915 resultados para chain management
A tanulmány célja, hogy bemutassa a Magyarországon működő vállalatok gyakorlatát az ellátási lánc disztribúció oldalának menedzsmentje területén egy empirikus kutatás eredményeinek segítségével. A dolgozat két részből épül fel. Az első részben egy elméleti áttekintés olvasható azokról a menedzsment eszközökről, amelyeket a vállalatok disztribúciós folyamataik során alkalmazhatnak az ellátási láncban. A második rész az empirikus kutatás eredményeit mutatja be. A felmérés során 92 vállalat (amelyből az elemzésbe 79 volt ténylegesen bevonható) vett részt, és válaszaik és a statisztikai elemzés alapján kirajzolódik egy kép, hogy milyen mértékben alkalmazzák a disztribúciós lánc menedzsment eszközeit, valamint milyen fejlettségi szintek különböztethetők meg az alkalmazás volumene alapján. = Aim of the paper is to present the operational practice of Hungarian companies in managing the distribution side of the supply chain (the demand chain), with the help of the results of an empirical research. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part, a literature review is presented about the management tools which companies may use while managing their distribution processes in the supply chain. In the second part I introduce the results of the empirical research. The survey was participated by 92 companies (of which 79 could be analysed) and according to their responses and the statistical analyses, a picture was formulated about how intensely they use the demand chain management tools, how developed they are in the application of those.
Az elmúlt évtizedekben a gazdálkodástudomány kitüntetett figyelemmel kísért két – mind a makrogazdaság, mind az egyes vállalatok működésének sikere szempontjából meghatározó fontosságú – jelenséget, egyrészt a szolgáltatásoknak a hagyományos termeléssel szembeni egyre erőteljesebb térnyerését, másrészt a fogyasztói érték teremtése szempontjából növekvő jelentőségű ellátási láncoknak, illetve azok menedzsmentjének kérdéskörét. Ugyanakkor igen kevés elemzés, de kevés leíró jellegű munka is született a két jelenséget és menedzsmentproblémát összekapcsoló területről, azaz a szolgáltatások ellátási láncáról, ezen ellátási láncok kezelésének speciális problémáiról. A szerzők cikkükben a szolgáltatások ellátási láncának és menedzsmentjének jellegzetességeit, a klasszikus terméket előállító ellátási láncokhoz viszonyított sajátosságait foglalják össze a nemzetközi szakirodalom alapján. Ennek során bemutatják, hogy az ún. tiszta szolgáltatások széles körben ismert jellemzői hatással vannak a szolgáltatások előállítását és értékesítését végző ellátási láncok működésére is. Ezek a hatások és specialitások megjelennek az ellátásilánc-menedzsment irodalmában kiemelten tárgyalt mindhárom problémakörben, rányomják tehát bélyegüket mind az ellátási lánc felépítésére, mind az ellátási láncban együttműködő partnerek kapcsolatának kezelésére és végül, de nem utolsósorban az ellátásilánc-menedzsment folyamatok kezelésére. _________ In the last decades scholars have paid a lot of attention to both service operation and supply chain management. There is still limited research on the overlapping field of theses two management areas, on service supply chain specialties. This article gives a structured overview on the latest research results on this topic. Doing so the paper would like to draw attention of the Hungarian researchers to this field and facilitate these empirical researches. As described in the paper traditional service specialties (intangibility, perishability, inseparability, heterogeneity and the importance of human capital) create special management problems concerning (i) the structure of these supply chains, (ii) their relationship management and (iii) the management of supply chain processes.
Purpose - This paper seeks to identify collaboration elements and evaluate their intensity in the Brazilian supermarket retail chain, especially the manufacturer-retailer channel. Design/methodology/approach - A structured questionnaire was elaborated and applied to 125 representatives from suppliers of large supermarket chains. Statistical methods including multivariate analysis were employed. Variables were grouped and composed into five indicators (joint actions, information sharing, interpersonal integration, gains and cost sharing, and strategic integration) to assess the degree of collaboration. Findings - The analyses showed that the interviewees considered interpersonal integration to be of greater importance to collaboration intensity than the other integration factors, such as gain or cost sharing or even strategic integration. Research limitations/implications - The research was conducted solely from the point of view of the industries that supply the large retail networks. The interviews were not conducted in pairs; that is, there was no application of one questionnaire to the retail network and another to the partner industry. Practical implications - Companies should invest in conducting periodic meetings with their partners to increase collaboration intensity, and should carry out technical visits to learn about their partners` logistic reality and thus make better operational decisions. Originality/value - The paper reveals which indicators produce greater collaboration intensity, and thus those that are more relevant to more efficient logistics management.
This paper reports on the outcomes of the first stage of a longitudinal study that focused on the transformational change process being undertaken within the Supply Chain and Operations Area of a major Australian food manufacturing company. Organizational learning is an essential prerequisite for any successful change process and an organization's ability to learn is dependent on the existence of an environment within the organization that nurtures learning and the presence of key enablers that facilitate the learning process. An organization's capacity to learn can be enhanced through its ability to form and sustain collaborative relationships with its chain partners. The results show that an environment that supports organizational learning is being developed through consultative leadership and the empowerment of individuals within a culture that supports innovation and cross-functional teamwork but demands responsibility and accountability. The impact of these changes within the Supply Chain and Operations Area is evident in the significant improvement in the Area's productivity and efficiency levels over the past twelve months. The company's endeavours to engage its major supply chain partners in the learning process have been limited by the turmoil within the company. However the company has involved its supply chain partners in a series of mutually beneficial projects that have improved communication and built trust thereby laying the foundations for more collaborative chain relationships.
