956 resultados para Trinidad y Tobago
"Containing information obtained from official records and reliable sources."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliography: p. [41-42]
Imprint information from vol. title page.
This study on risk and disaster management capacities of four Caribbean countries: Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, examines three main dimensions: 1) the impact of natural disasters from 1900 to 2010 (number of events, number of people killed, total number affected, and damage in US$); 2) institutional assessments of disaster risk management disparity; and 3) the 2010 Inter-American Bank for Development (IADB) Disaster Risk and Risk Management indicators for the countries under study. The results show high consistency among the different sources examined, pointing out the need to extend the IADB measurements to the rest of the Caribbean countries. Indexes and indicators constitute a comparison measure vis-à-vis existing benchmarks in order to anticipate a capacity to deal with adverse events and their consequences; however, the indexes and indicators could only be tested against the occurrence of a real event. Therefore, the need exists to establish a sustainable and comprehensive evaluation system after important disasters to assess a country‘s performance, verify the indicators, and gain feedback on measurement systems and methodologies. There is diversity in emergency and preparedness for disasters in the four countries under study. The nature of the event (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and seismic activity), especially its frequency and the intensity of the damage experienced, is related to how each has designed its risk and disaster management policies and programs to face natural disasters. Vulnerabilities to disaster risks have been increasing, among other factors, because of uncontrolled urbanization, demographic density and poverty increase, social and economic marginalization, and lack of building code enforcement. The four countries under study have shown improvements in risk management capabilities, yet they are far from being completed prepared. Barbados‘ risk management performance is superior, in comparison, to the majority of the countries of the region. However, is still far in achieving high performance levels and sustainability in risk management, primarily when it has the highest gap between potential macroeconomic and financial losses and the ability to face them. The Dominican Republic has shown steady risk performance up to 2008, but two remaining areas for improvement are hazard monitoring and early warning systems. Jamaica has made uneven advances between 1990 and 2008, requiring significant improvements to achieve high performance levels and sustainability in risk management, as well as macroeconomic mitigation infrastructure. Trinidad and Tobago has the lowest risk management score of the 15 countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region as assessed by the IADB study in 2010, yet it has experienced an important vulnerability reduction. In sum, the results confirmed the high disaster risk management disparity in the Caribbean region.
This study on risk and disaster management capacities of four Caribbean countries: Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, examines three main dimensions: 1) the impact of natural disasters from 1900 to 2010 (number of events, number of people killed, total number affected, and damage in US$); 2) institutional assessments of disaster risk management disparity; and 3) the 2010 Inter-American Bank for Development (IADB) Disaster Risk and Risk Management indicators for the countries under study. The results show high consistency among the different sources examined, pointing out the need to extend the IADB measurements to the rest of the Caribbean countries. Indexes and indicators constitute a comparison measure vis-à-vis existing benchmarks in order to anticipate a capacity to deal with adverse events and their consequences; however, the indexes and indicators could only be tested against the occurrence of a real event. Therefore, the need exists to establish a sustainable and comprehensive evaluation system after important disasters to assess a country’s performance, verify the indicators, and gain feedback on measurement systems and methodologies. There is diversity in emergency and preparedness for disasters in the four countries under study. The nature of the event (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and seismic activity), especially its frequency and the intensity of the damage experienced, is related to how each has designed its risk and disaster management policies and programs to face natural disasters. Vulnerabilities to disaster risks have been increasing, among other factors, because of uncontrolled urbanization, demographic density and poverty increase, social and economic marginalization, and lack of building code enforcement. The four countries under study have shown improvements in risk management capabilities, yet they are far from being completed prepared. Barbados’ risk management performance is superior, in comparison, to the majority of the countries of the region. However, is still far in achieving high performance levels and sustainability in risk management, primarily when it has the highest gap between potential macroeconomic and financial losses and the ability to face them. The Dominican Republic has shown steady risk performance up to 2008, but two remaining areas for improvement are hazard monitoring and early warning systems. Jamaica has made uneven advances between 1990 and 2008, requiring significant improvements to achieve high performance levels and sustainability in risk management, as well as macroeconomic mitigation infrastructure. Trinidad and Tobago has the lowest risk management score of the 15 countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region as assessed by the IADB study in 2010, yet it has experienced an important vulnerability reduction. In sum, the results confirmed the high disaster risk management disparity in the Caribbean region.
This dissertation examined the effect of United States counter-drug policy on nationalism in small states, focusing on Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. The states were selected for their roles and geostrategic importance in the illegal drug trade; Jamaica being the largest drug producing country in the Anglophone Caribbean and having strong links to the trade of Colombian cocaine, and Trinidad being a mere seven miles from the South American coast. Since U.S. counterdrug policies have frequently been viewed in the region as imperialistic, this dovetails into ideas on the perceptions of smallness and powerlessness of Caribbean nations. Hence, U.S. drug policies affect every vulnerability faced by the Caribbean, individually and collectively. Thus, U.S. drug policy was deemed the most appropriate independent variable, with nationalism as the dependent variable. In both countries four Focus Groups and one Delphi Study were conducted resulting in a total of 60 participants. Focus Group participants, recruited from the general population, were asked about their perception of the illegal drug trade in the country and the policies their government had created. They were also asked their perception on how deeply involved the U.S. was in the creation of these policies and their opinions on whether this involvement was positive or negative. The Delphi Study participants were experts in the field of local drug policies and also gave their interpretations of the role the U.S. played in local policy creation. Coupled with this data, content analysis was conducted on various newspaper articles, press releases, and speeches made regarding the topic. In comparing both countries, it was found that there is a disconnect between government actions and the knowledge and perceptions of the general public. In Trinidad and Tobago this disconnect was more apparent given the lack of awareness of local drug policies and the utter lack of faith in government solutions. The emerging conclusion was that the impact of U.S. drug policy on nationalism was more visible in Trinidad and Tobago where there was a weaker civil society-government relationship, while the impact on nationalism was more obscure in Jamaica, which had a stronger civil-society government relationship.
