919 resultados para cost-per-wear model
Dissertation presented to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa for obtaining the master degree in Membrane Engineering
RESUMO - O sistema de saúde é constantemente sujeito a pressões sendo as mais relevantes a pressão para o aumento da qualidade e a necessidade de contenção de custos. Os Eventos Adversos (EAs) ocorridos em meio hospitalar constituem um sério problema de qualidade na prestação de cuidados de saúde, com consequências clinicas, sociais, económicas e de imagem, que afectam pacientes, profissionais, organizações e o próprio sistema de saúde. Os custos associados à ocorrência de EAs em meio hospitalar, incrementam significativamente os custos hospitalares, representando cerca de um em cada sete dólares gastos no atendimento dos doentes. Só na última década surgiram estudos com o objectivo principal de avaliar esse impacto em meio hospitalar, subsistindo ainda uma grande indefinição quanto às variáveis e métodos a utilizar. O objectivo principal deste trabalho de projecto foi conhecer e caracterizar as diferentes metodologias utilizadas para avaliação dos custos económicos, nomeadamente dos custos directos, relacionados com a ocorrência de eventos adversos em meio hospitalar. Tendo em atenção as dificuldades referidas, utilizou-se como metodologia a revisão narrativa da literatura, complementada com a realização de uma técnica de grupo nominal. Os resultados obtidos foram os seguintes: i) a metodologia utilizada na maioria dos estudos para determinar a frequência, natureza e consequências dos EAs ocorridos em meio hospitalar, utiliza matrizes de base observacional, analítica, com base em estudos de coorte retrospectivo recorrendo aos critérios definidos pelo Harvard Medical Practice Study; ii) a generalidade dos estudos realizados avaliam os custos directos dos EAs em meio hospitalar, iii) verificou-se a existência de uma grande diversidade de métodos para a determinação dos custos associados aos EAs. A generalidade dos estudos determina esse valor com base na contabilização do número de dias adicionais de internamento, resultantes do EA, valorizados com base em custos médios; iv) o grupo de peritos, propôs como metodologia para a determinação do custo associado a cada EA, a utilização de sistemas de custeio por doente; v) propõe-se o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma informática, que permita o cruzamento da informação disponível no registo clinico electrónico do doente com um sistema automático de identificação de EAs, a desenvolver, e com sistemas de custeio por doente, de modo a valorizar os custos por doente e por tipo de EA. A avaliação dos custos directos associados à ocorrência de EAs em contexto hospitalar, pelo impacto económico e social que tem nos doentes e organizações, será seguramente uma das áreas de estudo e investigação futuras, no sentido de melhorar a eficiência do sistema de saúde e a qualidade e segurança dos cuidados prestados aos doentes.
RESUMO - Introdução: As Infeções nosocomiais da corrente sanguínea associada a cateter venoso central (INCS-CVC) provocam um aumento das despesas hospitalares, traduzindo num aumento dos dias de internamento, consumo de antibióticos e de meios complementares de diagnóstico e terapêutica (MCDT). O presente estudo pretende avaliar os custos das INCS-CVC nos serviços de internamento do CHLO, no ano de 2012. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo retrospetivo de caso-controlo para determinar os custos adicionais inerentes às INCS-CVC. Foram identificados, em 2012, 32 doentes com infeção e 31 sem infeção. Os controlos foram extraídos da população tendo igual grupo diagnóstico Homogéneo (GDH), idade, sexo, serviço e duração de internamento e presença de CVC. As principais fontes de informação foram os registos da Comissão Controlo de Infeção (CCI) e do processo clinico eletrónico (PCE). A estimativa dos custos teve em consideração a duração de internamento, consumo de antibióticos e de MCDT. Resultados: A idade média dos casos e controlos foi de 66 e 69, respetivamente (p=0,432), 50% dos casos e 51,6% dos controlos eram do sexo masculino. Um total de 22 casos foi comparado com 22 controlos. A duração média de internamento dos casos e controlos foi de 70,8 e 36,6 dias, respetivamente (p=0,000). Em média o custo adicional por doente com antibióticos foi de 256€ (p=0,001). Nos casos o consumo de análises clinica foi 2,5 vezes superior e de exames imagiológicos 2 vezes superior aos controlos. O custo total médio adicional por doente foi de 20.737,6€. Conclusão: A ocorrência de INCS-CVC resultou num aumento significativo de utilização de recursos hospitalares e consequentemente num aumento dos custos hospitalares.
