974 resultados para Venus probes
A polyclonal antiserum was prepared against a purified microsomal chitinase isolated from the fungus Choanephora cucurbitarum. Indirect immunofluorescence was used to localize chitinase at various developmental stages of five zygomycetous fungi and during abiotrophic mycoparasite interaction with a susceptible and resistant host. This was compared to localization of oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Dotimmunoblot and Western blot techniques revealed that the anti-serum reacted strongly with the antigen from which it was derived. Cross reactivity of the antiserum was found with WGA and another chitin binding lectin, Phyto/acca americana agglutinin (PAA). Immuno-fluorescence results showed the direct involvement of chitinase in spore swelling, germination, sporangium development and response during mechanical injury. There appeared to be no involvement of chitinase during apical hyphal growth or new branch initiation in any of the fungi tested despite mild proteolysis and permeabilization of the cell surface prior to labelling. Binding with WGA revealed similar patterns of fluorescence to that of chitinase localization but differed by showing fluorescence and therefore chitin localization at the apex and new branch initiation when tested at different developmental stages. There was no difference between chitinase localization and binding with WGA in a susceptible host and resistant host challenged with the mycoparasite, Piptocephalis virginiana. Differences in binding ability of antichitinase and lectin WGA suggests that the latter is not a suitable indicator for indirect localization of the lytic enzyme, chitinase.
An attempt has been made in this thesis to model some of the emissions observed by SPICAM and SPICAV on Mars and Venus, respectively, viz., CO Cameron band, CO+ 2 ultraviolet doublet, N2 triplet bands, atomic oxygen green (5577 A), red doublet (6300, 6364 A), and ultraviolet (2972 A) emissions. One of major sources of these emissions is photoelectron impact ionization/excitation. In this thesis, an electron degradation model based on Monte Carlo technique has been developed to calculate the production/excitation rates of above mentioned emissions due to electron impact. The limb brightness pro les of emissions are calculated and compared with the observations wherever available. The e ect of various model input parameters on dayglow emissions intensities is also evaluated
Resumen tomado de la publicación en catalán. Este artículo forma parte del monográfico 'Ciències experimentals: propostes didàctiques'
Unidad de lectura pensada para alumnos de segundo curso de educación secundaria obligatoria
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
En el mundo cada cinco minutos se produce un suicidio en adolescentes por problemas inherentes a su sexualidad. Frente a este escenario la genealogía de los discursos médico, jurídico y literario se entreteje apretando los hilos, convirtiéndose en cábala del suicidio; un reflejo difuso de una realidad menos ficcional y más dolorosa. A pesar de las cifras alarmantes, no se ha trabajado el tema; menos aún con la perspectiva de encontrar relación entre los discursos históricos que en su búsqueda de poder y control han dibujado sobre los cuerpos, representaciones de una disciplina heterosexual. Es indispensable una perspectiva cualitativa, reflexiones que aporten a una práctica ética diferente, que incluya los nuevos cuerpos filosóficos, legales, concibiendo al adolescente como sujeto, con la agencia que deben tener sus cuerpos. En contraste en la literatura (¿mundo ficticio?) se describe y resignifica de manera exhaustiva esta realidad, rescatando la capacidad creativa y re-creativa del lenguaje. Esto por un lado permite analizar los contextos y coyunturas sociales, culturales; y, por otro interpretar los imaginarios sociales y las metáforas que refuerzan este contexto. Como mencionara Stuart Hall, a través de la representación conectamos el lenguaje al sentido y la cultura. Y esto nos licencia a referirnos al mundo real pero también a un mundo ficticio. Esta exploración pretende aportar a esta problemática mediante la descripción de esa compleja interseccionalidad y la identificación de posibles intersticios en el lenguaje que pudieran dar sentido y descodificar ciertas incertidumbres, contribuir a cambios micro sociales y, quizás, conducir a lo que pudiera ser el comienzo de un diálogo más amplio que empuje posicionamientos y cambios estructurales, frente a discursos vetustos que siempre encuentran mecanismos para reinventarse. ¿Cómo se representan y entretejen los discursos de homoerotismo1 adolescente y suicidio representados en las novelas Conquering Venus de Collin Kelley, Suicide Notes de Michael Thomas Ford? Lo podremos averiguar examinando las matrices discursivas del homoerotismo y su castigo, la homosexualidad; analizando el suicidio como un acto humano complejo, incomprensible, un tabú en nuestra sociedad, e identificando en las novelas escogidas, las intersecciones entre homoerotismo y tendencias suicidas en el cuerpo adolescente.
