172 resultados para dibenzoyl peroxides


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The aminothiols are critical cellular components that play numerous and important roles in metabolism as key extracellular reducing agents, critical substrates for proteins synthesis and detoxificants of free radicals and peroxides. Because altered thiols levels in body fluids are linked to specific pathological conditions, their measurement is thus considered very important. One method to determine these compounds is the capillary electrophoresis, a technique that involves the separation of charged molecules on the basis of their movement under the influence of an applied electric field. The instrument used in this work is equipped with an amperometric detector recording the current of the thiols oxidized at the end of the capillary at a BDD electrode. The aim of this work is to find a valid method for the separations of the aminothiols analyzed, in terms of capillary coating and experimental conditions. In order to find an alternative and less expensive electrode than BDD and to increase sensitivity for the detection of the thiols, a modified electrode consisting in a carbon paste electrode containing Cobalt-phthalocyanine has been studied. In this electrode Cobalt-phthalocyanine works as electrocatalyst to enhance the oxidation reaction, meanwhile the graphite acts as conductive mean. This kind of electrode shows great sensibility and low detection limits for the thiols that have a free thiolic group, but it is not sensible to disulfides. The analysis of human plasma point out that the best method found for the capillary electrophoresis is not useful for the detection of aminothiols in a healthy person, because the very low concentrations in which they are present.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden im Rahmen der UTOPIHAN- und HOHPEX04-Projekte Peroxid- und Formaldehydmessungen in der Troposphäre durchgeführt und wissenschaftlich interpretiert. Die Messungen während UTOPIHAN fanden dabei an Bord eines für Forschungszwecke umgerüsteten Flugzeuges (Learjet 35A) im Wesentlichen in der freien, insbesondere in der oberen Troposphäre über Europa statt. Die Messungen während HOHPEX04 waren hingegen als Bodenmessungen an der sich abwechselnd in der bodennahen Grenzschicht und in von dieser Schicht entkoppelten Luftmassen liegenden Bergstation Hohenpeißenberg (bayerisches Voralpenland) konzipiert. Um eine quantitative Auswertbarkeit der Messungen sicherzustellen, wurden die verwendeten, auf chemischer Derivatisierung und fluorimetrischer Detektion basierenden Messgeräte AL 2001CA (Peroxide) und AL 4021 (Formaldehyd) (AEROLASER) genau charakterisiert. Dabei wurde speziell die bekannte Ozoninterferenz beider Geräte in einer großen Zahl von Laborexperimenten mit unterschiedlichen Randbedingungen bezüglich Wasserdampf- und Kohlenwasserstoffgehalt der Luft untersucht. Für beide Verbindungen wurden Höhen- sowie Breitenprofile erstellt und mit Ergebnissen eines 3D-Chemie-Transport-Modells (CTM) sowie früherer Studien verglichen. In einem weiteren Kapitel werden Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Studie zum Einfluss hochreichender Konvektion auf das HCHO-Budget in der mittleren und oberen Troposphäre präsentiert. Diese Studie kommt zu dem Schluss, dass der rasche Aufwärtstransport von Vorläufergasen von HCHO und HOx wie Methanol, Aceton und sogar gut löslicher Spurengase wie CH3OOH beziehungsweise H2O2 aus der Grenzschicht einen signifikanten, auf Grund der längeren Lebensdauer von NOx über mehrere Tage andauernden und damit großräumigen Einfluss auf die Budgets von HCHO, HOx und auch O3 in der oberen Troposphäre haben kann. Die Befunde der Studie legen desweiteren nahe, dass fehlerhafte Modellvorhersagen für die NO-Mischungsverhältnisse in der Tropopausenregion, die zum Beispiel mit Mängeln des Modells bezüglich der Höhe der Konvektion und des Stratosphären-Troposphären-Austauschs zu tun haben, hauptverantwortlich sind für gefundene Differenzen zwischen Messdaten und dem verwendeten 3D-Chemie-Transport-Modell. Um die Signifikanz der Aussagen zu erhöhen, wurde eine Sensitivitätsstudie durchgeführt, in der die Konzentration einiger chemischer Verbindungen sowie die Photolyseraten variiert wurden. Eine weitere Studie zum Einfluss verschiedener Parameter auf das CH3OOH/H2O2-Verhältnis kommt zu dem Schluss, dass dieses Verhältnis keinen idealen Indikator für Wolkenprozessierung von Luftmassen darstellt, während eine signifikant positive Abweichung vom H2O2/H2O-Verhältnis in der oberen Troposphäre ein guter Indikator für rasch aufwärts transportierte Luftmassen sein kann. Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden auch Höhen- und Breitenprofile des CH3OOH/H2O2-Verhältnisses diskutiert. In einer letzten Untersuchung zu HCHO-Messungen am Observatorium Hohenpeißenberg im Sommer 2004 werden für die in zwei Windrichtungssektoren eingeteilten Daten Korrelationen anderer Spurengase wie O3, PAN, CO, NOy und Isopren mit HCHO interpretiert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch versucht, den beobachteten Tagesgang von HCHO zu erklären.


