956 resultados para frozen concentrated orange juice
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The pigmentation of indirect composite resins has been one of the most common reasons that lead the restorative treatment to failure. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different solutions on color stability of indirect composite resins. Five brands of indirect composite resins were tested: Adoro, Resilab, Cristobal, Sinfony and Epricord. The samples were immerged in eleven solutions (n=10): common liquid foods (coke soft drink, red wine, coffee and orange juice), mounthrinses (Listerine, Oral-B, Colgate Plax and Periogard) and bleaching agents (carbamide peroxide 16%, 7.5% and hydrogen peroxide 38%) and artificial saliva (control group). The color was measured by a spectrophotometer before and after 7, 14 and 21 days of immersion in common liquid foods, after 12, 24, 36 and 60 hours of immersion in mounthrinses and after 7 and 14 days of immersion in bleaching agents. The Cristobal and Adoro resins showed highest values of ΔE statistically significant compared to the others resin brands. Adoro’s ΔE values changed significantly after the immersion process in red wine and coffee and also between periods measured. The resins Cristobal and Sinfony showed the highest values of ΔE after the immersion process in Listerine with difference statistically significant in comparison to control group. Besides, there was difference statistically significant of the ΔE values for Cristobal after immersion in hydrogen peroxide 7,5% in comparison to control group. It can be conclude that all the solutions promoted color change on the indirect composite resins. However, ΔE values are whitin the values clinically acceptable.
Introduction: Indirect dental composites may have adequate clinical performance. However, the literature is scarce regarding indirect composite resins and these solutions should be considered to maintain their properties. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of beverages, mouthwashes and bleaching agents on the hardness of indirect composite resins. Methods: Five different brands of indirect composite resins were evaluated: Adoro, Resilab, Cristobal, Sinfony and Epricord. Ten specimens of each brand were immersed in eleven different solutions: four mouthwashes (Listerine, Oral-B, Plax, Periogard), four beverages (coke soft drink, red wine, coffee, orange juice), three dental bleaching agents (16% peroxide of carbamide, 7.5% and 38% peroxide of hydrogen) and artificial saliva (control group). The Knoop hardness was measured before (baseline) and after 12, 24, 36 and 60 hours of immersion in mouthwashes; after 7, 14 and 21 days of immersion in beverages and after 7 and 14 days of immersion in dental bleaching agents. The results were analyzed using 3-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p<0.05). Results: All resins presented significant decrease on hardness values after immersion process whereas this reduction was higher for Resilab and Sinfony. The latter exhibited the lowest initial values of hardness while Cristobol resin presented the highest hardness values. The mouthwashes promoted a significant decrease in the hardness of specimens.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Infection with hepatitis C virus is a worldwide public health problem it affects about 170 to 250 million people worldwide may lead to complications such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Patients with chronic hepatitis C most often is inadequate nutrient intake, macro and micronutrients, which induces changes in nutritional status and lipid profi le. Supplementation with vitamin C has shown benefi t. Limited information is available on levels of vitamin C in this type of illness. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of regular intake of orange juice on the nutritional and dietetic of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. The study enrolled 23 patients volunteers, 13 men and 10 women treated at the Special Health Service of Araraquara (SESA). They consumed for 8 weeks 500 mL.d-1 of pasteurized orange juice. At baseline and after 8 weeks of juice intake the patients were evaluated for anthropometric parameters. The dietary intervention with 500 mL.d-1 with orange juice during the 8 weeks did not alter the nutritional status of patients.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Iron has been suggested to reduce the erosive potential of cola drinks in vitro. