998 resultados para Zr base bulk amorphous alloy


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The relatively high elastic modulus coupled with the presence of toxic vanadium (V) in Ti6Al4 V alloy has long been a concern in orthopaedic applications. To solve the problem, a variety of non-toxic and low modulus beta-titanium (beta-Ti) alloys have been developed. Among the beta-Ti alloy family, the quaternary Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta (TNZT) alloys have received the highest attention as a promising replacement for Ti6Al4 V due to their lower elastic modulus and outstanding long term stability against corrosion in biological environments. However, the inferior wear resistance of TNZT is still a problem that must be resolved before commercialising in the orthopaedic market. In this work, a newly-developed laser surface treatment technique was employed to improve the surface properties of Ti-35.3Nb-7.3Zr-5.7Ta alloy. The surface structure and composition of the laser-treated TNZT surface were examined by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GI-XRD) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The wear and corrosion resistance were evaluated by pin-on-plate sliding test and anodic polarisation test in Hanks’ solution. The experimental results were compared with the untreated (or base) TNZT material. The research findings showed that the laser surface treatment technique reported in this work can effectively improve the wear and corrosion resistance of TNZT.


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The diffusion of Co60 in the body centered cubic beta phase of a ZrSOTi SO alloy has been studied at 900°, 1200°, and 1440°C. The results confirm earlier unpublished data obtained by Kidson17 • The temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient is unusual and suggests that at least two and possibly three mechanisms may be operative Annealing of the specimen in the high B.C.C. region prior to the deposition of the tracer results in a large reduction in the diffusion coefficient. The possible significance of this effect is discussed in terms of rapid transport along dislocation network.


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Pressure variations of the superconducting transition temperature Ic of a series of amorphous NixZr 1 OO-x alloys have been studied under quasmydrostatic pressures upto 8 G Pa. For amorphous samples having Ni-concentration less than 40%, i)Tc/dP is positive in sign and it decreases non linearly with increase in I. whereasdTcldP is negative in sign for Ni concentration of 45%. Comparison with the Hall coefficient (I) and the thermoelectric power (2) results for the same amorphous alloys leads to the conclusion that s-d hybridization nature of the d-band (Nil plays a central role in the sign reversal behaviour. Application of pressures greater than 2 G Pa to Ni20ZrgO led to the formation of a new phase, w-Zr. which retains its form after the pressure is released.


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Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The surface acidity and basicity of binary oxides of Zr with Ce and La are determined using a series of Hammet indicators and Ho,,max values are reported. The generation of new acid sites habe been ascribed to the charge imbalance of M1-O-M2 bonds, where M1 and M2 are metal atoms. Both Bronsted and Lewis acid sites contribute to the acidity of the oxides


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L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és l'obtenció de nous materials nanoestructurats magnètics tous produïts mitjançant la tècnica de l'aliatge mecànic. Forma part d'un projecte més ampli de desenvolupament d'aquests tipus d'aliatges amb altres tècniques, com les de solidificació ràpida, i la seva posterior molturació i compactació per a l'aplicació a la indústria pulverimetal·lúrgica. Aquests materials tindran una estructura amorfa i/o nanocristal·lina que comportarà una millora de les seves propietats magnètiques. Els objectius particulars d'aquest treball són: - Síntesi d'aliatges de Fe-Ni-Zr-B-(Co), Fe-Nb-B-(Cu), i Fe-Ni-Nb-B mitjançant aliatge mecànic. Es parteix de precursors cristal·lins i es tracta d'obtenir un aliatge bàsicament nanocristal·lí. En concret, es pretén obtenir aliatges: ·Amb una alta estabilitat tèrmica que afavoreixi posteriors estudis de consolidació. ·Amb la presència de nanocristalls de reduïdes dimensions o d'una fase amorfa que permeti posteriors tractaments tèrmics per a produir aliatges de nanoestructura controlada. -Comparació entre les mostres produïdes per aliatge mecànic amb diferents micromolins de les mostres Fe-Nb-B. Els micromolins utilitzats són un P7 i un SPEX 8000 -Estudi de la influència dels diferents precursors i de la quantitat relativa dels mateixos que s'ha utilitzat per a cada mostra, concretament: ·La substitució en els aliatges de Fe-Nb-B de Fe per Ni, tot i que interessa que els aliatges tinguin una alta quantitat de ferro perquè tingui millors propietats magnètiques. ·La substitució en els aliatges de Fe-Ni-Zr-B de Fe per Co. ·La inclusió de Cu en les mostres Fe-Nb-B ·La comparació entre els aliatges amb Nb i amb Ni-Zr -Modelització del comportament termodinàmic d'equilibri dels compostos Fe-Nb-B, mitjançant software de minimització de l'energia lliure dels diferents elements. S'han utilitzat una sèrie de tècniques analítiques per a avaluar l'estabilitat tèrmica i realitzar la caracterització estructural dels aliatges obtinguts. Anàlisi de l'estabilitat tèrmica mitjançant anàlisi calorimètrica diferencial (DSC) i termogravimetria (TG). També s'analitzarà la cinètica de cristal·lització mitjançant tractaments isotèrmics i dinàmics. -Anàlisi morfològic de les diferents mostres per microscòpia electrònica de rastreig (SEM) i caracterització estructural de les diferents fases presents i de les diferents microestructures obtingudes mitjançant difracció de raigs X XRD)i microscòpia electrònica de transmissió(TEM). S'identificaran les diferents fases presents i es calcularan els diferents paràmetres de cel·la, així com la dimensió de les microestructures. L'anàlisi microestructural es complementarà amb algunes mesures 'espectroscòpia Mössbauer de transmissió (TMS)