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Atmosphärische Aerosole beeinflussen den Strahlungshaushalt und damit das Klima der Erde. Dies geschieht sowohl direkt (Streuung und Absorption), als auch indirekt (Wolkenkondensationskeime). Das sekundäre organische Aerosol (SOA) bildet einen wichtigen Bestandteil des atmosphärischen Aerosols. Seine Bildung erfolgt durch Reaktionen von Kohlenwasserstoffen mit atmosphärischen Oxidationsmitteln (z.B. Ozon, OH-Radikalen). Eine Klasse dieser Kohlenwasserstoffe sind die Terpene. Sie werden in großen Mengen durch die Vegetation emittiert und gelten als wichtige Vorläufersubstanzen des biogenen SOAs. In den Reaktionen von Monoterpenen und Sesquiterpenen mit atmosphärischen Reaktionspartnern wird eine große Vielfalt an multifunktionellen Reaktionsprodukten gebildet, von denen bis heute nur ein Bruchteil identifiziert werden konnte. In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll im Speziellen die Bildung von organischen Peroxiden und oligomeren Verbindungen im biogenen SOA untersucht und Nachweise einzelner Moleküle erbracht werden.rnFür eine Identifizierung von organischen Peroxiden aus der Oxidation einzelner Monoterpene und Sesquiterpene mit Ozon wurden die Reaktionsprodukte direkt in eine bei Atmosphärendruck arbeitende chemische Ionisationsquelle überführt und massenspektrometrisch untersucht (online-APCI-MS). Hierdurch konnten organische Hydroperoxide in der Partikelphase nachgewiesen werden, welche sich durch eine signifikante Abspaltung von H2O2 im Tandem-Massenspektrum (MS/MS) auszeichneten. Des Weiteren sollte die Bildung von höhermolekularen Verbindungen („Dimere“) im SOA des α-Pinens untersucht werden. Hierfür wurden zunächst die Reaktionsprodukte des Cyclohexens, das als einfache Modellverbindung des α-Pinens dient, mittels online-APCI-MS und offline durch Flüssigkeitschromatographie und Elektrospray-Ionenfallenmassenspektrometrie (HPLC/ESI-MS) untersucht. Verschiedene Produkte der Cyclohexen-Ozonolyse konnten hierbei als Esterverbindungen identifiziert werden, wobei eigens synthetisierte Referenzsubstanzen für die Identifizierung verwendet wurden. In einem weiteren Experiment, indem gleichzeitig Cyclohexen und α-Pinen mit Ozon umgesetzt wurden, konnten ebenfalls eine Bildung von höhermolekularen Estern nachgewiesen werden. Es handelte sich hierbei um „Mischester“, deren Struktur aus Reaktionsprodukten der beiden VOC-Vorläufermoleküle aufgebaut war. Durch diese neuen Erkenntnisse, über die Bildung von Estern im SOA des Cyclohexens, wurden die Dimer-Bildung einer reinen α-Pinen/Ozon-Reaktion online und offline massenspektrometrisch untersucht. Hier stellten sich als Hauptprodukte die Verbindungen mit m/z 357 und m/z 367 ([M-H]--Ionen) heraus, welche zudem erstmals auf einem Filter einer Realprobe aus Hyytiälä, Finnland nachgewiesen werden konnten. Aufgrund ihrer Fragmentierung in MS/MS-Untersuchungen sowie den exakten Summenformeln aus FT-MS Messungen konnte für die Struktur der höhermolekularen Verbindung mit m/z 367 ebenfalls ein Ester und für m/z 357 ein Peroxyhemiacetal vorgeschlagen werden. Die vorgeschlagene Struktur der Verbindung m/z 367 konnte im Anschluss über eine Reaktion aus Hydroxypinonsäure mit Pinsäure bestätigt werden. Die Identifizierung der Esterverbindung des α-Pinen-SOA erfolgte ebenfalls mit Hilfe von LC-MSn-Messungen.rnDie bisher diskutierten Ergebnisse, sowie die meisten in der Literatur beschriebenen Studien befassen sich jedoch mit einzelnen Vorläuferverbindungen, im Gegensatz zu den komplexen SOA-Proben aus den Emissionen der Vegetation. Im Rahmen einer Messkampagne am Forschungszentrum Jülich erfolgte eine massenspektrometrische