1000 resultados para Via de acesso


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In the world we are constantly performing everyday actions. Two of these actions are frequent and of great importance: classify (sort by classes) and take decision. When we encounter problems with a relatively high degree of complexity, we tend to seek other opinions, usually from people who have some knowledge or even to the extent possible, are experts in the problem domain in question in order to help us in the decision-making process. Both the classification process as the process of decision making, we are guided by consideration of the characteristics involved in the specific problem. The characterization of a set of objects is part of the decision making process in general. In Machine Learning this classification happens through a learning algorithm and the characterization is applied to databases. The classification algorithms can be employed individually or by machine committees. The choice of the best methods to be used in the construction of a committee is a very arduous task. In this work, it will be investigated meta-learning techniques in selecting the best configuration parameters of homogeneous committees for applications in various classification problems. These parameters are: the base classifier, the architecture and the size of this architecture. We investigated nine types of inductors candidates for based classifier, two methods of generation of architecture and nine medium-sized groups for architecture. Dimensionality reduction techniques have been applied to metabases looking for improvement. Five classifiers methods are investigated as meta-learners in the process of choosing the best parameters of a homogeneous committee.


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Ceramic powders based on oxides of perovskite-type structure is of fundamental interest nowadays, since they have important ionic-electronic conductivity in the use of materials with technological applications such as gas sensors, oxygen permeation membranes, catalysts and electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The main objective of the project is to develop nanostructured ceramic compounds quaternary-based oxide Barium (Br), Strontium (Sr), Cobalt (Co) and Iron (Fe). In this project were synthesized compounds BaxSr(1-x)Co0, 8Fe0,2O3- (x = 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8) through the oxalate co-precipitation method. The synthesized powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis (TGADTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) with the Rietveld refinement using the software MAUD and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the synthesis technique used was suitable for production of nanostructured ceramic solid solutions. The powders obtained had a crystalline phase with perovskite-type structure. The TGA-DTA results showed that the homogeneous phase of interest was obtained temperature above 1034°C. It was also observed that the heating rate of the calcination process did not affect the elimination of impurities present in the ceramic powder. The variation in the addition of barium dopant promoted changes in the average crystallite size in the nanometer range, the composition being BSCF(5582) obtained the lowest value (179.0nm). The results obtained by oxalate co-precipitation method were compared with those synthesis methods in solid state and EDTA-citrate method


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Considering a quantum gas, the foundations of standard thermostatistics are investigated in the context of non-Gaussian statistical mechanics introduced by Tsallis and Kaniadakis. The new formalism is based on the following generalizations: i) Maxwell- Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy and ii) deduction of H-theorem. Based on this investigation, we calculate a new entropy using a generalization of combinatorial analysis based on two different methods of counting. The basic ingredients used in the H-theorem were: a generalized quantum entropy and a generalization of collisional term of Boltzmann equation. The power law distributions are parameterized by parameters q;, measuring the degree of non-Gaussianity of quantum gas. In the limit q


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Logic courses represent a pedagogical challenge and the recorded number of cases of failures and of discontinuity in them is often high. Amont other difficulties, students face a cognitive overload to understand logical concepts in a relevant way. On that track, computational tools for learning are resources that help both in alleviating the cognitive overload scenarios and in allowing for the practical experimenting with theoretical concepts. The present study proposes an interactive tutorial, namely the TryLogic, aimed at teaching to solve logical conjectures either by proofs or refutations. The tool was developed from the architecture of the tool TryOcaml, through support of the communication of the web interface ProofWeb in accessing the proof assistant Coq. The goals of TryLogic are: (1) presenting a set of lessons for applying heuristic strategies in solving problems set in Propositional Logic; (2) stepwise organizing the exposition of concepts related to Natural Deduction and to Propositional Semantics in sequential steps; (3) providing interactive tasks to the students. The present study also aims at: presenting our implementation of a formal system for refutation; describing the integration of our infrastructure with the Virtual Learning Environment Moodle through the IMS Learning Tools Interoperability specification; presenting the Conjecture Generator that works for the tasks involving proving and refuting; and, finally to evaluate the learning experience of Logic students through the application of the conjecture solving task associated to the use of the TryLogic


