975 resultados para The Finnish Tourist Association
This thesis examines the effect of operating leverage and financial leverage on the value premium in the Finnish stock markets 2002-2012. The purpose of the thesis is to examine whether operating leverage and financial leverage affect firm`s BE/ME and stock returns. The accounting data has been collected from Amadeus database and market-based data from the Datastream database. Sample used in this thesis covers years from 1998 to 2012. This thesis confirms the findings of previous research of tight connection between operating leverage and BE/ME and reinforces the findings of previous research that relation between financial leverage and BE/ME is not robust. In turn, relation between operating leverage, BE/ME and stock returns is not clearly perceived during the 2002-2012 period in the Finnish stock markets.
This thesis examines whether or not Finnish stock markets has herding behavior. Sample data is from 2004 to 2013. Including total of 2516 market days. Market wide herding, up and down market herding, extreme price movement herding and turnover volume herding are measured in this thesis. Methods used in this thesis are cross-sectional absolute dispersion and cross-sectional standard deviation. This thesis found no signs of herding in the Finnish stock market.
This doctoral dissertation explores the intra-organizational dynamics of a strategic renewal process. The main research question is how the pursuit of change and organizational inertia co-exist, intertwine, and collide in organizational cognition and capabilities during the strategic renewal. It is a comprehensive study on how organizational capabilities, organizational cognition, and structure enhance and inhibit change. Theoretically, the study is positioned in the modern tradition of strategy research, using the dynamic capability view and the organizational and managerial cognition research tradition as the main theoretical frames. Empirically, the study is a longitudinal case study of the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle), following the organizational changes during the years of 2011-1014. The analysis is based on both quantitative and qualitative data, which was collected during the research process using surveys, interviews, and archives. The main theoretical contribution is the application of the two theoretical approaches in one study. Empirically, the study contributes to operationalization of the concepts related to the dynamic capability view and organizational cognition, in a media context that is going through drastic changes due to digitalization. Furthermore, the case of a public broadcasting company extends the application of the theoretical concepts to the context of public management. The results suggest that renewal is a complex process, in which an organization’s perceptions intertwine with the strategic actions and decision-making. The change evolves pathdependently: the past experiences, routines, and organizational structures tend to dictate the future visions, desires, and actions. The study also reveals how the public nature of an organization adds to the tensions between change and organizational inertia, and hampers the decision-making. The doctoral dissertation consists of six research papers, each of which explores the phenomenon under study from a different perspective.
Extensive literature shows that analysts’ forecasts and recommendations are often biased. Thus, it is important for the financial market to be able to recognize this bias to be able to correctly valuate public companies. This thesis uses characteristic approach, which was introduced by So (2013, pp. 615-640), to forecast analysts’ forecast errors and tests if predictable forecast error is fully incorporated into share prices. Data is collected of listed Finnish companies. Thesis’ timeframe spans over ten years from 2004 to 2013 consisting of 788 firm-years. Although there is earlier evidence that the characteristic approach is able to predict analysts’ forecast errors, no support for this is found in the Finnish market. This thesis contributes to the current knowledge by showing that the characteristic approach does not work universally as such but requires development to work especially in the smaller markets.
This thesis is done as a part of the NEOCARBON project. The aim of NEOCARBON project is to study a fully renewable energy system utilizing Power-to-Gas or Power-to-Liquid technology for energy storage. Power-to-Gas consists of two main operations: Hydrogen production via electrolysis and methane production via methanation. Methanation requires carbon dioxide and hydrogen as a raw material. This thesis studies the potential carbon dioxide sources within Finland. The different sources are ranked using the cost and energy penalty of the carbon capture, carbon biogenity and compatibility with Power-to-Gas. It can be concluded that in Finland there exists enough CO2 point sources to provide national PtG system with sufficient amounts of carbon. Pulp and paper industry is single largest producer of biogenic CO2 in Finland. It is possible to obtain single unit capable of grid balancing operations and energy transformations via Power-to-Gas and Gas-to-Power by coupling biogas plants with biomethanation and CHP units.
