524 resultados para ethos.
Enchanted by Sources. Henry Biaudet, Liisi Karttunen and Finnish Historical Research in Rome in the Early Twentieth Century This study traces the scholarly endeavours of Henry Biaudet (1870 1915) and Liisi Karttunen (1880 1957) and "La mission historique finlandaise à Rome" which they founded in 1909. They are forgotten in Finnish historiography, but remain internationally renowned for their contribution to the nunciature studies. By investigating their historical work on the Counter- Reformation era, their roles in the scientific communities of Helsinki and Rome as well as the intersection of politics and science in their scholarly practices the study explores the nature of historical research in general at the turn of the twentieth century. The work covers fields such as historiography, university history and the political use of history. Methodologically the research is based on the analysis and contextualization of published and unpublished sources (e.g. correspondences, university records, scholarly publications and reviews in academic journals). Henry Biaudet criticized the previous research on the Nordic Counter-Reformation for its narrow national scope and sources. He sought out a new approach, including the use of sources in archives all over Europe and the inclusion of the Catholic viewpoint. Accordingly, Biaudet and Karttunen searched for records in archives in Southern Europe. Their unorthodox interpretations were denounced in Finland since the picture they gave of late sixteenth-century Sweden was too different from the national narrative. Moreover, Finnish national identity was firmly rooted in Protestantism, and questioning the benevolence of the Reformation and its main actors was considered as an attack not only against historical truth but also national values. The comparison between Biaudet s and Karttunen s arguments and the accepted narrative in Finland shows how traditional interpretations of the Nordic Reformation were influenced by the Lutheran ethos and European anticlerical rhetoric. Historians have recently paid substantial attention to the political use of history, usually focusing on politicized constructions of the national past. This study shows how research that met the criteria of modern historiography also served political purposes. Conducting research in an international community of historians and publishing ambitious scholarly studies that interested an international audience were ways to create a positive image of Finland abroad. These were not uniquely Finnish ideas but rather ideas shared by the international community of historians in Rome. In this context, scientific pursuits were given a clear political meaning. This enhances our understanding of nineteenth-century historiography being firmly rooted between science and politics.
An imagined nobleman Nobility as an enemy image and in-group identity in nineteenth-century Finland The focal point of this study is the difficult relationship between two seemingly very different 19th-century elite groups, the upwardly mobile bourgeois intelligentsia and the slowly declining traditional nobility. In the thinking of the bourgeois contender the two emerged as exact opposites, styled as conflicting ideal types: an outdated, exclusive, degenerate hereditary aristocracy versus a dynamic and progressive new force in society, recruited solely on the basis of personal merit, originating from the common people and representing the nation. The appearance of an important 19th-century novelty, print publicity, coincided with the emergence of the bourgeois intelligentsia. The institutions of the developing publishing industry were manned by the aspiring new group. The strengthening flow of progressive, democratic, nationalist ideas distributed via the printing presses carried an undercurrent of self-promotion. It transmitted to the developing readership the self-image of the new cultural bourgeoisie as the defender and benevolent educator of the nation. Having won the contest over the media, the intelligentsia was free to present its predecessor and rival as an enemy of the people. In its politics the nobility emerged as an ideal scapegoat, represented as the source for existing social evils, all if which would promptly go away after its disappearance. It also served as a black backcloth, against which the democratic, national, progressive bourgeois intelligentsia would shine more brightly. In order to shed light on the 19th-century process of (re)modelling the image of nobility as a public enemy I have used four different types of source materials. These include three genres of print publicity, ranging from popular historical and contemporary fiction to nonfictional presentations of national history and the news and political commentaries of the daily papers, complemented by another, originally oral type of publicity, the discussion protocols of the Finnish four-estate parliament. To counterpoint these I also analysed the public self-image of the nobility, particularly vis-à-vis the nationalist and democratic ethos of the modernising politics.
