931 resultados para Sub-bosque


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2015.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a evolução estrutural de espécies arbóreas em bracatingais, ao longo de vinte anos. A bracatinga ( Mimosa scabrella Benth.) é a espécie pioneira, de vida curta, que caracteriza os bracatingais. Sob as bracatingas forma-se um sub-bosque com outras espécies arbóreas, que vai assumindo o lugar da bracatinga com o passar dos anos e que é tratado como se fosse lenha da própria bracatinga, quando a área é cortada a cada 7 anos e a regeneração da bracatinga é novamente induzida com o uso do fogo. O processo de sucessão em bracatingais ainda não foi estudado e é útil identificar a idade em que as demais espécies passam a dominar o bracatingal. Trabalhou-se com 320 parcelas, distribuídas em bracatingais com idades variando de 3 a 20 anos, medidas entre 1998 e 2011. Foram medidos os DAP (diâmetro a altura do peito) e altura total de todas as espécies com DAP ≥ 5 cm. Observou-se que, aos 11 anos, o conjunto das espécies supera a bracatinga em número de indivíduos e aos 19 anos as espécies arbóreas já apresentam uma distribuição diamétrica semelhante ao de uma floresta em fase mais avançada. De forma geral observou-se que, após os 10 anos de idade, um bracatingal já começa a tomar forma de um capoeirão.


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El presente proyecto, enmarcado dentro del Programa INIAP/SENESCYT “Conservación y Uso Sostenible de Recursos Genéticos Forestales en áreas críticas de bosques húmedos y secos de los Andes y Amazonía”, a cargo del Departamento de Forestería del INIAP, nace de la necesidad de generar información sobre la pérdida de la biodiversidad de diversos ecosistemas de Ecuador. En concreto, de aquellos bosques de gran complejidad y elevada susceptibilidad como son los que se encuentran en la sub-cuenca del río Quijos: bosques húmedos de la región amazónica, fuentes de biodiversidad y sumideros de carbono, que se están viendo fuertemente amenazados por el cambio climático y por el cambio en el uso del suelo derivada de la intensa actividad humana que sufre la región desde hace décadas. Debido a esta complejidad, el proyecto se centra en las dos especies forestales más valoradas por los habitantes, aplicando metodología de Diagnóstico Rural Participativo, haciéndoles partícipes de esta forma de las decisiones y actuaciones de su región. Una vez determinadas las dos especies a estudiar (Cedrela montana y Erythrina edulis), se evaluó qué efectos tendrán las principales amenazas: el cambio climático y el cambio de uso del suelo, en las poblaciones de ambas. Para el estudio climático se han utilizado Modelos de Distribución de Especie, en concreto el programa Maxent, con el que se han modelizado dos situaciones: la probabilidad de idoneidad de hábitat actual y la probabilidad de idoneidad de hábitat futuro. Por comparación de ambos mapas se obtuvo una primera visión de cómo podría variar para el año 2070 la distribución potencial de ambas especies debido al cambio de las condiciones climáticas. Así mismo, se pudo determinar cuál de estas variables climáticas influye más en el modelo y, por lo tanto, en la distribución potencial. En el caso de Cedrela montana, en el año 2070 se prevé la desaparición total de hábitat idóneo en la zona de estudio, mientras que en Erythrina edulis, la reducción prevista es también casi total, de un 99,99%. A continuación, aplicando los Criterios de la Lista Roja de la UICN sobre los modelos, se ha determinado el estado de conservación de ambas especies, obteniendo el grado de amenaza que soportan, que en ambos casos es En Peligro Crítico (CR). Para el análisis del efecto del uso del suelo se procedió a la realización de muestreos en zonas con distinto grado antropogénico: el bosque natural y el bosque intervenido. Mediante comparación de las abundancias relativas y las distintas distribuciones diamétricas se han sacado conclusiones de cómo afecta la actividad humana a las poblaciones de ambas especies. Cedrela montana, por su excelente condición de maderable, desaparece en los bosques intervenidos y, si permanece, lo hace sólo con representación de diámetros bastante inferiores al de cortabilidad. Sin embargo, Erythrina edulis, por su condición de comestible, parece verse incluso beneficiada por la acción antrópica: desaparece con la eliminación del bosque, pero parece mantener o incrementar su abundancia en bosque intervenidos, en los que la curva de distribución diamétrica de la especie parece no variar con respecto al bosque primario. Con estas actividades se consigue comprender un poco más cómo sería la evolución de estas especies y el grado de amenaza a el que están sometidas, lo que constituye una fuente valiosa de información en la que basar futuras actividades de conservación de la biodiversidad y manejo sostenible del suelo.