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate in situ the effect of ferrous sulfate supplementation on the inhibition of the erosion caused by a cola drink. Material and Methods: Ten adult volunteers participated in a crossover protocol conducted in two phases of 5 days, separated by a washout period of 7 days. In each phase, they wore palatal devices containing two human enamel and two human dentin blocks. The volunteers immersed the devices for 5 min in 150 mL of cola drink (Coca-Cola (TM), pH 2.6), containing ferrous sulfate (10 mmol/L) or not (control), 4 times per day. The effect of ferrous sulfate on the inhibition of erosion was evaluated by profilometry (wear). Data were analyzed by paired t tests (p<0.05). Results: The mean wear (+/- se) was significantly reduced in the presence of ferrous sulfate, both for enamel (control: 5.8 +/- 1.0 mu m; ferrous sulfate: 2.8 +/- 0.6 mu m) and dentin (control: 4.8 +/- 0.8 mu m; ferrous sulfate: 1.7 +/- 0.7 mu m). Conclusions: The supplementation of cola drinks with ferrous sulfate can be a good alternative for the reduction of their erosive potential. Additional studies should be done to test if lower ferrous sulfate concentrations can also have a protective effect as well as the combination of ferrous sulfate with other ions.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate, through a crossover 2 x 2 in situ trial, the effect of a desensitizing dentifrice associated with CO2 laser irradiation to control the permeability of eroded root dentin. Background data: Facing the increased prevalence of erosive lesion and the need for preventive means to control painful symptoms related to them. Methods: Eighty slabs of bovine root dentin were subjected to initial erosive challenge (citric acid 0.3%, 2 h), followed by a remineralizing period in artificial saliva (24 h). Specimens were then divided according to dentin treatment: desensitizing dentifrice, desensitizing dentifrice + CO2 laser, fluoride anticavity dentifrice. and fluoride anticavity dentifrice + CO2 laser. After a 2-day lead-in period, 10 volunteers wore an intraoral palatal appliance containing four root dentin slabs, in two phases of 5 days each. During the intraoral phase, one side of the appliance was immersed in 0.3% citric acid, and the opposite side was immersed in deionized water, four times a day. One hour after the immersions, all specimens were brushed with dentifrice slurry provided by the researcher. After a 7-day washout period, volunteers were crossed over on the different dentifrice group. Each phase having been completed, the specimens were evaluated for permeability through an optical microscope. Results: Data were analyzed using ANOVA and no significant difference (p = 0.272) was found between the surface treatments performed on bovine root dentin. Conclusions: It can be concluded that fluoride anticavity or desensitizing dentifrice, regardless of the association with the CO2 laser irradiation, was able to control the permeability of eroded root dentin.
The aim of the study was to assess the thickness of softened enamel removed by toothbrushing. Human enamel specimens were indented with a Knoop diamond. Softening was performed with citric acid or orange juice. The specimens were brushed in a brushing machine with a manual soft toothbrush in toothpaste slurry or in artificial saliva. Enamel loss was calculated from the change in indentation depth of the same indent before and after abrasion. Mean surface losses (95% confidence interval) were recorded in treatment groups (in nanometers): (1) citric acid, abrasion with slurry = 339 (280-398); (2) citric acid, abrasion with artificial saliva = 16 (5-27); (3) orange juice, abrasion with slurry = 268 (233-303); (4) orange juice, abrasion with artificial saliva = 14 (5-23); (5) no softening, abrasion with slurry = 28 (10-46). The calculated thickness of the softened enamel varied between 254 and 323 nm, depending on the acid used.
Objectives: This in vitro study aimed to investigate the protective effect of four commercial novel agents against erosion. Methods: Ninety human molars were distributed into 9 groups, and after incubation in human saliva for 2 h, a pellicle was formed. Subsequently, the specimens were submitted to demineralization (orange juice, pH 3.6, 3 min) and remineralization (paste slurry containing one of the tested novel agents, 3 min) cycles, two times per day, for 4 days. The tested agents were: (1) DenShield Tooth; active ingredient: 7.5% W/W NovaMin® (calcium sodium phosphosilicate); (2) Nanosensitive hca; active ingredient: 7.5% W/W NovaMin®; (3) GC Tooth Mousse; active ingredient: 10% Recaldent™ (CPP-ACP); (4) GC MI Paste Plus; active ingredients: 10% Recaldent™, 900 ppm fluoride. Two experimental procedures were performed: in procedure 1, the tested agents were applied prior to the erosive attack, and in procedure 2 after the erosive attack. A control group receiving no prophylactic treatment was included. Surface nanohardness (SNH) of enamel specimens was measured after pellicle formation and after completion of daily cyclic treatment. Results: SNH significantly decreased at the end of the experiment for all groups (p < 0.05). In both procedures, there was no statistically significant difference between the control group and those treated with paste slurries (p > 0.05). In addition, the changes in SNH (ΔSNH = SNHbaseline − SNHfinal) did not show statistically significant difference between both procedures (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Tooth erosion cannot be prevented or repaired by these novel agents, regardless of fluoride content.
