582 resultados para Surplus


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Studies were carried out during May 1997 to January 1998 in Kishoregani district in Bangladesh to investigate the production potential of carp polyculture in combination with Amblypharyngodon mola in seasonal ponds. The preliminary results indicate that A. mola can be successfully cultured in small seasonal ponds in polyculture with carp. This practice can result in an increase in the households' consumption of small fish which have a very high content of calcium, iron and vitamin A. In addition to the nutritional benefits, it can also provide additional income through sale of carp and surplus small fish.


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Applying Turkey's jackknife method on MSY estimates from the surplus production models of Schaefer and Fox showed that the optimum yield for shrimps in industrial fishery in Sierra Leone is estimated at 2,686.8 t with 15,822 fishing days. Annual catch for 1996 was 2,788 t, indicating an escalation in exploitation which, if prolonged, could bring reduced productivity as experienced in the fishery some years ago.


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Some problems associated with fitting surplus production models to unsuitable data are discussed. This is illustrated by an application of the Schaefer, Fox and PRODFIT models to Pacific Ocean bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus ) catch and effort data for 1952-1987, which appear to be better described by purely empirical models.


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Este estudo volta-se para a análise da política de assistência social, sua histórica relação com a pobreza e algumas tendências do debate contemporâneo sobre seus paradigmas, do direito social de cidadania e do usuário. O exame atual da política de assistência social no Brasil, em um contexto legal de afirmação dos direitos sociais, impôs a necessidade de refletir sobre o lugar dos direitos de cidadania, colocando, no centro dessa reflexão, a relação entre a prioridade dada ao enfrentamento da pobreza e a perspectiva da garantia de direitos sociais de cidadania. A perspectiva de estudo é proposta com vistas à compreensão do lugar ocupado pelos usuários enquanto sujeitos de direitos. Para a aproximação desta compreensão, buscamos alguns suportes teóricos nas categorias direitos, cidadania e superpopulação relativa com o objetivo de pensá-las, na sua conformação contemporânea, a partir do perfil socioeconômico dos usuários. Optou-se pelos beneficiários do programa de transferência de renda Bolsa Família em três localidades do município de Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, uma vez que este programa absorve mais de 50% das famílias cadastradas no CadÚnico, ou seja, são 28.985 mil famílias que recebem o benefício, totalizando mais de 100 mil pessoas em um universo de 463.731 mil habitantes A pesquisa qualitativa realizada com 30 mulheres-mães, titulares no programa, revelou suas expectativas, experiências e posições políticas ante o campo assistencial. Os registros históricos que trouxeram sobre as gerações que as antecederam confirmam a trajetória de reprodução da pobreza e de desigualdades diversas a que estiveram submetidas até os dias atuais. Conclui-se que a percepção que apresentam sobre a história de seus antepassados, de si mesmos e dos aparatos institucionais do Estado, reitera o potencial de suas lutas diárias pela sobrevivência, de negação do instituído, confirmado pela construção de formas próprias de relacionamento com as instituições de políticas sociais, públicas e privadas. Ainda que em perspectiva individual, suas práticas e lutas diárias, que chamam de correr atrás, expressam expectativas pela efetivação e ampliação de direitos. A finalização da tese aponta pela reafirmação da dimensão histórica dessas práticas e lutas que desenvolvem em prol dos direitos e da cidadania, os limites da perspectiva individual assim como a necessidade do aprofundamento da natureza política e pontual da política de Assistência Social como enfrentamento da pobreza.


