480 resultados para Ultradian rhythms


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The everyday lives of many farm workers in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century England were intricately and often intimately bound with the lives of animals, the ebb and flow of human life being inseparable from that of animal life. Farmyards, fields, folds as well as barns and stables were all spaces where animals transcended being the mere instruments of capital to instead being obvious co-constituents of the rhythms of existence. Living and working in such close proximity meant that the ‘species barrier’ was crossed and intimacies developed in everyday agricultural practices. Still, the relationship was based upon, if not reducible to, the workings of capital: the animal enrolled as a form of embodied capital, the labourer engaged by the farmer to act upon the animal. And in such relationships intimacies are mirrored by violences: the keeping captive, slaughter, and – occasionally – abuse. In this formative period in which the discourses and policies that continue to inform animal welfare were first formulated, the declining economic and material fortunes of farm workers when juxtaposed to farm animals’ fortune as increasingly ‘cosseted capital’ gave a particular charge to these abuses. Farm animals, and especially horses and cattle, so it is shown, were subjected to a series of violences. Many cases of animal maiming parodied tenderness in their brutality, whilst other attacks on the sexual organs of animals represented complex statements about the ways in which agrarian capitalism regulated all culture. Analysing the changing relationship between humans and animals therefore also helps us to better understand how capitalism mediates – and is mediated by – the non-human as well as the human, and how it defines cultural relations.


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An Automated Interpulse Duration Assessment system (AIDA) is described which permits detection of irregularities in cardiac rhythms in selected invertebrates. The sensitivity of AIDA was demonstrated by its ability to detect handling stress in mussels (Mytilus edulis) that was not evident when measuring heart rate alone. Changes in cardiac activity patterns of crabs (Carcinus maenas) held in the laboratory for up to 10 wk was also examined using the new technique. The frequency distribution of interpulse duration changed significantly as the nutritional state changed. Potential applications of the AIDA system are discussed.


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This article examines the soundscapes of Ariane Mnouchkine’s Tambours Sur La Digue and explores the concept of acoustic mimesis located in the performance as a dramaturgical strategy to create, aurally, an imagined Far East. In Tambours, mimesis is the performative principle exemplified by the presentation of the mise en scène, and most distinctly Mnouckine’s decision to adapt the Japanese performance tradition of Bunraku through a process of 'reversed' mimicry (in which human bodies simulate the wooden marionettes of the Japanese style). Mimesis pervades the acoustemologies of the performance as it is heard in the extracted sounds, styles, and rhythms of Asian musical modes and movements that consequently become dislocated from context; the sounds become imitated, iconicised and exoticised as sonic signatures as they reify the Orientalist spectacle. The 'oriental' soundscape, reverberating with exotic overtones, becomes the means by which the production creates an imaginary Orient – one in which the Orient Other is silenced, and is resounded only through the musical sensibilities of the Occidental Self.


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Children born very preterm, even when intelligence is broadly normal, often experience selective difficulties in executive function and visual-spatial processing. Development of structural cortical connectivity is known to be altered in this group, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) evidence indicates that very preterm children recruit different patterns of functional connectivity between cortical regions during cognition. Synchronization of neural oscillations across brain areas has been proposed as a mechanism for dynamically assigning functional coupling to support perceptual and cognitive processing, but little is known about what role oscillatory synchronization may play in the altered neurocognitive development of very preterm children. To investigate this, we recorded magnetoencephalographic (MEG) activity while 7-8 year old children born very preterm and age-matched full-term controls performed a visual short-term memory task. Very preterm children exhibited reduced long-range synchronization in the alpha-band during visual short-term memory retention, indicating that cortical alpha rhythms may play a critical role in altered patterns functional connectivity expressed by this population during cognitive and perceptual processing. Long-range alpha-band synchronization was also correlated with task performance and visual-perceptual ability within the very preterm group, indicating that altered alpha oscillatory mechanisms mediating transient functional integration between cortical regions may be relevant to selective problems in neurocognitive development in this vulnerable population at school age.


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Local alpha-band synchronization has been associated with both cortical idling and active inhibition. Recent evidence, however, suggests that long-range alpha synchronization increases functional coupling between cortical regions. We demonstrate increased long-range alpha and beta band phase synchronization during short-term memory retention in children 6-10 years of age. Furthermore, whereas alpha-band synchronization between posterior cortex and other regions is increased during retention, local alpha-band synchronization over posterior cortex is reduced. This constitutes a functional dissociation for alpha synchronization across local and long-range cortical scales. We interpret long-range synchronization as reflecting functional integration within a network of frontal and visual cortical regions. Local desynchronization of alpha rhythms over posterior cortex, conversely, likely arises because of increased engagement of visual cortex during retention.


