968 resultados para diverse sexual orientation


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Considérant la « nouveauté » du phénomène de dénonciation auprès des policiers et l’utilisation croissante du concept social de « crime motivé par la haine », peu d’études ont été réalisées au Canada sur l’incidence de ces crimes pour les personnes comme pour la société. Cette recherche exploratoire a comme objectif de comprendre la façon dont ce type de crime se distingue des autres manifestations de conflits ou d’incidents et de comprendre les impacts de ce type de victimisation pour les homosexuels en particulier. Plus spécifiquement, ce mémoire vise à approfondir la compréhension du stigmate homosexuel et son impact sur la reportabilité des événements de victimisation criminelle aux autorités judiciaires. Pour ce faire, cinq intervenants communautaires, deux policiers, un avocat et quatre victimes considérant avoir vécu des événements de violence homophobe ont été interviewés. Cet échantillon diversifié a permis de mieux comprendre le phénomène de sous-déclaration des incidents de violences homophobes de la part des victimes et d’obtenir une vue d’ensemble des perceptions des acteurs clés qui peuvent être confrontés au phénomène. L’analyse des entretiens suggère d’importantes lacunes sur le plan de la formation des divers intervenants qui entrainent des difficultés à reconnaître une violence homophobe. Les intervenants confient ne pas se sentir pas suffisamment outillés pour intervenir auprès d’une victime de violence homophobe, n’estiment pas tous posséder les compétences et une compréhension suffisante des réalités des minorités sexuelles, de l'homophobie et de l'hétérosexisme, en somme, l’ensemble des savoirs ultimement nécessaires à une assistance et un accompagnement efficaces pour la déclaration aux autorités d’une telle violence vécue par les victimes. Du côté des victimes de violence(s) homophobe(s), il ressort que la discrimination basée sur l’orientation sexuelle est encore prégnante dans leurs interactions quotidiennes. De leur point de vue, la banalisation et l’impunité de certains comportements homophobes par les instances judiciaires viennent renforcer l’idée chez les victimes et la société d’une forme d’infériorité de l’orientation homosexuelle. L’apposition d’une étiquette homosexuelle paraît ainsi avoir de multiples conséquences psychologiques et sociales sur les victimes, notamment sur leur développement identitaire et sexuel. L’intégration des stigmates homosexuels et l’autostigmatisation, qui les poussent à se déprécier, voire à déprécier l’ensemble de la communauté homosexuelle, surgissent de leur perception de la présence de forts stéréotypes homosexuels, d’une société majoritairement hétérosexiste et de l’opérationnalisation sociale d’une distanciation entre le « nous » hétérosexuel et le « eux » homosexuel. Par leur marginalisation, leur mise en infériorité historique, l’ambiguïté du concept de « crimes motivés par la haine », la noncompréhension de la violence et des répercussions qu’ont les intervenants communautaires et judiciaires de la situation et partant, dans bien des cas, de la prise en charge inadéquate qui en découle pour les victimes des violences homophobes, il est possible de comprendre les appréhensions mentales que les victimes entretiennent ainsi que leur réticence à solliciter de l’aide et encore plus à rapporter la victimisation vécue aux autorités judiciaires.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clinica


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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A violência íntima entre parceiros do mesmo sexo assume-se como um problema bastante preocupante, trando-se de um fenómeno imensamente complexo e constituído por diversos fatores, nomeadamente de índole psicológica, ideológica e sociocultural. Assim a violência íntima entre parceiros, como que pode constatar, trata-se de um fenómeno que não se encontra inerente ao género ou à orientação sexual. Existe, de facto, uma necessidade de se desenvolver literatura científica sobre esta temática, mais precisamente no contexto nacional, uma vez que as repercussões destas vivências são nocivas tanto a nível individual como a nível social. A revisão sistemática de literatura, apresentada no primeiro artigo da presente dissertação, é composta por 38 artigos que abordam a temática da prevalência da violência entre parceiros íntimos homossexuais e a temática dos fatores de risco nessa mesma população. Do estudo da revisão de literatura, pode concluir-se que existem diversas tipologias de abuso, sendo que a agressão psicológica é a que assume maior destaque, e as percentagens de prevalência do fenómeno encontram-se dispersas. É de salientar que o estudo da prevalência assume diversas lacunas metodológicas, as quais podem ser a explicação para as diferenças nas taxas de prevalência, e por conseguinte, nos resultados constatados. No que diz respeito aos fatores de risco, são diversos os fatores de risco de violência entre parceiros do mesmo sexo, contudo a existência de literatura que incida exclusivamente no estudo dos fatores de risco é confusa e escassa. Seguindo como linha orientadora este pressusposto, o segundo artigo é composto por um estudo empírico, de carácter exploratório e descritivo, de natureza quantitativa, com recurso a medida de autorrelato, com o método de amostragem por conveniência, cujo objetivo é estudar a prevalência do fenómeno em relacionamentos homossexuais, gays e lésbicos, e estudar um número limitado de fatores de risco encontrados na literatura, nomeadamaente, a idade, a educação, o historial de violência familiar, a presença de perturbações mentais e a presença de consumos. Para o efeito, o instrumento utilizado foi a Escala de Relações Abusivas em Casais Gay e Lésbica (Osório, Soeiro, Sani, & Domingues, 2016, adaptado de Violence and Abuse in Same-Sex Relationships de Noret & Richards, 2003). A amostra do estudo é constituída por 48 participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 55 anos (M=26.50; DP=8.011), sendo que 72.9% (n=35) da amostra se identifica como lésbica (sexo feminino) e 27.1% (n=13) se identifica como gay (sexo masculino). Os resultados apresentam elevados índices globais de vitimação e perpetração de violência, nomeadamente na vertente de vitimação (97.6% psicológica; 88.1% física; 47.6% socioeconómica e 33.3% sexual) e perpetração (66.7% psicológica; 45.2% física; 2.4% socioeconómica e 2.4% sexual). A violência psicológica foi a tipologia de abuso mais presente no estudo.