The aim of this study was to compare tooth surface pH after drinking orange juice or water in 39 patients with dental erosion and in 17 controls. The following investigations were carried out: measurement of pH values on selected tooth surfaces after ingestion of orange juice followed by ingestion of water (acid clearance), measurement of salivary flow rate and buffering capacity. Compared with the controls, patients with erosion showed significantly greater decreases in pH after drinking orange juice, and the pH stayed lower for a longer period of time (p < 0.05). Saliva parameters showed no significant differences between the two patient groups except for a lower buffering capacity at pH 5.5 in the erosion group.
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of expectation associated with placebo and caffeine ingestion. We used a three-armed, randomized, double-blind design. Two three-armed experiments varying instruction (true, false, control) investigated the role of expectations of changes in arousal (blood pressure, heart rate), subjective well-being, and reaction time (RT). In Experiment 1 (N = 45), decaffeinated coffee was administered, and expectations were produced in one group by making them believe they had ingested caffeinated coffee. In Experiment 2 (N = 45), caffeinated orange juice was given in both experimental groups, but only one was informed about the true content. In Experiment 1, a significant effect for subjective alertness was found in the placebo treatment compared to the control group. However, for RT and well-being no significant effects were found. In Experiment 2, no significant expectancy effects were found. Caffeine produced large effects for blood pressure in both treatments compared to the control group, but the effects were larger for the false information group. For subjective well-being (alertness, calmness), considerable but nonsignificant changes were found for correctly informed participants, indicating possible additivity of pharmacologic effect and expectations. The results tentatively indicate that placebo and expectancy effects primarily show through introspection.
Optical pen-size reflectometer for monitoring of early dental erosion in native and polished enamels
Application of the specular reflection intensity was previously reported for the quantification of early dental erosion. Further development of the technique and assembly of the miniaturized pen-size instrument are described. The optical system was adjusted to fit into a handy device which could potentially access different positions in the oral cavity. The assembled instrument could successfully detect early erosion progression in both polished (n=70) and native (n=20) human enamels. Different severities of enamel erosion were induced by varying incubation time of polished enamel in 1% citric acid (pH=3.60, 0.5 to 10 min), while the native incisors were treated in the commercial orange juice (Tropicana Pure Premium®, pH=3.85, 10 to 60 min). The instrument provided a good differentiation between various severities of the erosion in vitro. The size of the measurement spot affected the erosion monitoring in native enamel (human incisors). The erosion measurement in the 0.7-mm (diameter) cervical spots showed systematically lower reflection intensities compared with the analysis of central and incisal small spots. The application of larger spot areas (2.3 mm) for the erosion monitoring revealed no effect (p>0.05) of the spot position on the reflection signal. High variation of the teeth susceptibility toward in vitro erosion was detected in native enamel.
En la actualidad son muy pocos los usos vigentes. Aunque los dátiles son la materia utilizada con mayor frecuencia, también se han empleado la savia, el polen y el cogollo tierno o palmito. Los dátiles de Phoenix dactylifera se utilizaron como analgésico y para tratar la anemia y trastornos digestivos, o para fortalecer las encías, en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil y como afrodisiacos, para facilitar el parto y calmar los dolores postparto, y tratar el prolapso de la matriz o para el exceso de flujo menstrual. También se utilizaron como diuréticos, para la disuria y en trastornos de la vejiga. El uso que más claramente ha persistido es el tratamiento de diversos problemas respiratorios. En uso externo se utilizaron para tratar problemas de la piel, heridas, hemorragias y hemorroides. De la palmera de Canarias (Phoenix canariensis), especialmente en la isla de la Gomera, la savia cruda o guarapo, su concentrado o miel de palma y los resultantes de su fermentación (vino de palma) se consumen como alimento y también se utilizan como diurético, remedio de trastornos génitourinarios, digestivo, para infecciones de la cavidad bucal, expectorante, antitusígeno y para las irritaciones de garganta. En el Toledo de Al-Andalus las espatas de P. dactylifera se utilizaron, hace casi mil años, en el tratamiento de la debilidad, los dolores, nefritis, las enfermedades de la vejiga, trastornos hepáticos (también como preventivo), diarrea, trastornos digestivos, dolores en el abdomen y en el estómago, excesivo sangrado menstrual, úlceras en la piel y sarna, dolores articulares y trastornos cardiacos. La fitoterapia racional debería prestar atención a este recurso, considerar la evidencia científica disponible (farmacológica e incluso clínica) e incorporarlo a nuestro repertorio terapéutico.