981 resultados para Sport development


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La consommation de substances psychoactives débute généralement à l’adolescence. Cette pratique, bien qu’illégale, est répandue à cet âge. Toutefois, elle peut avoir de graves répercussions sur le développement de l’individu. Il est important de mieux connaître les facteurs pouvant influencer sa fréquence d’utilisation afin d’en diminuer les risques. Ce mémoire vise à examiner le rôle des amis déviants et de la pratique d’un sport organisé dans le développement de l’intoxication à l’alcool et la consommation de cannabis à l’adolescence. Plus précisément, l’étude vise à déterminer si la pratique d’un sport organisé a des effets modérateurs sur la relation entre les amis déviants et l’intoxication à l’alcool et la consommation de cannabis. Les analyses ont été réalisées séparément pour l’alcool et le cannabis. L’échantillon utilisé provient de l’étude longitudinale de la Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement et comprend 4219 adolescents. Des régressions probit ont été effectuées. Tel qu’attendu, les résultats montrent que la fréquentation d’amis déviants est associée au risque d’intoxication à l’alcool et de consommation de cannabis. De plus, les résultats ont démontré le rôle modérateur protecteur de la pratique d’un sport organisé pour l’alcool. Un jeune qui a des amis déviants et qui participe à un sport organisé consommerait généralement moins d’alcool qu’un jeune qui a des amis déviants et qui ne participe pas une activité sportive organisée. Les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche sont discutées.


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L’association démontrée récemment entre les commotions cérébrales dans le sport et le développement possible de maladies neurodégénératives a suggéré la possibilité que des altérations persistantes soient présentes dans le cerveau de l’athlète commotionné. En fait, des altérations neurophysiologiques ont récemment été révélées au sein du cortex moteur primaire (M1) d’athlètes ayant un historique de commotions via la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT). Plus précisément, la période silencieuse corticale (PSC), une mesure d’inhibition liée aux récepteurs GABAB, était anormalement élevée, et cette hyper-inhibition était présente jusqu’à 30 ans post-commotion. La PSC, et possiblement le GABA, pourraient donc s’avérer des marqueurs objectifs des effets persistants de la commotion cérébrale. Toutefois, aucune étude à ce jour n’a directement évalué les niveaux de GABA chez l’athlète commotionné. Ainsi, les études cliniques et méthodologiques composant le présent ouvrage comportent deux objectifs principaux: (1) déterminer si l’inhibition excessive (GABA et PSC) est un marqueur des effets persistants de la commotion cérébrale; (2) déterminer s’il est possible de moduler l’inhibition intracorticale de façon non-invasive dans l’optique de développer de futurs avenues de traitements. L’article 1 révèle une préservation des systèmes sensorimoteurs, somatosensoriels et de l’inhibition liée au GABAA chez un groupe d’athlètes universitaires asymptomatiques ayant subi de multiples commotions cérébrales en comparaison avec des athlètes sans historique connu de commotion cérébrale. Cependant, une atteinte spécifique des mesures liées au système inhibiteur associé aux récepteurs GABAB est révélée chez les athlètes commotionnés en moyenne 24 mois post-commotion. Dans l’article 2, aucune atteinte des mesures SMT liées au système inhibiteur n’est révélée en moyenne 41 mois après la dernière commotion cérébrale chez un groupe d’athlètes asymptomatiques ayant subi 1 à 5 commotions cérébrales. Bien qu’aucune différence entre les groupes n’est obtenue quant aux concentrations de GABA et de glutamate dans M1 via la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM), des corrélations différentielles suggèrent la présence d’un déséquilibre métabolique entre le GABA et le glutamate chez les athlètes commotionnés. L’article 3 a démontré, chez des individus en bonne santé, un lien entre la PSC et la transmission glutamatergique, ainsi que le GABA et le glutamate. Ces résultats suggèrent que la PSC ne reflète pas directement les concentrations du GABA mesurées par la SRM, mais qu’un lien étroit entre la GABA et le glutamate est présent. L’article 4 a démontré la possibilité de moduler la PSC avec la stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant direct (SÉTcd) anodale chez des individus en santé, suggérant l’existence d’un potentiel thérapeutique lié à l’utilisation de cette technique. L’article 5 a illustré un protocole d’évaluation des effets métaboliques de la SÉTcd bilatérale. Dans l’article 6, aucune modulation des systèmes GABAergiques révélées par la SMT et la SRM n’est obtenue suite à l’utilisation de ce protocole auprès d’individus en santé. Cet article révèle également que la SÉTcd anodale n’engendre pas de modulation significative du GABA et du glutamate. En somme, les études incluent dans le présent ouvrage ont permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur les effets neurophysiologiques et métaboliques des commotions cérébrales, mais également sur le mécanisme d’action des diverses méthodologies utilisées.


