928 resultados para artisanal gold mining activity
The Brejuí Mine, situated in the municipality of Currais Novos (RN), was responsible for the local economy growth between the years of 1943 and 1990, causing the interest of miner's working class to its urban center. After the end of scheelita extraction, the mine became a "theme park", in 2004. The company left its mark on the city by building several monuments in reference to the mining activity and the company's founder, Tomaz Salustino. However, there are no written records that describe such activities on its early years, nor their pioneers in the mining subject. Therefore, it is important to investigate the miner’s memories and ask if, along the more than five decades that lasted the heyday of mining, an identity linked to the profession was built; the extent to which workers make reference to this history as membersand what are the symbols that are being triggered in the development of a working class identity. Further, I investigate what memory was mad concerning the pioneers, mostly farmers attracted by miner work. To do so, I make use of audiovisual archival resources and oral records of the interlocutors that were filmed in the preparations of the documentary “Lembranças de velhos garimpeiros". We have noticed that, in the script of the official history of the Brejuí Mine, the "boss" figure overlaps the workers and that the forms patronage, originated from the rural world, followed punctuating the social relations in the mine. Today, with the resumption of the mining activity, it is possible that the strengthening of the working class and the Seridó miner identity desire reborn.
Monitoring and enforcement are perhaps the biggest challenges in the design and implementation of environmental policies in developing countries where the actions of many small informal actors cause significant impacts on the ecosystem services and where the transaction costs for the state to regulate them could be enormous. This dissertation studies the potential of innovative institutions based on decentralized coordination and enforcement to induce better environmental outcomes. Such policies have in common that the state plays the role of providing the incentives for organization but the process of compliance happens through decentralized agreements, trust building, signaling and monitoring. I draw from the literatures in collective action, common-pool resources, game-theory and non-point source pollution to develop the instruments proposed here. To test the different conditions in which such policies could be implemented I designed two field-experiments that I conducted with small-scale gold miners in the Colombian Pacific and with users and providers of ecosystem services in the states of Veracruz, Quintana Roo and Yucatan in Mexico. This dissertation is organized in three essays.
The first essay, “Collective Incentives for Cleaner Small-Scale Gold Mining on the Frontier: Experimental Tests of Compliance with Group Incentives given Limited State Monitoring”, examines whether collective incentives, i.e. incentives provided to a group conditional on collective compliance, could “outsource” the required local monitoring, i.e. induce group interactions that extend the reach of the state that can observe only aggregate consequences in the context of small-scale gold mining. I employed a framed field-lab experiment in which the miners make decisions regarding mining intensity. The state sets a collective target for an environmental outcome, verifies compliance and provides a group reward for compliance which is split equally among members. Since the target set by the state transforms the situation into a coordination game, outcomes depend on expectations of what others will do. I conducted this experiment with 640 participants in a mining region of the Colombian Pacific and I examine different levels of policy severity and their ordering. The findings of the experiment suggest that such instruments can induce compliance but this regulation involves tradeoffs. For most severe targets – with rewards just above costs – raise gains if successful but can collapse rapidly and completely. In terms of group interactions, better outcomes are found when severity initially is lower suggesting learning.
The second essay, “Collective Compliance can be Efficient and Inequitable: Impacts of Leaders among Small-Scale Gold Miners in Colombia”, explores the channels through which communication help groups to coordinate in presence of collective incentives and whether the reached solutions are equitable or not. Also in the context of small-scale gold mining in the Colombian Pacific, I test the effect of communication in compliance with a collective environmental target. The results suggest that communication, as expected, helps to solve coordination challenges but still some groups reach agreements involving unequal outcomes. By examining the agreements that took place in each group, I observe that the main coordination mechanism was the presence of leaders that help other group members to clarify the situation. Interestingly, leaders not only helped groups to reach efficiency but also played a key role in equity by defining how the costs of compliance would be distributed among group members.
The third essay, “Creating Local PES Institutions and Increasing Impacts of PES in Mexico: A real-Time Watershed-Level Framed Field Experiment on Coordination and Conditionality”, considers the creation of a local payments for ecosystem services (PES) mechanism as an assurance game that requires the coordination between two groups of participants: upstream and downstream. Based on this assurance interaction, I explore the effect of allowing peer-sanctions on upstream behavior in the functioning of the mechanism. This field-lab experiment was implemented in three real cases of the Mexican Fondos Concurrentes (matching funds) program in the states of Veracruz, Quintana Roo and Yucatan, where 240 real users and 240 real providers of hydrological services were recruited and interacted with each other in real time. The experimental results suggest that initial trust-game behaviors align with participants’ perceptions and predicts baseline giving in assurance game. For upstream providers, i.e. those who get sanctioned, the threat and the use of sanctions increase contributions. Downstream users contribute less when offered the option to sanction – as if that option signal an uncooperative upstream – then the contributions rise in line with the complementarity in payments of the assurance game.