The suite of SECCHI optical imaging instruments on the STEREO-A spacecraft is used to track a solar storm, consisting of several coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and other coronal loops, as it propagates from the Sun into the heliosphere during May 2007. The 3-D propagation path of the largest interplanetary CME (ICME) is determined from the observations made by the SECCHI Heliospheric Imager (HI) on STEREO-A (HI-1/2A). Two parts of the CME are tracked through the SECCHI images, a bright loop and a V-shaped feature located at the rear of the event. We show that these two structures could be the result of line-of-sight integration of the light scattered by electrons located on a single flux rope. In addition to being imaged by HI, the CME is observed simultaneously by the plasma and magnetic field experiments on the Venus Express and MESSENGER spacecraft. The imaged loop and V-shaped structure bound, as expected, the flux rope observed in situ. The SECCHI images reveal that the leading loop-like structure propagated faster than the V-shaped structure, and a decrease in in situ CME speed occurred during the passage of the flux rope.We interpret this as the result of the continuous radial expansion of the flux rope as it progressed outward through the interplanetary medium. An expansion speed in the radial direction of ~30 km s-1 is obtained directly from the SECCHI-HI images and is in agreement with the difference in speed of the two structures observed in situ. This paper shows that the flux rope location can be determined from white light images, which could have important space weather applications.
Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is the myxozoan parasite causing proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonid fishes in Europe and North America. The complete life cycle of the parasite remains unknown despite recent discoveries that the stages infectious for fish develop in freshwater bryozoans. During the course of examinations of the urine of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with or recovering from PKD we identified spores with features similar to those of T. bryosalmonae found in the bryozoan host. Spores found in the urine were subspherical, with a width of 16 mum and height of 14 mum, and possessed two soft valves surrounding two spherical polar capsules (2 mum in diameter) and a single sporoplasm. The absence of hardened valves is a distinguishing characteristic of the newly established class Malacosporea that includes T. bryosalmonae as found in the bryozoan host. The parasite in the urine of rainbow trout possessed only two polar capsules and two valve cells compared to the four polar capsules and four valves observed in the spherical spores of 19 mum in diameter from T. bryosalmonae from the bryozoan host. Despite morphological differences, a relationship between the spores in the urine of rainbow trout and T. bryosalmonae was demonstrated by binding of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and DNA probes specific to T. bryosalmonae.
Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and methanogenic archaea (MA) are important anaerobic terminal oxidisers of organic matter. However, we have little knowledge about the distribution and types of SRB and MA in the environment or the functional role they play in situ. Here we have utilised sediment slurry microcosms amended with ecologically significant substrates, including acetate and hydrogen, and specific functional inhibitors, to identify the important SRB and MA groups in two contrasting sites on a UK estuary. Substrate and inhibitor additions had significant effects on methane production and on acetate and sulphate consumption in the slurries. By using specific 16S-targeted oligonucleotide probes we were able to link specific SRB and MA groups to the use of the added substrates. Acetate consumption in the freshwater-dominated sediments was mediated by Methanosarcinales under low-sulphate conditions and Desulfobacter under the high-sulphate conditions that simulated a tidal incursion. In the marine-dominated sediments, acetate consumption was linked to Desulfobacter. Addition of trimethylamine, a non-competitive substrate for methanogenesis, led to a large increase in Methanosarcinales signal in marine slurries. Desulfobulbus was linked to non-sulphate-dependent H-2 consumption in the freshwater sediments. The addition of sulphate to freshwater sediments inhibited methane production and reduced signal from probes targeted to Methanosarcinales and Methanomicrobiales, while the addition of molybdate to marine sediments inhibited Desulfobulbus and Desulfobacterium. These data complement our understanding of the ecophysiology of the organisms detected and make a firm connection between the capabilities of species, as observed in the laboratory, to their roles in the environment. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.