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La pratique d’un sport de type esthétique est aujourd’hui considérée par plusieurs (Sundgot-Borgen & Torstveit, 2004; Thompson & Sherman, 2010) comme un facteur de risque à l’adoption d’attitudes et de comportements alimentaires inappropriés à l’égard de l’alimentation et de l’image corporelle (ACIAI) et ultimement au développement d’un trouble des conduites alimentaires (TCA). Les études actuelles portant sur cette problématique rapportent toutefois des résultats contradictoires. De plus, certains aspects méthodologiques associés notamment à l’hétérogénéité des échantillons limitent la portée interprétative de ces résultats. Afin de pallier les limites actuelles des écrits empiriques, cette thèse a pour but de tracer le portrait de la problématique des désordres alimentaires chez les jeunes athlètes québécoises de haut niveau en sport esthétique. Pour ce faire, un échantillon homogène de 145 adolescentes âgées de 12 à 19 ans a été constitué soit 52 athlètes de haut niveau et 93 non-athlètes. Les sports représentés sont le patinage artistique, la nage synchronisée et le ballet. À partir de cet échantillon, deux études sont réalisées. L’objectif de la première étude est de comparer l’intensité des ACIAI et la prévalence des TCA dans les deux groupes à l’aide de deux questionnaires soit le Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) et le Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3). Les résultats obtenus suggèrent qu’il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les athlètes et les non-athlètes de l’échantillon en ce qui a trait à l’intensité des ACIAI et à la prévalence des TCA. La deuxième étude est constituée de deux objectifs. Tout d’abord, comparer les deux groupes relativement aux caractéristiques personnelles suivantes : l’insatisfaction de l’image corporelle (IIC), le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle envers l’alimentation normative (SEP-AN) et l’image corporelle (SEP-IC), le perfectionnisme (P), l’ascétisme (As), la dysrégulation émotionnelle (DÉ) et le déficit intéroceptif (DI). De nature plus exploratoire, le second objectif de cette étude est de décrire et de comparer les caractéristiques personnelles qui sont associées aux ACIAI dans chacun des groupes. Afin de réaliser ces objectifs, deux autres questionnaires ont été utilisés soit le Eating Disorder Recovery Self-efficacy Questionnaire-f (EDRSQ-f) et le Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). En somme, les analyses indiquent que les athlètes de l’échantillon présentent des niveaux plus faibles de SEP-AN et de DÉ. Ce faisant, elles auraient moins confiance en leur capacité à maintenir une alimentation normative, mais réguleraient plus efficacement leurs émotions que les adolescentes non-athlètes. Une fois l’âge et l’indice de masse corporelle contrôlés, les résultats démontrent également que le SEP-AN et l’IIC contribuent à prédire dans chaque groupe les ACIAI tels que mesurés par la recherche de minceur. Le SEP-AN a aussi été associé dans les deux groupes à l’intensité des symptômes boulimiques. Les modèles obtenus diffèrent cependant quant aux variables prédictives principales. Chez les athlètes de l’échantillon, l’intensité des conduites boulimiques est associée à la DÉ alors qu’elle est davantage liée au DI chez les adolescentes non sportives. Enfin, en plus de discuter et de comparer l’ensemble de ces résultats aux autres travaux disponibles, les apports distinctifs de la thèse et les principales limites des études sont abordés. Des pistes sont également suggérées afin d’orienter les recherches futures et des implications cliniques sont proposées.


