922 resultados para community relations


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A climate of change in the arts in the 1990s, including a growing recognition of the need for creative management, has raised the issue of how not-for-profit art museum directors use creativity in their managerial role. Traditionally, the prime function of art museums has been to gather, preserve and study objects. The perception of directors as keepers of collections and creativity as residing in the object has evolved. Creativity is increasingly seen as residing in the managers of organizations. A survey of Australian and New Zealand art museum directors revealed six strategic responses to change, indicating the extent to which they used creativity in their leadership role: economic emphasis, market orientation, audience development, collaboration, accessibility and community relations. The question this paper poses is whether the change in the director's role has overturned the traditional view of creativity as focused on the art work rather than on management initiatives. The proposed answer is that it has been not so much overturned as extended: directors now balance the development and preservation of creative art works with creative management of the art museum as a market-facing organization.


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In 2000, Victoria’s largest regional council, the City of Greater Geelong, allocated $200,000 to fund a community art and place-making project in inner Geelong West. The Walk West project was conceptualised and lobbied by a community group for six years. The project addressed the impact of a large section of freeway installed in the seventies and its consequences for quality of life in the locality.

This article reports on an example of highly developed community relations. It examines public art and placemaking as public communication tools and their relationship to political and social activity in post-amalgamation Victoria. In particular it applies the theories of Ulrich Beck and the notion of reflexive modernity in risk society where citizens’ initiative groups will play an increasingly important role in reclaiming the biological and cultural heritage lost as a result of ‘progress’.


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This paper suggests new directions understanding the impact of international students in schools. It is concerned with the ways that community representatives discuss these students and their impact on the community of the school. Recent literatures describe communities such as those of schools as ones of perception and materiality whereby some are included differently than others. Discourses such as multiculturalism and monoculturalism, which have traditionally shaped these discussions about community relations, have always been ambivalent. They take on new forms as local/global interaction, and the individualistic and market-driven changes that lead to the arrival of international students have consequences for the everyday lives of school community members. These need to be investigated if the location of international students in local school communities is to be properly described and interrogated.


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The availability of affordable, user-friendly audio-visual equipment, software and the Internet, allows anyone to become a content creator or media outlet. This exploratory case study examines the adoption of social networking by Victoria Police and Diary Australia, a non-media and non-profit organization respectively, in corporate communication, public infmmation and community relations. The paper initiates discussions on the implications for traditional media and audiences of this phenomenon. It content analyzed the two websites during a two-week period and conducted interviews with their moderators about the sites' content, functions and efficacy. The purpose, role and community acceptance of these sites are examined, along with organizational motivations for establishing these channels to reach audiences, bypassing traditional media's gatekeeping function. It highlights how these organizations may set both media and public agendas when traditional media use this web content in their news gathering and reporting, similar to using press releases in the past.


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This article highlights the importance of rethinking literacy assessment in a digital and global world. Although pressures currently abound to narrow conceptions and practices of literacy, especially in an era of high stakes testing, digital multimodality and connectivity offer the potential for new ways of thinking, representing, and communicating, as well as new avenues for participating in relationships across social, geographic, and cultural difference. We explore the challenges of redesigning assessments so that they better take into account children's multiliterate capabilities. In so doing, we offer examples from our work in afterschool contexts that demonstrate how we have grappled with the complexities of assessment in new times.


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Following crisis events - including September 11, and the Bali and London bombings - religious communities in Australia increasingly initiated multifaith activities to dispel negative stereotypes promote and to understanding between people of diverse faith traditions. In Victoria in particular culturally, religiously and linguistically diverse (CRALD) communities collaborated with the state, including the police, aiming to build positive community relations informed by the principles of multiculturalism.