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Park Jae-Sang’s (otherwise known as PSY) bewilderingly successful pop contagion ‘Gangnam Style’ needs no introduction. As of January 2013, it has become the most watched video in YouTube’s history and has garnered over 1.23 billion hits since. ‘Gangnam Style’ has also become a rapid global pop phenomenon with multiple parodic reproductions, imitations and adaptations; Rapper PSY himself has become an international name and styled as the ‘anti-hero’ of the glamour-driven K-pop scene. His fame has transcended the social sphere and permeated the political stratosphere with politicians such as Barrack Obama and David Cameron being among the many whom PSY has exchanged pleasantries with. Apart from breaking ground and creating social and media history in many ways, ‘Gangnam Style’ has even been purported by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to be a “force for world peace” – cultural barriers are demolished as the world dances. Underlying this sentiment is the video’s almost universal appeal that assumes a supracultural yet equally paradoxical translatability: Korea’s neoteric ‘K-Wave’ phenomenon is at once local yet global, and where the latter is predicated on the former quality. The paper’s concern is thus two-fold. It will consider the dromological aspects of this musical contagion as it exemplifies and performs quite literally Paul Virilio’s thesis that the modern condition is driven by speed yet arrested to a dictatorship of movement. While many theories have been put forward for this astounding pop peculiarity, this paper would also examine the intercultural currents that advocate such a global (pop) cultural response. Through an analysis of sonic qualities – digital techno-beat rhythms, synth-based musicality, cyclical lyrics, horse-galloping movements – and acoustic receptions, it will consider the simultaneous and dichotomous currents of glocalisation and globalisation as it relates to the ways in which sonic ‘hyper-links’ establish new concepts of global-cultural identities even as these seem to be interrogated in the borderless worlds of hyper-mediatised realities and cultural technologies.


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Superimposition is built on a live-scoring system. Computer animated graphics combined with computer generated algorithms produce the score in real time based on preferences input by the composer. Notably, this system introduces a methodology for eliciting complex and coordinated rhythms from instrumentalists through notation generated in real time. This work also incorporates a system for live electronics and live sampling and processing.


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Esta investigação tem por objetivo perceber os protagonismos associados à música raiz na região do Sul de Minas, estado brasileiro de Minas Gerais. Desenvolvido no âmbito da etnomusicologia, trata-se de um estudo etnográfico realizado entre os anos de 2009 e 2012 no município de Jacutinga, localizado no Vale do Sapucaí. Como música raiz entende-se nesse contexto um universo musical que engloba vários “ritmos”, “formas” ou “estilos”, como a moda-de-viola, o pagode-de-viola, a querumana, a guarânia, dentre outros, performado por uma dupla cantando em dueto com acompanhamento da viola caipira. O termo engloba os segmentos música caipira e música sertaneja no sentido em que, para os protagonistas, as classificações convergem. O conceito de paisagem cantada é adotado como principal ferramenta de análise uma vez que no romance – gênero cantado e central da música raiz - a poética-narrativa atua como testemunha da história de um universo associado ao modo de vida rural do centro-sudeste brasileiro. A memória é portanto entextualizada na moda – unidade mínima musical de análise – que ao ser performada evoca um catálogo de elementos identificadores de uma cartografia humana, territorial e sonora, associadas a um universo designado por caipira. O sentido de pertencimento e de identificação com este paradigma promove uma recontextualização destes elementos fazendo emergir novas paisagens e novas práticas onde eles são ressignificados, adquirindo, em alguns casos, o valor de marcos sonoros (ex: o carro-de-boi, o berrante e o monjolo). Paralelamente, o processo de materialização da música que conduziu à sua fixação em disco e ao aparente desaparecimento da situação de performance participativa, transformou a própria música raiz num marco sonoro através do qual a caipiridade é representada.


