953 resultados para family business succession
The research project examines representations elaborated about Amelia Duarte Machado, images that were built in a particular space: the Natal City. Amelia, one mossoroense that has a simple life, stated a luxurious life after marrying with a rich Portuguese merchant Manuel Machado, in 1904. She led a life of society lady, lived in a sumptuous residence, traveled to Europe, attending the Theatre the city and took care of the social image of her husband, opening the doors of your home to promote dinners and receptions. Experienced the changes occurring in Natal in the first three decades of the twentieth century, when the initiative of a political and intellectual elite of the city began to incorporate bourgeois values and to provide a technical framework focused on the improvements brought by the Industrial Revolution. In 1934, with her husband's death, took over the family business. Besides the widow, also became an enterprising woman. The widow Amelia Machado also became the target of suspicion of the population, rumors about his life. From there emerges a frightening figure in Natal, a being that captured and ate the liver of children, the papa-figo of Natal City, the Widow Machado. In this research, we relate different images that circulated about this woman, who was society lady, dashing widow and papa-figo, articulating these representations with the discourse on female circulating in Natal from 1900 to 1930 yet will raise hypotheses about the creation of the Legend of the Widow Machado
Debido a la escasa literatura existente en español sobre el tema de protocolo familiar la presente ponencia se propone mostrar los rasgos característicos de esta importante carta de navegación para las familias en entornos empresariales. En primera instancia se aborda con brevedad el marco conflictivo que más frecuentemente se manifiesta en las empresas familiares y luego se ilustra sobre los principales soportes existentes para prevenir o evitar tal problemática. El trabajo muestra luego la razón de serdel protocolo resaltando los principales beneficios que se persiguen con los compromisos asumidos en él. Se muestran posteriormente los factores relevantes previos a la elaboración yse induce hacia una posible estructura guía, obviamente sujeta a modificaciones y ajustes para cada caso de empresa familiar.la inercia inicial a los interesados en esta temática para que su esfuerzo en la elaboración de un protocolo familiar se vea favorecido con algunas pautas que ayuden a clarificar ese proceso. El autor, sin embargo, hace un llamado a quienes conocen o tienen estudios sobre este tema, para que manifiesten los criterios, aportes o sugerencias que puedan contribuir a la complementación y mejora de este documento. Al respecto,toda nuestra disposición e interés están abiertos.
No presente estudo procuramos analisar os determinantes do crescimento das empresas familiares portuguesas, através de uma amostra de empresas familiares membros da Associação de Empresas Familiares, durante o período de 2006 a 2014. Com vista ao teste das hipóteses em estudo foram utilizados dados em painel, com modelos de efeitos fixo e aleatório. A variável dependente definida foi o crescimento das vendas. As variáveis independentes definidas foram: dimensão; idade; endividamento; endividamento de curto prazo; endividamento de médio longo prazo; produtividade da mão-de-obra; estrutura do ativo; variável dummy da crise financeira; variável dummy da administração pertencer à família; e variável dummy do género do administrador. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a dimensão, a idade e o endividamento como determinantes do crescimento; ABSTRACT: In the present study we analyzed the determinants of growth of family businesses through a sample of family businesses members of the Family Business Association, during the period between 2006 and 2014. In order to test the hypotheses under study were used panel data, with models of fixed and random effects. The Sales growth was defined as the dependent variable. The independent variables were defined: size; age; debt; short-term debt; medium and long term debt; labor productivity; asset structure; dummy variable of the financial crisis; dummy administration belong to the family; and dummy administrator gender variable. The results confirm the size, age, and debt as determinants of growth.
Employee involvement is a common goal for most companies. This research started when managers of a familyrun horticultural firm decided to increase employee commitment and improve organizational climate. To help them, we considered the possibility of developing a cultural audit, adapting the tool to the fact that it was a small family business. Therefore, this paper will firstly review the existing literature concerning organizational culture, specially which cultural characteristics should be more valuable to achieve employee commitment and involvement and how to run a cultural audit. Secondly, it will expose the design and implementation of a cultural audit at this company, through an explicative case study that aims to compare the existing culture with the characteristics described theoretically. The study discusses the lack of trust, of a creative atmosphere, and of a shared vission, and suggests some recommendations to develop these characteristics, in order to gain the desired level of employee involvement. Key words: Employee involvement, organizational
Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir as ambigüidades identitárias vivenciadas pelos atores sociais, representantes de organizações familiares que se agrupam na “Feira Hippie” de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais/Brasil). O embasamento teórico da discussão está ancorado na abordagem de identidade e nos processos de identificação social, enquanto que o material empírico provém de uma investigação em organizações familiares. O método de pesquisa adotado foi o qualitativo, baseado na Análise do Discurso e na história de vida dos gestores familiares ao longo dos seus 36 anos de atuação na Feira. A análise evidenciou os processos de construção e desconstrução de determinadas identificações por parte dos gestores familiares em relação à Feira em determinados contextos ao longo de sua história. Além disso, foi possível perceber que tais processos de identificação mantiveram uma estreita relação com a dinâmica dos grupos sociais na ocupação de um dado espaço físico e simbólico – onde os dois elementos: os grupos e o espaço – desempenharam papel ativo na construção dessas identificações sociais e organizacionais, no início como feira de artesanato e depois como feira de variedades.
