363 resultados para flint


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El objetivo central de este Estudio de Caso, consiste en investigar en qué sentido la proximidad geográfica y el hecho de que la región del Sahel constituya una zona de tránsito, influyen a que el crecimiento del terrorismo islámico en Malí comprenda una amenaza tanto para la seguridad nacional, como para la estabilidad de España. Se avanzará posteriormente con la descripción de herramientas específicas, tanto judiciales como de cooperación que el gobierno español ha buscado apoyar a nivel global y local, con el fin de repeler los desafíos que se generan como consecuencia del terrorismo; especial énfasis se hará, en aquellas medidas que este Estado europeo ha implementado con el propósito de enfrentar particularmente las amenazas que se generan hacia su territorio como resultado de la crisis terrorista en Malí.


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Entre muchas de las preocupaciones en el ámbito internacional está la desnutrición y la desigualdad social, por eso, esta investigación propone la logística humanitaria como herramienta para hacer más eficientes las Agrocadenas de suministro llegando de esta forma a las poblaciones más vulnerables. Gracias a esto, nace este proyecto a nivel internacional Con alianzas de Universidades en Colombia y Argentina. Para esta investigación es necesario responder preguntas como: ¿Qué es la Logística humanitaria? ¿Cuál es el alcance de la logística humanitaria? ¿Qué es una Agrocadenas? ¿Cómo se pueden optimizar las Agrocadenas a partir de la logística humanitaria? ¿Qué impacto tendría en Latinoamérica la mejora en los procesos de las Agrocadenas? Por Ultimo es importante resaltar, que en este proyecto se hará la caracterización de las Agrocadenas de tres productos importantes para la economía de los países anteriormente mencionados: maíz, arroz y trigo; se visualizaran sus puntos fuertes y débiles y así, lograr tener un mejor enfoque en cuanto los puntos más importantes a optimizar en toda la cadena.


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Esta investigación evalúa el modelo propuesto por el profesor Paul Collier a propósito del surgimiento de las guerras civiles, mediante su aplicación al caso del conflicto en la región de Darfur en Sudán, África. Este estudio tiene por propósito evidenciar las posibilidades explicativas del modelo de Collier, de naturaleza economicista, partiendo de la premisa de que las variables contenidas en el cuerpo teórico se pueden evidenciar en el caso del conflicto en Darfur. Se lleva a cabo una aproximación el concepto de nuevas guerras mediante el abordaje teórico de autores suscritos a esta corriente, Stathis N. Kalyvas, Mary Kaldor y Herfried Münkler. Analizando las variables e indicadores, se expone en su totalidad el modelo y tras su aplicación al caso del conflicto en Darfur, se avanza hacia el resultado de la investigación que permite identificar las falencias en el planteamiento de las premisas y conclusiones del modelo, estableciendo sus limitaciones explicativas de las nuevas guerras.


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Las actividades de esta publicación son para apoyar la aplicación del plan de estudios nacional para la geografía, para niños de siete a once años, con especial referencia a la geografía humana. Los objetivos son introducir a los niños en la diversidad de usos de la tierra que se encuentra en las zonas rurales y urbanas; a examinar los diferentes tipos de uso de la tierra; para demostrar algunas de las formas en que surgen los conflictos por el uso de la tierra. Contiene una variedad de juegos, de composición abierta, investigaciones, rompecabezas, problemas de ejercicios y habilidades.


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Esta guía consta de una planificación de curso y de notas para el profesor relacionadas estrechamente con el contenido del libro del alumno en que se apoya para ofrecer una enseñanza activa y práctica de la geografía. Este recurso se completa con un CD-ROM que ofrece versiones con materiales personalizados para cada una de las cuatro unidades en que se divide el libro y para cada uno de los temas.


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Es un recurso para la preparación de los exámenes del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) dividido en cuatro unidades. Las dos primeras unidades tratan los temas de geografía física y geografía humana; la unidad tres consiste en enseñar a los alumnos a aplicar decisiones sobre un tema específico que afecta a nuestro planeta. Por último, la unidad cuatro es la evaluación de control, en la que se completa el trabajo de campo y la recogida de datos, su análisis, y la redacción de un informe con los resultados, todo ello bajo la supervisión del profesor.


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Expone las tres orientaciones filosóficas que hay en Estados Unidos para la solución de los problemas de la educación: educación académica, educación progresiva, educación comunitaria. Se centra en esta última y analiza su función principal de escuela para todos, planeada y construida para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad, para pasar a describir la experiencia de la escuela comunitaria de Flint, Michigan.


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This paper discusses a study conducted to test sound discrimination abilities of the chinchilla.


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Archaeological excavations alongside the river Wandle in Wallington produced evidence of the environmental history and human exploitation of the area. The recovery of a large assemblage of struck flint provided information on the nature of the prehistoric activities represented, while a detailed environmental archaeological programme permitted an examination of both the local sediment successions and thus an opportunity to reconstruct the environmental history of the site. The site revealed a complex sedimentary sequence deposited in riverine conditions, commencing during the early Holocene (from c 10,000 years before present) and continuing through the late Holocene (c last 3000 years). Large flint nodules were washed by the river onto the site where they were procured and worked by Mesolithic and Bronze Age communities. Potentially usable nodules had been tested, and suitable pieces completely reduced, while the majority of useful flakes and blades had been removed for use elsewhere. Small numbers of retouched pieces, such as scrapers and piercers, indicate that domestic activities took place nearby. By the Saxon period the site had begun to stabilise, although it remained marshy and probably peripheral to habitation. Two pits from this period were excavated, one of which contained an antler pick. A small quantity of cereal grain also suggests that cultivated land lay in the vicinity of the site. During the 19th century a mill race was dug across the site, redirecting water from the river Wandle, which resulted in episodic flooding.