Health consumers worldwide obtain nutrition information from various sources; however, the sources Trinidadians and Tobagonians accessed were unclear. This cross-sectional, descriptive study ascertained from which sources Trinidadians and Tobagonians obtained nutrition information. Participants (n = 845) were surveyed with questions regarding demographics and nutrition information sources. Nearly 100% agreed nutrition information was important. Persons 18-64 years old mainly accessed print media (p<0.01) and ≥ 65years old predominantly accessed the non-print media. Significantly more tertiary educated people, ≥ 35 years old, retrieved information from print media (p=0.001), health care professionals (p=0.001), food labels (p=0.006), and non-print media (p=0.03) when compared to those < 35 years with similar education. Tertiary educated people (67%), selected the Internet when compared to those with without tertiary education (33%) (p<0.001). Knowing the nutrition information sources accessed, dietitians will be able to provide consistent, accurate, age specific nutrition information and promote healthy eating among Trinidadians and Tobagonians.
La pobreza es un factor que influye, como se ha indicado en numerosos estudios, en el resultado académico de los chicos y las chicas desfavorecidas, así como en su proceso de aprendizaje. Además, la falta de recursos tanto económicos como culturales interacciona con múltiples variables de distinta manera. En este estudio se analiza al estudiante resiliente a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el Programa PISA de 2009 dedicado a la lectura con la pretensión de dar respuesta a la pregunta: ¿en qué se diferencian y en qué se parecen los estudiantes que tienen una puntuación similar en lectura pero con orígenes sociales diferentes o a la inversa? a fin de poder conocer las características propias de la resiliente. Para ello, se ha definido al estudiante resiliente como aquel que obtiene una puntuación en el estatus socioeconómico y cultural contenida en el intervalo -1 o menor y una puntuación en lectura en los niveles 5 ó 6. Concretando los objetivos de este estudios, éstos son (a) Identificar las principales variables, entre las seleccionadas por PISA, que influyen en la relación entre el nivel económico y el académico, (b) Aplicar el Análisis de Variables Latentes para discernir grupos de alumnos evaluados en PISA, (c) Identificar grupos de alumnos y (d) Buscar las características del alumnado resiliente frente a las de aquellos sujetos con niveles socioeconómicos o académicos similares. Para ello se han seleccionado los siguientes países pertenecientes a la OCDE: Australia, Canadá, República Checa, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Hungría, Israel, Japón, Corea, México, Nueva Zelanda, Polonia, Portugal, Eslovenia, España, Turquía, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos y no pertenecientes a la OCDE: Brasil, Bulgaria, China Taipei, Croacia, Macao-China, Rusia, Shanghái-China, Singapur, Trinidad y Tobago y Uruguay...
Este estudio realiza una categorización regional de los países en América Latina con respecto de las categorizaciones globales teniendo en cuenta los índices de competitividad, crecimiento económico y desarrollo humano. El objetivo es actualizar los análisis sobre la situación regional de forma cuantitativa involucrando el grado de asimetría en la competitividad. Esta relación entre el posicionamiento global y regional ha influenciado directamente la evolución del tejido empresarial
La dynamique démographique ayant cours au sein de la région des Caraïbes est très particulière, notamment par la rapidité avec laquelle la population vieillit, un rythme des plus élevés par rapport aux autres régions du monde. Les enjeux cruciaux que sont ceux d’assurer la qualité de vie des aînés d’aujourd’hui et de demain ainsi qu’une gestion efficace de ces sociétés vieillissantes se doivent d’être abordés et pris en compte. Le présent mémoire diffuse les résultats d'une analyse ciblée des caractéristiques sociodémographiques des personnes âgées de quatre États des Caraïbes (Antigua-et-Barbuda, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines et Trinité-et-Tobago) à partir des données de leur plus récent recensement. Ce portrait met une emphase particulière sur les conditions de vie, la santé et la participation sur le marché du travail des personnes âgées, soit sur les grands thèmes des trois objectifs du Plan d’action international sur le vieillissement de Madrid. Par ailleurs, un regard est posé sur les effets des cinq premières années en vigueur du Plan de Madrid sur les populations caribéennes. Les informations obtenues à la suite d’interviews effectués auprès de personnes contacts de quelques pays caribéens sont synthétisées et identifient les efforts déployés principalement par les gouvernements pour inclure les objectifs du Plan de Madrid et autres enjeux du vieillissement démographique dans les mécanismes et les politiques de développement social et économique ainsi que ceux de respect des droits humains.
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