Charakterisierung (online-APCI-MS) des SOAs aus direkten VOC-Emissionen von Pflanzen. Durch einen Vergleich der Produktverteilung dieser erhalten online-Massenspektren mit denen aus den Reaktionen einzelner VOCs, konnten Aussagen über die in den Reaktionen umgesetzten VOCs gemacht werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass in stressbedingten Situationen die untersuchten Exemplare der Betula pendula (Birke) hauptsächlich Sesquiterpene, Picea abies (Fichte) eher Monoterpene und Eucalyptus (Eukalyptus) sowohl Sesquiterpene als auch Monoterpene emittieren. Um die atmosphärischen Prozesse, die zur Bildung der Produkte im SOA führen vollständig zu verstehen, müssen jedoch noch weitere Anstrengungen unternommen werden.rn


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit sollte der Einfluss des Mevalonatpfads auf die Expression von Selenoproteinen untersucht werden. Im Mevalonatpfad, einem universellen Stoffwechselweg eukaryontischer Zellen, entstehen neben Cholesterol auch verschiedene Isoprenoide, die z.B. für die post-transkriptionelle Modifikation der Selenocystein-tRNA herangezogen werden. Selenocystein ist funktioneller Bestandteil von Selenoproteinen, welche häufig in den Abbau von oxidativem Stress involviert sind. rnDer Mevalonatpfad wird hauptsächlich durch die HMG-CoA-Reduktase (HMGCR) reguliert. Pharmaka vom „Statin“-Typ gelten als wirkungsvolle kompetitive Inhibitoren dieses Enzyms und finden ihren Einsatz bei Patienten zur Behandlung von Hypercholesterolämie, welche eine Grundlage für vaskuläre Krankheiten bildet. Trotz der allgemein guten Verträglichkeit der Statine treten jedoch auch unerwünschte Nebeneffekte, wie Erhöhung der Leberenzyme oder Myopathien auf, deren biochemischer Hintergrund bislang noch im Dunkeln liegt. rnDie in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Experimente belegen, dass Atorvastatin, Cerivastatin und Lovastatin in klinisch relevanten Dosen die Synthese bestimmter Selenoproteine, wie der Glutathionperoxidase (GPx), in klonalen humanen Hepatocyten post-transkriptionell unterdrücken, wodurch die Zellen anfälliger für oxidativen Stress in Form von Peroxiden werden. Dieser Mechanismus könnte eine Erklärung für die häufig beobachteten abnormen Leberwerte von Statin-behandelten Patienten darstellen.rnEndogenes Cholesterol gilt ebenfalls als potenter Inhibitor der HMGCR. Die in dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Cholesterol in verschiedenen Formen, als Low-Density-Lipoprotein (LDL), als 25-Hydroxycholesterol, und als Methylcyclodextrin-Komplex in unterschiedlichen humanen Zelltypen die Selenoproteinsynthese ebenfalls unterdrücken. Der negative Zusammenhang zwischen Cholesterol und bestimmten Selenoproteinen konnte auch in vivo beobachtet werden. In juvenilen Mäusen konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein Knockout des LDL-Rezeptors sowie auch ein Knockout von Apolipoprotein E zu einer Senkung des Lebercholesterols führte, was in einer Zunahme der GPx in der Leber resultierte.rnDie vorliegenden Daten belegen erstmals einen direkten und funktionellen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Mevalonatpfad und der Selenoproteinsynthese. Unterdrückung dieses Pfades, entweder durch exogene Substanzen wie Statine, oder durch endogene Substanzen wie Cholesterol, hat offenbar zur Folge, dass essentielle Zwischenprodukte für die Modifizierung der Selenocystein-tRNA fehlen, was in einer post-transkriptionellen Verminderung der induzierbaren Selenoproteine resultiert. Dies könnte die biochemische Grundlage für einen Teil der vielfältigen gesundheitlich negativen Auswirkungen schon geringfügig erhöhter Cholesterolspiegel sein.