Viral vectors are playing an increasingly important role in the vaccine and gene therapy elds. The broad spectrum of potential applications, together with expanding medical markets, drives the e orts to improve the production processes for viral vaccines and viral vectors. Developing countries, in particular, are becoming the main vaccine market. It is thus critical to decrease the cost per dose, which is only achievable by improving the production process. In particular advances in the upstream processing have substantially increased bioreactor yields, shifting the bioprocess bottlenecks towards the downstream processing. The work presented in this thesis aimed to develop new processes for adenoviruses puri cation. The use of state-of-the-art technology combined with innovative continuous processes contributed to build robust and cost-e ective strategies for puri cation of complex biopharmaceuticals.(...)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Purpose - This paper focuses on analyzing the effect that public reforms have on the efficiency of state-owned enterprises in regulated environments. Design/methodology/approach - The research is focused in the postal sector where public and private companies must obey a legal framework related to provide a universal service. The analysis is carried out using a panel of 7 European postal operators for the period 1997-2003. The activity analyzed was the letter mail division; we take as key variable the unit cost of a letter and use a translog cost function where as independent variables we include traffic levels, labor cost per employee, quality and availability of the service as well as the type of ownership (public or private). Additionally, in a second stage the geographical differences among countries are considered. Findings - Results indicate that postal operators that experienced organizational changes without being privatized, such as the Spanish and Greek operators, do not have higher unit costs than privatized postal operators like the one of Germany and the Netherlands. Moreover, we find that in all cases the operator of Ireland appear to be the most efficient. In this case restructuring process has been carried out giving an important leadership role to workers. This suggests us that labor culture could be a key variable to study when analyzing reform processes in public enterprises. Originality/value - Our findings show that in a regulated environment like in the postal sector, public and private companies can obtain similar efficiency levels in term of unit costs.
La distribución de alimentos líquidos al ganado porcino es un sistema alternativo en el cual el alimento se prepara y distribuye a través de un equipo totalmente informatizado y automatizado. Además de materias primas y piensos permite también el uso de co-productos líquidos de la industria agroalimentaria o productos fermentados. Su utilización evita el coste de su transformación o eliminación permitiendo rebajar el coste de producción del cerdo porque su precio es altamente competitivo. La aplicación de alimentos líquidos fermentados tiene efectos benéficos sobre el epitelio intestinal, la microflora digestiva y el estado sanitario de los lechones, reduciendo la morbilidad y aumentando los resultados de crecimiento. Este sistema de alimentación facilita igualmente la aplicación de programas multifase ajustando diariamente el aporte a las necesidades en nutrientes del cerdo reduciendo la excreción (N, P, metales pesados) y con ello, el riesgo de contaminación medioambiental. The distribution of liquid diets for swine is an alternative system where feed is prepared and distributed by an automatic computerized device. In addition to feedstuffs and complementary dry feed, this system allows the use of fresh or fermented