306 resultados para de-professionalization


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The dissertation is developed in the Research Base of Teacher Training and Professionalization of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte as a way to discuss the professionalization of High School teachers in Natal. It is a study linked to the research The context of teaching practice and professionalism: the case of high school teachers and sponsored by CNPq, with the objective of characterizing working conditions and job satisfaction as dimensions to the teacher professionalism in high schools. In this study we prioritized the focus on professionalization in national and international discussions, which combines the aspects of teaching in its historical, social, political and economical path, in order to reflect about its evolutional elements in the hierarchy of professions and establish a relation to high school teaching. To develop this relation we elaborated some questions that are considered relevant, such as: How does the high school teacher evaluate his/her working conditions to his/her professional practice? What level of satisfaction does the high school teacher have regarding his/her professional practice? What expectations does the high school teacher have in relation to his/her professional development? The answers to those questions were according to the high school teachers considerations shown in the questionnaire, which was structured with open and closed questions. These questions gave better adequacy to the teachers evaluations about their working place and the situations they experience in their working conditions, provoking job satisfaction and expectations for professional growth. The description of the teachers perception about working conditions, job satisfaction and expectation of professional development can explain the distinct factors that characterize these categories in the working context, although the conclusive results, in general, do not show a direct relationship between the categories studied. Some factors that teachers attribute as causes of bigger difficulties in working conditions and work activity itself are: working time, salary, professional status, school s infrastructure, and school s social context. These factors are similarly related to the degree of job satisfaction, without showing interference in the professional expectations


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This study aims to investigate the contribution of supervised training for training reflective of the students in the service of pedagogy course of the Vocational Training Program for Basic Education - PROFORMAÇÃO Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte / Campus Avançado Professor João Ismar de Moura - CAJIM Patu City / RN. Based on studies of Schon (2000), Alarcão (2003), Pimenta (1994, 2000), Tardif (2002) Ibiapina (2008) among others have adopted a theoretical framework which have been focusing on studies concerning the formation of the reflective teacher, in perspective also contribute to the professionalization of teachers. The study falls within the qualitative approach of educational research and the methodology chosen has characteristics of a collaborative research. In the process, we used the following instruments: individual and group interview, sitting reflective observation, videoformação, material prescribed personal documents. The relevance of this research is to highlight the contribution of reflexive perspective in the teaching profession for: knowledge of teachers, teacher professional development, relationship between theory and practice, collective work, school and university as a place of training. These findings indicate that: a) the stage for advanced teacher becomes a teacher action research, seeking to (re) signification practices, b) the stage still presents itself as an activity limited to the applicability of the theories, hence the need for dialogic relations between theory and practice in education, requiring their redefinition c) despite experiencing an in-service training, the students still need information to enable them to link theory to practice, but understand its importance, d) a collaborative discussion can be a strategy that encouraged and implemented, is likely to be an alternative to the consolidation of training reflective e) It is important to the collective action of teachers in the school and the university as an opportunity for development of the reflective process f) the students-teachers still do not understand what is reflection and not experiencing it, but realizes the need to change the thinking and way of acting, g) there are conflicts between the teacher's knowledge of the students, teachers and the actions constituting the real, creating contradictions between saying and doing training


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Estamos vivendo no século da criatividade em que os sujeitos precisam ser estimulados a criar e inovar nos processos de aprendizagem escolar. Nesse sentido, a criatividade precisa ser compreendida como um bem cultural, um direito de todos e uma condição histórica e cultural do sujeito, e não como uma capacidade inerente ao sujeito ou pertencente alguns poucos eleitos. Para que a criatividade do aluno seja estimulada, faz-se necessário, dentre outros elementos, que o conhecimento profissional do professor considere as crenças como componente de seu processo de profissionalização com o objetivo de reconhecer o seu papel e influências como formas de nortear as ações profissionais docentes. Para tanto, a presente tese tem o objetivo de estudar as crenças dos professores sobre a criatividade dos estudantes no Ensino Médio Inovador. O ensino, nessa perspectiva, mais especificamente, o ensino médio precisa inovar-se, e nesse processo, o Programa Ensino Médio Inovador PROEMI emerge como uma das iniciativas das políticas públicas educacionais vigentes. Para tanto, no intuito de fundamentar as nossas discussões dialogamos com autores que discutem a criatividade no contexto da educação, às crenças, o conhecimento profissional do professor e o ensino médio. Nessa pesquisa, 207 professores que atuam no ensino médio em escolas estaduais na cidade de Natal e sua Região Metropolitana dentro do PROEMI constituíram-se em nosso público-alvo. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário normativo de crenças contendo perguntas fechadas e abertas. Para a organização dos dados utilizamos os softwares estatísticos R. 2.15.1 e o Modalisa. O tratamento dos dados se deu mediante análises estatísticas como a análise descritiva dos enunciados, da média, do desvio padrão e a Análise de Componentes Principais ACP em relação aos resultados oriundos das perguntas fechadas e a análise de conteúdo em se tratando dos resultados referentes às perguntas abertas. Os resultados corroboraram com a tese de que os professores apresentam em suas crenças a predominância do enfoque tradicional ou clássico da criatividade, ou seja, creem-na como algo inato ao ser humano e que se desenvolve independentemente dos fatores sociais e culturais. No tocante às principais características do aluno criativo, a autonomia e o alto grau de originalidade em sua aprendizagem se destacaram, dentre outras características. Suas crenças, em relação aos elementos que inibem a criatividade do aluno apontaram que a escola, ao privilegiar os conteúdos escolares compromete a criatividade dos alunos e sobre os elementos que favorecem, destacaram-se as áreas da Arte, da Educação Física e da Literatura como disciplinas, que preferencialmente, desenvolvem a criatividade dos alunos no contexto escolar. Assim, constatamos que as crenças dos professores se configuram de forma reducionista e inatista e que precisam, urgentemente, ser repensadas para que não continue a comprometer o desenvolvimento da criatividade do aluno no contexto escolar, e nesse caso, as crenças se constituem em um dos elementos básicos da profissionalização docente que precisam constantemente ser repensadas e incluídas nas discussões sobre a formação e atuação docente, principalmente, dentro do PROEMI que tem como objetivo principal inovar e estimular a criatividade dos alunos no ensino médio


