855 resultados para advanced editing
Recently, we showed that connexin37 (Cx37) protects against early atherosclerotic lesion development by regulating monocyte adhesion. The expression of this gap junction protein is altered in mouse and human atherosclerotic lesions; it is increased in macrophages newly recruited to the lesions and disappears from the endothelium of advanced plaques. To obtain more insight into the molecular role of Cx37 in advanced atherosclerosis, we used micro-array analysis for gene expression profiling in aortas of ApoE(-/-) and Cx37(-/-)ApoE(-/-) mice before and after 18 weeks of cholesterol-rich diet. Out of >15,000 genes, 106 genes were significantly differentially expressed in young mice before diet (P-value of <0.05, fold change of >0.7 or <-0.7, and intensity value >2.2 times background). Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) revealed differences in genes involved in cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, cellular compromise and nutritional disease. In addition, we identified 100 genes that were significantly perturbed after the cholesterol-rich diet. Similar to the analysis on 10-week-old mice, IPA revealed differences in genes involved in cell-to-cell signaling and interaction as well as to immuno-inflammatory disease. Furthermore, we found important changes in genes involved in vascular calcification and matrix degradation, some of which were confirmed at protein level by (immuno-)histochemistry. In conclusion, we suggest that Cx37 deficiency alters the global differential gene expression profiles in young mice towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype, which are then further influenced in advanced atherosclerosis. The results provide new insights into the significance of Cx37 in plaque calcification.
The increasing volume of data describing humandisease processes and the growing complexity of understanding, managing, and sharing such data presents a huge challenge for clinicians and medical researchers. This paper presents the@neurIST system, which provides an infrastructure for biomedical research while aiding clinical care, by bringing together heterogeneous data and complex processing and computing services. Although @neurIST targets the investigation and treatment of cerebral aneurysms, the system’s architecture is generic enough that it could be adapted to the treatment of other diseases.Innovations in @neurIST include confining the patient data pertaining to aneurysms inside a single environment that offers cliniciansthe tools to analyze and interpret patient data and make use of knowledge-based guidance in planning their treatment. Medicalresearchers gain access to a critical mass of aneurysm related data due to the system’s ability to federate distributed informationsources. A semantically mediated grid infrastructure ensures that both clinicians and researchers are able to seamlessly access andwork on data that is distributed across multiple sites in a secure way in addition to providing computing resources on demand forperforming computationally intensive simulations for treatment planning and research.
Editorial introductòria del número de la revista, en la qual s'exposa el tema del nou estàndard de mòbil, anomenatLong-TermEvolution (LTE),també referenciat com Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access(E-UTRA), que s'està definint com el substitut del sistema UMTSde tercera generació. LTE-Advanced, al seu torn, es refereix a la versió més avançada de LTE.
Imatinib is the standard of care for patients with advanced metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), and is also approved for adjuvant treatment in patients at substantial risk of relapse. Studies have shown that maximizing benefit from imatinib depends on long-term administration at recommended doses. Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic factors, adherence, and drug-drug interactions can affect exposure to imatinib and impact clinical outcomes. This article reviews the relevance of these factors to imatinib's clinical activity and response in the context of what has been demonstrated in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), and in light of new data correlating imatinib exposure to response in patients with GIST. Because of the wide inter-patient variability in drug exposure with imatinib in both CML and GIST, blood level testing (BLT) may play a role in investigating instances of suboptimal response, unusually severe toxicities, drug-drug interactions, and suspected non-adherence. Published clinical data in CML and in GIST were considered, including data from a PK substudy of the B2222 trial correlating imatinib blood levels with clinical responses in patients with GIST. Imatinib trough plasma levels <1100ng/mL were associated with lower rates of objective response and faster development of progressive disease in patients with GIST. These findings have been supported by other analyses correlating free imatinib (unbound) levels with response. These results suggest a future application for imatinib BLT in predicting and optimizing therapeutic response. Nevertheless, early estimates of threshold imatinib blood levels must be confirmed prospectively in future studies and elaborated for different patient subgroups.