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The role of religious leaders in promoting social cohesion and ‘shared security’ is increasingly being examined by scholars, as is the growing multifaith movement. The VIIIth World Assembly of Religions for Peace first proposed the notion of ‘shared security’ and the importance of religious leaders’ role in advancing such a concept in Kyoto 2006. A recent study, Managing the Impact of Global Crisis Events on Community Relations in Multicultural Australia (Bouma et al. 2007) has documented the impacts of international crisis events and discourses of exclusion on religiously diverse communities in Australia, in particular rising Islamophobia, migrantophobia and attacks on multiculturalism. Religious communities have been far from passive in their responses to the impact of these events initiating dialogue and educational activities to dispel negative stereotypes and attitudes. State actors, including police, have prioritized engagement with religious leaders resulting in a rise of state supported multifaith and secular-religious peacebuilding activities. This paper argues that, in response to global risks of terror and exclusion, secular-religious networks including religious leaders, state actors, educators and the media have the potential to advance ‘shared security’ in multifaith societies, by drawing on Australian experiences documented in the Global Crisis Events study.


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Máster en Economía del Turismo, Transporte y Medio Ambiente


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A major deficiency in disaster management plans is the assumption that pre-disaster civil-society does not have the capacity to respond effectively during crises. Following from this assumption a dominant emergency management strategy is to replace weak civil-society organizations with specialized disaster organizations that are often either military or Para-military and seek to centralize decision-making. Many criticisms have been made of this approach, but few specifically addresses disasters in the developing world. Disasters in the developing world present unique problems not seen in the developed world because they often occur in the context of compromised governments, and marginalized populations. In this context it is often community members themselves who possess the greatest capacity to respond to disasters. This paper focuses on the capacity of community groups to respond to disaster in a small town in rural Guatemala. Key informant interviews and ethnographic observations are used to reconstruct the community response to the disaster instigated by Hurricane Stan (2005) in the municipality of Tectitán in the Huehuetenango department. The interviews were analyzed using techniques adapted from grounded theory to construct a narrative of the events, and identify themes in the community’s disaster behavior. These themes are used to critique the emergency management plans advocated by the Guatemalan National Coordination for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED). This paper argues that CONRED uncritically adopts emergency management strategies that do not account for the local realities in communities throughout Guatemala. The response in Tectitán was characterized by the formation of new organizations, whose actions and leadership structure were derived from “normal” or routine life. It was found that pre-existing social networks were resilient and easily re-oriented meet the novel needs of a crisis. New or emergent groups that formed during the disaster utilized social capital accrued by routine collective behavior, and employed organizational strategies derived from “normal” community relations. Based on the effectiveness of this response CONRED could improve its emergency planning on the local-level by utilizing the pre-existing community organizations rather than insisting that new disaster-specific organizations be formed.


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Los programas de desarrollo regional promovidos por los gobiernos nacionales y las agencias multilaterales, como el Banco Mundial y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), se orientan a las políticas públicas de suministro de bienes públicos, ya sean servicios públicos o infraestructuras, a las regiones subdesarrolladas. Las evidencias apuntan que el éxito de estos programas depende en parte de externalidades, las cuales se relacionan con los cambios del tejido asociativo y los valores de los participantes de la comunidad. Estas externalidades se definen como el capital social. Cómo las externalidades no son directamente evaluadas en el impacto económico y social de los proyectos, pero su existencia es aceptada por los planificadores que reconocen la importancia de desarrollar el tejido de relaciones en la comunidad. Sin embargo este capital social no es medido. El objeto de esta tesis es investigar y proponer procesos de medida y evaluación del capital social de un proyecto, y relacionarlos con las actividades del mismo en un territorio y proyecto dado como casos de estudio. El Programa de Desarrollo de la Zona de Mata (PROMATA) en el Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, financiado por el Estado de Pernambuco en Brasil y el BID, finalizado en 2010, ha sido elegido como caso de estudio. Para la evaluación y medida del capital social se han estudiado dos periodos. Uno considerando solo los planes del proyecto, sin considerar su implantación, que se ha denominado evaluación A Priori, basada en un panel de expertos con visión de las externalidades generadas. Y otra con la participación de las partes de la comunidad después de su finalización, denomina evaluación A Posteriori, para lo cual se han entrevistado un número significativo de partes interesadas utilizando un cuestionario especialmente diseñado. Los resultados han sido procesados mediante análisis estadísticos avanzados. El proyecto PROMATA es considerado un caso de éxito en Brasil, en parte por su aproximación al desarrollo asociativo. Sin embargo las valoraciones del capital social muestran que algunas relaciones Estado-sociedad y sociedad-personas no han cambiado todo lo esperado, en oposición a las evaluaciones de satisfacción de los indicadores del proyecto. Es el efecto externo del capital social. ABSTRACT The regional development programs promoted by the national governments and international multilateral agencies, like the World Bank and the Interamerican Development Bank (BID), are oriented to public policies under which public goods, like public services and infrastructures, are supplied to underdeveloped regions. More and more evidences are pointing to the fact that success of these programs depends in a good part of externalities, which are related to the changes in the networking and values among the stakeholders in the territory. These externalities are defined as the Social Capital. As externalities, they are not directly evaluated in the projects economic and social impact, but accepted to exist and the planners of the projects do acknowledge the important of social networking. However never assessed. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and propose a way to measure and assess the social capital of a given project, and relate that with the activities of the project, with a given project and territory as base case. The Development Program in Zona da Mata (PROMATA) in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, funded by the Brazil State and the BID, ended in 2010, was chosen as the base case. For the assessment of the social capital two periods in time where studied. One considering only the project program named a priori evaluation and based in a panel of experts, which are aware of the possible externalities of the project. Other, considering the stakeholders view after the project ended, named posterior evaluation, which required interviewing a number of stakeholders using a specially designed questionnaire. The results were processed using advanced statistical techniques. PROMATA is considered a success case story in Brazil, in part for its social networking approach. However when the social capital is assessed there are areas of state-society and society-community relations not that well transformed, as the satisfaction research of the project indicators. This unforeseen externality is the social capital effect.