Critical organization scholars have focused increasing attention on industrial and organizational restructurings such as shutdown decisions. However, we know little about the rhetorical strategies used to legitimate or resist plant closures in organizational negotiations. In this paper, we draw from New Rhetoric to analyze rhetorical struggles, strategies and dynamics in unfolding organizational negotiations. We focus on the shutdown of the bus body unit of the Swedish company Volvo in Finland. We distinguish five types of rhetorical legitimation strategies and dynamics. These include the three classical dynamics of logos (rational arguments), pathos (emotional moral arguments), and ethos (authority-based arguments), but also autopoiesis (autopoietic narratives), and cosmos (cosmological constructions). Our analysis adds to the previous studies explaining how organizational restructuring as a phenomenon is legitimated, how this legitimation has changed over time, and how contemporary industrial closures are legitimated in the media. This study also increases our theoretical understanding of the role of rhetoric in legitimation more generally.
Critical organization scholars have focused increasing attention on industrial and organizational restructurings such as shutdown decisions. However, little is known about the rhetorical strategies used to legitimate or resist plant closures in organizational negotiations. In this article, we draw from New Rhetoric to analyze rhetorical struggles, strategies and dynamics in unfolding organizational negotiations. We focus on the shutdown of the bus body unit of the Sweden-based Volvo Bus Corporation in Finland. We distinguish five types of rhetorical legitimation strategies and dynamics. These include the three classical dynamics of logos (rational arguments), pathos (emotional moral arguments), and ethos (authority-based arguments), but also autopoiesis (autopoietic narratives), and cosmos (cosmological constructions). Our analysis contributes to previous studies on organizational restructuring by providing a more nuanced understanding of how contemporary industrial closures are legitimated and resisted in organizational negotiations. This study also increases theoretical understanding of the role of rhetoric in legitimation more generally.
Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani muotibloggaajien kulutuspuhetta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaista kuluttajuutta muotiblogeissa ilmaistaan ja millainen kehityskaari muotiblogeissa on tapahtunut vuodesta 2007 tämän tutkimuksen tekemiseen asti tutkimusaineiston sekä tekemieni havaintojen perusteella. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä käyttämällä. Olen kerännyt aineistoni kymmenestä naisten kirjoittamasta muotiblogista kahtena eri ajanjaksona vuonna 2009. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa on sekä etnografisen että netnografisen havainnoinnin piirteitä. Aineiston analysoinnin apuna olen käyttänyt teemoittelua sekä tyypittelyä. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että muotibloggaajien näkeminen identiteettiään etsivänä liittyy oman tyylin etsimiseen ja erottautumisen haluun. Perinteinen näkemys kuluttajasta valitsijana ja passiivisena markkinoilla toimijana on väistymässä, sillä muotibloggaajat näyttäytyvät tutkimuksessa aktiivisina toimijoina ja tuottajina. Muotibloggaajat hakevat myös jatkuvasti uusia kulutuselämyksiä ja kommunikoivat toistensa kanssa välittämällä merkityksiä kuluttamisensa kautta. Muotibloggaajien kulutuspuheet näyttäytyvät tutkimuksessa ekonomistisen kulutuseetoksen ja perinteisen suomalaisen kulutuspuheen mukaisesti järkevinä. Säästäväisyyttä pidetään hyveellisenä ja tuotteiden hinnat vaikuttavat ostopäätösten tekemiseen. Muotibloggaajat osaavat kuitenkin kontrolloidusti nauttia kuluttamisesta. Kulutuspuheet noudattavat myös ekologis-eettisen kulutuseetoksen perinnettä, mikä ilmenee fanaattisuuden välttämisenä sekä perinteisten että sosiaalisen median kirpputorien suosimisena. Lisäksi muotibloggaajien kulutuspuheet käyvät ilmi sosiaalisena pakkona, sillä muotiblogin pitäminen mielenkiintoisena vaatii jatkuvaa himoa uusia kulutustuotteita kohtaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella muotiblogeissa korostuu yhteisöllisyys ja kuluttaminen on hyvin naisellista. Tutkimusaineistosta sekä havainnoista tekemieni päätelmien mukaan muotiblogit ovat muuttumassa elämäntyyliblogeiksi, sillä niissä kerrotaan yhä enemmän myös muista kuin kuluttamiseen liittyvistä aiheista. Samalla muotibloggaajat ovat kehittymässä tavallisesta kuluttajasta kohti asiantuntijuutta eli professionalisoitumassa. Professionalisoitumisen myötä muotibloggaajat toimivat uuden ajan kuluttajavalistajina ja muotiblogeissa syntyy uusia sanoja ja merkityksiä. Lisäksi muotibloggaajille on kehittynyt sellaisia tietoja ja taitoja, joita voi myydä. Muotibloggaajista onkin tulossa muodin ammattilaisia, joille maksetaan tulevaisuudessa bloggaamisesta myös palkkaa.
