989 resultados para Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction
An efficient synthesis has been developed toward a novel series of conjugated blue emitting polymers containing triphenylene as repeating unit for polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs). Soluble triphenylene-based co- and homo-polymers have been synthesized by the palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura and the nickel-catalysed Yamamoto polycondensation reactions, respectively. The photophysical properties as well as the application of the polymers in PLED devices are presented here.rnIn addition a simple GNR fabrication method that allows for the production of atomically precise GNRs of different topologies and widths is introduced. This bottom-up approach consists in the surface-assisted coupling of suitably designed molecular triphenylene precursors into linear polyphenylenes and their subsequent cyclodehydrogenation and results in GNRs whose topology, width and edge periphery are defined by the precursor monomers. Various types of atomically precise GNRs thus eventually become available for experimental investigation and exploitation of their many predicted and technologically highly interesting properties. Furthermore, it is anticipated that this bottom-up approach of GNR fabrication will allow the engineering of chemical and electronic properties and the yet elusive realization of theoretically predicted structures such as intraribbon quantum dots, superlattice structures, or magnetic devices based on specific GNR edge states.rn
Zusammenfassung:rnDie vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt das Design und die Synthese neuartiger Porphyrinoide anhand der Modifikation und der π-Systemausdehnung an der Peripherie des Porphyrin-Gerüsts. Die Darstellung künstlicher Porphyrine ist von Interesse, da neue physiko-chemischen Eigenschaften erhalten und untersucht werden können. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Porphyrinoide wurden mit Hilfe von modernen Synthesemethoden wie den metallkatalysierten Kreuzkupplungen und somit durch Aryl-Aryl Verknüpfungen aufgebaut.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der Modifikation des Porphyrin-Gerüsts. Porphyrine bestehen aus jeweils zwei Pyrrol- und Pyrrolenin-Einheiten, welche systematisch ausgetauscht wurden. Die Pyrrol-Einheiten wurden durch Carbazol ersetzt, das sich formal vom Pyrrol durch Anfügen von zwei Benzogruppen ableitet und deshalb besonders gut geeignet ist. Die Pyrrolenin-Einheiten wurden aus folgenden Gründen durch andere Heterozyklen wie Pyridin, Pyrrol oder Triazol ersetzt: rn* Nachbildung des stabilen Porphyrin trans-NH-Tautomers (Carbazol und Pyridin)rn* Nachbildung von (NH)4-Liganden wie Calix[4]pyrrol (Carbazol und Pyrrol)rn* Vereinigung von N-H und C-H Wasserstoffbrücken-Donor-Einheiten in einem Makrozyklus (Carbazol und Triazol)rnDie Synthese eines drei-Zentren Porphyrinoids mit ausgedehntem π-System wird im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit beschrieben. Dieses Thema basiert auf der aktuellen Entwicklung von nicht-Edelmetall basierten Katalysatoren für die Reduktion von Sauerstoff. Hier werden derzeit N4 makrozyklische Metallkomplexe, die mehrere katalytisch aktive Stellen aufweisen, untersucht. In diesem Zusammenhang, hat die Gruppe von Prof. Müllen einen neuartigen drei-Zentren-Komplex entwickelt. Ausgehend von diesen Erkenntnissen, dient diese Arbeit zur Verbesserung der katalytischen Aktivität des drei-Zentren-Komplex durch die Variation von verschieden Substituenten. Hierbei wurden zwei wesentliche Konzepte verfolgt:rn* Vernetzung durch die Bildung von Netzwerken oder durch Pyrolyse in der Mesophasern* Verbesserung des Katalysator-Trägermaterial-KontaktsrnNeben den Synthesen wurden die Eigenschaften und möglichen Anwendungen dieser neuartigen Materialen untersucht, wie z.B. als Liganden für Übergangsmetalle, als Anionenrezeptoren oder als Elektrokatalysatoren für die Reduktion von Sauerstoff. rn