If electricity users adjusted their consumption patterns according to time-variable electricity prices or other signals about the state of the power system, generation and network assets could be used more efficiently, and matching intermittent renewable power generation with electricity demand would be facilitated. This kind of adjustment of electricity consumption, or demand response, may be based on consumers’ decisions to shift or reduce electricity use in response to time-variable electricity prices or on the remote control of consumers’ electric appliances. However, while demand response is suggested as a solution to many issues in power systems, actual experiences from demand response programs with residential customers are mainly limited to short pilots with a small number of voluntary participants, and information about what kinds of changes consumers are willing and able to make and what motivates these changes is scarce. This doctoral dissertation contributes to the knowledge about what kinds of factors impact on residential consumers’ willingness and ability to take part in demand response. Saving opportunities calculated with actual price data from the Finnish retail electricity market are compared with the occurred supplier switching to generate a first estimate about how large savings could trigger action also in the case of demand response. Residential consumers’ motives to participate in demand response are also studied by a web-based survey with 2103 responses. Further, experiences of households with electricity consumption monitoring systems are discussed to increase knowledge about consumers’ interest in getting more information on their electricity use and adjusting their behavior based on it. Impacts of information on willingness to participate in demand response programs are also approached by a survey for experts of their willingness to engage in demand response activities. Residential customers seem ready to allow remote control of electric appliances that does not require changes in their everyday routines. Based on residents’ own activity, the electricity consuming activities that are considered shiftable are very limited. In both cases, the savings in electricity costs required to allow remote control or to engage in demand response activities are relatively high. Nonmonetary incentives appeal to fewer households.
Suomen osakeyhtiölain mukaan varoja ei saa jakaa, jos jaosta päätettäessä tiedetään tai pitäisi tietää yhtiön olevan maksukyvytön tai jaon aiheuttavan maksukyvyttömyyden. Ongelmallista on, että maksukykyä ei ole selvästi määritelty laissa tai hallituksen esityksessä. Tilintarkastuslain mukaan tilintarkastajan on siten huomautettava, jos maksukykytestiä on rikottu, mutta tilintarkastaja joutuu yleensä määrittelemään tällaiset huomauttamista vaativat tilanteet itse. Maksukykytestistä on kirjoitettu suomalaisessa yhtiöoikeuden ja laskentatoimen kirjallisuudessa melko kattavasti. Kuitenkin tilintarkastajaa koskeva näkökulma on saanut osakseen suhteellisen vähän huomiota. Tästä näkökulmasta on kirjoitettu vain joitakin korkeakoulujen tutkielmia sekä lyhyehköjä ammatillisia seminaariesityksiä. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on ollut koota laaja yleiskuva siitä, miten tilintarkastajat itse kokevat asemansa ja tehtävänsä yllä kuvatuissa tilanteessa. Tutkielmassa on käyty läpi aikaisempaa yhtiöoikeuden ja laskentatoimen kirjallisuudessa ja seminaariesityksissä esitettyä aineistoa. Lisäksi tutkielmaa varten tehtiin suomalaisille tilintarkastajille kohdennettu Internet-pohjainen kysely. Tutkielma selkeyttää kuvaa siitä, miten tilintarkastajat toimivat yllä kuvatussa tilanteessa ja miten he ovat sopeuttaneet toimiaan yhteiskunnan institutionaalisen asetelman muututtua. Kirjallisuuden pohjalta tapahtuva teoreettinen analyysi on yhdistetty kyselyyn siitä, miten tilintarkastajat käytännössä toimivat. Tutkimuksen perustana olevaa tietoa on analysoitu pääosin kyselytutkimuksen menetelmin, mutta myös tilastollisen tutkimuksen menetelmiä on käytetty. Tutkielman tuloksena tutkielmassa selvitetään tilintarkastajan tehtäviä maksukykytestin yhteydessä. Tuloksena voidaan myös todeta, että tilintarkastaja ei suorita varojenjaossa tarvittavan maksukyvyn arvioinnin kannalta keskeisiä tarkastustoimenpiteitä ainoastaan tilikauden päättymisen jälkeen. Päinvastoin, tällaisia tarkastustoimenpiteitä suoritetaan enemmän tai vähemmän koko tilintarkastuksen aikana. Lisäksi vaikuttaisi siltä, että tilintarkastajan oma suhtautuminen maksukykytestiin on ainakin jossain määrin merkityksellinen sen kannalta, kuinka paljon tarkastustoimenpiteitä tehdään ja kuinka paljon maksukyvystä ja siihen liittyvistä puutteista raportoidaan yhtiön johdolle.