic aerosol particles, we illustrate how the formation and evaporation of volatile reaction products like nonanal can cause a decrease in the size of oleic acid particles exposed to ozone.


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We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model for gas-particle interactions in aerosols and clouds (KMGAP) that treats explicitly all steps of mass transport and chemical reaction of semi-volatile species partitioning between gas phase, particle surface and particle bulk. KMGAP is based on the PRA model framework (P¨oschl-Rudich- Ammann, 2007), and it includes gas phase diffusion, reversible adsorption, surface reactions, bulk diffusion and reaction, as well as condensation, evaporation and heat transfer. The size change of atmospheric particles and the temporal evolution and spatial profile of the concentration of individual chemical species can be modeled along with gas uptake and accommodation coefficients. Depending on the complexity of the investigated system and the computational constraints, unlimited numbers of semi-volatile species, chemical reactions, and physical processes can be treated, and the model shall help to bridge gaps in the understanding and quantification of multiphase chemistry and microphysics in atmospheric aerosols and clouds. In this study we demonstrate how KM-GAP can be used to analyze, interpret and design experimental investigations of changes in particle size and chemical composition in response to condensation, evaporation, and chemical reaction. For the condensational growth of water droplets, our kinetic model results provide a direct link between laboratory observations and molecular dynamic simulations, confirming that the accommodation coefficient of water at 270K is close to unity (Winkler et al., 2006). Literature data on the evaporation of dioctyl phthalate as a function of particle size and time can be reproduced, and the model results suggest that changes in the experimental conditions like aerosol particle concentration and chamber geometry may influence the evaporation kinetics and can be optimized for efficient probing of specific physical effects and parameters. With regard to oxidative aging of organic aerosol particles, we illustrate how the formation and evaporation of volatile reaction products like nonanal can cause a decrease in the size of oleic acid particles exposed to ozone.


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Ein eindimensionales numerisches Modell der maritimenGrenzschicht (MBL) wurde erweitert, um chemische Reaktionenin der Gasphase, von Aerosolpartikeln und Wolkentropfen zu beschreiben. Ein Schwerpunkt war dabei die Betrachtung derReaktionszyklen von Halogenen. Soweit Ergebnisse vonMesskampagnen zur Verfuegung standen, wurden diese zurValidierung des Modells benutzt. Die Ergebnisse von frueheren Boxmodellstudien konntenbestaetigt werden. Diese zeigten die saeurekatalysierteAktivierung von Brom aus Seesalzaerosolen, die Bedeutung vonHalogenradikalen fuer die Zerstoerung von O3, diepotentielle Rolle von BrO bei der Oxidation von DMS und dievon HOBr und HOCl in der Oxidation von S(IV). Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Beruecksichtigung derVertikalprofile von meteorologischen und chemischen Groessenvon grosser Bedeutung ist. Dies spiegelt sich darin wider,dass Maxima des Saeuregehaltes von Seesalzaerosolen und vonreaktiven Halogenen am Oberrand der MBL gefunden wurden.Darueber hinaus wurde die Bedeutung von Sulfataerosolen beidem aktiven Recyceln von weniger aktiven zu photolysierbarenBromspezies gezeigt. Wolken haben grosse Auswirkungen auf die Evolution und denTagesgang der Halogene. Dies ist nicht auf Wolkenschichtenbeschraenkt. Der Tagesgang der meisten Halogene ist aufgrundeiner erhoehten Aufnahme der chemischen Substanzen in die Fluessigphase veraendert. Diese Ergebnisse betonen dieWichtigkeit der genauen Dokumentation der meteorologischenBedingungen bei Messkampagnen (besonders Wolkenbedeckungsgrad und Fluessigwassergehalt), um dieErgebnisse richtig interpretieren und mit Modellresultatenvergleichen zu koennen. Dieses eindimensionale Modell wurde zusammen mit einemBoxmodell der MBL verwendet, um die Auswirkungen vonSchiffemissionen auf die MBL abzuschaetzen, wobei dieVerduennung der Abgasfahne parameterisiert wurde. DieAuswirkungen der Emissionen sind am staerksten, wenn sie insauberen Gebieten stattfinden, die Hoehe der MBL gering istund das Einmischen von Hintergrundluft schwach ist.Chemische Reaktionen auf Hintergrundaerosolen spielen nureine geringe Rolle. In Ozeangebieten mit schwachemSchiffsverkehr sind die Auswirkungen auf die Chemie der MBL beschraenkt. In staerker befahrenen Gebieten ueberlappensich die Abgasfahnen mehrerer Schiffe und sorgen fuerdeutliche Auswirkungen. Diese Abschaetzung wurde mitSimulationen verglichen, bei denen die Emissionen alskontinuierliche Quellen behandelt wurden, wie das inglobalen Chemiemodellen der Fall ist. Wenn die Entwicklungder Abgasfahne beruecksichtigt wird, sind die Auswirkungendeutlich geringer da die Lebenszeit der Abgase in der erstenPhase nach Emission deutlich reduziert ist.