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Handball is a sport that demands endurance associated with fast and powerful actions such as jumps, blocks, sprints and throws. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a 38-week systematic physical training applied to a women's under 21 handball team on upper and lower limb power, 30m sprints speed and endurance. The periodization applied was an adaptation of the Verkhoshansky theory, and aimed at two performance peaks during the season with six data collections. The median and range values for three kg medicine ball throwing was: 2.98m (2.15-3.50); 2.84m (2.43-3.20); 2.90m (2.60-3.38); 3.10 (2.83-3.81); 2.84 (2.55-3.57) and 3.34 (2.93-3.83). Regarding the three-pass running test: 5.60m (4.93-6.58); 5.37m (5.04-6.38); 5.36m (4.93-6.12); 5.65m (4.80-6.78); 5.63m (5.00-6.40) and 5.83m (5.14-6.05). Regarding the 30-m sprint test: 5.8m/s (5.45-6.44); 6,64 m/s (6,24-7,09); 5.65m/s (5.17-5.95); (there was not IV moment for this test); 6.19 m/s (5.57-6.26) and 5.83 (5.14-6.05).Regarding the 30-m sprint endurance test until 10% decrease: 4 sprints (4-6); 5 sprints (4-9); 4,5 sprints (4-16); (there was not IV moment for this test); 6 sprints (4-12) and 5 sprints (4-5). Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in three kg medicine ball throwing and three-pass running tests at least in one of the performance peak planned, with no significant differences in 30-m sprint speed or endurance tests. The applied physical training was efficient at improving the specific physical fitness in the performance peaks, as well as giving support for better physical training adjustment for the upcoming season.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o equilíbrio muscular dos flexores e extensores (RFE) de joelho ao longo de uma temporada de treinamento em jogadores de futebol categoria sub-20. Fizeram parte da amostra 15 sujeitos pertencentes à equipe sub-20 da Associação Atlética Ponte Preta de Campinas. Os atletas participaram de um macrociclo de preparação (MP) de 29 semanas, composto por período preparatório e competitivo que foram divididos em quatro mesociclos: etapa geral (M1), etapa especial (M2), etapa pré-competitiva (M3) e etapa competitiva (M4). A RFE de ambos os membros foi determinada em dinamômetro isocinético utilizando o pico de torque (PT) obtido em três séries consecutivas de cinco repetições com velocidade de 60º/s. Avaliação isocinética foi realizada em quatro momentos ao longo do MP, sempre ao final de cada mesociclo (M1, M2, M3 e M4). Para análise estatística, foi empregado teste Friedman de medidas repetidas, seguida do teste de Wilcoxon e teste U de Mann-Whitney, com nível de significância de p<0,05. O PT nos músculos flexores de joelho, em ambos os membros, no M2 e M3 foram superiores aos observados em M1 e M4. O PT dos extensores de joelho em M1 foi significantemente inferior aos demais momentos do estudo (M2, M3 e M4), em ambos os membros. A RFE, em ambos os membros, foi inferior em M1 quando comparado a M2 e M3. A comparação da RFE entre os membros não revelou diferenças significantes em nenhum dos momentos do estudo (M1, M2, M3 e M4). Os resultados encontrados na presente investigação indicaram existência de alterações na magnitude da RFE, porém dentro da normalidade, e, manutenção da proporcionalidade entre os membros ao longo do MP. Esses resultados sugerem que não existem períodos sensíveis para a ocorrência de lesões em virtude de desequilíbrios musculares ao longo do MP em jogadores de futebol da categoria sub-20.