Die Reaktion von Kupfertris(trimathylsilyl)silan (= Hypersilylkupfer, CuHyp) mit Iodoorganylverbindungen sollte analog zum Ullmann-Protokoll zum Halogen-Nukleophil-Austausch führen. Tatsächlich beobachteten wir zumeist die Bildung von Cuprio-Organylen, isolierbar in Form von mehrkernigen Neutralkomplexen aus dem Produkt und weiteren Äquivalenten von Hypersilylkupfer. Nach Zugabe von (weichen) Basen wie Trimethylphosphan kam es zur Auflösung dieser Komplexe und zur Bildung der erwarteten Silylorganyle. Von der systematischen Variation der eingesetzten Arene, Alkene und Alkine sowie ihrer Liganden versprachen wir uns tiefere Einsicht in die mechanistischen Zusammenhänge. Neben dem üblichen Halogen-Kupfer-Autausch konnten wir bei orthosubstituierten, bzw. zusätzlich tetramethylsubstituierten Diiodarenen einen einfachen Iod-Siyl-Autausch beobachten (vermutlich über Arinzwischenstufen), für Alkinedukte sogar eine doppelte Silylierung. Tatsächlich zeigen quantenchemische Berechnungen für CuHyp-Iodoorganyl-Systeme eine klare Präferenz von ullmannartigen Verläufen; andererseits führte Basenzugabe erst nachträglich zur Bildung von Ullmann-Produkten über die Auflösung der primären Komplexe. Innerhalb der üblicherweise gebildeten mehrkernigen Komplexe kommen Bindungen durch die Wechselwirkung unbesetzter σ*-Molekülorbitalee am Kupferzentrum von CuHyp und elektronenreichen bindenden Orbitalen in den Kupferorganyleinheiten zustande. Freie Elektronenpaare am Phosphor bei PMe3 könnten analog die Auflösung der Neutralkomplexe und die Bildung von vierkernigen Kupfer(III)-Intermediaten zwischen den Kupferorganyleinheiten und Iodsilan in der Lösung bewirken, die aufgrund ihrer strukturellen und energetischen Besonderheiten zu den erwarteten Ullmann-Produkten weiterreagieren würden. Die beobachteten Primärreaktionen verliefen dann offensichtlich über vergleichbare, aber unterschiedlich strukturierte Intermediate, vermutlich aufgrund der Tatsache, dass das eingesetzte CuHyp als Trimer vorliegt. Diese Annahme wird durch die direkte Silylierung von Iodalkinen gestützt, deren Dreifachbindungen möglicherweise als interne Base die trimeren in monomere CuHyp-Einheiten überführen. In eine ähnliche Richtung wäre die jüngst berichtete direkte Silylierung von Allylen bei Anwesenheit von elektronenreichen CN-Gruppen zu deuten.
End-brominated poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMABr) was prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and employed in a series of atom transfer radical coupling (ATRC) and radical trap-assisted ATRC (RTA-ATRG) reactions. When coupling reactions were performed in the absence of a nitroso radical trap-traditional ATRC condition-very little coupling of the PMMA chains was observed, consistent with disproportionation as the major termination pathway for two PMMA chain-end radicals in our reactions. When 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane (MNP) was used as the radical trap, coupling of the PMMA chains in this attempted RTA-ATRC reaction was again unsuccessful, owing to capping of the PMMA chains with a bulky nitroxide and preventing further coupling. Analogous reactions performed using nitrosobenzene (NBz) as the radical trap showed significant dimerization, as observed by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) by a shift in the apparent molecular weight compared to the PMMABr precursors. The extent of coupling was found to depend on the concentrion of NBz compared to the PMMABr chain ends, as well as the temperature and time of the coupling reaction. To a lesser extent, the concentrations of copper(I) bromide (CuBr), nitrogen ligand (N,N,N',N',N"-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine = PMDETA), and elemental copper (Cu) were also found to play a role in the success of the RTA-ATRC reaction. The highest levels of dimerization were observed when the coupling reaction was carried out at 80 degrees C for 0.5h, with ratio of 1:4:2.5:8:1 equiv of NBz: CuBr:Cu:PMDETA:PMMABr.
Chemical cross-linking is a potentially useful technique for probing the architecture of multiprotein complexes. However, analyses using typical bifunctional cross-linkers often suffer from poor yields, and large-scale modification of nucleophilic side chains can result in artifactual results attributable to structural destabilization. We report here the de novo design and development of a type of protein cross-linking reaction that uses a photogenerated oxidant to mediate rapid and efficient cross-linking of associated proteins. The process involves brief photolysis of tris-bipyridylruthenium(II) dication with visible light in the presence of the electron acceptor ammonium persulfate and the proteins of interest. Very high yields of cross-linked products can be obtained with irradiation times of <1 second. This chemistry obviates many of the problems associated with standard cross-linking reagents.