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Esta pesquisa busca uma aproximação ao capítulo 11 da profecia atribuída a Oséias. Dedica-se, em especial, ao resgate da memória histórica das mulheres. Por isso não se limita apenas à percepção da sua presença, mas também busca perceber sua participação ativa, criativa e decisiva na caminhada histórica e profética do povo de Israel, no final do século oitavo a.C. A proposição que reside na recuperação desta memória é de que se reconheça as mulheres como sujeito teológico, enquanto co-participantes da produção dos textos bíblicos e, como sujeito social, na resistência ativa às relações de dominação e subordinação das mulheres camponesas e demais minorias oprimidas. Em destaque no cap.11 está o projeto de reconstrução da casa. Esta não é concebida como espaço idealizado, mas como lugar propício para a retomada do projeto libertador do êxodo. Ela torna-se espaço social onde acontece a articulação da oposição ao projeto monárquico, e de construção de alternativas sociais que viabilizam a esperança firmada no valor da vida. É a partir deste espaço concreto viabilizado pela casa, de confronto e resistência, que a história do povo e, da própria monarquia é avaliada. A denúncia profética enfoca a religião colocada a serviço do projeto econômico da monarquia, através da prática do sacrifício, apontada pela profecia com responsável pela desestruturação da casa e por levar Israel à ruína. A profecia também enfoca a denúncia das violências praticadas pelas estruturas de poder monárquico, firmadas na religião. É também neste espaço social da casa que a perspectiva teológica é re-significada e que permite a reconstrução da imagem de Deus. De uma imagem patriarcal monárquica, ela se move em direção a uma imagem feminina maternal, que manifesta a dinâmica diária do cuidado da mãe pelo filho ou pela filha. Nesta representação de Deus está implícita a prática da misericórdia que se concretiza nas relações comunitárias, necessária para a efetivação do projeto de reconstrução que privilegia a casa como espaço concreto que viabiliza perspectivas de esperança.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa busca uma aproximação ao capítulo 11 da profecia atribuída a Oséias. Dedica-se, em especial, ao resgate da memória histórica das mulheres. Por isso não se limita apenas à percepção da sua presença, mas também busca perceber sua participação ativa, criativa e decisiva na caminhada histórica e profética do povo de Israel, no final do século oitavo a.C. A proposição que reside na recuperação desta memória é de que se reconheça as mulheres como sujeito teológico, enquanto co-participantes da produção dos textos bíblicos e, como sujeito social, na resistência ativa às relações de dominação e subordinação das mulheres camponesas e demais minorias oprimidas. Em destaque no cap.11 está o projeto de reconstrução da casa. Esta não é concebida como espaço idealizado, mas como lugar propício para a retomada do projeto libertador do êxodo. Ela torna-se espaço social onde acontece a articulação da oposição ao projeto monárquico, e de construção de alternativas sociais que viabilizam a esperança firmada no valor da vida. É a partir deste espaço concreto viabilizado pela casa, de confronto e resistência, que a história do povo e, da própria monarquia é avaliada. A denúncia profética enfoca a religião colocada a serviço do projeto econômico da monarquia, através da prática do sacrifício, apontada pela profecia com responsável pela desestruturação da casa e por levar Israel à ruína. A profecia também enfoca a denúncia das violências praticadas pelas estruturas de poder monárquico, firmadas na religião. É também neste espaço social da casa que a perspectiva teológica é re-significada e que permite a reconstrução da imagem de Deus. De uma imagem patriarcal monárquica, ela se move em direção a uma imagem feminina maternal, que manifesta a dinâmica diária do cuidado da mãe pelo filho ou pela filha. Nesta representação de Deus está implícita a prática da misericórdia que se concretiza nas relações comunitárias, necessária para a efetivação do projeto de reconstrução que privilegia a casa como espaço concreto que viabiliza perspectivas de esperança.(AU)