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Aspergillus fumigatus is a common mould whose spores are a component of the normal airborne flora. Immune dysfunction permits developmental growth of inhaled spores in the human lung causing aspergillosis, a significant threat to human health in the form of allergic, and life-threatening invasive infections. The success of A. fumigatus as a pathogen is unique among close phylogenetic relatives and is poorly characterised at the molecular level. Recent genome sequencing of several Aspergillus species provides an exceptional opportunity to analyse fungal virulence attributes within a genomic and evolutionary context. To identify genes preferentially expressed during adaptation to the mammalian host niche, we generated multiple gene expression profiles from minute samplings of A. fumigatus germlings during initiation of murine infection. They reveal a highly co-ordinated A. fumigatus gene expression programme, governing metabolic and physiological adaptation, which allows the organism to prosper within the mammalian niche. As functions of phylogenetic conservation and genetic locus, 28% and 30%, respectively, of the A. fumigatus subtelomeric and lineage-specific gene repertoires are induced relative to laboratory culture, and physically clustered genes including loci directing pseurotin, gliotoxin and siderophore biosyntheses are a prominent feature. Locationally biased A. fumigatus gene expression is not prompted by in vitro iron limitation, acid, alkaline, anaerobic or oxidative stress. However, subtelomeric gene expression is favoured following ex vivo neutrophil exposure and in comparative analyses of richly and poorly nourished laboratory cultured germlings. We found remarkable concordance between the A. fumigatus host-adaptation transcriptome and those resulting from in vitro iron depletion, alkaline shift, nitrogen starvation and loss of the methyltransferase LaeA. This first transcriptional snapshot of a fungal genome during initiation of mammalian infection provides the global perspective required to direct much-needed diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and reveals genome organisation and subtelomeric diversity as potential driving forces in the evolution of pathogenicity in the genus Aspergillus.


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Aims. We report the discovery of CoRoT-8b, a dense small Saturn-class exoplanet that orbits a K1 dwarf in 6.2 days, and we derive its orbital parameters, mass, and radius. Methods. We analyzed two complementary data sets: the photometric transit curve of CoRoT-8b as measured by CoRoT and the radial velocity curve of CoRoT-8 as measured by the HARPS spectrometer**. Results. We find that CoRoT-8b is on a circular orbit with a semi-major axis of 0.063 +/- 0.001 AU. It has a radius of 0.57 +/- 0.02 R(J), a mass of 0.22 +/- 0.03 M(J), and therefore a mean density of 1.6 +/- 0.1 g cm(-3). Conclusions. With 67% of the size of Saturn and 72% of its mass, CoRoT-8b has a density comparable to that of Neptune (1.76 g cm(-3)). We estimate its content in heavy elements to be 47-63 M(circle plus), and the mass of its hydrogen-helium envelope to be 7-23 M(circle plus). At 0.063 AU, the thermal loss of hydrogen of CoRoT-8b should be no more than similar to 0.1% over an assumed integrated lifetime of 3 Ga.


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Background: A family of hydrophilic acylated surface (HASP) proteins, containing extensive and variant amino acid repeats, is expressed at the plasma membrane in infective extracellular (metacyclic) and intracellular (amastigote) stages of Old World Leishmania species. While HASPs are antigenic in the host and can induce protective immune responses, the biological functions of these Leishmania-specific proteins remain unresolved. Previous genome analysis has suggested that parasites of the sub-genus Leishmania (Viannia) have lost HASP genes from their genomes. Methods/Principal Findings: We have used molecular and cellular methods to analyse HASP expression in New World Leishmania mexicana complex species and show that, unlike in L. major, these proteins are expressed predominantly following differentiation into amastigotes within macrophages. Further genome analysis has revealed that the L. (Viannia) species, L. (V.) braziliensis, does express HASP-like proteins of low amino acid similarity but with similar biochemical characteristics, from genes present on a region of chromosome 23 that is syntenic with the HASP/SHERP locus in Old World Leishmania species and the L. (L.) mexicana complex. A related gene is also present in Leptomonas seymouri and this may represent the ancestral copy of these Leishmania-genus specific sequences. The L. braziliensis HASP-like proteins (named the orthologous (o) HASPs) are predominantly expressed on the plasma membrane in amastigotes and are recognised by immune sera taken from 4 out of 6 leishmaniasis patients tested in an endemic region of Brazil. Analysis of the repetitive domains of the oHASPs has shown considerable genetic variation in parasite isolates taken from the same patients, suggesting that antigenic change may play a role in immune recognition of this protein family. Conclusions/Significance: These findings confirm that antigenic hydrophilic acylated proteins are expressed from genes in the same chromosomal region in species across the genus Leishmania. These proteins are surface-exposed on amastigotes (although L. (L.) major parasites also express HASPB on the metacyclic plasma membrane). The central repetitive domains of the HASPs are highly variant in their amino acid sequences, both within and between species, consistent with a role in immune recognition in the host.


