890 resultados para Urban ecology : patterns, processes and applications
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
The extraction of relevant terms from texts is an extensively researched task in Text- Mining. Relevant terms have been applied in areas such as Information Retrieval or document clustering and classification. However, relevance has a rather fuzzy nature since the classification of some terms as relevant or not relevant is not consensual. For instance, while words such as "president" and "republic" are generally considered relevant by human evaluators, and words like "the" and "or" are not, terms such as "read" and "finish" gather no consensus about their semantic and informativeness. Concepts, on the other hand, have a less fuzzy nature. Therefore, instead of deciding on the relevance of a term during the extraction phase, as most extractors do, I propose to first extract, from texts, what I have called generic concepts (all concepts) and postpone the decision about relevance for downstream applications, accordingly to their needs. For instance, a keyword extractor may assume that the most relevant keywords are the most frequent concepts on the documents. Moreover, most statistical extractors are incapable of extracting single-word and multi-word expressions using the same methodology. These factors led to the development of the ConceptExtractor, a statistical and language-independent methodology which is explained in Part I of this thesis. In Part II, I will show that the automatic extraction of concepts has great applicability. For instance, for the extraction of keywords from documents, using the Tf-Idf metric only on concepts yields better results than using Tf-Idf without concepts, specially for multi-words. In addition, since concepts can be semantically related to other concepts, this allows us to build implicit document descriptors. These applications led to published work. Finally, I will present some work that, although not published yet, is briefly discussed in this document.
No presente artigo apresentamos processos de Levy usados na literatura para modelar os retornos dos ativos financeiros, estes processos sao gerados pelas distribuições Pareto-Estaveis e Hiperbolicas. Estudamos algumas propriedades destas distribui<;oes, em particular a propriedade da invariancia da escala temporal. Por ultimo apresentamos evidencias empiricas da aplicabilidade destes processos para modelar retornos de ativos Brasileiros, para isto usamos 0 Ibovespa, o recibo da Telebras e Petrobras, na amostra usamos dados dos periodos de 1 de janeiro de 1995 a 31 de dezembro de 1998 (Gl) e de 12 de janeiro de 1996 a 31 de dezembro de 1997(G2).
Unilever Food Solutions new digital CRM1 Platform - What is the combination of tools, processes and content that will help Unilever Food Solutions grow his business? Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) intend to create a new online platform to enable it to communicate with segments of the markets, which have previously been too difficult to reach. Specifically targeted at Chefs and other food professionals, the aim is to create an interactive website, which delivers value to its intended users by providing a variety of relevant content and functions, while simultaneously opening up a potential transactional channel to those same users.
Dissertação de mestrado em Matemática
Se propone sintetizar nuevos materiales como bloques de construcción de estructuras en escala nanometrica o micrométrica: nanotubos de carbono funcionalizados; nanopartículas metálicas; hidrogeles inteligentes; carbones mesoporosos. Con ellos se construiran interfaces solido/liquido estructuradas: multicapas autoensambladas, patrones micrométricos con heterogeneidad tridimensional y estructuras jerárquicas. Se estudiara el intercambio de especies móviles en las interfaces usando técnicas electroquímicas, espectroelectroquimicas, ópticas y de microscopia. De esta manera se podran controlar el intercambio en esa interface. En base a este conocimientos se desarrollaran aplicaciones tecnológicas tales como sensores de oligonucletidos, microceldas de combustible, arreglos de microelectrodos y supercapacitores.
El Proyecto que se presenta en esta convocatoria está relacionado con el diseño y desarrollo de procesos de gestión intersectorial para la reconversión formal del hábitat en asentamientos de crecimiento espontáneo e ilegal a partir de la la revisión de marcos legales y normativos respecto del derecho al uso de suelo urbano y la seguridad jurídica en la tenencia (regulación dominial) bajo un enfoque sustentable de los Derechos Humanos (DDHH) como así también a partir de la innovación tecnológica de los recursos para el mejoramiento habitacional en el marco de los aportes relacionados con la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) .La originalidad, en este caso, se basa en la exploración de nuevos procesos de gestión mixta en los que intervienen diversos actores: ESTADO, SOCIEDAD, EMPRESA y COMUNIDAD CIENTIFICA, configurando un circuito intersectorial de gestión, capacitación y producción de hábitat que respondan al fortalecimiento del desarrollo comunitario, entendido como desarrollo económico con inclusión social y urbana.Los objetivos están relacionados con el fortalecimiento de la producción integral del hábitat social procurando el desarrollo genuino de las comunidades a partir de la expansión de sus capacidades y sus derechos.El presente proyecto de investigación explorará la producción de hábitat y de ciudad informal procurando reconvertirla hacia un modelo de gestión sustentable (normativo y tecnológico), basado en la necesidad de producir ciudadanía digna a partir de la construcción formal de hábitat.La propuesta del proyecto supone la participación intersectorial en la planificación formal y en la toma de decisiones para una inclusión social y económica, en el marco de un modelo de desarrollo de génesis inclusor, constituyéndose en un avance de conocimientos del propio campo disciplinar (hábitat) como así también de otros campos afines a los mismos (jurídico- social - económico- productivo- político ).