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The potential for growth overfishing in the white shrimp, Litopenaeus setiferus, fishery of the northern Gulf of Mexico appears to have been of limited concern to Federal or state shrimp management entities, following the cataclysmic drop in white shrimp abundance in the 1940’s. As expected from surplus production theory, a decrease in size of shrimp in the annual landings accompanies increasing fishing effort, and can eventually reduce the value of the landings. Growth overfishing can exacerbate such decline in value of the annual landings. We characterize trends in size-composition of annual landings and other annual fishery-dependent variables in this fishery to determine relationships between selected pairs of these variables and to determine whether growth overfishing occurred during 1960–2006. Signs of growth overfishing were equivocal. For example, as nominal fishing effort increased, the initially upward, decelerating trend in annual yield approached a local maximum in the 1980’s. However, an accelerating upward trend in yield followed as effort continued to increase. Yield then reached its highest point in the time series in 2006, as nominal fishing effort declined due to exogenous factors outside the control of shrimp fishery managers. The quadratic relationship between annual yield and nominal fishing effort exhibited a local maximum of 5.24(107) pounds (≈ MSY) at a nominal fishing effort level of 1.38(105) days fished. However, annual yield showed a continuous increase with decrease in size of shrimp in the landings. Annual inflation-adjusted ex-vessel value of the landings peaked in 1989, preceded by a peak in annual inflation-adjusted ex-vessel value per pound (i.e. price) in 1983. Changes in size composition of shrimp landings and their economic effects should be included among guidelines for future management of this white shrimp


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A first assessment ofimportant East China Sea fisheries was carried out using data from 1956 to 1993. Two different data sets were available: 1) catch and effort data taken from landings and boat registrations and 2) catch and effort data from skipper's logs taken at sea. The two sets provided similar trends in CPUE over the study period. Stocks of high value, low volume species have been fished heavily and now produce very low landings or have been depleted (e.g. small and large yellow croaker). Some high volume and low value species have also been heavily fished (e.g. green filefish) while others (e.g. hairtail) are still producing high landings. Surplus production models were fitted to seven stocks. All showed considerable fluctuations in landings around MSY. The green filefish stock had an estimated MSY of around 160,000 tlyr at an effort of 2,500,000 kw and was depleted by a combination of excessive effort (around 4,000,000 kw in 1993) and marked fluctuations in landings (up to 70,000 tlyr above or below MSY). A sustainable policyfor managing ECS fisheries should address the effects ofboth effort and environmental variation.


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A mail survey of tournament shark anglers and party boat shark anglers was completed to examine their fishing activity, attitudes, trip expenditures, and consumer surplus. A sample of 700 shark anglers was selected from tournaments in the Gulf of Mexico during 1990, and a sample of party boat shark anglers was drawn from Port Aransas, Tex., party boat anglers during the summer of 1991. A response rate of 58% (excluding nondeliverables) was obtained from tournament anglers. The sample of party boat shark anglers was too small to provide useful results. Tournament shark anglers reported fishing an average of 58 days per year and targeted sharks and other large marine species. Tournaments occupy a small portion of their fishing effort. If this group of anglers were not able to fish for sharks, one-third indicated no other species would be an acceptable substitute, while others were willing to substitute other large marine species. Shark trip expenditures averaged $197 per trip with a consumer surplus of $111 per trip. Based on MRFSS estimates of the number of shark fishing trips, we estimate a total of $43,355,000 was spent by shark anglers in the Gulf of Mexico with a consumer surplus of $23,865,000 for a total gross value of the shark fishery of $66,220,000. MRFSS estimates of the number of sharks landed indicate an equivalent use value of $183 per shark.


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A mail survey of 1,984 U.S. billfish tournament anglers was completed to examine their fishing activity, attitudes, trip expenditures, consumer's surplus, catch levels, and management preferences. A sample of 1,984 anglers was drawn from billfish tournaments in the western Atlantic Ocean (from Maine to Texas, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) during 1989. A response rate of 61% was obtained (excluding nondeliverables). Anglers averaged 13 billfish trips per year, catching a billfish 40% of the time while 89% of billfish caught were released with <1 billfish per year per angler retained. Catch and retention rates varied by region. Expenditures averaged $1,600 per trip, but varied by region. The annual consumer's surplus was $262 per angler, but increased to $448 per angler if billfish populations were to increase. An estimated 7,915 tournament anglers in the U.S. western Atlantic spent $179,425,000 in pursuit of billfish in 1989. Anglers opposed management options that would diminish their ability to catch a billfish, but supported options limiting the number of billfish landed.