Las Mipymes son un componente fundamental para el desarrollo económico y social de cualquier país, en especial de un país como Colombia en donde representan el 99,9% de las empresas actualmente constituidas, concentrando el 81% de los empleados a nivel nacional (Fedesarrollo, 2013). Aunque juegan un papel protagónico en la economía colombiana, las Mipymes aún deben recorrer un camino extenso para poder explotar todo el potencial con el que cuentan, puesto que presentan un alto índice de mortandad empresarial en los primeros años de funcionamiento, esto evidenciado en los resultados del estudio GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 2009) en donde se encontró que sólo el 12,61% de los negocios lograron superar los 42 meses de permanencia en el mercado (El País, 2010) principalmente a causa de la ausencia de una planeación estratégica de largo plazo que les permita a los negocios emprendedores del país alcanzar la competitividad. Si bien es cierto que crear empresa es relativamente sencillo, son múltiples los retos tanto internos como externos que deben enfrentar las organizaciones para poder alcanzar una etapa de madurez empresarial, sobre todo en los primeros años de funcionamiento que son los más críticos y decisivos para el futuro de cualquier empresa, es por esto que se hace indispensable emplear estrategias que les permitan ser sostenibles a largo plazo, en un entorno altamente competitivo por empresas tanto nacionales como internacionales, siendo este uno de los propósitos fundamentales al que deberían apostar los empresarios colombianos para crear un impacto positivo en la sociedad y aportar a la competitividad nacional. Bakery Service Foods, es una empresa dedicada a la comercialización y distribución de insumos de panadería con sede en el barrio Carvajal en la ciudad de Bogotá. Desde su constitución, el 29 de diciembre de 2008, la empresa ha buscado posicionarse en un mercado en donde tanto empresas grandes como Grasco, Grupo Team, Sigra, Duquesa, Conaceites, Alvarado, Aceites Finos; así como microempresas sin infraestructura ni solidez económica, componen un entorno altamente competitivo y hacinado que representa un desafío para una pequeña empresa familiar que no cuenta con un músculo financiero significativo. Por otra parte, Bakery Service Foods a traviesa por un período de alta incertidumbre debido a que el proveedor que representa el 85% de las ventas de los productos a los cuales representan, FANAGRA S.A, atraviesa por una completa reestructuración debido a la venta de dicha empresa a una multinacional suiza. Esta situación representa un alto riesgo para la compañía y exige que se emprendan acciones oportunas que les permitan reducir la alta dependencia en un único proveedor. Teniendo en cuenta que una de las ambiciones desde la fundación de la compañía ha sido incursionar y ser una empresa competitiva en el mercado de Food Service, que perdure en el tiempo, ¿Qué tan viable es diversificar el portafolio de la empresa Bakery Service Foods (BSF) en el mercado Food Service? Con este proyecto se busca diseñar una propuesta de diversificación de portafolio para la empresa Bakery Service Foods (BSF) analizando el mercado Food Service, por medio del modelo de Ventaja Competitiva de Michael Porter; lo anterior, con el propósito de que la empresa se consolide en este mercado como un aliado estratégico para sus clientes y representados, y con un modelo de negocio sostenible a largo plazo. Finalmente, se espera que a través de la propuesta de mejora para Bakery Service Foods, se afiancen los conocimientos administrativos obtenidos durante el pregrado en Administración de Empresas, aplicando satisfactoriamente las herramientas, metodologías y bases conceptuales adquiridas, para enriquecer el proceso de aprendizaje profesional y aportar valor a una empresa colombiana desde el mercado de Food Service.
