995 resultados para Text Corpus
Este trabajo presenta una propuesta de codificación morfosintáctica para corpus de referencia en lengua española basada en los estándares de la Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), The Network of European Reference Corpora (NERC) y The Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards (EAGLES) tal y como se presenta en (Martín de Santa Olalla, 1994). Presentamos también el trabajo de creación de etiquetador morfosintáctico que utiliza el conjunto de etiquetas que ésta contiene.
This paper discusses a novel hybrid approach for text categorization that combines a machine learning algorithm, which provides a base model trained with a labeled corpus, with a rule-based expert system, which is used to improve the results provided by the previous classifier, by filtering false positives and dealing with false negatives. The main advantage is that the system can be easily fine-tuned by adding specific rules for those noisy or conflicting categories that have not been successfully trained. We also describe an implementation based on k-Nearest Neighbor and a simple rule language to express lists of positive, negative and relevant (multiword) terms appearing in the input text. The system is evaluated in several scenarios, including the popular Reuters-21578 news corpus for comparison to other approaches, and categorization using IPTC metadata, EUROVOC thesaurus and others. Results show that this approach achieves a precision that is comparable to top ranked methods, with the added value that it does not require a demanding human expert workload to train
In this paper we investigate whether conventional text categorization methods may suffice to infer different verbal intelligence levels. This research goal relies on the hypothesis that the vocabulary that speakers make use of reflects their verbal intelligence levels. Automatic verbal intelligence estimation of users in a spoken language dialog system may be useful when defining an optimal dialog strategy by improving its adaptation capabilities. The work is based on a corpus containing descriptions (i.e. monologs) of a short film by test persons yielding different educational backgrounds and the verbal intelligence scores of the speakers. First, a one-way analysis of variance was performed to compare the monologs with the film transcription and to demonstrate that there are differences in the vocabulary used by the test persons yielding different verbal intelligence levels. Then, for the classification task, the monologs were represented as feature vectors using the classical TF–IDF weighting scheme. The Naive Bayes, k-nearest neighbors and Rocchio classifiers were tested. In this paper we describe and compare these classification approaches, define the optimal classification parameters and discuss the classification results obtained.
Basándonos en la recopilación inicial de preposiciones, locuciones preposicionales, términos con preposición dependiente y phrasal verbs utilizados en el texto técnico realizada en otros proyectos anteriores del Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada a la Ciencia y a la Tecnología, el objetivo de este trabajo es completar, organizar, actualizar y dar visibilidad a esta información inicial. Tras realizar un proceso exhaustivo de verificación, unificación, clasificación y ampliación de la información existente, en caso necesario, el listado resultante se utiliza para elaborar un glosario de términos con preposición. El objetivo final de este proyecto es que este glosario esté a disposición de los usuarios, a través de una consulta on-line, en la página del ILLLab (http://illlab.euitt.upm.es/wordpress/), dependiente del Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada a la Ciencia y a la Tecnología. Para incluir en el glosario ejemplos actualizados de textos técnicos, se ha recopilado un corpus lingüístico de textos técnicos, tomando como base diferentes números de la revista IEEE Spectrum, en su edición digital, publicados entre los años 2009 y 2012. El objetivo de esta recopilación es la de ofrecer al consultante diferentes ejemplos de uso en el texto técnico de los distintos términos con preposición que componen el glosario, de manera que pueda acceder de manera rápida y sencilla a ejemplos de uso real de los términos que está buscando, con objeto de clarificar aspectos relacionados con su uso o, en su caso, facilitar su aprendizaje. Toda esta información, tanto el listado de términos con preposición como las frases pertenecientes al corpus recopilado, se incorpora a una base de datos, alojada dentro de la misma página web del ILLLab. A través de un formulario de consulta, a disposición del usuario en dicha página, se pueden obtener todos los términos recopilados que coincidan con los criterios de búsqueda introducidos. El usuario puede realizar dos tipos de búsqueda principales: por preposición o por término completo. Además, puede elegir una búsqueda global (entre todos los términos que integran el glosario) o parcial (en una sola de las categorías en las que se han dividido los diferentes términos, de acuerdo con su función gramatical). Por último, se presentan unas estadísticas de uso de los términos recopilados dentro de los diferentes textos que integran el corpus lingüístico, de manera que pueda establecerse una relación de los que aparecen con más frecuencia en el texto técnico. ABSTRACT. Based on the initial collection of prepositions, prepositional phrases, dependent prepositions and phrasal verbs used in technical texts collected on previous projects in the Department of Applied Linguistics to Science and Technology, the aim of this project is to improve, organize, update and provide visibility to this initial information. Following a process of verification, unification, classification and extension of existing information, if necessary, a glossary of terms with preposition is built. The ultimate objective of this project is to make this glossary available to users through an online consultation in the ILLLab webpage (http://illlab.euitt.upm.es/wordpress/). The administration of tis webpage depends of the Department of Applied Linguistics in Science and Technology. A linguistic corpus of technical texts has been compiled, based on different numbers of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, in its online edition, published between the years 2009 and 2012. The aim of this collection is to provide different examples of use in the technical text for the terms included in the glossary, so that examples of the actual use of the terms consulted can be easily and quickly accessed, in order to clarify doubts regarding their meaning or translation into Spanish and facilitate learning. All this information, both the list of terms with prepositional phrases as well as the corpus developed, is incorporated in a database. Through a searching form, the ILLLab's user may obtain all the terms matching the search criteria entered. The user can perform two types of main search: by preposition or by full term. Additionally, a global search can be selected (including all terms included in the glossary) or a partial one (including only one of the glossary's categories). Finally, some statistics of use are presented according to the various texts included in the corpus, so a relation of the most frequent prepositions in the technical text can be established.