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Addressing current limitations of state-of-the-art instrumentation in aerosol research, the aim of this work was to explore and assess the applicability of a novel soft ionization technique, namely flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow (FAPA), for the mass spectrometric analysis of airborne particulate organic matter. Among other soft ionization methods, the FAPA ionization technique was developed in the last decade during the advent of ambient desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (ADI–MS). Based on a helium glow discharge plasma at atmospheric-pressure, excited helium species and primary reagent ions are generated which exit the discharge region through a capillary electrode, forming the so-called afterglow region where desorption and ionization of the analytes occurs. Commonly, fragmentation of the analytes during ionization is reported to occur only to a minimum extent, predominantly resulting in the formation of quasimolecular ions, i.e. [M+H]+ and [M–H]– in the positive and the negative ion mode, respectively. Thus, identification and detection of signals and their corresponding compounds is facilitated in the acquired mass spectra. The focus of the first part of this study lies on the application, characterization and assessment of FAPA–MS in the offline mode, i.e. desorption and ionization of the analytes from surfaces. Experiments in both positive and negative ion mode revealed ionization patterns for a variety of compound classes comprising alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, organic peroxides, and alkaloids. Besides the always emphasized detection of quasimolecular ions, a broad range of signals for adducts and losses was found. Additionally, the capabilities and limitations of the technique were studied in three proof-of-principle applications. In general, the method showed to be best suited for polar analytes with high volatilities and low molecular weights, ideally containing nitrogen- and/or oxygen functionalities. However, for compounds with low vapor pressures, containing long carbon chains and/or high molecular weights, desorption and ionization is in direct competition with oxidation of the analytes, leading to the formation of adducts and oxidation products which impede a clear signal assignment in the acquired mass spectra. Nonetheless, FAPA–MS showed to be capable of detecting and identifying common limonene oxidation products in secondary OA (SOA) particles on a filter sample and, thus, is considered a suitable method for offline analysis of OA particles. In the second as well as the subsequent parts, FAPA–MS was applied online, i.e. for real time analysis of OA particles suspended in air. Therefore, the acronym AeroFAPA–MS (i.e. Aerosol FAPA–MS) was chosen to refer to this method. After optimization and characterization, the method was used to measure a range of model compounds and to evaluate typical ionization patterns in the positive and the negative ion mode. In addition, results from laboratory studies as well as from a field campaign in Central Europe (F–BEACh 2014) are presented and discussed. During the F–BEACh campaign AeroFAPA–MS was used in combination with complementary MS techniques, giving a comprehensive characterization of the sampled OA particles. For example, several common SOA marker compounds were identified in real time by MSn experiments, indicating that photochemically aged SOA particles were present during the campaign period. Moreover, AeroFAPA–MS was capable of detecting highly oxidized sulfur-containing compounds in the particle phase, presenting the first real-time measurements of this compound class. Further comparisons with data from other aerosol and gas-phase measurements suggest that both particulate sulfate as well as highly oxidized peroxyradicals in the gas phase might play a role during formation of these species. Besides applying AeroFAPA–MS for the analysis of aerosol particles, desorption processes of particles in the afterglow region were investigated in order to gain a more detailed understanding of the method. While during the previous measurements aerosol particles were pre-evaporated prior to AeroFAPA–MS analysis, in this part no external heat source was applied. Particle size distribution measurements before and after the AeroFAPA source revealed that only an interfacial layer of OA particles is desorbed and, thus, chemically characterized. For particles with initial diameters of 112 nm, desorption radii of 2.5–36.6 nm were found at discharge currents of 15–55 mA from these measurements. In addition, the method was applied for the analysis of laboratory-generated core-shell particles in a proof-of-principle study. As expected, predominantly compounds residing in the shell of the particles were desorbed and ionized with increasing probing depths, suggesting that AeroFAPA–MS might represent a promising technique for depth profiling of OA particles in future studies.