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The organization of coastwide management programs for Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, and Gulf menhaden, B. patronus, are described. Recent assessments of the status of the Atlantic and Gulf menhaden stocks are summarized. Estimates of population size and fishing mortalities are obtained from virtual population analysis, and are used in determining spawner-recruit relationships, spawning stock ratios, yield-per-recruit, and surplus production. Management issues are addressed in the framework of assessment results.


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A presente dissertação se insere no campo de estudo sobre o trabalho informal, tendo como universo empírico de investigação a experiência de trabalho dos trabalhadores ambulantes integrantes do Programa Renda Alternativa, em Rio das Ostras/RJ. Portanto, a pesquisa foi desdobrada em três dimensões: 1) levantamento e estudo bibliográfico; 2) levantamento de dados sobre a formação sócio-histórica da cidade de Rio das Ostras; e, 3) trabalho de campo com ambulantes. Por meio desses dispositivos, a pesquisa buscou compreender os laços entre informalidade do trabalho e dinâmica capitalista, por meio da tradição de estudos das Ciências Sociais nessa área. Seguidamente, a pesquisa se ocupou do estudo de outras investigações sobre trabalho ambulante visando conhecer e ampliar o escopo de análise das peculiaridades desse tipo de trabalho no contexto de reprodução social da chamada superpopulação relativa. Esse universo de questões teóricas, analíticas e empíricas foi confrontado com as especificidades do contexto socioeconômico da cidade de Rio das Ostras, recentemente recomposta como um dos elos da cadeia produtiva do petróleo. Outro eixo da investigação de campo foi conhecer o trabalho, o que foi realizado por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os trabalhadores ambulantes do município, buscando perceber a relação do trabalhador com o trabalho ao longo de sua vida, as marcas das conjunturas socioeconômicas nas trajetórias e o papel da família e do associativismo na ocupação ambulante. Os achados da pesquisa mostram que o trabalho ambulante acomete gerações de trabalhadores como consequência do desenvolvimento desigual e dependente do capitalismo que limita a oferta de emprego. Somado a isso temos os processos de transformações socioeconômicas das últimas décadas que intensificam as formas de precarização do trabalho potencializando a chamada informalidade do trabalho. Esse processo se intensifica na região em estudo através dos impactos trazidos pelo intenso incremento das indústrias de petróleo e gás que não absorvem a força de trabalho disponível no local e atraída, engendrando uma densa superpopulação relativa para o capital, no município. A experiência de trabalho dos ambulantes que participaram da pesquisa mostra que a mesma é entrecortada por formas laborativas variadas, baixa qualificação profissional, além de dependência dos familiares, de ações públicas do Estado e do associativismo. A expropriação do direito ao emprego empurra os trabalhadores para experiências laborativas inseguras, incertas e sem proteção social. A repetição dessa história entre familiares amplia a percepção da perenidade da expropriação social entre gerações de trabalhadores.


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A presente tese se propõe a identificar a relação entre os presídios do Rio de Janeiro e o processo de exclusão e dominação, essenciais para a construção da hegemonia. Para isso, analisamos a relação da construção da ordem vigente com as unidades prisionais, desde o início do século XIX, percebendo a forma como o Estado inseriu tais unidades em sua política a fim de garantir a dominação, criminalizando os grupos subalternos. Desta forma, os presídios aparecem como rotuladores, não só de indivíduos, como também de sua identidade e espaço, além, é claro, de confirmar seu status social. Para esta investigação foram utilizados a pesquisa bibliográfica e o cruzamento de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e do Ministério da Justiça, além do material didático utilizado pelas escolas prisionais do Rio de Janeiro. Nossa análise partiu da compreensão do presídio enquanto lócus de contenção e controle do excedente excluído, encontrada nas obras de Nilo Batista e das perspectivas de David Garland e Loic Wacquant que contextualizam estas instituições pela mesma ótica na política neoliberal. Como escopo teórico principal, alicerçamos esta pesquisa na teoria do desvio, desenvolvida por Haward Becker, e no conceito de hegemonia, tal qual Antonio Gramsci o concebe. Desta forma, observamos como percepções individuais de membros de grupos dominantes podem ser incorporadas pelo seu coletivo e ingressarem no código legal social, favorecendo e garantindo a hegemonia destes sobre os grupos subalternos. As prisões aparecem neste contexto como peça imprescindível. Concluímos, portanto, que as unidades prisionais do Rio de Janeiro possuem grande importância na afirmação da dominação social na medida em que recebem o subalterno e demarcam este grupo e seu espaço, transformando sua condição marginal em condição criminosa. Ou seja, favorecendo a criminalização de sua condição social e, portanto, justificando-a.


