979 resultados para Tito, Josip Broz, 1892-1980.
This is the Kent estuary survey 8th July 1980 produced by the North West Water Authority in 1980. This survey was carried out on the Kent Estuary on the 8th July, 1980 during the period 3h hours before to 1.5 hours after low water. The chemical water quality in the vicinity of Arnside was found, in general, to be good. The E. coli counts were found to be at or below the E E C mandatory value for bathing waters. Downstream of the Arnside outfall the E coli counts were generally above the E E C mandatory value, the counts getting higher at and after low water. B O D values also increased at low water though ammonia and phosphate (except for 1 sample) concentrations were low. The total coliform counts both at Arnside and below the outfall were always above the E E C mandatory level (except for 2 samples).
Neste trabalho, a partir da recorrência à literatura de cordel como fonte histórica, será apresentada de que forma a reprodução da temática do cangaço nesses folhetos permitem que os migrantes nordestinos constituam uma identidade regionalista baseada no apego aos valores tradicionais da sua região natal. Dentro desse contexto, relacionamos o processo migratório dos nordestinos para as grandes metrópoles situadas no Sudeste, sobretudo Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, com a difusão e recepção dos cordéis nesses estados entre as décadas de 1950 e 1980. No que concerne a abordagem do cangaço nos versos da literatura de cordel, na qual atribui aos cangaceiros o papel de símbolos regionais, serão pontuadas as principais estratégias adotadas pelos cordelistas que possibilitam a identificação e a empatia dos migrantes vindos do Nordeste com os personagens do cangaço narrados nos folhetos, contribuindo para um maior estreitamento entre Nordeste e nordestino. Nesse sentido, vale ressaltar a ressignificação da imagem dos cangaceiros, deslocando sua representação de homens cruéis e bárbaros para a reprodução de heróis-vilãos, isto é, protagonistas de personalidades ambíguas e contraditórias
The diet of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in the area of Pavlof Bay, Alaska, was studied in the early 1980s by Albers and Anderson (1985). They found that the dominant prey species were forage species like pandalid shrimp, capelin (Mallotus villosus), and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). The shrimp fishery in Pavlof Bay began in 1968 and closed in 1980 because of low shrimp abundance (Ruccio and Worton1). Survey data indicate that, during the period between 1972 and 1997, the abundance of forage species such as pandalid shrimp and capelin declined and higher trophic-level groundfish such as Pacific cod increased. There is a general recognition that a long-term ocean climate shift in the Gulf of Alaska has been partially responsible for the observed reorganization of the community structure (Anderson and Piatt, 1999).
Versión electrónica para multimedia del libro Corales Pétreos de Cuba publicado en 1980 por Nereida Martínez Estalella y Vasil Zlatarski. La colección de Corales pétreos se formó en el Instituto de Oceanología entre los años 1970 y 1975. En 2005 pasa a ser custodiada por el Acuario Nacional con el resto de las colecciones biológicas. La colección está formada por 4,990 ejemplares, 2 Clases Anthozoa e Hydrozoa , 16 familias, 30 géneros, 45 especies y 23 formas. Multimedia electronic book version of Stony Corals Cuba published in 1980 by Nereida Martínez Estalella and Vasil Zlatarski. The collection of stony corals are formed at the Institute of Oceanology between 1970 and 1975. Renumbered in 2005 by the National Aquarium guarded with other biological collections. The collection consists of 4,990 samples, 2 classes Anthozoa and Hydrozoa, 16 families, 30 genera, 45 species and 23 forms.
Longliner and purse-seiner catch/effort statistics for tuna fisheries in the western Indian Ocean collected by Mozambique, Seychelles and Somalia are summarized. Although the data are not considered sufficient to indicate trends for the western Indian Ocean as a whole, an examination of data from the Seychelles EEZ shows that catch rates for yellowfin tuna declined consistently from 1982 to 1985, to about half their former levels. The data were processed by the FAO/Indo Pacific Tuna Development and Management Programme, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Reports of cruises carried out off Mozambique between parallels 21 degree 00 and 26 degree 20'S and at depths of 400 and 800 meters including abundance indices, catch composition, geographic and bathymetric distributions of shrimp catches are presented. The main species found were Hymenopenaeus triarthrus and Aristeomorpha foliacea which represent 64 to 72% of total catches.
A survey of the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) was conducted to: estimate the abundance of shallow-water shrimp in the area between 16 degree 20'S and 20 degree 20'S, from 5 to 100 meters; estimate the shallow-water shrimp species composition and distribution pattern of main species. Collect biological data of the main species, Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros; study the shrimp by-catch, species composition and biological data collection of the most abundant species of commercial value; and collect environmental data to clarify the shelf circulation on the Sofala Bank and the main oceanic features in the regions 15 degree S to 18 degree S and south of 22 degree S.
ProBiota has created this humble document to share it with the “universe of ichthyology” and with those who research and portray the history of science in this region. These images of the past and present of our continental ichthyology of our country are a testimony for the future. Although, in the words of James Joyce: - There is not past, no future; everything flows in an eternal present –
We are grateful to all the voluntary donors of DNA samples in this study. We thank Hui Zhang and Yan-jiao Li for their technical help. We also thank Dr. Darren Curnoe for his critical reading of the manuscript. This study was supported by grants from the National 973 project of China (2007CB947701,2007CB815705), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX1YW-R-34, Westlight Doctoral Program), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30525028, 30700445, 30630013 and 30771181), and the Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province of China (2007C100M, 2009CD107).
A new species of myxosporida, Henneguya clariae, is described from the gills of Claria’s Iazera caught from various waters in Nigeria. Pathogenic effects in the destruction of the components of the branchial system are about 25% of Clarias lazera. A review of the genera Henneguya myxobilatus, and Neohenneguya is made and these were synonymised, with some reservations in the case of to Henneguya. A checklist of the genus Henneguya is given.
<正> 湖南省水产学会召开学术年会,希望联系渔业谈一下生态学问题。由于自己懂得很少,所以讲不深透,挂一漏万,不妥和错误之处,望大家指正。一、现代生态学及其基本内容人类的生产实践推动了科学的产生和发展,而科学的发展又反过来促进了生