This study examines the diaconia work of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church from the standpoint of clients. The role of diaconia work has grown since the early 1990s recession, and since it established itself as one of the actors along with other social organizations. Previous studies have described the changing role of diaconal work, especially from the standpoint of diaconia workers and co-operators. This research goes back to examine, beyond the activities of the diaconia work of everyday practices, its relations of ruling which are determining practices. The theoretical and methodological framework rises from the thinking of Dorothy E. Smith, the creator of institutional ethnography. Its origins are in feminism, Marxism, phenomenology, etnomethodology, and symbolic interactionism. However, it does not represent any school. Unlike the objectivity-based traditional sociology, institutional ethnography has its starting point in everyday life, and people s subjective experience of it. Everyday life is just a starting point, and is used to examine everyday life s experiences of hidden relations of ruling, linking people and organizations. The level of generalization is just on the relations of ruling. The research task is to examine those meanings of diaconia work which are embedded in its clients experiences. The research task is investigated with two questions: how diaconia work among its clients takes shape and what kinds of relations of ruling exist in diaconia work. The meanings of diaconia work come through an examination of the relations of ruling, which create new forms of diaconal work compared with previous studies. For the study, two kinds of data were collected: a questionnaire and ethnographic fieldwork. The first data set was collected from diaconal workers using the questionnaire. It gives background information of the diaconia work process from the standpoint of the clients. In the ethnographic study there were two phases. The first ethnographic material was collected from one local parish by observing, interviewing clients and diaconal workers and gathering documents. The number of observations was 36 customer appointments, and 29 interviews. The second ethnographic material was included as a part of the analysis, in which ruling relations in people s experiences were collected from the transcribed data. Close reading and narrative analysis are used as analysing methods. The analysis has three phases. First, the experiences are identified with close reading; the following step is to select some of the institutional processes that are shaping those experiences and are relevant for the research. At the third stage, those processes are investigated in order to describe analytically how they determine people s experience. The analysis produces another narrative about diaconia work, which provides tools for examining the diaconal work from a new perspective. Through the analysis it is possible to see diaconia as an exchange ratio, in which the exchange takes place between a client and a diaconia worker, but also more broadly with other actors, such as social workers, shop clerks, or with other parishioners. The exchange ratio is examined from the perspective of power which is embedded in the client s experiences. The analysis reveals that the most important relations of ruling are humiliation and randomness in the exchange ratio of diaconia work; valuating spirituality above the bodily being; and replacing official social work. The results give a map about the relations of ruling of diaconia work which gives tools to look at diaconia work s meanings to the clients. The hidden element of humiliation in the exchange ratio breaks the current picture of diaconia work. The ethos of the holistic encounters and empathic practices are shown to be of another kind when spirituality is preferred to the bodily being. Nevertheless, diaconia appears to be a place for a respectful encounter, especially in situations where the public sector s actors are retreating on liability or clients are in a life crisis. The collapse of the welfare state structures imposes on diaconia work tasks that have not previously belonged to it. At the local level, clients receive partners from diaconia workers in order to advocate them in the welfare system. Actions to influence the wider societal structures are not reached because of lacking resources. An awareness of the oppressive practices of diaconia work and their critical reviewing are the keys to the development of diaconia work, since there are such practices even in holistic and respectful diaconia work. While the research raises new information for the development of diaconia work, it also opens up new aspects for developing other kinds of social work by emphasizing the importance of taking people s experiences seriously. Keywords: diaconia work, institutional ethnography, Dorothy E. Smith, experience, customer, relations of ruling.