PURPOSE: To determine and compare the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) for the diagnosis of tumor extent in advanced retinoblastoma, using histopathologic analysis as the reference standard. DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis. PARTICIPANTS: Patients with advanced retinoblastoma who underwent MRI, CT, or both for the detection of tumor extent from published diagnostic accuracy studies. METHODS: Medline and Embase were searched for literature published through April 2013 assessing the diagnostic performance of MRI, CT, or both in detecting intraorbital and extraorbital tumor extension of retinoblastoma. Diagnostic accuracy data were extracted from included studies. Summary estimates were based on a random effects model. Intrastudy and interstudy heterogeneity were analyzed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Sensitivity and specificity of MRI and CT in detecting tumor extent. RESULTS: Data of the following tumor-extent parameters were extracted: anterior eye segment involvement and ciliary body, optic nerve, choroidal, and (extra)scleral invasion. Articles on MRI reported results of 591 eyes from 14 studies, and articles on CT yielded 257 eyes from 4 studies. The summary estimates with their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of the diagnostic accuracy of conventional MRI at detecting postlaminar optic nerve, choroidal, and scleral invasion showed sensitivities of 59% (95% CI, 37%-78%), 74% (95% CI, 52%-88%), and 88% (95% CI, 20%-100%), respectively, and specificities of 94% (95% CI, 84%-98%), 72% (95% CI, 31%-94%), and 99% (95% CI, 86%-100%), respectively. Magnetic resonance imaging with a high (versus a low) image quality showed higher diagnostic accuracies for detection of prelaminar optic nerve and choroidal invasion, but these differences were not statistically significant. Studies reporting the diagnostic accuracy of CT did not provide enough data to perform any meta-analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Magnetic resonance imaging is an important diagnostic tool for the detection of local tumor extent in advanced retinoblastoma, although its diagnostic accuracy shows room for improvement, especially with regard to sensitivity. With only a few-mostly old-studies, there is very little evidence on the diagnostic accuracy of CT, and generally these studies show low diagnostic accuracy. Future studies assessing the role of MRI in clinical decision making in terms of prognostic value for advanced retinoblastoma are needed.
BACKGROUND: Humanized KS-interleukin-2 (huKS-IL2), an immunocytokine with specificity for epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), has demonstrated favorable tolerability and immunologic activity as a single agent. METHODS: Phase 1b study in patients with EpCAM-positive advanced solid tumors to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and safety profile of huKS-IL2 in combination with low-dose cyclophosphamide. Treatment consisted of cyclophosphamide (300 mg/m2 on day 1), and escalating doses of huKS-IL2 (0.5-4.0 mg/m2 IV continuous infusion over 4 hours) on days 2, 3, and 4 of each 21-day cycle. Safety, pharmacokinetic profile, immunogenicity, anti-tumor and biologic activity were evaluated. RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients were treated for up to 6 cycles; 26 were evaluable for response. The MTD of huKS-IL2 in combination with 300 mg/m2 cyclophosphamide was 3.0 mg/m2. At higher doses, myelosuppression was dose-limiting. Transient lymphopenia was the most common grade 3/4 adverse event (AE). Other significant AEs included hypotension, hypophosphatemia, and increase in serum creatinine. All patients recovered from these AEs. The huKS-IL2 exposure was dose-dependent, but not dose-proportional, accumulation was negligible, and elimination half-life and systemic clearance were independent of dose and time. Most patients had a transient immune response to huKS-IL2. Immunologic activity was observed at all doses. Ten patients (38%) had stable disease as best response, lasting for ≥ 4 cycles in 3 patients. CONCLUSION: The combination of huKS-IL2 with low-dose cyclophosphamide was well tolerated. Although no objective responses were observed, the combination showed evidence of immunologic activity and 3 patients showed stable disease for ≥ 4 cycles. TRIAL REGISTRATION: http://NCT00132522.