agri-food liquid by-products. These products are cheaper and its use as feed avoids the cost of its transformation or elimination, reducing the environmental load and the cost per kg of pig meat. The fermented liquid feed protects the intestinal epithelium, helps to control digestive microflora and animal health improving piglet growth performance after weaning. This feeding device also helps implementation of multiphase feeding programs, adjusting nutrient supplies to requirements daily, and consequently reducing the nutrient excretion (N, P, heavy metals) and the risk of environmental pollution.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada al Physics Department de la New York University, United States, Estats Units, entre 2006 i 2008. Una de les observacions de més impacte en la cosmologia moderna ha estat la determinació empírica que l’Univers es troba actualment en una fase d’Expansió Accelerada (EA). Aquest fenòmen implica que o bé l’Univers està dominat per un nou sector de matèria/energia, o bé la Relativitat General deixa de tenir validesa a escales cosmològiques. La primera possibilitat comprèn els models d’Energia Fosca (EF), i el seu principal problema és que l’EF ha de tenir propietats tan especials que es fan difícils de justificar teòricament. La segona possibilitat requereix la construcció de teories consistents de Gravetat Modificada a Grans Distàncies (GMGD), que són una generalització dels models de gravetat massiva. L’interès fenomenològic per aquestes teories també va resorgir amb l’aparició dels primers exemples de models de GMGD, com ara el model de Dvali, Gabadadze i Porrati (DGP), que consisteix en un tipus de brana en una dimensió extra. Malauradament, però, aquest model no permet explicar de forma consistent l’EA de l’Univers. Un dels objectius d’aquest projecte ha estat establir la viabilitat interna i fenomenològica dels models de GMGD. Des del punt de vista fenomenològic, ens hem centrat en la questió més important a la pràctica: trobar signatures observacionals que permetin distingir els models de GMGD dels d’EF. A nivell més teòric, també hem investigat el significat de les inestabilitats del model DGP.L’altre gran objectiu que ens vam proposar va ser la construcció de noves teories de GMGD. En la segona part d’aquest projecte, hem elaborat i mostrat la consistència del model “DGP en Cascada”, que generalitza el model DGP a més dimensions extra, i representa el segon model consistent i invariant-Lorentz a l’espai pla conegut. L’existència d’altres models de GMGD més enllà de DGP és de gran interès atès que podria permetre obtenir l’EA de l’Univers de forma purament geomètrica.
El present treball de final de carrera pretén poder arribar a la conclusió de si els immigrants són per a Espanya un benefici o al contrari un cost. Per a això utilitzarem les diverses fonts estadístiques de què disposem, que ens ajudaran a ponderar si amb la immigració hi ha un benefici net o no. Aquest treball també pretén donar resposta a diverses creences populars que hi ha sobre el col.lectiu d’immigrants, tals com que “els immigrants ens treuen llocs de treball” o que “els immigrants no contribueixen a la Seguretat Social” entre d’altres. Dedicarem un apartat per parlar dels sectors i activitats laborals en els quals s’insereix la población immigrant. També ens referirem a un tema important com és l’economia submergida i el tràfic de persones. I per finalitzar el treball analitzarem l’actual crisis financiera i les seves repercusions en la migració. Dedicarem un apartat per parlar del retorn dels immigrants als seus països d’origen i donarem resposta a si el retorn és una opció positiva o més aviat negativa per sortir de la crisis financiera, i les repercusions que té l’esmentat retorn tant a curt termini com a llarg termini.