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The roles of herbivory and predation in determining the structure and diversity of communities have been tested across most intertidal systems. In contrast, the importance of omnivorous consumers remains untested in many rocky shore communities. We tested the role of a small omnivorous crab in an intertidal food web on rocky shores of the sub-tropical southwest Atlantic. Exclusion of the grapsid crab Pachygrapsus transversus in the field resulted in significant changes in the abundance of functional groups in the sublittoral fringe of sheltered shores, where the dominant cover changed from a suite of macroalgae to an assemblage of filter-feeding animals (ascidians, sponges, mussels). In contrast, limpets, whelks, large crabs and fish did not significantly affect community composition of the assemblage. To examine the omnivorous feeding pattern of P. transversus, we did laboratory experiments to test its foraging behaviour among animal and algal groups. The crab showed selective behaviour, preferring invertebrate groups to macroalgae, and opportunistic behaviour among types of prey within those major groups. According to our results, the role of slow-moving and large fast-moving consumers is apparently negligible compared to the effect of an omnivorous consumer. P. transversus plays an important role in determining the intertidal community composition on these subtropical rocky shores, causing changes in the balance of functional groups and controlling invasive species.


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Background and Aims Floral development of Cedrela and Toona, the genera comprising the basal tribe Cedreleae of the sub-family Swietenioideae of Meliaceae, is described. The focus was on three endangered, ecologically and economically important species: Cedrela fissilis, Cedrela odorata and Toona ciliata. The aims of the study were to characterize the patterns of floral development in the tribe and to establish apomorphic and plesiomorphic floral characters in relation to other taxa within the family based on the current molecular phylogeny of Meliaceae. Methods A detailed floral structural and developmental study was completed using both scanning electron microscopy and visualization of microtome sections with a light microscope. Key Results Twelve floral developmental stages were identified. The initial development of the pentamerous flowers of both Toona and Cedrela is strikingly similar. The morphological differences observed between them are due to differential patterns of organ elongation and adnation/connation occurring late in development. Additionally, the formation of functionally male and female flowers was found to occur at specific positions within the inflorescence. Conclusions Due to the basal position of the tribe Cedreleae in the phylogeny of Meliaceae, functionally either male or female pentamerous flowers and the presence of (at least partially) free stamens may be considered plesiomorphic traits within the family. In contrast, sympetaly and the absence of nectaries in Cedrela species are synapomorphies.


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This is the ninth publication in a series on the taxonomy of phytoseiid mites of sub-Saharan Africa. Sixty-five phytoseiid species of the tribe Typhlodromini Wainstein, all of which are in the genus Typhlodromus Scheuten are reported in this paper (62 in the subgenus Anthoseius DeLeon and 3 in the subgenus Typhlodromus Scheuten). They refer to all species of this tribe known to occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Fifteen new species are described and 41 species are redescribed. Most of the reported species were collected in various habitats in southern Africa and in cassava habitats in tropical Africa. A key is included for the separation of these species.


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This is the eighth publication of a series on the determination of phytoseiid mites of sub-Saharan Africa. Twenty-three phytoseiid species of the tribe Paraseiulini Wainstein are reported in this paper. They refer to all species of this tribe known to occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Six of these species are described for the first time and 13 species are redescribed. Most of the reported species were collected in cassava habitats in tropical Africa and in other habitats in South Africa. A key is included to help in the separation of the species treated in this paper.