Cartonería Mosquera S.A. es una empresa familiar, que se encarga de la producción y distribución de diferentes empaques de cartón. La compañía pertenece al sector de artes gráficas colombiano, que se desagrega en las siguientes categorías: empaques y etiquetas; publicidad y comercial; editoriales, periódicos y revistas. Cartonería Mosquera S.A. se encuentra en la categoría de empaques y etiquetas. A 2016 la empresa cuenta con un área que administra tanto el mercadeo como la parte comercial conjuntamente y que tiene como objetivo final la gestión de la publicidad, la satisfacción del cliente y la fidelización del mismo. Aunque desde sus inicios, la compañía ha venido trabajando con esta estructura y ha cumplido hasta ahora con algunos de los resultados esperados, los nuevos retos del mercado tales como; el compromiso con el medio ambiente, la necesidad de realizar registros que avalen la calidad de la compañía, la entrada de competidores internos como externos al mercado y el desarrollo de nuevos insumos, ha creado la necesidad de buscar nuevas herramientas que mejoren el desempeño del área comercial y promover así el incremento de las ventas. Este Trabajo surgió inicialmente con la idea de realizar un plan de mercadeo a fin de incentivar y proponer una estrategia que generara un impacto positivo en las ventas de la empresa. Sin embargo, en el proceso de desarrollo, se vio la necesidad de realizar primero un plan de mejoramiento con una orientación a la parte comercial de la compañía. Es importante resaltar que el enfoque de este documento investigativo no solo proveerá herramientas para el mejoramiento de las ventas y financiero, sino también pretende mejorar la percepción de los asesores comerciales hacia su trabajo, sus jefes y la compañía.
For farmers, the decision as to when to retire is probably one of the hardest that they will have to face during their working lives. The business of farming brings special circumstances which means that retirement is more often a process than a definitive action. This paper seeks firstly to clarify those special circumstances, and then, by means of flow charts, to identify the key decisions which must be faced if the retirement is to be successful. The practise of handing on the farmland and the other business assets to the next generation are regarded as separate but interrelated stages in the process of retirement, both having legal, financial and human consequences which are considered. By way of conclusion, the parameters for a successful retirement are considered, both from the standpoint of the retirer and of the successor.
The family involvement in firms is observable is most economies around the world, although there are significant differences among these countries, not only regarding its predominance in these economies, but also in what refers to the levels of involvement of the family in business. This research aims at understanding the family-based firms’ management when compared to non family based, with particular regards to the forms of corporate governance. This analysis is based on case studies and on secondary data found in the literature to support the findings from the empirical research. The data was collected via face to face in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs from the furniture and the events organisation industries (where the family is predominantly present in the furniture but not on the events organisation industry) and with industry and regional business associations. The case studies used in this research allowed the comparison between the Portuguese firms when the family plays an important role in business and those in which the family is absent. It has been found that there are important differences in businesses in countries/industries/local productive systems in which the family is seen as a dominant institution in the society (where businesses are based on strong ties; there is a harmonious relationship between the family members; and the family is accepted locally and dominates the firm organization) and on situations in which the family plays a more marginal role in the society. In fact, the family brings special characteristics to the business, in terms of management, corporate governance, inter and intra firm relationships and succession. Our findings confirm other empirical studies’ results found in the literature. Thus, this article provides a discussion on the factors that play a role in the form of corporate governance structure in family firms highlighting the pros and cons of organising the firm around the family.
This work project addresses the importance of succession planning in family-owned Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This is directly related with Human Resources Management (HRM) given that there is an HRM long term vision in order for the succession to be planned on time and benefit the companies. This study focused on SMEs since these are the entities that have a minor focus on HRM practices. A total of 22 in-depth interviews were conducted and analyzed. Selected SMEs owners/managers and successors/antecessors were interviewed with the purpose of acquiring more insight on the level of succession planning, using a qualitative methodology from which the process of succession was derived. This study unveils that the first step in this process is related to the definition of criteria to be a good successor, followed by the choice of possible successors, being the children the natural successors, but also considering other potential ones, and finally some considerations on the future of these companies.
• Promotes access to regular preventive health care services for children through contracts with 22 agencies covering all of Iowa’s 99 counties • Fosters age appropriate growth and development by promoting early identification of children’s health concerns and referral for diagnosis and treatment • Assists families to establish medical and dental homes for their children • Targets low income families – children on Medicaid and those who are uninsured and under insured • Strives to meet family needs and remove barriers to accessing health care by linking families to community-based, culturally appropriate services
Human Services agencies often claim to be family-centered, but continue to implement “Service Integration” in a way that supports their mission rather than supporting families. David Berns, guest editor for this issue of the Journal of Family Strengths, presents a framework for redefining the role of governmental agencies beyond their day-to-day delivery of services to one that prevents the need for more intrusive and more costly interventions. Under this philosophy, agencies must consider how families functioned before they requested assistance, and how they will function if services are not successful. By taking the time to truly understand a family’s needs, caseworkers often discover that they may need a service for which they are not eligible and may be eligible for services that they don’t want or need. Instead of focusing entirely on what their agency can do for the family, caseworkers should consider all types of support that might produce better results. Families often need support from friends and communities rather than, or in addition to, a formalized service. Facilitating natural supports in the community may prevent the need for a governmental program. It is only when basic supports break down that families must use ever more intensive and costly programs. The author gives examples of how this framework is guiding the redesign of the TANF Program in Washington, D.C.