The study focuses on the Finnish home makeover shows Inno (2004 , Nelonen) and Kodin kääntöpiiri (2001 2005; YLE TV2) and their episodes broadcast in spring 2004. The research material also includes the websites of both shows and messages concerning Inno from an online discussion forum. As people decorate their homes and reflect on them, they engage in negotiations of taste and in the construction of the ideal self. The main question of the study is: how are representations of the gendered self produced in home makeover shows? The broader theoretical and methodological context of the study is based on intersectionality, or simultaneous study of different identity categories. In this study, the main focus is on the intersections of gender, class and sexuality. Hence, the secondary research question is: how do ways of doing gender intersect with producing the ideas of class and sexuality in the representations of home makeover shows? The theoretical framework of the study combines Judith Butler s theory of gender performativity and Pierre Bourdieu s theory of taste. The analysis is founded upon a close reading focusing on the details and ambiguous meanings contained in the televisual representation. Home makeover shows are explored as a part of contemporary television culture, which is characterised by a significant increase in the number of both television channels and global television formats, as well as the hybridisation of programme types. Researchers on lifestyle television have paid attention to male designers and their ability to reconstruct meanings related to domesticity and home decoration as feminine spheres. The dissertation contributes to this discussion by analysing the representations of the male interior decorator in Inno and the four female interior decorators in Kodin kääntöpiiri. The focus is on the professional self and how it is both gendered and defined as an arbiter of taste. The programme concepts produce the impression that the makeover homes and their occupants are ordinary . The manufactured sense of ordinariness often conceals differences between the participants. One argument of the study is that the ordinariness of participants on lifestyle television should not be taken for granted without further reflection on the implications of labeling something as ordinary. Updating of interior decoration in home makeover shows can be interpreted as an area of doing gender that requires deliberation, effort, expert knowledge and a sufficient budget. The ideal lay decorator is portrayed as culturally omnivorous, brave and receptive to new ideas. The ability to reflect on ways of representing masculinity and femininity through decoration is also implied. In home makeover shows, greater self-awareness regarding the ways in which gender is produced does not lead to repeating gender differently. The idea of normative heterosexuality is in a hegemonic position in the representations of the participants. In Inno and Kodin kääntöpiiri questions of class are not made explicit. However, the idea of class is produced indirectly e.g. by describing the apartments and houses of the participants, by discussing their hobbies or interest in cultural products. In Inno, home decoration is primarily depicted as an individualistic consumer choice, while in Kodin kääntöpiiri it is often defined as a way to strengthen the ties of nuclear families. In Kodin kääntöpiiri, the ethos of familism is combined with pleasures gained from consumption and DIY activities. As a whole, the multidisciplinary study indicates a great number of differences between the two shows.
El panorama científico contemporáneo se nos manifiesta con una pronunciada asepsia con respecto a toda relación axiológica y una carencia notable de regulación ético-normativa, preocupando, en especial, el funcionamiento de las ciencias que tienen al hombre, directa o indirectamente, como sujeto de tratamiento. Una vez más, como en las épocas más puras de mecanicismo científico, el dato sensible, la reducción matemática (o lógico-matemática) y la expresión sólo teórica del pensamiento, se presentan como ingredientes necesarios y suficientes para alcanzar la verdad y la certeza. En este contexto, tanto a la Ética como a la Filosofía Moral le significa un gran esfuerzo obtener un lugar y ostentar alguna función propiamente científica en el cuadro de los saberes, hasta el extremo de sufrir el desprestigio o acusaciones de ilegitimidad, con la lógica consecuencia de no poder brindar bases sólidas a un ethos del científico, es decir, al proceder moralmente digno en la vida del científico.
Resumen: Los movimientos del héroe hacia su gloria implican una serie de acontecimientos, en los cuales la magia y la maravilla se unen para prodigar este derrotero de auxilios y obstáculos que fortifican el carácter del caballero y ayudan a este a alcanzar su ethos caballeresco. Batallas, encuentros fabulosos y apariciones extrañas se engarzan como cuentas en un collar para conducirlo a su plena realización. De forma similar, las aventuras no cumplidas indican al héroe que la hora del reposo ha llegado, que su andar, si bien en algunas oportunidades continúa, será menos intenso, y que debe dejar el lugar para su heredero. El universo mágico interviene igualmente en esta especie de ocaso del protagonismo para señalarle que la aventura no puede ser llevada a cabo por él, sino por su hijo. En este trabajo se pretende examinar cómo el elemento mágico interviene en este “estado de reposo” del caballero andante, que implica frecuentemente su entronización como gobernante de un reino o imperio, y el nacimiento del nuevo futuro caballero.