Although it is well established that the secretory activity of the corpus luteum absolutely depends on the presence of pituitary-derived luteinizing hormone (LH), it is unknown why the life span of the corpus luteum is extended during early pregnancy by the placental production of chorionic gonadotropin (CG) but regresses in the presence of LH despite the fact that CG and LH have similar actions on the corpus luteum. To compare the responses of the corpus luteum to LH and human CG (hCG), cynomolgus monkeys whose endogenous gonadotropin secretion was blocked during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist were i.v. infused with either LH or CG. Infusion of LH at a constant rate overcame the gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist-mediated premature luteal regression but failed to prolong the functional life span of the corpus luteum. Continuous infusions of hCG did not effect a pregnancy-like pattern of gonadotropin secretion, but the functional life span of the corpus luteun was extended in two of three animals. Infusion of either LH or hCG in an exponentially increasing manner prolonged the functional life span of the corpus luteum beyond its normal duration. These results indicate that luteal regression at the termination of nonfertile menstrual cycles is caused by a large reduction in the responsiveness of the aging corpus luteum to LH, which can be overcome by elevated concentrations of either LH or CG.
IARG-AnCora tiene como objetivo la anotación con papeles temáticos de los argumentos implícitos de las nominalizaciones deverbales en el corpus AnCora. Estos corpus servirán de base para los sistemas de etiquetado automático de roles semánticos basados en técnicas de aprendizaje automático. Los analizadores semánticos son componentes básicos en las aplicaciones actuales de las tecnologías del lenguaje, en las que se quiere potenciar una comprensión más profunda del texto para realizar inferencias de más alto nivel y obtener así mejoras cualitativas en los resultados.
El foco geográfico de un documento identifica el lugar o lugares en los que se centra el contenido del texto. En este trabajo se presenta una aproximación basada en corpus para la detección del foco geográfico en el texto. Frente a otras aproximaciones que se centran en el uso de información puramente geográfica para la detección del foco, nuestra propuesta emplea toda la información textual existente en los documentos del corpus de trabajo, partiendo de la hipótesis de que la aparición de determinados personajes, eventos, fechas e incluso términos comunes, pueden resultar fundamentales para esta tarea. Para validar nuestra hipótesis, se ha realizado un estudio sobre un corpus de noticias geolocalizadas que tuvieron lugar entre los años 2008 y 2011. Esta distribución temporal nos ha permitido, además, analizar la evolución del rendimiento del clasificador y de los términos más representativos de diferentes localidades a lo largo del tiempo.
The great amount of text produced every day in the Web turned it as one of the main sources for obtaining linguistic corpora, that are further analyzed with Natural Language Processing techniques. On a global scale, languages such as Portuguese - official in 9 countries - appear on the Web in several varieties, with lexical, morphological and syntactic (among others) differences. Besides, a unified spelling system for Portuguese has been recently approved, and its implementation process has already started in some countries. However, it will last several years, so different varieties and spelling systems coexist. Since PoS-taggers for Portuguese are specifically built for a particular variety, this work analyzes different training corpora and lexica combinations aimed at building a model with high-precision annotation in several varieties and spelling systems of this language. Moreover, this paper presents different dictionaries of the new orthography (Spelling Agreement) as well as a new freely available testing corpus, containing different varieties and textual typologies.
In recent years, Twitter has become one of the most important microblogging services of the Web 2.0. Among the possible uses it allows, it can be employed for communicating and broadcasting information in real time. The goal of this research is to analyze the task of automatic tweet generation from a text summarization perspective in the context of the journalism genre. To achieve this, different state-of-the-art summarizers are selected and employed for producing multi-lingual tweets in two languages (English and Spanish). A wide experimental framework is proposed, comprising the creation of a new corpus, the generation of the automatic tweets, and their assessment through a quantitative and a qualitative evaluation, where informativeness, indicativeness and interest are key criteria that should be ensured in the proposed context. From the results obtained, it was observed that although the original tweets were considered as model tweets with respect to their informativeness, they were not among the most interesting ones from a human viewpoint. Therefore, relying only on these tweets may not be the ideal way to communicate news through Twitter, especially if a more personalized and catchy way of reporting news wants to be performed. In contrast, we showed that recent text summarization techniques may be more appropriate, reflecting a balance between indicativeness and interest, even if their content was different from the tweets delivered by the news providers.
Single folded piece of paper with Latin text titled "Lux est Corpus."
Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016
Includes bibliographical references.
Includes index.
Vols. 2-5 have also collective t.-p.: Les balles de fronde de la république provenant d'Ascoli.
Verses previously published in the Pelican record, the magazine of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.