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Rat ileal air interface and submerged explant models were developed and used to compare the adhesion of Salmonella enterica var Enteritidis wild-type strains with that of their isogenic single and multiple deletion mutants. The modified strains studied were defective for fimbriae, flagella, motility or chemotaxis and binding was assessed on tissues with and without an intact mucus layer. A multiple afimbriate/aflagellate (fim(-)/fla(-)) strain, a fimbriate but aflagellate (fla(-)) strain and a fimbriate/flagellate but non-motile (mot(-)) strain bound significantly less extensively to the explants than the corresponding wild-type strains. With the submerged explant model this difference was evident in tissues with or without a mucus layer, whereas in the air interface model it was observed only in tissues,vith an intact mucus layer. A smooth swimming chemotaxis-defective (che(-)) strain and single or multiple afimbriate strains bound to explants as well as their corresponding wild-type strain. This suggests that under the present experimental conditions fimbriae were not essential for attachment of S. enterica var Enteritidis to rat ileal explants, However; the possession of active flagella did appear to be an important factor. in enabling salmonellae to penetrate the gastrointestinal mucus layer and attach specifically to epithelial cells.


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The roles of flagella and five fimbriae (SEF14, SEF17, SEF21, pef, lpf) in the early stages (up to 3 days) of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) infection have been investigated in the rat. Wild-type strains LA5 and S1400 (fim+/fla+) and insertionally inactivated mutants unable to express the five fimbriae (fim-/fla+), flagella (fim+/fla-) or fimbriae and flagella (fim-/fla-) were used. All wild-type and mutant strains were able to colonize the gut and spread to the mesenteric lymph nodes, liver and spleen. There appeared to be little or no difference between the fim-/fla+ and wild-type (fim+/fla+) strains. In contrast, the numbers of aflagellate (fim+/fla- or fim-/fla-) salmonella in the liver and spleen were transiently reduced. In addition, fim+/fla- or fim-/fla-strains were less able to persist in the upper gastrointestinal tract and the inflammatory responses they elicited in the gut were less severe. Thus, expression of SEF14, SEF17, SEF21, pef and lpf did not appear to be a prerequisite for induction of S. Enteritidis infection in the rat. Deletion of flagella did, however, disadvantage the bacterium. This may be due to the inability to produce or release the potent immunomodulating protein flagellin.


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At Woolaston on the western shores of the middle Severn Estuary c. 7 km upstream of Chepstow intertidal Holocene sediment exposures have been surveyed and the stratigraphic sequence established by coring and limited excavation. There are two main peats each with a submerged forest. An existing dendrochronological sequence for the Upper Submerged Forest has been extended and the preliminary results of pollen analysis from the peat sequence are summarised. A few flint flakes were found but were not stratified in the mid-Holocene sequence. There is evidence for late Mesolithic / early Neolithic burning episodes which may relate to human activity. Evidence is reported for Medieval activity and the extensive modification of drainage in this period is suggested.


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Despite its high toll on society, there has been little recent improvement in treatment efficacy for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The identification of biological markers of successful treatment response may allow for more personalized and effective treatment. Here we investigate whether resting state functional connectivity predicted response to treatment with rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC). Twenty five individuals with treatment-refractory MDD underwent a 4-week course of dmPFC-rTMS. Before and after treatment, subjects received resting state functional MRI scans and assessments of depressive symptoms using the Hamilton Depresssion Rating Scale (HAMD17). We found that higher baseline cortico-cortical connectivity (dmPFC-subgenual cingulate and subgenual cingulate to dorsolateral PFC) and lower cortico-thalamic, cortico-striatal and cortico-limbic connectivity were associated with better treatment outcomes. We also investigated how changes in connectivity over the course of treatment related to improvements in HAMD17 scores. We found that successful treatment was associated with increased dmPFC-thalamic connectivity and decreased sgACC-caudate connectivity, Our findings provide insight into which individuals might respond to rTMS treatment and the mechanisms through which these treatments work.


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Background Depression is a heterogeneous mental illness. Neurostimulation treatments, by targeting specific nodes within the brain’s emotion-regulation network, may be useful both as therapies and as probes for identifying clinically relevant depression subtypes. Methods Here, we applied 20 sessions of magnetic resonance imaging-guided repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in 47 unipolar or bipolar patients with a medication-resistant major depressive episode. Results Treatment response was strongly bimodal, with individual patients showing either minimal or marked improvement. Compared with responders, nonresponders showed markedly higher baseline anhedonia symptomatology (including pessimism, loss of pleasure, and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities) on item-by-item examination of Beck Depression Inventory-II and Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology ratings. Congruently, on baseline functional magnetic resonance imaging, nonresponders showed significantly lower connectivity through a classical reward pathway comprising ventral tegmental area, striatum, and a region in ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Responders and nonresponders also showed opposite patterns of hemispheric lateralization in the connectivity of dorsomedial and dorsolateral regions to this same ventromedial region. Conclusions The results suggest distinct depression subtypes, one with preserved hedonic function and responsive to dorsomedial rTMS and another with disrupted hedonic function, abnormally lateralized connectivity through ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and unresponsive to dorsomedial rTMS. Future research directly comparing the effects of rTMS at different targets, guided by neuroimaging and clinical presentation, may clarify whether hedonia/reward circuit integrity is a reliable marker for optimizing rTMS target selection.