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Treatment plants that operate either thermophilic or mesophilic anaerobic digesters with centrifugal dewatering processes have consistently observed densities of fecal coliform and Escherichia coli, both indicator bacteria, that decrease during digestion but then increase after dewatering and storage. The increases have been characterized as two separate phenomena to explain this observation: 1) “Sudden Increase,” or SI, which is defined as the increase that occurs immediately after dewatering and 2) “regrowth,” which is defined as an increase during storage of cake samples over a period of hours or days. The SI observation appears to be more prevalent with biosolids that are generated with thermophilic processes and dewatered by centrifugation. Both thermophilic and mesophilic digesters with centrifuge dewatering processes have observed the regrowth phenomena. This research hypothesizes that the SI phenomenon is due to the presence of viable nonculturable (VNC) bacteria that are reactivated during dewatering. In other words, the bacteria were always present but were not enumerated by standard culturing methods (SCM). Analysis of the E. coli density in thermally treated solids by SCMs and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) indicated that E. coli densities are often underestimated by SCM. When analyzed with qPCR, the E. coli density after digestion can be 4-5 orders of magnitude greater than the non-detect levels identified by SCMs, which supports the non-culturable hypothesis. The VNC state describes a condition where bacteria are alive but unable to sustain the metabolic process needed for cellular division. Supplements added to culturing media were investigated to determine if the resuscitation of VNC bacteria could be enhanced. The autoinducer molecules Nhexanoyl- L-Homoserine lactone (C6-HSL), 3-oxo-N-octanoyl-L-Homoserine lactone (3-oxo- C8-HSL), and norepinephrine were unable to induce the resuscitation of VNC E. coli. Additional sampling was performed to determine if autoinducer molecules, peroxides, or other as of yet unknown inhibitory agents and toxins could be removed from biosolids during SCM. Culture media supplemented with the peroxide degrading compounds catalase, α-ketoglutaric acid, and sodium pyruvate was unable to resuscitate non-culturable E. coli. The additions of bentonite and exponential growth phase E. coli cell-free supernatant to culturing media were also unable to increase the culturability of E. coli. To remove inhibitory agents and toxins, a cell washing technique was employed prior to performing SCM; however, this cell washing technique may have increased cellular stresses that inhibited resuscitation since cell densities decreased. A novel laboratory-scale dewatering process was also investigated to determine if the SI and regrowth phenomena observed in full-scale centrifugal dewatering could be mimicked in the laboratory using a lab shearing device. Fecal coliform and E. coli densities in laboratory prepared cake samples were observed to be an order of magnitude higher than full-scale dewatered cakes. Additionally, the laboratory-scale dewatering process was able to resuscitate fecal coliforms and E. coli in stored sludge such that the density increased by 4-5 orders of magnitude from nondetect values. Lastly, the addition of aluminum sulfate during centrifuge dewatering at a full-scale utility produced an increased regrowth of fecal coliforms and E. coli that was sustained for 5 days.