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STUDY DESIGN: Randomized crossover double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. OBJECTIVE: To investigate if low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can affect biceps muscle performance, fatigue development, and biochemical markers of postexercise recovery. BACKGROUND: Cell and animal studies have suggested that LLLT can reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in muscle tissue. But it remains uncertain whether these findings can translate into humans in sport and exercise situations. METHODS: Nine healthy male volleyball players participated in the study. They received either active LLLT (cluster probe with 5 laser diodes; A = 810 nm; 200 mW power output; 30 seconds of irradiation, applied in 2 locations over the biceps of the nondominant arm; 60 J of total energy) or placebo LLLT using an identical cluster probe. The intervention or placebo were applied 3 minutes before the performance of exercise. All subjects performed voluntary elbow flexion repetitions with a workload of 75% of their maximal voluntary contraction force until exhaustion. RESULTS: Active LLLT increased the number of repetitions by 14.5% (mean +/- SD, 39.6 +/- 4.3 versus 34.6 +/- 5.6; P = .037) and the elapsed time before exhaustion by 8.0% (P = .034), when compared to the placebo treatment. The biochemical markers also indicated that recovery may be positively affected by LLLT, as indicated by postexercise blood lactate levels (P<.01), creatine kinase activity (P = .017), and C-reactive protein levels (P = .047), showing a faster recovery with LLLT application prior to the exercise. CONCLUSION: We conclude that pre-exercise irradiation of the biceps with an LLLT dose of 6 J per application location, applied in 2 locations, increased endurance for repeated elbow flexion against resistance and decreased postexercise levels of blood lactate, creatine kinase, and C-reactive protein. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Performance enhancement, level 1b. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2010;40(8):524-532. doi:10.2519/jospt.2010.3294


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Many organizations have realized the growing importance of adopting a 'High Commitment Organization' (HCO) approach with a focus on shared values to assist them in meeting their competitive challenges. A survey questionnaire based on the McDonald and Gandz (1992) list of values, employing confirmatory and principal components analyses was used to create scales to (a) explore the importance the sport management professional placed on those values, (b) explore the individual's perception of the importance placed on those values by their employing organization, (c) to compare these hierarchies with the values of the HCO, and (d) to measure the extent of value congruence. Three clear sets of values emerged: Development / Adhocracy (D/A) Values, Humanistic / Clan (H/C) Values and Conformity / Hierarchy (C/H) Values. Findings indicate significant differences between sport management professionals' values and those of their organizations. Employees placed higher importance on (D/A) and (H/C) Values than their organizations, while Sport organizations placed higher importance on (C/H) Values than their employees. There is stronger support by individuals than organizations for the values underpinning the HCO approach. These levels of individual - organizational value incongruence have implications for individual job satisfaction, motivation and organizational effectiveness.


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When not-for-profit organisations and for-profit organisations are forced to work together, conflict can arise. This paper explores the tensions that have resulted in the Australian sport setting when the Australian Sport Commission (ASC), with its emphasis predominantly directed at not for profit sport, sought to embrace the traditionally for profit sport of Freestyle BMX into the mainstream sport system. This case study traces the development and implementation of the ASC's Street Active program through Freestyle BMX. It was found that Freestyle BMX experienced mission drift and did not provide a product or service relevant to its consumers by adhering to the guidelines required by the ASC. Further, in the development of the program, the ASC did not expect the rivalry between suppliers in the free market action sport industry when it engaged three management groups to deliver the Street Active program. As a result the action sport industry is further fragmented into for-profit agencies, and farther removed from the Australia's federal governing agency, the ASC.