Questões ambientais passaram a ser introduzidas com maior frequência nos negócios empresariais. Quanto à cadeia de suprimentos, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) surge como novo enfoque à responsabilidade das empresas com o meio ambiente. Este artigo objetiva analisar a difusão do conceito e das práticas de GSCM no cenário brasileiro. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com especialistas do tema cadeia de suprimentos na área de Administração no Brasil. Os resultados indicam que as razões para o lento desenvolvimento do conceito podem relacionar-se com características do mercado nacional, foco empresarial em aspectos internos, falta de legislação rígida e baixa pressão dos consumidores. Especialistas percebem, entretanto, boas perspectivas para o futuro das discussões da temática no País, em virtude da Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos, de pressões do mercado internacional e da busca por certificação ambiental. Este estudo procurou fomentar novas discussões sobre GSCM no Brasil.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to discuss the impact of Supplier orientation and the resulting Supply Chain Management (SCM) approach, on the organizational performance of ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems certified organizations. Methodology/Approach: Following a literature review, a full structural conceptual model was proposed. An online survey was administered to managers of Portuguese organizations with certified ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems. Descriptive Statistics and Structural Model Equations were used to validate the proposed conceptual model. Findings: There are positive relationships between Organization Strategy and Supplier Orientation, between Supplier Orientation and Stakeholders Satisfaction, and between Stakeholders Satisfaction and Organizational Performance Orientation, supporting ISO 9001:2015. These findings provide insights that supplier orientation, mediated by stakeholder satisfaction, is an essential tool for organizational competitive sustainable advantage. Research Limitation/implication: The analysis was based on managers of ISO 9001 certified organizations perceptions, so additional studies with actual data and longitudinal studies should be useful for further validation. Originality/Value of paper: The importance of the overall organizational ecosystem is highlighted with potential impact on the more than 1 Million ISO 9001 organizations certified worldwide and in their suppliers.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Industrial
Dissertation to obtain PhD in Industrial Engineering
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Industrial
This work aims to identify and rank a set of Lean and Green practices and supply chain performance measures on which managers should focus to achieve competitiveness and improve the performance of automotive supply chains. The identification of the contextual relationships among the suggested practices and measures, was performed through literature review. Their ranking was done by interviews with professionals from the automotive industry and academics with wide knowledge on the subject. The methodology of interpretive structural modelling (ISM) is a useful methodology to identify inter relationships among Lean and Green practices and supply chain performance measures and to support the evaluation of automotive supply chain performance. Using the ISM methodology, the variables under study were clustered according to their driving power and dependence power. The ISM methodology was proposed to be used in this work. The model intends to provide a better understanding of the variables that have more influence (driving variables), the others and those which are most influenced (dependent variables) by others. The information provided by this model is strategic for managers who can use it to identify which variables they should focus on in order to have competitive supply chains.
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a methodical drawback analysis of a financial supplier risk management approach which is currently implemented in the automotive industry. Based on identified methodical flaws, the risk assessment model is further developed by introducing a malus system which incorporates hidden risks into the model and by revising the derivation of the most central risk measure in the current model. Both methodical changes lead to significant enhancements in terms of risk assessment accuracy, supplier identification and workload efficiency.
Unilever Jerónimo Martins is a Portuguese joint-venture leading firm in what concerns the supply chain industry of fast-moving consumer goods in Portugal. The scope of analysis of this Work Project is focusing on Unilever-JM operations and services in the Portuguese market regarding quality, efficiency and effectiveness over B2B customers. It will be analysed the possibility of development and implementation of a performance measurement system, Tableau de Bord, which will be crucial for the identification of potential opportunities of improvement with impact in the supply chain processes. This will be completed through the establishment of KPI’s to monitor and manage periodically logistics, planning and customer service processes’ performance, which are the ones where the bottlenecks are impacting more in the supply chain. In this work project the nexus causality for the problems will also be discussed and some recommendations will be prepared to tackle the inefficiencies found through the monitoring of the previous core processes, in order to improve efficacy and quality service of the supply chain.
Diplomityön tavoitteena on analysoida ja kehittää palvelulupauskonseptia toimitusketjuun perustuen Halton Oy:ssä. Työ toteutettiin, koska asiakaslähtöinen liiketoimintatapa on voimakkaasti valtaamassa alaa tuote- ja tuotantopainotteiselta toimintatavalta. Tuotteiden erinomaisuus koetaan markkinoilla yhä useammin itsestään selvyytenä. Prosessien tehokas hallitseminen ja asiakkaan kokeman lisäarvon muodostaminen ovat muodostuneet ratkaisevimmaksi kilpailuedun luojaksi. Toimitusketjun hallinnalla ja sähköisellä kaupankäynnillä on tärkeä rooli tämän kilpailuedun muodostumisessa.Diplomityö käsittelee uuden palvelulupauskonseptin tarjoamia etuja Halton Oy:lle. Työssä pureudutaan toimitusketjun ja sähköisen kaupankäynnin integraatiomahdollisuuksiin. Tarkoituksena on selvittää parhaat mahdolliset kriteerit Haltonin palvelulupauskonseptilleja luoda menetelmät yrityksen materiaalivirtojen sekä uuden konseptin analysoinnille ja kehittämiselle jatkossa.