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Status of the southeastern U.S. stock of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) was estimated from fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data, 1972–97. Annual population numbers and fishing mortality rates at age were estimated from virtual population analysis (VPA) calibrated with fishery-independent data. For the VPA, a primary matrix of catch at age was based on age-length keys from fishery-independent samples; an alternate matrix was based on fishery-dependent keys. Additional estimates of stock status were obtained from a surplus-production model, also calibrated with fishery-independent indices of abundance. Results describe a dramatic increase in exploitation of this stock and concomitant decline in abundance. Estimated fully recruited fishing mortality rate (F) from the primary catch matrix increased from 0.10/yr in 1975 to 0.88/yr in 1997, and estimated static spawning potential ratio (SPR) declined from about 67% to about 18%. Estimated recruitment to age 1 declined from a peak of 3.0 million fish in 1973–74 to 94,000 fish in 1997, a decline of 96.9%. Estimated spawning-stock biomass declined from a peak of 3530 t in 1979 to 397 t in 1997, a decline of 88.8%. Results from the alternate catch matrix were similar. Retrospective patterns in the VPA suggest that the future estimates of this population decline will be severe, but may be less than present estimates. Long-term and marked declines in recruitment, spawning stock, and catch per unit of effort (both fishery-derived and fishery-independent)are consistent with severe overexploitation during a period of reduced recruitment. Although F prior to 1995 has generally been estimated at or below the current management criterion for overfishing (F equivalent to SPR=35%), the recent spawning-stock biomass is well below the biomass that could support maximum sustainable yield. Significant reductions in fishing mortality will be needed for rebuilding the southeastern U.S. stock.


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As one facet of an effort to tie the pollen record of central Gulf of California deep cores to modern analogs, pollen was analyzed in the uppermost 150-200 years of varved core 7807-1410 taken nearby. Sampling at 2- to 8-year resolution yielded a noncomplacent record, suggesting pollen in these sediments may be a potential high resolution proxy record of short-term climatic events. The pollen spectrum as a whole matches that of upper-most DSDP Site 480 (means of all samples). Lack of a ratio or influx shift following damming of local rivers and a surplus of low-spine Compositae pollen relative to mainland sites support Baumgartner's theory that terrigenous influx to the site is largely aeolian and also suggest that a significant fraction of the pollen influx may come from Baja California.


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The paper deals with an overview on the preservation of fish by freezing process. Until a few years ago the surplus catches of fish, prawns were being dried, salted or pickled. The Kerala coast had always yielded large catches of prawns and about 5000 tons of dried prawns were annually exported to Burma and other Eastern countries. The Government of India looking at the great potential of this industry, has now, with a view to encourage exports, provided a series of incentives towards this end.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate growth performance of the GIFT (Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia) strain after one generation of selection for increased body weight at Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute. Founder stock comprised of 30 families having 300 individuals of the GIFT strain were introduced from Malaysia through \X!orldFish Center in March 2005. The founder stock was reared in 100 m2 hapa for three months and then individually tagged using Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) at the weight between 30 and 40 g. After tagging, all the fish were communally grown out in pond until harvest. Breeding value for body weight was estimated using SAS and ASREML ranging from 4.17 to 9.70 g for males and 4.24 to 9.36 g for females. The best 40 females and 40 males from the founder stock were then selected to produce progeny of the first generation (F-1). From each family 25 female and 25 male fingerlings were sampled and tagged using PIT. A total of 2,000 tagged fish from 40 families were stocked in a pond (1000 m2) for a continuation of the selection program. In addition, surplus fish after tagging were also reared together with progeny of the founder stock in cistern ecology for growth evaluation. The mean weight of the F-1 generation of GIFT fish was 7.2% greater than that of the founder population (non selected population).