Electrokinetic transport, electrochromatography, electroosmotic flow, electrophoresis, concentration polarization, fixed beds, monoliths, dynamic NMR microscopy, quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy, mathematical modelling, numerical analysis
Simulation, modelling, proxels, PDEs, Markov chains, Petri nets, stochastic, performability, transient analysis
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2014
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2014
The classical Lojasiewicz inequality and its extensions for partial differential equation problems (Simon) and to o-minimal structures (Kurdyka) have a considerable impact on the analysis of gradient-like methods and related problems: minimization methods, complexity theory, asymptotic analysis of dissipative partial differential equations, tame geometry. This paper provides alternative characterizations of this type of inequalities for nonsmooth lower semicontinuous functions defined on a metric or a real Hilbert space. In a metric context, we show that a generalized form of the Lojasiewicz inequality (hereby called the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality) relates to metric regularity and to the Lipschitz continuity of the sublevel mapping, yielding applications to discrete methods (strong convergence of the proximal algorithm). In a Hilbert setting we further establish that asymptotic properties of the semiflow generated by -∂f are strongly linked to this inequality. This is done by introducing the notion of a piecewise subgradient curve: such curves have uniformly bounded lengths if and only if the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality is satisfied. Further characterizations in terms of talweg lines -a concept linked to the location of the less steepest points at the level sets of f- and integrability conditions are given. In the convex case these results are significantly reinforced, allowing in particular to establish the asymptotic equivalence of discrete gradient methods and continuous gradient curves. On the other hand, a counterexample of a convex C2 function in R2 is constructed to illustrate the fact that, contrary to our intuition, and unless a specific growth condition is satisfied, convex functions may fail to fulfill the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality.
The recent advances in sequencing technologies have given all microbiology laboratories access to whole genome sequencing. Providing that tools for the automated analysis of sequence data and databases for associated meta-data are developed, whole genome sequencing will become a routine tool for large clinical microbiology laboratories. Indeed, the continuing reduction in sequencing costs and the shortening of the 'time to result' makes it an attractive strategy in both research and diagnostics. Here, we review how high-throughput sequencing is revolutionizing clinical microbiology and the promise that it still holds. We discuss major applications, which include: (i) identification of target DNA sequences and antigens to rapidly develop diagnostic tools; (ii) precise strain identification for epidemiological typing and pathogen monitoring during outbreaks; and (iii) investigation of strain properties, such as the presence of antibiotic resistance or virulence factors. In addition, recent developments in comparative metagenomics and single-cell sequencing offer the prospect of a better understanding of complex microbial communities at the global and individual levels, providing a new perspective for understanding host-pathogen interactions. Being a high-resolution tool, high-throughput sequencing will increasingly influence diagnostics, epidemiology, risk management, and patient care.
Opossums (Didelphis marsupialis) captured in intensely urbanized areas of the city of Caracas, Venezuela, were found infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The developmental cycle of trypomastigote-epimastigote-metacyclic infective trypomastigote, usually occurring in the intestine of the triatomine vector, was taking place in the anal odoriferous glands of the opossums. Material from the glands, inoculated in young, healthy opossums and white mice by different routes, subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, orally, and into the eye, induced T. cruzi infections in all animals. Parasitemia, invasion of cardiac and skeletal muscle, and intracellular multiplication of amastigotes were observed. Inoculation of metacyclics from anal glands, cultured in LIT medium, gave equivalent results. All opossums survived; all mice died. Excreta of opossums may thus transmit Chagas' disease by contamination, even in urban areas where insect vectors are not present.