El papa Benedicto XVI beatificó el 19 de septiembre del año pasado a John Henry Newman, en la Misa final de su visita oficial al Reino Unido. En un pasaje de la homilía dijo así: “Me gustaría rendir especial homenaje a su visión de la educación, que ha hecho tanto por formar el ethos que es la fuerza motriz de las escuelas y facultades católicas actuales. Firmemente contrario a cualquier enfoque reductivo o utilitarista, buscó lograr unas condiciones educativas en las que se unificara el esfuerzo intelectual, la disciplina moral y el compromiso religioso. El proyecto de fundar una Universidad Católica en Irlanda le brindó la oportunidad de desarrollar sus ideas al respecto, y la colección de discursos que publicó con el título La Idea de una Universidad sostiene un ideal mediante el cual todos los que están inmersos en la formación académica pueden seguir aprendiendo”. Estas palabras por sí solas justifican que nos ocupemos aquí de Newman y la Universidad, recordando que el suyo no fue solo un pensamiento teórico sino fruto de su experiencia personal: anglicano en Oxford, como fellow y tutor en el Oriel College, y católico en Dublín, como fundador y rector de la Universidad Católica de Irlanda. Vivió entre 1801 y 1890, y se convirtió en 1845, y en su paso del anglicanismo al catolicismo mantuvo los mismos principios esenciales, a los cuales pretendo acercarme en esta exposición.
A palavra como arma : análise do discurso do deputado Mário Covas em defesa da imunidade parlamentar
Questionada em momentos críticos, a imunidade parlamentar é uma das condições essenciais para o bom funcionamento do Legislativo. É isso que se argumenta no pronunciamento do Deputado Mário Covas, de 12 de dezembro de 1968, escolhido por nós para análise por ser um marco na defesa da imunidade parlamentar. O estudo parte de uma leitura do contexto histórico do pronunciamento e de algumas propostas de análise de discurso formuladas por Norman Fairclough, Patrick Charaudeau e, de análise retórica, por Tereza Lúcia Halliday, além da tradição aristotélica. A análise do pronunciamento reconstitui os elementos caracterizadores da enunciação - os antecedentes imediatos, a composição da audiência e o ritual daquela reunião legislativa - e os principais recursos discursivos utilizados - a estrutura do texto, a composição estilística e o ethos do orador. Ao final do trabalho, demonstra-se a importância de garantir a liberdade de palavra, de opiniões e votos, principal ingrediente de qualquer regime democrático.
559 p. - Sobresaliente cum laudem por unanimidad. La presidenta del tribunal hace la petición al departamento, en el acto de calificación de la defensa, de publicación de esta tesis por considerarla de interés científico.
Este estudo tem como objetivo averiguar os efeitos de sentido produzidos por músicas de hip hop (movimento cultural cultivado nos guetos fluminenses), com base na análise de sua expressão verbal (rap) e em uma consideração experimental de capas de disco. Objetiva-se também investigar, no material artístico de Marcelo D2 e MV Bill, relações sociais engendradas por sujeitos da periferia, em espaços sociais antagônicos (centro e periferia). Para isso, exploramos uma Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, enfatizando o conceito de etos discursivo, além de noções vinculadas à problemática da alteridade discursiva, a fim de que se analise o posicionamento de entes subjugados perante o descaso a que estão submetidos, e suas impressões sobre as imagens discursivas de marginalizadores. Buscamos apreender etos produzidos por sujeitos do rap, considerando a presença do Outro que fala nele/por ele (alteridade). Nossos procedimentos metodológicos apontam o que levou a considerar o hip hop, além da trajetória seguida na delimitação do corpus. Além disso, expõem-se os motivos que nos fizeram priorizar etos e alteridade discursiva. As análises buscam avaliações sobre a materialidade discursiva, que almejam extrair sentidos produzidos nos guetos. Como resultados, refletimos sobre aspectos inerentes ao contexto social fluminense, ao relacionamento entre sujeitos, lugares e práticas, para que se alarguem considerações sobre essas afinidades, inclusive na escola. Desse modo, ambicionamos que se aprimorem os debates sobre práticas de afirmação social de classes e, através de novas discussões, se intensifiquem as iniciativas sociopolíticas