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Las preferencias en elección de pareja de hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer relaciones a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico ha sido un tema de interés para el análisis evolucionista, ya que existe debate frente a los resultados de las investigaciones y los planteamientos de las teorías de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales. Con el objetivo de identificar qué características son preferidas por hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer una relación a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico y contribuir a esta discusión, se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo en el que analizamos el contenido de 732 perfiles de hombres y mujeres (H=491; M=241) que buscaban una relación estable con parejas de su mismo sexo biológico. Las categorías analizadas fueron: edad, atractivo físico (apariencia, contextura, estatura y peso), estatus socioeconómico (situación laboral, nivel educativo y zona de residencia buscada), estado civil, número de hijos y hábitos saludables (fumar y beber). Los resultados encontrados muestran que los hombres presentan rangos amplios en las características deseadas en una pareja (edad=16.87; estatura=11.37; peso=15.23) y además buscan personas menores a la edad ofrecida (M=-4.17 años). En las mujeres se encontró que los rangos son más restringidos (edad=13.85; estatura=9.83; peso=12.77) y además prefieren parejas mayores (M=2.89 años). A nivel general, se evidencia que los resultados encontrados en la mayoría de las variables podrían indicar congruencia con los planteamientos de la teoría de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales; sin embargo, en otras variables los resultados no son claros.


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El presente trabajo comprende la construcción de las trayectorias de vida de cinco mujeres transexuales en ejercicio de prostitución en Bogotá a partir de la identificación de los desplazamientos en el terreno corporal, de auto-reconocimiento y de genitalidad en sus procesos de transformación y/o tránsito dentro del espacio generizado. La identificación de lo que he denominado “agentes de transformación específicos” y “condiciones de posibilidad existentes” guía el proceso de la caracterización y análisis de sus experiencias dentro de la(s) transexualidad(es). A diferencia de una línea cronológica o de avance en el tránsito, la noción de espacio generizado me permite reconocer la importancia de las diferencias, la complejidad y la variedad de velocidades y direcciones que pueden presentarse en las experiencias con el cuerpo.


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O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo a compreensão da forma como lésbicas, gays e bissexuais gerem a visibilidade da sua orientação sexual no contexto do ensino superior, bem como a relação entre esta com a perceção da discriminação nesse contexto. Neste sentido, foi utilizada uma amostra de 289 estudantes de instituições do ensino superior de todo o país. Para esta avaliação, foram utilizados dois instrumentos: a Escala de Gestão da Visibilidade da Orientação Sexual (Lasser, Ryser & Price, 2010) e o Questionário de Gestão da Visibilidade e Discriminação em Contextos do Ensino Superior, criado para esta investigação. Os principais resultados apontam diferenças na gestão da visibilidade quanto ao género, orientação sexual, visibilidade da orientação sexual, visibilidade da orientação sexual perante a família, nível de religiosidade e ciclo de estudos. No que diz respeito à perceção de discriminação, os resultados apresentam diferenças quanto à orientação sexual e à área de estudos. Por fim, os resultados conclusivos mostram que existe uma correlação entre a visibilidade da orientação sexual e a perceção de discriminação, no contexto do ensino superior; Abstract: This study aims to understand how lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) manage the visibility of their sexual orientation in the context of higher education, as well as the relationship between this management with their perception of discrimination. In this sense, we used a sample of 289 students from higher school institutions across the country. For this evaluation, two instruments were used: the Visibility Management Scale of Sexual Orientation (Lasser, Ryser & Price, 2010) and the Visibility Management and Discrimination in Contexts of Higher Education Questionnaire, created for this research. The main results show that participant’s gender, sexual orientation, visibility of sexual orientation, visibility of sexual orientation within the family, level of religiosity and course of study are related to the management visibility of sexual orientation. With regard to the perception of discrimination, the results showed differences in sexual orientation and study area. Finally, the conclusive results show that there is a correlation between the visibility of sexual orientation and the perception of discrimination in the context of higher education.