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different sources and doses of copper (Cu) applied to leaves on growth and nutrition of coffee seedlings. The treatments consisted of combinations of two Cu sources (Cupric Sulfate Ammonium - CSA and Copper Sulfate - CS) and four Cu doses (0, 250, 500 and 1000 g ha-1). The sources of Cu in different doses were dissolved in water, calculated for the application volume of 400 L ha-1. The doses were divided in 3 applications at 20 days. The Cu content and concentration in the leaf, stem, and root in were measured. The dry matter of the leaf, stem, root and total and the utilization, absorption and translocation efficiency, in coffee seedlings were evaluated. In general the Cu content and concentration were obtained for the CS at doses of 250, 500 and 1000 g ha-1 Cu. The maximum increase of total dry matter was 48 and 51 g to CSA and CS, when applied 534 and 668 g ha-1, respectively. The highest utilization and absorption efficiency was found to CSA and CS, respectively. The translocation efficiency was similar for both sources.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da modelagem sísmica em meios com fortes descontinuidades de propriedades físicas, com ênfase na existência de difrações e múltiplas reflexões, tendo a Bacia do Amazonas como referência à modelagem. As condições de estabilidade e de fronteiras utilizadas no cálculo do campo de ondas sísmicas foram analisadas numericamente pelo método das diferenças finitas, visando melhor compreensão e controle da interpretação de dados sísmicos. A geologia da Bacia do Amazonas é constituída por rochas sedimentares depositadas desde o Ordoviciano até o Recente que atingem espessuras da ordem de 5 km. Os corpos de diabásio, presentes entre os sedimentos paleozóicos, estão dispostos na forma de soleiras, alcançam espessuras de centenas de metros e perfazem um volume total de aproximadamente 90000 Km³. A ocorrência de tais estruturas é responsável pela existência de reflexões múltiplas durante a propagação da onda sísmica o que impossibilita melhor interpretação dos horizontes refletores que se encontram abaixo destas soleiras. Para representar situações geológicas desse tipo foram usados um modelo (sintético) acústico de velocidades e um código computacional elaborado via método das diferenças finitas com aproximação de quarta ordem no espaço e no tempo da equação da onda. A aplicação dos métodos de diferenças finitas para o estudo de propagação de ondas sísmicas melhorou a compreensão sobre a propagação em meios onde existem heterogeneidades significativas, tendo como resultado boa resolução na interpretação dos eventos de reflexão sísmica em áreas de interesse. Como resultado dos experimentos numéricos realizados em meio de geologia complexa, foi observada a influência significativa das reflexões múltiplas devido à camada de alta velocidade, isto provocou maior perda de energia e dificultou a interpretação dos alvos. Por esta razão recomenda-se a integração de dados de superfície com os de poço, com o objetivo de obter melhor imagem dos alvos abaixo das soleiras de diabásio.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Relatamos a experiência de utilizar programação em Maple como ferramenta de aprendizagem do estudante num curso básico de teoria eletromagnética. Acreditamos que este relato possa ser útil a quem desejar utilizar o computador como instrumento pedagógico no ensino de Física.


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Um éster de cadeia longa foi sintetizado pela transesterificação do palmitato de metila com álcoois de cadeia longa usando óxido de magnésio como catalisador. Esses foram preparados pela decomposição térmica de diferentes precursores, buscando estabelecer relações entre propriedades estruturais e atividades. Temperatura e quantidade de catalisador foram variados para se avaliar o rendimento do éster em função do precursor utilizado na preparação do óxido.


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ABSTRACT: This work presents a method to analyze characteristics of a set of genes that can have an influence in a certain anomaly, such as a particular type of cancer. A measure is proposed with the objective of diagnosing individuals regarding the anomaly under study and some characteristics of the genes are analyzed. Maximum likelihood equations for general and particular cases are presented.