En este artículo se aborda el tema de la minería en zonas excluibles, por medio de una revisión bibliográfica de la legislación vigente, y se ejemplifican dos casos icono que se han presentado en Colombia en relación con la minería de oro en áreas de protección: el Parque Nacional Yaigojé-Apaporis y el Páramo de Santurbán. En ambos casos se evidencia la falta de coordinación entre las autoridades mineras y ambientales, y el vacío legislativo especialmente en la fase exploratoria, que, además de causar serios impactos ambientales y vulnerar los derechos de minorías étnicas y la población en general, crea inseguridad normativa y grandes costos a las empresas mineras. En un primer momento se describe el panorama jurídico que rige la explotación minera en Colombia, seguido de un contexto técnico del ciclo minero y de las implicaciones desde el punto de vista jurídico de este tipo de explotaciones en áreas protegidas. Luego, se presenta una cronología de los estudios de caso de la minería en un área protegida del sistema de Parques Nacionales y otra de carácter regional, concluyendo que la falta de coordinación entre instituciones deja al sector en un limbo jurídico.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar qualitativamente a atividade de mineração de areia por draga na dinâmica fluvial do Rio Tocantins, no limítrofe do município de Imperatriz. A pesquisa foi realizada entre 2013 e 2014, com base na abordagem e na metodologia qualitativa. Foram realizadas visitas aos locais de extração, observação, registro por meio de imagens fotográficas, aplicação de questionário, estudo bibliográfico e consultas a sites. A mineração de areia tornou-se, um dos grandes contribuintes para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico do município, por gerar serviço direto e indireto. Porém, ao mesmo tempo, expõe traço impactante de ordem antrópica, representado pela modificação paisagística ribeirinha, dos logradouros e via de acesso das jazidas aos pontos de comercialização e aplicação da areia. Nos dados colhidos durante o período da pesquisa, não foram observados políticas ou projetos que viabilizem a mineração de forma sustentável no município, nem tão pouco a revitalização para as áreas degradadas.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia Química e Biológica, 2016.
The Savannah Valley Authority publishes this quarterly newsletter giving an update on various projects, meetings and developments going on in the Savannah Valley Region. This issue covers among other things, Savannah Lakes Village progress, gold mining, Georgia South Carolina development groups and a freshwater coast promotion.
A raíz del impacto ambiental que produce la actividad minera sobre la biodiversidad y los recursos naturales, el sistema jurídico colombiano sustrajo de esta actividad, zonas de especial importancia ecológica y ambiental, que podrían llegar a deteriorarse en su totalidad. Sin embargo, si bien es clara la importancia de proteger estas zonas de la actividad extractiva, lo cierto es que en la actualidad se presenta un alto porcentaje de estas zonas que se superponen con títulos mineros. Circunstancia que conlleva a que entren en tensión intereses constitucionales protegidos. Por un lado, el interés general de proteger el medio ambiente y los recursos naturales y por el otro, el interés público de desarrollar la actividad minera. De acuerdo a lo anterior, a través de este trabajo de investigación, se busca describir y analizar las consecuencias en el ámbito jurídico, que se generan, al prohibir la actividad minera en zonas sobre las cuales el Estado había autorizado la realización de actividades de exploración y /o explotación minera con anterioridad al cambio regulatorio. En consecuencia, se expondrán los escenarios en que se puede encontrar un contrato de concesión, con la prohibición legal de desarrollar actividades mineras en ecosistemas de páramos. Específicamente, se analizará la situación de los títulos mineros que cuenten con licencia ambiental, títulos mineros que se encuentren en etapa de exploración y los títulos que habiendo terminado la etapa de exploración su licencia ambiental se encuentre en trámite.