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This study investigates teacher training and cognitive practice of teachers in a Basic Education school that adopted the Project One Computer per Student (OCS) in their school routine. Its relevance consists in provide directions for the continuation of training activities on the Project and guide the teachers with their pedagogical practices using the laptop model one to one. The thesis defended is that the educator formation for social using of digital media (specially the laptops from the Project UCA) gives space to establish new sociotechnical relationships, of new social and professionals practices, new identitary components and a process of reflexivity and knowledge reconstruction to teach. We reaffirm the importance of reflexivity and appropriation of digital culture for the better development of teaching practice using the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), giving focus to the aspects of social and professional use of the technology. The study is part of the qualitative aspect and is a procedural tracking based on principles of ethnographic research. As procedures and methodological tools, were used: intensive observation of school environments, documental analysis, focal group, semi-structured questionnaires and semi-structured individual interviews. The research was held in a public school in the city of Parnamirim - RN. The subject sample relates to 17 teachers, coming from the elementary school I and II, Youth and Adult Education and High School, who went through the process of training UCA and having entered the laptops in their teaching. The research corpus is structured based on the messages built into the process of data collection and is analyzed based on principles of Content Analysis, specified by Laurence Bardin (2011). Was taken as theoretical reference studies by Tardif (2000; 2011), Pimenta (2009), Gorz (2004, 2005), Giddens (1991), Dewey, J. (1916), Boudieu (1994; 1999), Freire (1996; 2005), among others. The analysis indicates a process of reconstruction / revision of knowledge to teach and work in digital culture, being these knowledges guided by the experience of the subjects investigated. The reconstructed knowledges will be revealed from a categorization process. The following groups of knowledges: "technical knowledges", "didactic-methodological knowledges and knowledges of professionalization" were built on the assumption of ownership of digital culture in the educational context. The analysis confirms the appearance of new ways of sociability when acquiring other forms of acting and thinking ICTs, despite the environment adverse to the reflexivity shared among the teachers. Also reveals, based on the ownership concept present on the data analysis, the construction of meanings of belonging and transformation of individuals into social routes from the interweaving of the teaching practice with the digital culture. Emphasizes, finally, the importance of a training for use of ICTs that exceeds the instrumentation, in other words, what we call "technical knowledges", but taking on its structural basis the shared reflection, the opening for the ressignificance (new meaning) and reconstruction of new knowledges and practices and that really allows, to the teacher, the living of an experience capable of providing socio-technical transformations of their relationships


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The study analyzes the changes occurring in the professional qualification of the Nursing Technician in the Natal School of Nursing. It provides a historical discussion of Brazilian professional education, of the pertinent legislation in this type of teaching, and the repercussions related to the institutionalization of the Educational Directives Law. It interprets the discourse of the graduates of the complementary course of nursing auxiliary to nursing technician, for the year 2002, using the collective subject analysis and individual interviews. These revealed changes in the areas of knowledge-learning, knowledge-doing, knowledge-being, and an awakening to other changes besides the challenges being confronted. In this sense, nursing as a participant in a society that is effervescent with process changes, interacts socially, politically and professionally in this context, able to experience advances and retrogrades, depending on its political competency