This study analyses the determinants of the rate of temporary employment in various OECD countries using both macro-level data drawn from the OECD and EUROSTAT databases, as well as micro-level data drawn from the 8th wave of the European Household Panel. Comparative analysis is set out to test different explanations originally formulated for the Spanish case. The evidence suggests that the overall distribution of temporary employment in advanced economies does not seem to be explicable by the characteristics of national productive structures. This evidence seems at odds with previous interpretations based on segmentation theories. As an alternative explanation, two types of supply-side factors are tested: crowding-out effects and educational gaps in the workforce. The former seems non significant, whilst the effects of the latter disappear after controlling for the levels of institutional protection in standard employment during the 1980s. Multivariate analysis shows that only this latter institutional variable, together with the degree of coordinated centralisation of the collective bargaining system, seem to have a significant impact on the distribution of temporary employment in the countries examined. On the basis of this observation, an explanation of the very high levels of temporary employment observed in Spain is proposed. This explanation is consistent with both country-specific and comparative evidence.
The double spin-echo point resolved spectroscopy sequence (PRESS) is a widely used method and standard in clinical MR spectroscopy. Existence of important J-modulations at constant echo times, depending on the temporal delays between the rf-pulses, have been demonstrated recently for strongly coupled spin systems and were exploited for difference editing, removing singlets from the spectrum (strong-coupling PRESS, S-PRESS). A drawback of this method for in vivo applications is that large signal modulations needed for difference editing occur only at relatively long echo times. In this work we demonstrate that, by simply adding a third refocusing pulse (3S-PRESS), difference editing becomes possible at substantially shorter echo times while, as applied to citrate, more favorable lineshapes can be obtained. For the example of an AB system an analytical description of the MR signal, obtained with this triple refocusing sequence (3S-PRESS), is provided.
PURPOSE: From February 2001 to February 2002, 946 patients with advanced GI stromal tumors (GISTs) treated with imatinib were included in a controlled EORTC/ISG/AGITG (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Italian Sarcoma Group/Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group) trial. This analysis investigates whether the response classification assessed by RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors), predicts for time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Per protocol, the first three disease assessments were done at 2, 4, and 6 months. For the purpose of the analysis (landmark method), disease response was subclassified in six categories: partial response (PR; > 30% size reduction), minor response (MR; 10% to 30% reduction), no change (NC) as either NC- (0% to 10% reduction) or NC+ (0% to 20% size increase), progressive disease (PD; > 20% increase/new lesions), and subjective PD (clinical progression). RESULTS: A total of 906 patients had measurable disease at entry. At all measurement time points, complete response (CR), PR, and MR resulted in similar TTP and OS; this was also true for NC- and NC+, and for PD and subjective PD. Patients were subsequently classified as responders (CR/PR/MR), NC (NC+/NC-), or PD. This three-class response categorization was found to be highly predictive of further progression or survival for the first two measurement points. After 6 months of imatinib, responders (CR/PR/MR) had the same survival prognosis as patients classified as NC. CONCLUSION: RECIST perfectly enables early discrimination between patients who benefited long term from imatinib and those who did not. After 6 months of imatinib, if the patient is not experiencing PD, the pattern of radiologic response by tumor size criteria has no prognostic value for further outcome. Imatinib needs to be continued as long as there is no progression according to RECIST.
This integrative literature review aimed to characterize scientific articles on health-related quality of life – HRQoL – among patients with advanced cancer from national and international literature, and summarize those factors evidenced in the literature that contributed to the improvement or worsening of HRQoL among patients with advanced cancer. The search for materials was conducted in the following databases: CINAHL, EMBASE, PubMed, SciELO and LILACS. Among the 21 articles in the sample, 13 showed an improvement of HRQoL among patients with advanced cancer related to the development of physical, emotional and spiritual interventions. In eight studies, we identified predictive symptoms of low HRQoL, such as pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, depression, nutritional changes, and others. The results showed that clinical manifestations, which many times were inherent in cancer, such as factors that can lower patients’ HRQoL, while physical, psychological and spiritual benefits resulting from therapeutic interventions may promote its improvement.