Diversas classes de compostos orgânicos de telúrio foram exploradas neste trabalho. Inicialmente foi estudada a transmetalação entre teluretos alílicos e dibutil cianocupratos de lítio de ordem superior, levando aos respectivos cianocupratos alílicos de lítio. Estes, por sua vez, foram acoplados com triflatos vinílicos, importantes intermediários sintéticos preparados previamente a partir de teluretos vinílicos, levando a sistemas altamente insaturados em ótimos rendimentos (Esquema 1). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) Em seguida, foi explorada a reatividade de teluretos aromáticos frente a reagentes organometálicos. Cianocupratos arílicos, gerados a partir da transmetalação entre teluretos aromáticos com cianocupratos de lítio de ordem superior, foram adicionados a cetonas α,β -insaturadas, levando aos produtos de adição 1,4 em bons rendimentos (Esquema 2). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) Teluretos vinílicos funcionalizados de configuração Z também foram alvo de estudo visando a formação de ligação carbono-carbono. Reações de substituição entre estes teluretos e cianocupratos de lítio de ordem inferior levaram a cetonas e ésteres α,β- insaturados com estereoquímica defInida em ótimos rendimentos (Esquema 3). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) De agosto/20OJ a março/2004, a aluna realizou um estágio sanduíche na University of California, Santa Barbara, sob a orientação do Prof. Bruce H. Lipshutz, onde realizou estudos sobre a ciclização de Bergman, visando a síntese do fragmentobiarílico A-B da vancornicina. Diversas condições para a ciclização foram estudadas com um composto modelo (Esquema 4) (Ver no arquivo em PDF) e parte da síntese total do fragmento da vancomlcma, onde a ciclização seria a etapa-chave, foi realizada com sucesso (Esquema 5). (Ver no arquivo em PDF)
Silica-gel supported binam-derived prolinamides are efficient organocatalysts for the direct intramolecular and intermolecular aldol reaction under solvent-free conditions using conventional magnetic stirring. These organocatalysts in combination with benzoic acid showed similar results to those obtained under similar homogeneous reaction conditions using an organocatalyst of related structure. For the intermolecular process, the aldol products were obtained at room temperature and using only 2 equiv of the ketone with high yields, regio-, diastereo- and enantioselectivities. Under these reaction conditions, also the cross aldol reaction between aldehydes is possible. The recovered catalyst can be reused up to nine times providing similar results. More interestingly, these heterogeneous organocatalysts can be used in the intramolecular aldol reaction allowing the synthesis of the Wieland–Miescher and ketone analogues with up to 92% ee, with its reused being possible up to five times without detrimental on the obtained results.
Aryl imidazol-1-ylsulfonates have been efficiently cross-coupled with aryl-, alkyl-, and silylacetylenes in neat water under copper-free conditions at 110 °C assisted by microwave irradiation. Using 0.5 mol% of an oxime palladacycle as precatalyst, 2-dicyclohexylphosphino-2′,6′-dimethoxybiphenyl (SPhos, 2 mol%) as ligand, hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as additive, and triethylamine (TEA) as base, a wide array of disubstituted alkynes has been prepared in good to high yields in only 30 min.
The palladium-catalyzed synthesis of dihydroisobenzofurans has been performed by sequential Sonogashira cross-coupling/cyclization reactions between terminal alkynes and 2-(hydroxymethyl)bromo- and chlorobenzenes in methanol as solvent at 130 °C under microwave irradiation. A 4,4′-dichlorobenzophenone oxime-derived chloro-bridged palladacycle is an efficient pre-catalyst to perform this tandem process using 2-dicyclohexylphosphanyl-2′,4′,6′-triisopropylbiphenyl (Xphos) as ancillary ligand and potassium hydroxide as base in the absence of a copper cocatalyst. Under these conditions, functionalized 2-bromo- and 2-chlorobenzaldehydes are also suitable partners in the domino process affording phthalans in good yields. All the reactions can be performed under air and employing reagent-grade chemicals under low loading conditions (1 mol% Pd).
The coupling reaction between aryl bromides and boron reagents is efficiently catalyzed by an in situ generated palladium complex obtained from palladium(II) acetate (0.1 mol%) and 1,3-bis(carboxymethyl)imidazole (0.2 mol%). The catalytic system is very active in protic solvents, especially in methanol. Biaryl derivatives have been prepared in good isolated yields (up to >99%), and additionally styrene and stilbene derivatives have also been prepared by means of this protocol.
