1000 resultados para Suomen historian kartasto
Saimaan kanava mittakaavassa 1:300000 ja Punkaharju 1:40000
This article considers the conditions placed on the autonomous architectural history discipline often understood at stake in Manfredo Tafuri's 1968 book Teorie e storia dell'architettura.
As the first historian of Christianity, Luke's reliability is vigorously disputed among scholars. The author of the Acts is often accused of being a biased, imprecise, and anti-Jewish historian who created a distorted portrait of Paul. Daniel Marguerat tries to avoid being caught in this true/false quagmire when examining Luke's interpretation of history. Instead he combines different tools - reflection upon historiography, the rules of ancient historians and narrative criticism - to analyse the Acts and gauge the historiographical aims of their author. Marguerat examines the construction of the narrative, the framing of the plot and the characterization, and places his evaluation firmly in the framework of ancient historiography, where history reflects tradition and not documentation. This is a fresh and original approach to the classic themes of Lucan theology: Christianity between Jerusalem and Rome, the image of God, the work of the Spirit, the unity of Luke and the Acts.
This thesis is about young people's views and mental images of the Finnish National Theatre (FNT). Research was needed into the views of young people about the FNT. The results would also be useful for FNT's marketing operations. The research was executed as a qualitative interview (based on a structured questionnaire) among 16 young people in January and February 2006. Four different high schools were involved: Ressun Lukio, Mäkelänrinteen Lukio, Kallion Lukio and Helsingin Kaupungin Kuvataidelukio (which together represented art-oriented high schools) and Vuosaaren Lukio. From each high school two boys and two girls were selected for interview. FNT's marketing director was also interviewed. The questions for the interview were formulated in co-operation with the FNT. The structural questionnaire was basically broken down into three different sections. The first section concentrated on the interviewee's hobbies and his/her past and present relationship to theatre. The second section consisted of questions about his/her views on the FNT. There were different sets of questions regarding whether or not the interviewee had visited the FNT. The last section was about the interviewee's use of media. This thesis focuses on the second section of questions. The answers revealed that, out of the group of sixteen, all but one had visited the FNT. Most of them saw the FNT as a traditional and valuable institution which is easier to approach than Finnish National Opera. Eleven of the interviewees reported that the main reason for their visit was a school project, and that without it they probably wouldn't have gone to the FNT at all. The thesis contemplates co-operation between the FNT and schools, and the meaning of art education for children's and young people's positive cultural development.