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Soybean lipoxygenase-1 (SBLO-1) catalyzes the oxygenation of linoleic acid to form 13(S) and 9(R) hydroperoxides. The manner in which substrates bind to the lipoxygenase family of enzymes is not known. It is believed fatty acid substrates may bind either with the aliphatic end first or with the carboxylate group facing the interior of the protein. This thesis tested a potential methyl-end first substrate binding mechanism by studying the activity of SBLO-1 to oxygenate immobilized linoleoyl residues attached to an insoluble polymer. Linoleic acid was attached to aminohexyl agarose in the presence of N-(3- dimethylaminopropyl)-N’-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and Nhydroxysuccinimide (NHS). The concentration of the covalently attached residues was facilitated by enriching linoleic acid with a small amount of the radioactive 14C-isotope. Functionalization yields of 3% available primary amines on the resin were obtained. Enzymatic oxygenation of the linoleoyl-residues was verified using the ferrous oxidation in xylenol orange (FOX) assay. Approximately 30% of the attached linoleoyl moieties were converted to hydroperoxides in the presence of SBLO-1. A disulfide-containing cleavable linker, cystamine, was used as part of an improved method to isolate the product in a facile manner. Cystamine was attached to NHS-activated agarose with approximately 5% overall functionalization yield of available functional groups. 14C-linoleic acid was successfully covalently linked to the cystamine moieties in the presence of EDC and NHS. The FOX assay verified the enzymatic oxygenation of the linoleoyl residues attached to cystamine-derivatized agarose. The isolation of the peroxide product was attempted in a series of extractions in organic solvents. The product was analyzed using GC/MS which did not show a new peak indicative of product. Further work is needed to successfully analyze the stereoand regiochemistry of the oxygenated product. The presence of the peroxides in this study indicated the linoleoyl residues behave as substrates of SBLO-1. It is unknown how bulky substrates bind to the active site; however, it is difficult to rationalize a carboxylate group-first binding mode. Discovery of the 13(S)-hydroperoxide product on the linoleoyl-agarose would support the claim of a potential methyl-end first binding mechanism.


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Hepatocellular cancer is the fifth most frequent cancer in men and the eighth in women worldwide. Established risk factors are chronic hepatitis B and C infection, chronic heavy alcohol consumption, obesity and type 2 diabetes, tobacco use, use of oral contraceptives, and aflatoxin-contaminated food. Almost 90% of all hepatocellular carcinomas develop in cirrhotic livers. In Western countries, attributable risks are highest for cirrhosis due to chronic alcohol abuse and viral hepatitis B and C infection. Among those with alcoholic cirrhosis, the annual incidence of hepatocellular cancer is 1-2%. An important mechanism implicated in alcohol-related hepatocarcinogenesis is oxidative stress from alcohol metabolism, inflammation, and increased iron storage. Ethanol-induced cytochrome P-450 2E1 produces various reactive oxygen species, leading to the formation of lipid peroxides such as 4-hydroxy-nonenal. Furthermore, alcohol impairs the antioxidant defense system, resulting in mitochondrial damage and apoptosis. Chronic alcohol exposure elicits hepatocyte hyperregeneration due to the activation of survival factors and interference with retinoid metabolism. Direct DNA damage results from acetaldehyde, which can bind to DNA, inhibit DNA repair systems, and lead to the formation of carcinogenic exocyclic DNA etheno adducts. Finally, chronic alcohol abuse interferes with methyl group transfer and may thereby alter gene expression.


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Since the anthrone chrysarobin oxidizes and generates free radicals, investigations were conducted to assess a possible role for free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skin tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Epidermal glutathione levels were not noticeably altered by chrysarobin, nor did a glutathione-depleting agent enhance promotion by chrysarobin. Multiple applications of chrysarobin increased lipid peroxide levels in mouse epidermis two-fold as compared with controls. The antioxidant $\alpha$-tocopherol and the lipoxygenase inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid both inhibited production of lipid peroxides by chrysarobin. The antioxidants $\alpha$-tocopherol acetate and ascorbyl palmitate effectively inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin. Since prooxidant states can lead to increases in intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$, the effect of two Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists, verapamil and TMB-8, on chrysarobin-induced promotion and promoter-related effects were investigated. Both Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin, suggesting a possible role for intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$ alterations in chrysarobin-tumor promotion. Since radical generating compounds are reported to possess the ability to enhance progression of papillomas to squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), the effects of chrysarobin on papilloma development were tested. Growth kinetics and regression of papillomas generated with limited promotion with chrysarobin were similar to what was reported for the nonradical generating promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) (Aldaz et al., 1991). To test the chrysarobin's ability to enhance progression of pre-existing papillomas to SCCs, tumors were generated by initiation with dimethylbenz (a) anthracene and promotion with TPA. Then mice were treated with chrysarobin, TPA or acetone for 45 weeks. When mice treated with chrysarobin were compared to mice treated continually with TPA with similar numbers of papillomas, the number of papillomas that progressed to SCCs was similar, suggesting that papilloma burden influences the progression of papillomas to SCCs, rather than radical production. In summary, the present study suggests that chrysarobin produces oxidative stress in mouse epidermis as indicated by the generation of lipid peroxides. Antioxidants inhibited production of lipid peroxides and tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Collectively, these data suggest a role for free radicals or ROS in tumor promotion by chrysarobin. ^