El projecte es basa en el disseny i la fabricació d’un circuit desfasador, amb una entrada i una sortida, que commuta entre dos estats, un estat amb desfasament de 180º i l’altre sense desfasament. El circuit es dissenya amb microstrip,per una fc=5GHz. S’intenten obtenir les millors característiques per aquest disseny, és a dir, bon ample de banda i pèrdues per inserció baixes, acompanyat d’una bona resposta en les relacions de magnitud i fase. Es segueixen diferents etapes de disseny, on es comença per un model simple i s’avança en complexitat, afegint els nous components que acabaran conformant el circuit final. Després del disseny es passa a la fabricació del circuit, per veure el seu funcionament real. La memòria recull i ordena la informació obtinguda a través d’aquest procés, intentant mostrar-la de manera clara, per tal de seguir el procés de disseny realitzat, i així poder interpretar els resultats obtinguts. L’objectiu final és veure com es comporta el circuit dissenyat i definir les pautes a seguir per millorar-lo en un futur.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is a serious liver disease. The aim of this study was to explore the long-term prognosis of AE patients, the burden of this disease in Switzerland and the cost-effectiveness of treatment. METHODS: Relative survival analysis was undertaken using a national database with 329 patient records. 155 representative cases had sufficient details regarding treatment costs and patient outcome to estimate the financial implications and treatment costs of AE. RESULTS: For an average 54-year-old patient diagnosed with AE in 1970 the life expectancy was estimated to be reduced by 18.2 and 21.3 years for men and women, respectively. By 2005 this was reduced to approximately 3.5 and 2.6 years, respectively. Patients undergoing radical surgery had a better outcome, whereas the older patients had a poorer prognosis than the younger patients. Costs amount to approximately Euro108,762 per patient. Assuming the improved life expectancy of AE patients is due to modern treatment the cost per disability-adjusted life years (DALY) saved is approximately Euro6,032. CONCLUSIONS: Current treatments have substantially improved the prognosis of AE patients compared to the 1970s. The cost per DALY saved is low compared to the average national annual income. Hence, AE treatment is highly cost-effective in Switzerland.
El objetivo del proyecto es la puesta en práctica de una aplicación orientada a resolver una necesidad real: proporcionar una herramienta sencilla y de bajo coste para el envío de campañas de email para pequeñas empresas. Está previsto que se comience a utilizar a finales de febrero en fase de pruebas en una empresa de organización de eventos. La aplicación consta básicamente de dos elementos: un programa cliente-servidor, realizado en Windows Forms con C#, y un servicio también realizado en C#.
SUMMARY : The traditional medical advice for pregnant women has been to reduce their physical activity (PA) levels. The advice was based on concerns that exercise could affect pregnancy outcomes by increasing core body temperature, by increasing the risk of maternal musculoskeletal injury and by altering the transplacental transport of oxygen and nutrients to maternal skeletal muscle rather than to the developing foetus. In the meantime, several studies have provided new information on adaptation of the pregnant woman and her foetus to moderate PA. New investigations have shown no adverse maternal or neonatal outcomes, abnormal foetal growth, increase in early pregnancy loss, or late pregnancy complications. Moreover, enrolment in moderate PA has proven to result in marked health benefits including improved maternal cardiovascular function, reduction of excessive weight gain and fat retention, less complicated labour, improved foetal stress tolerance and neurobehavioral maturation. In view of the beneficial effects, current recommendations encourage healthy pregnant women to engage in 30 minutes of moderate PA on most, if not all, days of the week. This thesis work addressed several questions. Firstly, it examined whether compliance with the recommended levels of PA during pregnancy results in better preparedness for the sudden physical exertion of labour and delivery. Secondly, it measured PA during pregnancy as compared to postpartum. Lastly, it assessed the influence of pre-pregnancy body mass index on gestational resting metabolic rate. Data collection was conducted on healthy women living in Switzerland during the third trimester of pregnancy and postpartum. Total and activity energy expenditure was assessed through 24-hour heart rate and accelerations recordings, and cardiovascular fitness through an individual step-test. Information related to pregnancy, labour and delivery was collected from medical records. The results indicate that a minimum 30 min of moderate PA per day during pregnancy are associated with better cardiovascular fitness and lower risk of operative delivery with no negative effects on maternal and foetal conditions (study 1). Despite these benefits, a substantial proportion of pregnant women (39%) living in Switzerland do not meet the PA recommendations. The decrease in activity related energy expenditure during pregnancy compared to postpartum was measured to be around 100 kcal/day (~13%), whereas the total energy expenditure was found to increase by 300 kcal/day (study 2). Thus, the energy cost of late pregnancy in Switzerland corresponds to 200 kca/day. These findings are based on average values of the study group. It should be noted, however, that large variations in individual energy expenditure may occur depending on the pre-pregnancy body mass index (study 3). When adjusted to body weight, gestational resting metabolic rate is significantly lower among women of high pre-pregnancy body mass index compared to women of normal or low pre-pregnancy body mass index. This can be explained by the fact that resting metabolic rate is primarily a function of fat-free mass, and when expressed per kg body weight, it decreases as the percentage of body fat increases. If energy intake is not modified appropriately in order to match lower energy cost per kg body weight in overweight and obese women it will result in positive energy balance, thus contributing to the current trend towards increasing adiposity in affluent society. The results of these studies go beyond the current state of knowledge on PA and pregnancy (study 4) and provide valid evidence to guide clinical practice. In view of the current epidemic of sedentary behaviour and obesity related pathology, the findings contribute new and reliable information to public health policies regarding the effects of PA in pregnancy, an important period of life for both mother and infant.