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This text questions what it means to be black women in the context of inequity and the multiple forms of violence suffered in Colombian society. It argues that the analysis on black women situation, gender categories are insufficient. Instead, it declares as necessary an analysis that also articulates categories such as ethnicity / race, class, and sexual orientation, questioning these categories while at the same time giving new significance from the specific experiences of women and black communities are given. The text places in tension a universalistic view of feminism and the traditional left. It also explores the reasons for the poverty of the black population especially in the Colombian Pacific region, the institutional emergence of women´s organizations in the same region an examines the "ethnization" of Pacific communities in the context of regulation of article 55 of the Constitution of 1991. Finally, the article ends by showing how oppression has many faces for the black population, especially for black women.


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As the juvenile justice system has evolved, there has been a need for clinicians to make judgments about risk posed by adolescents who have committed sexual offenses. There are inherent difficulties in attempting to assess risk for violence among adolescents due to the developmental changes taking place and the absence of well-validated instruments to guide risk prediction judgments. With minority groups increasing in numbers in the U.S., it is likely that professionals will encounter minority individuals when conducting risk assessments. Overall questions regarding race/ethnicity have been neglected and there are few if any published research that explores risk factors with minority juvenile sex offenders. The present study examined whether differences exist between Caucasian and racial/ethnic minority adolescent sexual offenders on four risk assessment measures (J-SORRAT-II, J-SOAP-II, SAVRY, and ERASOR). The sample of 207 male adolescent sexual offenders was drawn from treatment facilities in a Midwestern state. Overall results indicated that minority adolescent sex offenders had fewer risk factors endorsed than Caucasian youth across all risk assessment tools. Exploration of interactions between race and factors such as: family status, exposure to family violence, and family history of criminality upon the assessment tools risk ratings yielded non-significant findings. Limitations, suggestions for future directions, and clinical implications are discussed.


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Environmental shifts and life-history changes may result in formerly adaptive traits becoming non-functional or maladaptive. In the absence of pleiotropy and other constraints, such traits may decay as a consequence of neutral mutation accumulation or selective processes, highlighting the importance of natural selection for adaptations. A suite of traits are expected to lose their adaptive function in asexual organisms derived from sexual ancestors, and the many independent transitions to asexuality allow for comparative studies of parallel trait maintenance versus decay. In addition, because certain traits, notably male-specific traits, are usually not exposed to selection under asexuality, their decay would have to occur as a consequence of drift. Selective processes could drive the decay of traits associated with costs, which may be the case for the majority of sexual traits expressed in females. We review the fate of male and female sexual traits in 93 animal lineages characterized by asexual reproduction, covering a broad taxon range including molluscs, arachnids, diplopods, crustaceans and eleven different hexapod orders. Many asexual lineages are still able occasionally to produce males. These asexually produced males are often largely or even fully functional, revealing that major developmental pathways can remain quiescent and functional over extended time periods. By contrast, for asexual females, there is a parallel and rapid decay of sexual traits, especially of traits related to mate attraction and location, as expected given the considerable costs often associated with the expression of these traits. The level of decay of female sexual traits, in addition to asexual females being unable to fertilize their eggs, would severely impede reversals to sexual reproduction, even in recently derived asexual lineages. More generally, the parallel maintenance versus decay of different trait types across diverse asexual lineages suggests that neutral traits display little or no decay even after extended periods under relaxed selection, while extensive decay for selected traits occurs extremely quickly. These patterns also highlight that adaptations can fix rapidly in natural populations of asexual organisms, in spite of their mode of reproduction.