Palladium and bimetallic Pd–Ni nanoparticles (NPs) protected by polyvinylpyrrolidone were prepared by the reduction-by-solvent method and deposited on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The catalytic activity of these NPs to carbon–carbon bond-forming reactions was studied by using 0.1 mol % Pd loading, at 120 °C for 1 h and water as a solvent under ligand-free conditions. The Suzuki–Miyaura reaction took place quantitatively for the cross-coupling of 4-bromoanisole with phenylboronic acid, better than those obtained with potassium phenyltrifluoroborate, with Pd50Ni50/MWCNTs as a catalyst and K2CO3 as a base and TBAB as an additive, with good recyclability during 4 cycles with some Ni leaching. The Hiyama reaction of 4-iodoanisole with trimethoxyphenylsilane, under fluoride-free conditions using 50 % aqueous NaOH solution, was performed with Pd/MWCNTs as a catalyst in 83 % yield with low recyclability. For the Mizoroki-Heck reaction 4-iodoanisole and styrene gave the corresponding 4-methoxystilbene quantitatively with Pd50Ni50/MWCNTs using K2CO3 as a base and TBAB as an additive although the recycle failed. In the case of the Sonogashira-Hagihara reaction, Pd/MWCNTs had to be used as a catalyst and pyrrolidine as a base for the coupling of 4-iodoanisole with phenylacetylene under copper-free conditions. The corresponding 4-methoxytolane was quantitatively obtained allowing the recycling of the catalyst during 3 cycles.
Combinatorial chemistry has become an invaluable tool in medicinal chemistry for the identification of new drug leads. For example, libraries of predetermined sequences and head-to-tail cyclized peptides are routinely synthesized in our laboratory using the IRORI approach. Such libraries are used as molecular toolkits that enable the development of pharmacophores that define activity and specificity at receptor targets. These libraries can be quite large and difficult to handle, due to physical and chemical constraints imposed by their size. Therefore, smaller sub-libraries are often targeted for synthesis. The number of coupling reactions required can be greatly reduced if the peptides having common amino acids are grouped into the same sub-library (batching). This paper describes a schedule optimizer to minimize the number of coupling reactions by rotating and aligning sequences while simultaneously batching. The gradient descent method thereby reduces the number of coupling reactions required for synthesizing cyclic peptide libraries. We show that the algorithm results in a 75% reduction in the number of coupling reactions for a typical cyclic peptide library.
A continuous multi-step synthesis of 1,2-diphenylethane was performed sequentially in a structured compact reactor. This process involved a Heck C-C coupling reaction followed by the addition of hydrogen to perform reduction of the intermediate obtained in the first step. Both of the reactions were catalysed by microspherical carbon-supported Pd catalysts. Due to the integration of the micro-heat exchanger, the static mixer and the mesoscale packed-bed reaction channel, the compact reactor was proven to be an intensified tool for promoting the reactions. In comparison with the batch reactor, this flow process in the compact reactor was more efficient as: (i) the reaction time was significantly reduced (ca. 7 min versus several hours), (ii) no additional ligands were used and (iii) the reaction was run at lower operational pressure and temperature. Pd leached in the Heck reaction step was shown to be effectively recovered in the following hydrogenation reaction section and the catalytic activity of the system can be mostly retained by reverse flow operation. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) hydrolase effects hydrolytic cleavage of AdoHcy to produce both adenosine and L-homocysteine and is a feedback inhibitor of S-adenosyl- L-methionine (SAM). Nucleoside analogues bearing an alkenyl or fluoroalkenyl chain between sulfur and C5' utilizing Negishi coupling reactions were synthesized. Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling between the 5'-deoxy-5'-(iodomethylene) nucleosides and alkylzinc bromides gives analogues with the alkenyl unit. Palladium-catalyzed selective monoalkylation of 5'-(bromofluoromethylene)-5'-deoxy-adenosine with alkylzinc bromide afford adenosylhomocysteine analogues with a 6'-(fluoro)vinyl motif. The vinylic adenine nucleosides produced time-dependent inactivation of the S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolases. Stannydesulfonylation reaction is a critical step in the synthesis of E-fluorovinyl cytidine (Tezacitabine) a ribonucleoside reductase inhibitor with a potent anticancer activity. The synthesis involves the removal of the sulfonyl group by a radical-mediated stannyldesulfonylation reaction using tributyltin hydride. In order to eliminate the toxicity of tin, I developed a radical-mediated germyldesulonylation utilizing less toxic germane hydrides. Treatment of the protected (E)-5'-deoxy-5'-[(p-toluenesulfonyl)-methylene]uridine and adenosine derivatives with tributyl- or triphenylgermane hydride effected radical-mediated germyldesulfonylations to give 5'-(tributyl- or triphenylgermyl)methylene-5'-deoxynucleoside derivatives as single (E)-isomers. Analogous treatment of 2'-deoxy-2'-[(phenylsulfonyl)methylene]uridine with Ph3GeH afforded the corresponding vinyl triphenylgermane product. Stereoselective halodegermylation of the (E)-5'-(tributylgermyl)-methylene-5'-deoxy nucleosides with NIS or NBS provided the Wittig-type (E)-5'-deoxy-5'-(halomethylene) nucleosides quantitatively. Radical-mediated thiodesulfonylation of the readily available vinyl and (α-fluoro) vinyl sulfones with aryl thiols in organic or aqueous medium to provide a bench and environmentally friendly protocol to access (α-fluoro)vinyl sulfides were developed. Methylation of the vinyl or (α-fluoro)vinyl phenyl sulfide gave access to the corresponding vinyl or (α-fluoro)vinyl sulfonium salts. These sulfonium ions were tested as possible methyl group donors during reactions with thiols, phenols or amino groups which are commonly present in natural amino acids.