Objective: To translate and culturally adapt to Brazil the scale Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia(PAINAD).Method: The cultural adaptation process followed the methodology of a theorical reference, in five steps: translation to Brazilian Portuguese, consensual version of translations, back-translation to the original language, revision by a committee of specialists in the field and a equivalency pre-test. The instrument was assessed and applied by 27 health professionals in the last step. Results: The Escala de Avaliação de Dor em Demência Avançada was culturally adapted to Brazil and presented semantic equivalency to the original, besides clarity, applicability and easy comprehension of the instrument items. Conclusion: This process secured the psychometric properties as the reliability and content validity of the referred scale.
Background: Advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma (APC) is a chemoresistant cancer with poor prognosis. We evaluated the use of chemotherapy in the last months of life.Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients with APC treated from 1993 to 2010 at the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland. Clinical and laboratory parameters starting from 28 days prior to the last administration of chemotherapy were recorded, including ECOG performance status, presence of ascites, haemoglobin (Hb), white blood cell (WBC) count, platelets, total bilirubin, albumin, LDH, C-reactive protein (C-rp) and Ca 19.9.Results: The characteristics of the 231 patients were: males/females 53%/47%; metastatic/locally advanced disease 80%/20%; median age 66 years (range 32−85). Median overall survival calculated from diagnosis was 6.1 months (95% CI: 5.1−7.2); death was due to disease progression in all cases. At last chemotherapy administration, ECOG performance status was 0−1 in 38% and 2−3 in 62%. Fifty-nine percent of pts received first-line chemotherapy only (gemcitabine in 70%; gemcitabine-based doublets or 5FU in 30%), whilst 32%, 8% and 1% had second- (5FU 37%; oxaliplatinbased doublets 57%; phase I trial 6%), third- and fourth-line therapy (single agent or phase I trial), respectively. The interval between last chemotherapy administration and death was <4 weeks in 24%, _4−12 weeks in 47% and >12 weeks in 29%. Table 1 summarizes the proportion of patients treated according to the interval between last chemotherapy and death refered to chemotherapy line. Median survival from last chemotherapy delivery to death was 7.5 weeks (95% CI 6.7−8.4). In univariate analysis, presence of ascites, elevated WBC, total bilirubin, LDH, C-rp and Ca 19.9, and reduced albumin were found to predict shorter survival (p < 0.05 for each). However, none of them was an independent predictor in the multivariate analysis.Conclusions: A significant proportion of patients with APC received chemotherapy in the last months of life. In our study, none of the clinical and laboratory parameters recorded 28 days priorto the last chemotherapy delivery were found to predict survival.
BACKGROUND: Laser photocoagulation and cryotherapy to completely destroy telangiectatic vessels and ischemic retina in Coats disease is barely applicable in advanced cases with total retinal detachment, and globe survival is notoriously poor in Stages 3B and 4. Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor intravitreal injections may offer new prospects for these patients. METHODS: This study is a retrospective review of all consecutive patients with Coats disease treated with neoadjuvant or adjuvant intravitreal ranibizumab plus conventional and amblyopia treatment as appropriate. RESULTS: Nine patients (median age, 13 months) presenting Coats Stages 3B and 4 (5 and 4 eyes, respectively) were included. Iris neovascularization resolved within 2 weeks and retinal reapplication within 4 months in all patients. At last follow-up, globe survival was 100% with anatomical success in 8 of the 9 eyes. With a median follow-up of 50 months, fibrotic vitreoretinopathy was developed in 5 of the 9 cases, one leading to tractional retinal detachment and ultimately phthisis bulbi. The remaining 4 of the 9 eyes achieved some vision (range, 0.02-0.063). CONCLUSION: To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the largest reported series of late-stage Coats undergoing anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy, a homogenous cohort of patients treated with a single agent and with the longest follow-up. This study supports the role of ranibizumab in advanced disease by transient restoration of the hemato-retinal barrier and suppression of neovascularization to facilitate classic treatment. At the last follow-up, the authors report unprecedented anatomical success and functional outcome.