INTRODUCCIÓN Las alteraciones de la salud relacionadas con el trabajo (enfermedades y accidentes), pueden prevenirse desde las actividades bien enfocadas del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SGSST), realizando la identificación y control de los agentes causales en el ambiente de trabajo y la vigilancia de la salud de la población trabajadora. El proyecto desarrollado va dirigido a un grupo específico de artesanos orfebres en la ciudad de Mompox, Bolivar, en la que esta labor artesanal se centra en el arte de la filigrana, transmitido generacionalmente desde antaño En esta ciudad los artesanos orfebres, aunque corresponden a un sector informal de la economía, se encuentran agremiados principalmente en tres asociaciones ubicadas en la cabecera municipal. En el desempeño de sus labores, estos profesionales del arte de la filigrana manipulan agentes químicos como el ácido nítrico, el ácido sulfúrico, la plata y el mercurio, los cuales se utilizan en las diferentes etapas del proceso que incluye técnicas propias de esta labor. Teniendo en cuenta que la información disponible en la literatura científica describe principalmente los efectos de agentes químicos en otros oficios diferentes a la población orfebre y conociendo que la exposición a estas sustancias químicas puede generar variados efectos en el organismo, el interés de este proyecto se centra específicamente en las alteraciones cutáneas posiblemente relacionadas con las condiciones de trabajo de esta población del sector informal. MATERIALES Y METODOS La presente investigación es un estudio de corte trasversal, el cual realizó una selección por conveniencia de 114 trabajadores de orfebres Momposinos con el fin de identificar la relación de las condiciones de trabajo con la presencia de alteraciones cutáneas de los trabajadores que laboran en la orfebrería artesanal en la ciudad de Mompox, departamento de Bolívar, en el año 2015, de tal manera que dejando a consideración la descripción de los hallazgos encontrados, se posibiliten futuras y precisas investigaciones e intervenciones en este colectivo de trabajadores. Los instrumentos empleados para la recolección de la información y para el cumplimento de los objetivos fueron la encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el trabajo de España (INSHT) que permite recolectar información sobre la caracterización de la población a nivel sociodemográfico y ocupacional, y para la determinación de patologías dermatológicas relacionadas con el trabajo se utilizó el Cuestionario NOSQ-2002 Nórdico- Enfermedades Cutáneas de origen Laboral, en su versión validada en español. Se describieron las variables categóricas con porcentajes y las continuas (cuantitativas) con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión La asociación entre los hallazgos de exposición ocupacional y los síntomas y signos en piel, fue estimada mediante riesgos relativos. RESULTADOS El 75,4% del total de la población correspondió al género masculino y el 67,5% reportó realizar sus labores como trabajadores independientes. Respecto a la identificación de condiciones de salud, la percepción por parte de los orfebres fue positiva, reportando muy buena salud en el 34% de los mismos. El 8% de la población manifestó alteraciones dermatológicas tipo eczema en los últimos seis meses y el 11% las presentó principalmente en manos. Respecto de la iniciación del eczema, el 97% de los trabajadores reportó que se iniciaba al contacto con sustancias químicas y el 98,7% manifestó que se encontraban realizando la labor de orfebrería cuando inició el eczema. La lesión prevalente fue mancha roja sin edema (8%), seguida de ronchas o manchas y ampollas pequeñas (3%) y de piel seca con escamas (2%). CONCLUSIONES Los resultados de la presente investigación mostraron la prevalencia de alteraciones cutáneas principalmente en las manos, tipo eczema (manchas rojas) o prurito (picor). Se recomienda la disminución de los tiempos de exposición, adecuación de jornadas y tiempos de descanso, sistemas de protección personal adecuados y la implementación de un programa de educación y participación para el control integral del riesgo.
This paper provides an extended analysis of livelihood diversification in rural Tanzania, with special emphasis on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). Over the past decade, this sector of industry, which is labour-intensive and comprises an array of rudimentary and semi-mechanized operations, has become an indispensable economic activity throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, providing employment to a host of redundant public sector workers, retrenched large-scale mine labourers and poor farmers. In many of the region’s rural areas, it is overtaking subsistence agriculture as the primary industry. Such a pattern appears to be unfolding within the Morogoro and Mbeya regions of southern Tanzania, where findings from recent research suggest that a growing number of smallholder farmers are turning to ASM for employment and financial support. It is imperative that national rural development programmes take this trend into account and provide support to these people.
Why do people engage in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) – labour-intensive mineral extraction and processing activity – across sub-Saharan Africa? This paper argues that ‘agricultural poverty’, or hardship induced by an over-dependency on farming for survival, has fuelled the recent rapid expansion of ASM operations throughout the region. The diminished viability of smallholder farming in an era of globalization and overreliance on rain-fed crop production restricted by seasonality has led hundreds of thousands of rural African families to ‘branch out’ into ASM, a move made to secure supplementary incomes. Experiences from Komana West in Southwest Mali and East Akim District in Southeast Ghana are drawn upon to illustrate how a movement into the ASM economy has impacted farm families, economically, in many rural stretches of sub-Saharan Africa.