A presente tese tem como intuito investigar as relações entre as narrativas de Machado de Assis e de Woody Allen, autores de épocas e culturas bastante distintas. No entanto, através da análise do papel da ironia na obra de ambos tornou-se possível aproximar Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, romance de 1881 de Machado, e Stardust Memories, filme lançado em 1980 pelo diretor Woody Allen. A investigação divide-se em três etapas. No primeiro capítulo, analisa-se a aproximação entre os dois autores através de uma mesma visão sobre a ficção presente tanto na obra de Machado quanto na de Allen. Esta visão encontra-se fundamentada através de uma tradição literária burlesca que rompe com o primado realista na narrativa ficcional. No segundo capítulo, procura-se demonstrar como a perspectiva não realista escapa a uma regra moralizante na ficção, para valorizar uma postura ética, isto é, para se definir o ethos da narrativa. A ironia, assim, será a morada da ficção de ambos os autores, que problematizam o mundo incluindo nele a própria narrativa. E no terceiro e último capítulo, analisa-se a relação ficcional nas duas obras com a memória. A memória, elemento constituinte da identidade humana, revela-se uma linguagem própria e opressora aos narradores memorialistas, impondo-lhes a inexorabilidade do tempo. Dessa forma, suas ficções seriam uma luta incessante do homem contra o seu caminhar para a morte
A presente tese de doutorado analisa, em perspectiva comparada, as convergências e divergências entre as dramaturgias do francês Jean Genet e do brasileiro Plínio Marcos, sob o prisma de três tópicos inegavelmente presentes, nelas: a violência, a revolta e a religiosidade. As questões de margem, borda, periferia, ex-centricidade, dissenso etc são abordadas neste trabalho para situar a ideia de outro como o referencial ontológico que sustenta a obra teatral de ambos. As respectivas biografias dos autores em questão, direta ou indiretamente, tem relação com a aura de marginalidade artística atribuída (e até assumida por eles próprios) a sua produção em geral (seus romances, poemas, ensaios e contos). Pode-se dizer que muito da persona que ambos assumiram correspondia às expectativas que os círculos intelectuais engajados tinham em adotar uma figura que viesse a encarnar o papel de autêntico porta-voz do segmento marginalizado da sociedade na qual cada um deles se criou. Ambos gozam de certo status de vanguardistas no caso do metateatro de Genet, na sua atribuída vinculação ao Teatro do Absurdo, e, no caso do hipernaturalismo dramático de Plínio, na sua atribuída (e mesmo confessa) descendência da linhagem criativa de caracteres e motivos do teatro de Nelson Rodrigues. Outro aspecto comum à dramaturgia de Genet e Plínio que abordamos é a problematização de dois espaços alegóricos definidores por excelência do ethos dos tipos humanos que o habitam: a prisão e o prostíbulo. Para tanto, ganham destaque, aqui, Alta vigilância e O Balcão, de Genet, e Barrela e O abajur lilás, de Plínio. Nelas também se verifica a figuração de motivos de inspiração religiosa que, no autor francês, concorrem para uma espécie de sacralização ritual do crime (o que ecoa o ideário de Antonin Artaud) e, no brasileiro, funcionam como um exercício catártico de compaixão à sombra de uma cristandade de feição primitiva que se insinua no tratamento que dá à degradação dos párias sociais que compõem seu universo dramático. Por fim, analisamos comparativamente três peças brasileiras (Pedro Mico, de Antonio Callado; Gimba, o presidente dos valentes, de Gianfrancesco Guarnieri; e Oração para um pé de chinelo, de Plínio Marcos) tomando como ponto de partida uma situação dramática comum a elas para traçar, assim, as afinidades e distinções de cada qual quanto à abordagem da criminalidade. E, assim, também, poder apontar o tipo de projeto de teatro a que cada uma se vincula, trazendo à tona questões caras ao momento histórico-cultural no qual foram compostas, como a figuração do negro e do favelado na sociedade brasileira