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Crystallographic data about T-Cell Receptor - peptide - major histocompatibility complex class I (TCRpMHC) interaction have revealed extremely diverse TCR binding modes triggering antigen recognition. Understanding the molecular basis that governs TCR orientation over pMHC is still a considerable challenge. We present a simplified rigid approach applied on all non-redundant TCRpMHC crystal structures available. The CHARMM force field in combination with the FACTS implicit solvation model is used to study the role of long-distance interactions between the TCR and pMHC. We demonstrate that the sum of the coulomb interactions and the electrostatic solvation energies is sufficient to identify two orientations corresponding to energetic minima at 0° and 180° from the native orientation. Interestingly, these results are shown to be robust upon small structural variations of the TCR such as changes induced by Molecular Dynamics simulations, suggesting that shape complementarity is not required to obtain a reliable signal. Accurate energy minima are also identified by confronting unbound TCR crystal structures to pMHC. Furthermore, we decompose the electrostatic energy into residue contributions to estimate their role in the overall orientation. Results show that most of the driving force leading to the formation of the complex is defined by CDR1,2/MHC interactions. This long-distance contribution appears to be independent from the binding process itself, since it is reliably identified without considering neither short-range energy terms nor CDR induced fit upon binding. Ultimately, we present an attempt to predict the TCR/pMHC binding mode for a TCR structure obtained by homology modeling. The simplicity of the approach and the absence of any fitted parameters make it also easily applicable to other types of macromolecular protein complexes.


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Globalization and diverse populations due to migration imply that counselors are expected to deliver career services to populations from a large array of cultural settings. Moreover, individuals belonging to minority or non-dominant groups may be underserved or misserved, thus decreasing their chances of finding employment opportunities through career counseling. To develop specific interventions minority or non-dominant groups, it seems important to understand their strength and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses will be presented in terms of risk and resilience factors, such as low future orientation and social support respectively. In the last two decades, several authors have made contributions to adapt and improve career services in order to best meet these minority groups' needs. A review of this literature identified thirteen keys to effective practice. For example, one key is to take responsibility for one's own biases and prejudices. Nonetheless, some underserved groups remain difficult to identify. Comparing some basic national demographic data with data from our counseling centers may be helpful in this context in identifying specific groups and assessing needs. One solution, in order to promote social justice across (all) cultural groups, is to encourage multiculturalism in both career counseling and society as a whole. A more inclusive society would allow each person in a minority or non-dominant group to contribute more effectively to the development and growth of this society.


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This study aimed to compare the sexual behavior of adolescents who were or were not exposed to online pornography, to assess to what extent the willingness of exposure changed these possible associations, and to determine the profiles of youths who were exposed to online pornography. Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health, a self-administered cross-sectional, paper and pencil questionnaire. From the 7529 adolescents aged 16-20 years, 6054 (3283 males) used the Internet during the previous month and were eligible for our study. Males were divided into three groups (wanted exposure, 29.2%; unwanted exposure, 46.7%; no exposure, 24.1%) whereas females were divided into two groups (exposure, 35.9%; no exposure, 64.1%). The principal outcome measures were demographic characteristics, Internet use parameters and risky sexual behaviors. Risky sexual behaviors were not associated with online pornography exposure in any of the groups, except that males who were exposed (deliberately or not) had higher odds of not having used a condom at last intercourse. Bi/homosexual orientation and Internet use parameters were not associated either. Additionally, males in the wanted exposure group were more likely to be sensation-seekers. On the other hand, exposed girls were more likely to be students, higher sensation-seekers, early maturers, and to have a highly educated father. We conclude that pornography exposure is not associated with risky sexual behaviors and that the willingness of exposure does not seem to have an impact on risky sexual behaviors among adolescents.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to better understand how individual employees? values and personality traits influence their attitudes toward market orientation; how such attitudes impact their market-oriented behaviors; and how in turn, these behaviors lead to their superior individual performance. To investigate these relationships, an empirical study was conducted in the French speaking part of Switzerland and data were collected from a sample of service firms? employees from diverse departments and hierarchical levels. To a large extent, the results support the hypothesis of a hierarchical chain moving from value / personality to attitude to behavior to individual performance in relation to market orientation. Le sujet de cette thèse de doctorat est de mieux comprendre comment les valeurs et les traits de personnalité des employés influencent leurs attitudes envers l'orientation vers le marché ; comment ces attitudes ont un effet sur les comportements orientés vers le marché de ces employés et enfin, comment ces comportements conduisent à une meilleure performance individuelle. Afin d'étudier ces relations, une enquête a été conduite en Suisse romande et des données ont été collectées auprès d'un échantillon d'employés d'entreprises de service de différents départements et niveaux hiérarchiques. Les résultats sont concordants avec l'hypothèse d'une chaîne causale allant des valeurs / traits de personnalité aux attitudes, aux comportements et finalement à la performance individuelle dans le contexte de l'orientation vers le marché.