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The rating of refereed journals has become important for academics and institutions as well as for sport management as a field of study. This paper argues that the dearth of a rating system in sport management works against the best interests of the development of the field. This paper presents a rating scheme for sport management journals, which replicates an earlier study of marketing journals, using weighted multi-dimensional perceptual ratings (Polonsky & Whitelaw, 2006). Forty-five senior sport management academics evaluated 13 journals on four criteria: journal prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Using the weighted scores of the four criteria for each journal and a supporting cluster analysis, four categories of journals were identified. The results of this study will assist academics as they argue the case for the quality of journals in which they publish. Further it facilitates evaluation of sport management journals in relation to one another on the basis of their overall ranking and their scores on the four individual criteria.


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Sport business is different; one of these differences is the significant and important cultural role that sport plays in society. This paper investigates the social expectations of sport, and how these expectations impact on the management and governance of sport organisations. Interviews were undertaken with the directors and CEOs of the Australian Football League and its clubs, to examine the concept of social expectations and ethical governance. Five key themes of the social expectations of sport were found: scrutiny, sport business, sport context, social investment, and the historical development of the club. Each of these themes was identified through the data analysis as having a potential impact on the management and ethical governance of sport organisations. A clearer understanding of the social and cultural context within which sport organisations operate, enables sport organisations to implement sound policy and practices for ethical governance.


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Until now sport managers have had difficulties in identifying core issues that form the framework for successful sport management practice. The purpose of this study was to explore what sport managers believe are the core issues that can contribute to successful sport management practice. This was achieved through an examination of the narrative experiences of 7 sport managers (4 male and 3 female) that highlighted how narrative can be used to enhance a sport manager's understanding of their work environment through critical reflection. Through this examination the overriding issues that the participating sport managers believed provided a unique insight into their everyday lives centered on: (1) experience and power, (2) accountability; (3) demands of the job; (4) professional development; (5) ways of knowing; (6) collegiality; and (7) critical reflection. This narrative approach to understanding the lived experiences of sport managers allowed the researchers to connect theory with experience and to establish a relationship between daily practice and knowledge. Understanding the lived experiences of sport managers in this way can allow sport managers to establish new insights into how they interact with their sport organizations and the individuals and communities they serve in their daily operations. The following paper concludes by suggesting that through an increased interest in narrative as a way of knowing the stories disclosed may move other sport managers to share their own stories and experiences to assist in framing their own identity. Moreover, by prompting other sport managers to tell their stories, a deeper understanding of how professionals continue to grow and advance their sport management knowledge may be promoted. These narratives also taught us about deepening and extending our understanding of how sport managers construct meaning. In this way, new insights may be derived about the practice of sport management and how important it is to adding new knowledge for the discipline.


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Research on effective leadership in sport has identified a number of characteristics and situations that impact on coaching effectiveness. These include coach effect on athlete satisfaction and performance, self-esteem and trait anxiety. This research has focused on athletes' perceptions of or preferences for specific leadership behaviors and actual coach behaviors identified by observing coaches. Few studies have recognized the views of the expert coach as a potentially valuable source of information regarding effective leadership and the coaching process. The present study investigated expert coaches' perception and interpretation of the leadership process. Twenty successful coaches working with Australian junior elite sport participants were purposefully sampled to cover a diversity of sports (team and individual) and provide a gender balance across sports. Through in-depth interviews, based on Grounded Theory, the study examined three aspects of coaching, which provided the basis of the interview guide. These were coaching history and influences, effective coaching behaviors, and coach training and accreditation. Eight major themes emerged: (a) influence of history on coaching behaviors, (b) knowledge of the sport, (c) pedagogy skills, (d) coaches' personal qualities, (e) coach-athlete relationships, (f) coaches' evaluation of the athlete, (g) coach and athlete outcomes, and (h) enjoyment of the coaching process. The results highlight the important role coaches play in future coach development, the impact of coach self-efficacy attributed to athlete self-efficacy, and how coach-related outcomes drive the coaching process. These results have noteworthy implications for coach education programs.