BACKGROUND Granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSFs) have been shown to help prevent febrile neutropenia in certain subgroups of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, but their role in treating febrile neutropenia is controversial. The purpose of our study was to evaluate-in a prospective multicenter randomized clinical trial-the efficacy of adding G-CSF to broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment of patients with solid tumors and high-risk febrile neutropenia. METHODS A total of 210 patients with solid tumors treated with conventional-dose chemotherapy who presented with fever and grade IV neutropenia were considered to be eligible for the trial. They met at least one of the following high-risk criteria: profound neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count <100/mm(3)), short latency from previous chemotherapy cycle (<10 days), sepsis or clinically documented infection at presentation, severe comorbidity, performance status of 3-4 (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group scale), or prior inpatient status. Eligible patients were randomly assigned to receive the antibiotics ceftazidime and amikacin, with or without G-CSF (5 microg/kg per day). The primary study end point was the duration of hospitalization. All P values were two-sided. RESULTS Patients randomly assigned to receive G-CSF had a significantly shorter duration of grade IV neutropenia (median, 2 days versus 3 days; P = 0.0004), antibiotic therapy (median, 5 days versus 6 days; P = 0.013), and hospital stay (median, 5 days versus 7 days; P = 0.015) than patients in the control arm. The incidence of serious medical complications not present at the initial clinical evaluation was 10% in the G-CSF group and 17% in the control group (P = 0.12), including five deaths in each study arm. The median cost of hospital stay and the median overall cost per patient admission were reduced by 17% (P = 0.01) and by 11% (P = 0.07), respectively, in the G-CSF arm compared with the control arm. CONCLUSIONS Adding G-CSF to antibiotic therapy shortens the duration of neutropenia, reduces the duration of antibiotic therapy and hospitalization, and decreases hospital costs in patients with high-risk febrile neutropenia.
BACKGROUND: Ultra high throughput sequencing (UHTS) technologies find an important application in targeted resequencing of candidate genes or of genomic intervals from genetic association studies. Despite the extraordinary power of these new methods, they are still rarely used in routine analysis of human genomic variants, in part because of the absence of specific standard procedures. The aim of this work is to provide human molecular geneticists with a tool to evaluate the best UHTS methodology for efficiently detecting DNA changes, from common SNPs to rare mutations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We tested the three most widespread UHTS platforms (Roche/454 GS FLX Titanium, Illumina/Solexa Genome Analyzer II and Applied Biosystems/SOLiD System 3) on a well-studied region of the human genome containing many polymorphisms and a very rare heterozygous mutation located within an intronic repetitive DNA element. We identify the qualities and the limitations of each platform and describe some peculiarities of UHTS in resequencing projects. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: When appropriate filtering and mapping procedures are applied UHTS technology can be safely and efficiently used as a tool for targeted human DNA variations detection. Unless particular and platform-dependent characteristics are needed for specific projects, the most relevant parameter to consider in mainstream human genome resequencing procedures is the cost per sequenced base-pair associated to each machine.