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The effect of the heat treatment on the corrosion behaviour of amorphous Al88Ni6La6 made by melt-spun has been investigated by electrochemical measurements. Heat treatment was carried out at 523 K and 673 K for 4 min and 15 min respectively. The evolution of the crystallization process after annealing was identified by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) as well as X-ray diffraction. The XRD patterns show that the structure of samples heat-treated at higher temperature changes towards a crystal state. The results obtained from the polarization curves reveal that all Al88Ni6La6 alloys exhibit spontaneously passivated behaviour. Furthermore, it is noted that the partially crystallized alloy has the best corrosion resistance in comparison with as-spun amorphous and fully crystallized alloys, while the fully crystallized sample shows deterioration in the corrosion resistance.


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In the present study, Ti-16Sn-4Nb alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying (MA). Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX), and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) were used to characterise the phase transformation and the microstructure evolution. Results indicated that ball milling to 8 h led to the formation of a supersaturated hcp α-Ti and partial amorphous phase due to the solid solution of Sn and Nb into Ti lattice. The microstructure of the bulk sintered Ti-16Sn-4Nb alloy samples made from the powders at shorter ball milling times, i.e. 20 min- 2 h, exhibited a primary α surrounded by a Widmanstätten structure (transformed β); while in the samples made from the powders at longer ball milling times, i.e. 5- 10 h, the alloy evolved to a microstructure with a disordered and fine β phase dispersed homogeneously within the α matrix. These results contribute to the understanding of the microstructure evolution in alloys of this type prepared by powder metallurgy.


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The microstructural evolution and characteristics of the Ti–16Sn–4Nb powder particles and bulk alloys sintered from the powders ball-milled for various periods of time were studied. Results indicated that ball milling to 8 h led to the development of a supersaturated hcp α-Ti and partial amorphous phase due to the solid solution of Sn and Nb into Ti lattice. The bulk Ti–16Sn–4Nb alloy made from the powders ball milled for a short time, up to 2 h, exhibited a primary α and a Widmanstätten structure consisting of interlaced secondary α and β. With an increase in ball milling time up to 10 h, the microstructure evolved into a fine β phase dispersed homogeneously within α phase matrix. The microhardness values of the bulk alloy in both α- and β-phases increased with the increasing of the ball milling time and reached a plateau value at 8 h and longer, i.e. 687 and 550 HV for α- and β-phases, respectively. Likewise, the microhardness of the α phases was always higher than that of the β phases in the bulk alloys made from the powders ball milled for the same milling time.


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Vickers and nano indentations were performed on a structurally relaxed Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass (BMG), and the evolution of the shear bands in the relaxed BMG was investigated and compared to that in the as-cast alloy. Results indicate that the plastic deformation in the BMG with structure relaxation is accommodated by the semicircular (primary) and radial (secondary) as well as tertiary shear bands. Quantitatively, the shear band density in the relaxed alloy was much lower than that in the as-cast alloy. The annihilation of free volume caused by the annealing was responsible for the embrittlement of the sample with structure relaxation.


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Vickers and nanoindentationswere carried out on an annealed Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass (BMG), and the evolution of the shear bands in the annealed BMG was investigated and compared to that in the as-cast alloy. Results indicate that the plastic deformation in the BMG with the structure relaxation is accommodated by the semicircular (primary) and radial (secondary) as well as tertiary shear bands. Quantitatively, the shear band density in the annealed alloywas much lower than that in the as-cast alloy. The load-displacement curve of nanoindentation test for the annealed alloy exhibited a more flat serrated flow. The annihilation of free volume caused by the annealing was responsible for the embrittlement of the annealed sample.


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This work investigated the structure and properties relationship, surface modification, biocompatibility and bioactivity of a porous Ti-Nb-Zr alloy. The porous alloy exhibited inter-connected porous structure, good biocompatibility and high mechanical strength with an elastic modulus close to that of bone. Porous Ti-Nb-Zr alloys are thus promising biomaterials for hard tissue replacement.


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Magnesium alloy ZE41, used extensively in the aerospace industry, possesses excellent mechanical properties albeit poor corrosion resistance. This paper investigates the mechanism of corrosion and the interaction between the grain boundary intermetallic phases, the Zr-rich regions within the grains and the bulk Mg-rich matrix. The results of optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) together with energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) potential map measurements have shown the importance of the microstructure in the initiation and propagation of corrosion in an aqueous environment, indicating that the Zr-rich regions play a distinct role in the early stages of corrosion in this alloy.