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O largo crescimento do setor de agronegócios no Brasil tem estimulado mudanças nos sistemas produtivos, tanto na intensificação, como na profissionalização da produção. Dessa forma, os produtores têm buscado estratégias para melhor atender aos desafios da atividade pecuária atual, dentre as quais se destacam as inovações tecnológicas que devem resultar em comprovado benefício à atividade, seja pelo aumento em produtividade, seja pela melhoria na qualidade dos produtos, seja pela conscientização do respeito ao meio ambiente. Assim como em outros segmentos do agronegócio brasileiro, na caprinocultura existe uma demanda crescente pela aplicação de inovações tecnológicas, uma vez que o sistema produtivo precisa ser mais competitivo para se manter no mercado. Dentre as inovações tecnológicas aplicadas na caprinocultura, foram abordadas as mais relevantes nas áreas de reprodução (desde métodos para indução de cio até a prática da transgenia), melhoramento genético (biogenética), sanidade (inovações no diagnóstico e prevenção de doenças de maior impacto na criação), nutrição (inovações nos sistemas de alimentação) e tratamento de dejetos (diminuição de contaminantes no ambiente). A utilização conjunta das inovações tecnológicas nos diferentes segmentos associados à cadeia produtiva caprina pode fazer com que ocorram melhorias nos rebanhos assim como nos produtos gerados.


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The research aimed identify how the quality of services provided by Casa de Apoio à Criança com Câncer Durval Paiva is perceived by its users, giving an opportunity of improve their performance in social services provision pointing out the failures experienced, the institution will have the user as a important partner in fails identification, serving as a subsidy to the actions of correction and improvement to such situations demands. With this work implementation will be observed contributions that will permeate to the fields of theory and practice, enabling progress and enrichment on the subject. The theoretical contribution is observed as this work execution will provide greater advance about the models developed for the third sector. The proposed work will raise awareness issues about the full potential of the social economy, with regard to the quality of services provided by organizations, allowing a better definition of priorities on their development. The study addressed three issues: identifying the people that receive support of the Casa Durval Paiva, identifying what is the level of satisfaction of families served and evaluate the services provided by Casa Durval Paiva that demand improvements in the perception of families assisted. Found a demand for services has been found that the institution has a multidisciplinary team with a high level of professionalism, and supervised with students of various educational institutions and many volunteers to complement the actions of individual professionals. Was measured a high satisfaction of users of the services provided by Casa Durval Paiva


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The present thesis, entitled Knowledge for teaching: reflecting over the Youth and Adult Education, mainly considered common aspects concerning teachers knowledge and youth and adult education. It aimed to analyze, in partnership with its participants, the knowledge which is requested for teaching youth and adults. It focused on the following question: What teaching knowledge is necessary for the professionals who work during the first grades of elementary school with the youth and adults? The research took place in a school named Escola Municipal São Lucas, located in the city of Vitória da Conquista, state of Bahia, having as reference the discourses of four participants involved in the experience of research-formation. The collaborative approach, based on qualitative principles, was the adopted theoricalmethodological way, considering four actions: describing, informing, confronting and reconstructing. Collective interviews, study and reflection sessions, literacy practice observations, documental analysis and notes regarding field work were procedures adopted throughout the research. In order to analyze and organize data, we were supported by the discourse analysis, by Bakhtin (1997), specifically about the discussions around the ideas of theme and signification, which are concepts related to processual and dialectical analysis. The results and conclusions of the research make it possible to affirm that pedagogical practices, professional experiences, dialogues with other individuals and knowledge acquired at the university and at other learning environments are the participants main knowledge sources. When it comes to the local educational politics, it is observed contradiction between the participants desires regarding the school pedagogical routines and the proposals of the local government in relation to education. From our point of view, the knowledge identified and analyzed in this thesis demands the development of a diligent, technical, scientific and politically planned formative process (initial and continued), which requires fundamental public investments to recreate the educational politics and, consequently, the pedagogical experiences within the schools, contributing to the Youth and Adult Education professionalization process


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O texto é fruto das discussões do Grupo de Trabalho (GT) da Anpuh - Secção São Paulo, no ano de 2008.¹ Objetiva discutir os impasses criados para a profissionalização do docente de história e para o aprendizado de crianças, jovens e adultos a partir da Proposta Curricular de História do Estado de São Paulo, que faz parte do projeto São Paulo faz escola, implantada no início do ano letivo de 2008.


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O texto trata das novas demandas à formação em odontologia e dos desafios da profissionalização da atividade docente. Investigam-se as concepções de qualidade do ensino de 13 coordenadores de cursos de graduação em odontologia do Estado de São Paulo, procurando indicadores que contribuam para a elaboração de propostas de formação docente, numa perspectiva crítica e reflexiva sobre qualidade e sobre problemas da realidade brasileira na área. A partir de depoimentos colhidos por questionário e entrevistas, busca-se compreender e analisar dados relativos à dimensão político-estrutural da profissão. Os resultados apontam para a crise da odontologia nos aspectos de número de escolas, exaustão do modelo de atendimento, dilema ético dos profissionais e diminuição de prestígio, com visível crise destatus. Conclui-se que a transformação da crise em projeto político-pedagógico cria espaço para mudanças curriculares das faculdades de odontologia e acentua desafios quanto a orientações pedagógicas e competências da função docente.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)