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The solvation effect of the ionic liquid 1-N-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate on nucleophilic substitution reactions of halides toward the aliphatic carbon of methyl p-nitrobenzenesulfonate (pNBS) was investigated by computer simulations. The calculations were performed by using a hybrid quantum-mechanical/molecular-mechanical (QM/MM) methodology. A semiempirical Hamiltonian was first parametrized on the basis of comparison with ab initio calculations for Cl(-) and Br(-) reaction with pNBS at gas phase. In condensed phase, free energy profiles were obtained for both reactions. The calculated reaction barriers are in agreement with experiment. The structure of species solvated by the ionic liquid was followed along the reaction progress from the reagents, through the transition state, to the final products. The simulations indicate that this substitution reaction in the ionic liquid is slower than in nonpolar molecular solvents proper to significant stabilization of the halide anion by the ionic liquid in comparison with the transition state with delocalized charge. Solute-solvent interactions in the first solvation shell contain several hydrogen bonds that are formed or broken in response to charge density variation along the reaction coordinate. The detailed structural analysis can be used to rationalize the design of new ionic liquids with tailored solvation properties. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Reactions of the model acylium ion (CH3)(2)N-C+=O with acyclic, exocyclic, and Spiro acetals of the general formula (RO)-O-1-(CRR4)-R-3-OR2-upole mass spectrometry. Characteristic intrinsic reactivities were observed for each of these classes of acetals. The two most Characteristic intrinsic reactivities were observed for each of these classes of acetals. The two most common reactions observed were hydride and alkoxy anion [(RO-)-O-1 and (RO-)-O-2] abstraction. Other specific reactions were also observed: (a) a secondary polar [4(+) + 2] cycloaddition for acetals bearing alpha,beta-unsaturated R-3 or R-4 substituents and (b) OH- abstraction for exocyclic and spiro acetals. These structurally diagnostic reactions, in conjunction with others observed previously for cyclic acetals, are shown to reveal the class of the acetal molecule and its ring type and substituents and to permit their recognition and distinction from other classes of isomeric molecules.


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As polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have a negative impact on human health due to their mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties, the objective of this work was to study the influence of tobacco smoke on levels and phase distribution of PAHs and to evaluate the associated health risks. The air samples were collected at two homes; 18 PAHs (the 16 PAHs considered by U.S. EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) were determined in gas phase and associated with thoracic (PM10) and respirable (PM2.5) particles. At home influenced by tobacco smoke the total concentrations of 18 PAHs in air ranged from 28.3 to 106 ngm 3 (mean of 66.7 25.4 ngm 3),∑PAHs being 95% higher than at the non-smoking one where the values ranged from 17.9 to 62.0 ngm 3 (mean of 34.5 16.5 ngm 3). On average 74% and 78% of ∑PAHs were present in gas phase at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively, demonstrating that adequate assessment of PAHs in air requires evaluation of PAHs in both gas and particulate phases. When influenced by tobacco smoke the health risks values were 3.5e3.6 times higher due to the exposure of PM10. The values of lifetime lung cancer risks were 4.1 10 3 and 1.7 10 3 for the smoking and nonsmoking homes, considerably exceeding the health-based guideline level at both homes also due to the contribution of outdoor traffic emissions. The results showed that evaluation of benzo[a]pyrene alone would probably underestimate the carcinogenic potential of the studied PAH mixtures; in total ten carcinogenic PAHs represented 36% and 32% of the gaseous ∑PAHs and in particulate phase they accounted for 75% and 71% of ∑PAHs at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively.


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A thesis submitted to the University of Innsbruck for the doctor degree in Natural Sciences, Physics and New University of Lisbon for the doctor degree in Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics


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The thermal route to dichlorosilylene by pyrolysis Of Si2Cl6 has been investigated using both mass spectrometry and matrix isolation techniques. The formation Of SiCl2 in the gas phase was confirmed by employing a known "trapping" agent, namely buta-1,3-diene, which gave the product 1, 2-dichloro-1-silacyclopent-3 -ene. Dichlorosilylene was then reacted with N2O and NO. The observed products in the mass spectrum from the N2O reaction were SiCl2O and its polymers and N-2. On reacting SiCl2 with NO, SiCl2O and its polymers, Cl-2 and N2O were all observed. Infrared spectra of argon matrices supported these findings from mass spectrometry. A mechanism is proposed for this reaction based on these observations involving the intermediacy of cyclo-Cl2SiO2 and is supported by ab initio calculations at the MP2 and G3 levels. The reaction between SiCl2 and O-2 has also been investigated. The products seen in this case were SiCl2O and Cl-2. Ab initio calculations again suggest that cyclo-Cl2SiO2 is involved, and a chain mechanism seems the most likely route to Cl-2 formation. The calculations lead to DeltaH(f)degrees (SiO2,g) = -276 +/- 4- 6 kJ mol(-1).