The work described in this thesis revolves around the 1,1,n,ntetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes, which are a series of [n]cyclophanes with a severely bent, board-shaped polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The thesis is divided into seven Chapters. The first Chapter conatins an overview of the seminal work on [n]cyclophanes of the first two members of the “capped rylene” series of PAHs: benzene and pyrene. Three different general strategies for the synthesis of [n]cyclophanes are discussed and this leads in to a discussion of some slected syntheses of [n]paracyclopahnes and [n](2,7)pyrenophanes. The chemical, structural, spectroscopic and photophysical properties of these benzene and pyrene-derived cyclophanes are discussed with emphasis on the changes that occur with changes in the structure of the aromatic system. Chapter 1 concludes with a brief introduction to [n]cyclophanes of the fourth member of the capped rylene series of PAHs: teropyrene. The focus of the work described in Chapter 2 is the synthesis of of 1,1,n,ntetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophane (n = 6 and 7) using a double-McMurry strategy. While the synthesis 1,1,7,7-tetramethyl[7](2,11)teropyrenophane was successful, the synthesis of the lower homologue 1,1,6,6-tetramethyl[6](2,11)teropyrenophane was not. The conformational behaviour of [n.2]pyrenophanes was also studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy and this provided a conformation-based rationale for the failure of the synthesis of 1,1,6,6-tetramethyl[6](2,11)teropyrenophane. Chapter 3 contains details of the synthesis of 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7-9) using a Wurtz / McMurry strategy, which proved to be more general than the double McMurry strategy. The three teropyrenophanes were obtained in ca. 10 milligram quantities. Trends in the spectroscopic properties that accompany changes in the structure of the teropyrene system are discussed. A violation of Kasha’s rule was observed when the teropyrenophanes were irradiated at 260 nm. The work described in the fourth Chapter concentrates on the development of gram-scale syntheses of 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7–10) using the Wurtz / McMurry strategy. Several major modifications to the orginal synthetic pathway had to be made to enable the first several steps to be performed comfortably on tens of grams of material. Solubility problems severely limited the amount of material that could be produced at a late stage of the synthetic pathways leading to the evennumbered members of the series (n = 8, 10). Ultimately, only 1,1,9,9- tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane was synthesized on a multi-gram scale. In the final step in the synthesis, a valence isomerization / dehydrogenation (VID) reaction, the teropyrenophane was observed to become unstable under the conditions of its formation at n = 8. The synthesis of 1,1,10,10-tetramethyl[10](2,11)teropyrenophane was achieved for the first time, but only on a few hundred milligram scale. In Chapter 5, the results of an investigation of the electrophilic aromatic bromination of the 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7–10) are presented. Being the most abundant cyclophane, most of the work was performed on 1,1,9,9-tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane. Reaction of this compound with varying amounts of of bromine revealed that bromination occurs most rapidly at the symmetryrelated 4, 9, 13 and 18 positions (teropyrene numbering) and that the 4,9,13,18- tetrabromide could be formed exclusively. Subsequent bromination occurs selectively on the symmetry-related 6, 7, 15 and 16 positions (teropyrene numbering), but considerably more slowly. Only mixtures of penta-, hexa-, hepta and octabromides could be formed. Bromination reactions of the higher and lower homologues (n = 7, 8 and 10) revealed that the reactivity of the teropyrene system increased with the degree of bend. Crystal structures of some tetra-, hexa-, hepta- and octa-brominated products were obtained. The goal of the work described in Chapter 6 is to use 1,1,9,9- tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane as a starting material for the synthesis of warped nanographenophanes. A bromination, Suzuki-Miyaura, cyclodehydrogenation sequence was unsuccessful, as was a C–H arylation / cyclodehydrogenation approach. Itami’s recently-developed K-region-selective annulative -extension (APEX) reaction proved to be successful, affording a giant [n]cyclophane with a C84 PAH. Attempted bay-region Diels-Alder reactions and some cursory host-guest chemistry of teropyrenophanes are also discussed. In Chapter 7 a synthetic approach toward a planar model compound, 2,11-di-tbutylteropyrene, is described. The synthesis could not be completed owing to solubility problems at the end of the synthetic pathway.