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The role of oxidative stress and apoptosis has recently been recognized as an important determinant in the development of a variety of diseases known to man. The oncogene BCL-2 is known to regulate sensitivity to induction of apoptosis and appears to function in an antioxidant pathway by regulating glutathione. We have investigated various steps in the oxidative stress cascade to determine possible sites of action for BCL-2. The fluorescent probes H2DCFDA, dihydroethidium and cis-parinaric acid were used to quantitate generation of peroxides, superoxide and lipid peroxidation, respectively. While each of these agents was able to detect substantial increases in oxidative stress following exposure of cells to ionizing radiation, there was no significant difference between cells expressing high or low levels of BCL-2. Investigation of mitochondrial dysfunction during apoptosis revealed a possible site of bcl-2 intervention, but, analysis of kinetic events occurring during apoptosis suggested that the observed effect is not in the direct apoptotic effector pathway. When glutathione was studied, localization to the nucleus was observed in cells overexpressing BCL-2 that did not occur in cells lacking BCL-2. Additionally, nuclear accumulation of glutathione was sufficient to block granzyme b-mediated nuclear DNA fragmentation, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage and caspase activity suggesting that nuclear accumulation of glutathione via a bcl-2 dependent process is functionally relevant to suppression of apoptosis. Thus, a model system emerges where BCL-2 is able to regulate a cell's ability to prevent apoptosis by modifying the cell's antioxidant systems at the organelle level to compensate for oxidative stresses placed upon it. ^


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Ischemia-reperfusion has been reported to be associated with augmented oxidative stress in the course of surgery, which might be causally involved in the onset of atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common arrhythmia after cardiac surgery. We hypothesized that supplementation of antioxidants and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) might lower the incidence of AF following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. In the present study, by monitoring oxidative stress in the course of CABG surgery, we analyzed the efficacy of vitamins (ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol) and/or n-3 PUFAs (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid). Subjects (n = 75) were divided into 4 subgroups: control, vitamins, n-3 PUFAs, and a combination of vitamins and n-3 PUFAs. Fluorescent techniques were used to measure the antioxidative capacity, i.e. ability to inhibit oxidation. Total peroxides, endogenous peroxidase activity, and antibodies against oxidized LDL (oLAb) were used as serum oxidative stress biomarkers. Post-operative increase in oxidative stress was associated with the consumption of antioxidants and a simultaneous onset of AF. This was confirmed through an increased peroxide level and a decreased oLAb titer in control and n-3 PUFAs groups, indicating the binding of antibodies to oxidative modified epitopes. In both subgroups that were supplemented with vitamins, total peroxides decreased, and the maintenance of a constant IgG antibody titer was facilitated. However, treatment with vitamins or n-3 PUFAs was inefficient with respect to AF onset and its duration. We conclude that the administration of vitamins attenuates post-operative oxidative stress in the course of CABG surgery.


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The selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase 4 (Gpx4) is a major scavenger of phospholipid hydroperoxides. Although Gpx4 represents a key component of the reactive oxygen species-scavenging network, its relevance in the immune system is yet to be defined. Here, we investigated the importance of Gpx4 for physiological T cell responses by using T cell-specific Gpx4-deficient mice. Our results revealed that, despite normal thymic T cell development, CD8(+) T cells from T(ΔGpx4/ΔGpx4) mice had an intrinsic defect in maintaining homeostatic balance in the periphery. Moreover, both antigen-specific CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells lacking Gpx4 failed to expand and to protect from acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and Leishmania major parasite infections, which were rescued with diet supplementation of high dosage of vitamin E. Notably, depletion of the Gpx4 gene in the memory phase of viral infection did not affect T cell recall responses upon secondary infection. Ex vivo, Gpx4-deficient T cells rapidly accumulated membrane lipid peroxides and concomitantly underwent cell death driven by ferroptosis but not necroptosis. These studies unveil an essential role of Gpx4 for T cell immunity.