This article explores the contribution that artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) makes to poverty reduction in Tanzania, based on data on gold and diamond mining in Mwanza Region. The evidence suggests that people working in mining or related services are less likely to be in poverty than those with other occupations. However, the picture is complex; while mining income can help reduce poverty and provide a buffer from livelihood shocks, peoples inability to obtain a formal mineral claim, or to effectively exploit their claims, contributes to insecurity. This is reinforced by a context in which ASM is peripheral to large-scale mining interests, is only gradually being addressed within national poverty reduction policies, and is segregated from district-level planning.
Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is an activity intimately associated with social deprivation and environmental degradation, including deforestation. This paper examines ASM and deforestation using a broadly poststructural political ecology framework. Hegemonic discourses are shown to consistently influence policy direction, particularly in emerging approaches such as Corporate Social Responsibility and the Forest Stewardship Council. A review of alternative discourses reveals that the poststructural method is useful for critiquing the international policy arena but does not inform new approaches. Synthesis of the analysis leads to conclusions that echo a growing body of literature advocating for policies to become increasingly sensitive to local contexts, synergistic between actors at difference scales, and to be integrated across sectors.
Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is often characterised as rush-type activity undertaken by people looking to ‘get-rich quick’. An alternative view posits ASM as poverty-driven activity which provides a valuable source of employment to a rural population where agriculture has failed to provide an adequate income. Against this dichotomy, this article critically reviews the short-lived, but high profile, gold rush which occurred on the beaches of Elmina, a fishing town in Ghana’s Central Region. At its peak, more than 1000 people, including local fishermen and career miners from the Western Region and Eastern Region of the country, were mining on the beaches. Drawing on interviews with miners and local business owners, the analysis explores the dynamics of the rush and its implications for understanding the ASM sector in Ghana. The discussion highlights the challenges associated with managing resources in dynamic and heterogeneous contexts, reconciling separate and conflicting sectoral priorities and the need to go beyond simplified and dualistic representations of the sector.
Biomarker analysis has been implemented in sports research in an attempt to monitor the effects of exertion and fatigue in athletes. This study proposed that while such biomarkers may be useful for monitoring injury risk in workers, proteomic approaches might also be utilised to identify novel exertion or injury markers. We found that urinary urea and cortisol levels were significantly elevated in mining workers following a 12 hour overnight shift. These levels failed to return to baseline over 24h in the more active maintenance crew compared to truck drivers (operators) suggesting a lack of recovery between shifts. Use of a SELDI-TOF MS approach to detect novel exertion or injury markers revealed a spectral feature which was associated with workers in both work categories who were engaged in higher levels of physical activity. This feature was identified as the LG3 peptide, a C-terminal fragment of the anti-angiogenic / anti-tumourigenic protein endorepellin. This finding suggests that urinary LG3 peptide may be a biomarker of physical activity. It is also possible that the activity mediated release of LG3 / endorepellin into the circulation may represent a biological mechanism for the known inverse association between physical activity and cancer risk / survival.
The study of the electrodeposition of polycrystalline gold in aqueous solution is important from the viewpoint that in electrocatalysis applications ill-defined micro- and nanostructured surfaces are often employed. In this work, the morphology of gold was controlled by the electrodeposition potential and the introduction of Pb(CH3COO)2•3H2O into the plating solution to give either smooth or nanostructured gold crystallites or large dendritic structures which have been characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The latter structures were achieved through a novel in situ galvanic replacement of lead with AuCl4−(aq) during the course of gold electrodeposition. The electrochemical behavior of electrodeposited gold in the double layer region was studied in acidic and alkaline media and related to electrocatalytic performance for the oxidation of hydrogen peroxide and methanol. It was found that electrodeposited gold is a significantly better electrocatalyst than a polished gold electrode; however, performance is highly dependent on the chosen deposition parameters. The fabrication of a deposit with highly active surface states, comparable to those achieved at severely disrupted metal surfaces through thermal and electrochemical methods, does not result in the most effective electrocatalyst. This is due to significant premonolayer oxidation that occurs in the double layer region of the electrodeposited gold. In particular, in alkaline solution, where gold usually shows the most electrocatalytic activity, these active surface states may be overoxidized and inhibit the electrocatalytic reaction. However, the activity and morphology of an electrodeposited film can be tailored whereby electrodeposited gold that exhibits nanostructure within the crystallites on the surface demonstrated enhanced electrocatalytic activity compared to smaller smooth gold crystallites and larger dendritic structures in potential regions well within the double layer region.