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O trabalho reflete sobre os processos comunicacionais das 30 primeiras rádios comunitárias legalizadas do sertão do Piauí. Procura traçar o panorama dessas emissoras, identificar as rádios que têm mais vínculos e atuação comunitária e também analisar seus papéis sociais e diferenças. Objetiva-se ainda seus processos comunicativos, além de mapear e fornecer visão do funcionamento de cada emissora, entender como ocorre a participação das comunidades, a visão do fazer radialismo e o significado das emissoras consideradas emblemáticas no fazer comunitário. Metodologicamente adota-se o método qualitativo, o qual foi desenvolvido com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, estudo documental e pesquisa de campo, cujas técnicas usadas foram: estudos de produção bibliográfica e de documentos virtuais e hemerográficos e realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas presenciais com membros das emissoras. As rádios comunitárias pesquisadas têm ampla importância nos espaços em que estão instaladas porque contribuem difundindo informação local e favorecendo o debate sobre novas demandas de cidadania e novos rumos para a região sertaneja piauiense.(AU)


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O trabalho reflete sobre os processos comunicacionais das 30 primeiras rádios comunitárias legalizadas do sertão do Piauí. Procura traçar o panorama dessas emissoras, identificar as rádios que têm mais vínculos e atuação comunitária e também analisar seus papéis sociais e diferenças. Objetiva-se ainda seus processos comunicativos, além de mapear e fornecer visão do funcionamento de cada emissora, entender como ocorre a participação das comunidades, a visão do fazer radialismo e o significado das emissoras consideradas emblemáticas no fazer comunitário. Metodologicamente adota-se o método qualitativo, o qual foi desenvolvido com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, estudo documental e pesquisa de campo, cujas técnicas usadas foram: estudos de produção bibliográfica e de documentos virtuais e hemerográficos e realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas presenciais com membros das emissoras. As rádios comunitárias pesquisadas têm ampla importância nos espaços em que estão instaladas porque contribuem difundindo informação local e favorecendo o debate sobre novas demandas de cidadania e novos rumos para a região sertaneja piauiense.(AU)


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The EU enlargement is scheduled to take place in 2004. After this date, it should be a priority for the EU to develop a coherent and comprehensive policy towards its nearest neighbours, i.e. countries bordering the Member States, which cannot join the EU in the nearest future due to their location or weaknesses of their political and economic systems. There are at least three reasons for this. Firstly, good relations with neighbours will underlie the broadly understood security of the Community. Relations with the nearest neighbours will determine both military security of the EU (including the combating of terrorism) and its ability to prevent other threats such as illegal migration, smuggling, etc. Secondly, good economic relations with neighbours may contribute to the Member States' economic growth in the longer term. And finally, the EU's ability to develop an effective and adequate policy towards its nearest neighbours will demonstrate its competence as a subject of international politics. In other words, the EU will not be recognised as a reliable political player in the global scene until it develops an effective strategy for its neighbourhood.