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L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a powerful reducing agent found in millimolar concentrations in plants, and is proposed to play an important role in scavenging free radicals in plants and animals. However, surprisingly little is known about the role of this antioxidant in plant environmental stress adaptation or ascorbate biosynthesis. We report the isolation of soz1, a semi-dominant ozone-sensitive mutant that accumulates only 30% of the normal ascorbate concentration. The results of genetic approaches and feeding studies show that the ascorbate concentration affects foliar resistance to the oxidizing gas ozone. Consistent with the proposed role for ascorbate in reactive oxygen species detoxification, lipid peroxides are elevated in soz1, but not in wild type following ozone fumigation. We show that the soz1 mutant is hypersensitive to both sulfur dioxide and ultraviolet B irradiation, thus implicating ascorbate in defense against varied environmental stresses. In addition to defining the first ascorbate deficient mutant in plants, these results indicate that screening for ozone-sensitive mutants is a powerful method for identifying physiologically important antioxidant mechanisms and signal transduction pathways. Analysis of soz1 should lead to more information about the physiological roles and metabolism of ascorbate.


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In Alzheimer disease (AD) the amyloid beta-peptide (A beta) accumulates in plaques in the brain. A beta can be neurotoxic by a mechanism involving induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and elevation of intracellular free calcium levels ([Ca2+]i). In light of evidence for an inflammatory response in the brain in AD and reports of increased levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in AD brain we tested the hypothesis that TNFs affect neuronal vulnerability to A beta. A beta-(25-35) and A beta-(1-40) induced neuronal degeneration in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Pretreatment of cultures for 24 hr with TNF-beta or TNF-alpha resulted in significant attenuation of A beta-induced neuronal degeneration. Accumulation of peroxides induced in neurons by A beta was significantly attenuated in TNF-pretreated cultures, and TNFs protected neurons against iron toxicity, suggesting that TNFs induce antioxidant pathways. The [Ca2+]i response to glutamate (quantified by fura-2 imaging) was markedly potentiated in neurons exposed to A beta, and this action of A beta was suppressed in cultures pretreated with TNFs. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays demonstrated an induction of a kappa beta-binding activity in hippocampal cells exposed to TNFs. Exposure of cultures to I kappa B (MAD3) antisense oligonucleotides, a manipulation designed to induce NF-kappa B, mimicked the protection by TNFs. These data suggest that TNFs protect hippocampal neurons against A beta toxicity by suppressing accumulation of ROS and Ca2+ and that kappa B-dependent transcription is sufficient to mediate these effects. A modulatory role for TNF in the neurodegenerative process in AD is proposed.


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Exposure of humans and other mammals to hyperthermic conditions elicits many physiological responses to stress in various tissues leading to profound injuries, which eventually result in death. It has been suggested that hyperthermia may increase oxidative stress in tissues to form reactive oxygen species harmful to cellular functions. By using transgenic mice with human antioxidant genes, we demonstrate that the overproduction of glutathione peroxidase (GP, both extracellular and intracellular) leads to a thermosensitive phenotype, whereas the overproduction of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase has no effect on the thermosensitivity of transgenic mice. Induction of HSP70 in brain, lung, and muscle in GP transgenic mice at elevated temperature was significantly inhibited in comparison to normal animals. Measurement of peroxide production in regions normally displaying induction of HSP70 under hyperthermia revealed high levels of peroxides in normal mice and low levels in GP transgenic mice. There was also a significant difference between normal and intracellular GP transgenic mice in level of prostaglandin E2 in hypothalamus and cerebellum. These data suggest direct participation of peroxides in induction of cytoprotective proteins (HSP70) and cellular mechanisms regulating body temperature. GP transgenic mice provide a model for studying thermoregulation and processes involving actions of hydroxy and lipid peroxides in mammals.