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Os primeiros estudos onde se tentava avaliar os melhores horários para se lecionar de forma a se poderem otimizar os horários escolares são já muito antigos. O primeiro a estabelecer uma relação sistemática entre performance cognitiva, Cronobiologia e sono foi Kleitman, evidenciando uma paralelismo entre o ritmo circadiano da temperatura central e a altura do dia em que eram realizadas tarefas simples de repetição. Após este primeiro estudo, muitos outros se seguiram, contudo a maioria apenas encontrou ritmos em protocolos de rotina constante e dessincronização forçada desprovidos de validade ecológica. Acresce ainda o facto de neste tipo de estudos não haver uma manipulação sistemática do efeito do padrão individual de distribuição dos parâmetros circadianos no nictómero, designado na literatura como Cronotipo. Perante isto, o presente estudo pretende avaliar a influência do Cronotipo nos ritmos cognitivos, utilizando um protocolo de rotina normal (Ecológico), onde também se manipula o efeito fim-de-semana. Para testar as premissas supramencionadas, utilizou-se uma amostra de 16 alunos universitários, que numa primeira fase responderam ao questionário de Matutinidade e Vespertinidade de Horne&Östberg, para caracterização do Cronotipo, e posteriormente andaram 15-17 dias consecutivos com tempatilumis (actímetros) para análise de ritmos de temperatura e atividade, com iPads onde realizavam ao longo do dia várias tarefas cognitivas e com o Manual de Registo Diário, onde respondiam ao diário de sono e de atividade. A análise de dados denotou a inexistência de expressão de ritmos na maioria dos parâmetros cognitivos inviabilizando a verificação de diferenças significativas entre indivíduos matutinos e vespertinos nestes parâmetros. Esta ausência de visualização da expressão rítmica pode ser explicada pelo facto de os participantes não terem aderido da forma desejada e exigida, à realização das tarefas cognitivas, ou pelo facto de termos usado um protocolo de rotina normal, em detrimento dos protocolos de rotina constate e dessincronização forçada, não controlando assim algumas variáveis que influenciam o desempenho cognitivo, podendo estas mascarar ou mesmo eliminar o ritmo. Ainda assim e apesar destas contingências observaram-se ritmos circadianos nas variáveis de autoavaliação, mesmo com o paradigma ecológico. Verificou-se ainda um efeito da hora do dia em vários parâmetros de tarefas cognitivas e motoras medidas objetivamente, assim como uma diminuição da performance cognitiva nos vespertinos, comparativamente aos matutinos, na janela temporal das 6h às 12 horas, que coincide com a maior concentração de horas de aulas por dia na Universidade onde o estudo foi realizado. Outros estudos serão necessários para consolidar a influência do Cronotipo nos ritmos cognitivos, utilizando o protocolo de rotina normal para garantir a validade ecológica, salvaguardando uma participação mais ativa na execução das tarefas cognitivas por parte dos sujeitos em estudo.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Formação de Professores), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013


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Tese de mestrado em Ecologia Marinha, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Tese de mestrado, Ciências do Sono, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação, especialidade Educação Especial, ramo Problemas de Cognição e Multideficiência


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Locomotion has been a major research issue in the last few years. Many models for the locomotion rhythms of quadrupeds, hexapods, bipeds and other animals have been proposed. This study has also been extended to the control of rhythmic movements of adaptive legged robots. In this paper, we consider a fractional version of a central pattern generator (CPG) model for locomotion in bipeds. A fractional derivative D α f(x), with α non-integer, is a generalization of the concept of an integer derivative, where α=1. The integer CPG model has been proposed by Golubitsky, Stewart, Buono and Collins, and studied later by Pinto and Golubitsky. It is a network of four coupled identical oscillators which has dihedral symmetry. We study parameter regions where periodic solutions, identified with legs’ rhythms in bipeds, occur, for 0<α≤1. We find that the amplitude and the period of the periodic solutions, identified with biped rhythms, increase as α varies from near 0 to values close to unity.


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O presente trabalho foi realizado como parte integrante do mestrado em música da Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa (ESML), e procurou explorar a utilização de “novos ritmos” (Belling, 2010), sobretudo a polimetria em uma peça para piano e percussão intitulada de “Martulus”, com pequena influência de células rítmicas afro-brasileiras e composta durante o último semestre do mestrado. A polimétrica realiza-se na peça sobrepondo, em vários momentos, os diferentes instrumentos em compassos diferentes uns dos outros o que resulta no fato de as barras de compassos por vezes não serem simétricas e o primeiro tempo do compasso acontecer em vários momentos diferentes, os instrumentos que utilizam duas claves, como o piano e a marimba, puderam utilizar às vezes de compassos diferentes em cada clave de forma sobreposta. A peça termina com o compasso de 0/8 e sem barras de compasso, o 8 do denominador faz alusão as colcheias que passa a ser a única forma de guia para os instrumentistas e ausência de primeiro tempo deixando a música suspensa sem acentos implícitos. A peça foi composta para 7 instrumentistas e 7 instrumentos; piano, marimba, tímpano, bumbo grande, caixa, congas, bongôs, e da forma como foi escrita um mesmo percussionista não pode tocar mais do que um instrumento.