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Technical developments in television have resulted in major changes to the delivery of sport. One significant change is the development of relationships between clubs and sport broadcasters. This research identified the technology that is emerging in sport broadcasting, and the impact that this technology has on the potential for Inter-Organisational Relationship (IOR) formation between sport broadcasters and Australian-based professional football clubs, taken from the perspective of the sport broadcaster. Six preconditions for IOR formation were considered, including uncertainty, knowledge/expertise, resource acquisition, adaptive efficiency, regulation and strategic enhancement. In-depth interviews with senior managers of eight sport broadcasting organisations were undertaken with the resulting data analysed, and the emergent themes identified. Results indicate that sport broadcasters were not willing to enter into IORs with professional football clubs.


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In the commercialised and professionalised world of elite sport, issues associated with career pathways and post sporting career options have a particular resonance. In various football codes, an unexpected knock, twist, bend or break can profoundly impact a player's career. In this high risk and high consequence environment, a number of sports entertainment industries have instituted player development and education programmes to educate and prepare elite level performers for life after football. Drawing on Foucault's later work on governmentality and the care of the self, this paper will discuss findings from a research project funded by the Australian Football League (AFL). The paper presents data that suggests that, elite performers are so focused on establishing and prolonging a career as an elite performer, that other aspects of identity are seen as something to be complied with as a consequence of industry expectations. An industry emphasis on higher education raises issues for the sports industries that promote player enrolment in higher education and for the higher education institutions that must manage this lack of engagement.


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Physical education is one of the more difficult subjects in the curriculum for generalist classroom teachers in primary schools to incorporate confidently into their teaching. In many primary schools, the generalist classroom teacher defers to a physical education specialist. This situation has both positive and negative features. In this context, this study brings together several prominent models of physical education teaching in an approach that enables the curriculum to be encountered through the interests of the children. This approach offers a generalist teacher, through appropriate professional development, a means for delivering a high-quality physical education programme, and also complements the repertoire of the specialist physical education teacher at both primary and secondary school levels.


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Increasing pressure from the public has raised the expectations on corporations to be better citizens of their communities and society as a whole (Bennet 2002; Carroll 1999; Epstein 1989; Van Marrewijk 2003; Wood 1991). As a result, corporations have engaged in corporate social responsibility efforts with most of the subsequent research focused on its impact on consumer response (e.g., attitudes, behaviours, etc.) (Bhattacharya & Sen 2001, 2004; Porter & Kramer 2002). Similarly, research interest on corporate social responsibility in the sport industry has risen, yet no research studies have explored the influence and perceptions about corporate social responsibility of important internal constituents (employees and volunteers) of sport organisations. Particular interest would be in uncovering what employees and volunteers specifically believe are important among CSR elements (ethical, discretionary, legal, economic) and what impact a sense of 'shared CSR values' with the respective sport organisation would have on employee and volunteer response. Will understanding how shared social values influence organisational commitment provide insight on recruitment, retention and/or development strategies of employees and volunteers? Further, assessing any difference in sensemaking between these two groups would be of additional value to this line of enquiry, as the perceptions of the organisation are understood as "tantamount to reality, since organisations are social constructions made up of and acting in accordance with shared perceptions," (Brickson 2007, p. 865) particularly those of employees and volunteers of sport organisations. With increasing academic and industry interest of corporate social responsibility in sport and to address the obvious gap on CSR and employees and volunteers in the literature, the present study will explore how CSR impacts internal constituents (employees and volunteers) of sport organisations. Specifically, the main purpose of the present study is to assess the level of perceived shared values as they related to CSR (measured as corporate social orientation) between employees- organisation and volunteers- organisation. Further, the influence of the level of perceived shared corporate social orientation (CSO) on organisational identification will be evaluated in the context of a proposed model, which includes the relationship of perceived shared corporate social orientation>organisational identification> attitudinal and behavioural outcomes (i.e., commitment, satisfaction, and organisational behaviour). Using a sample of employees and volunteers of a sport organisation, the respondents will be asked to complete an online survey composed of demographic items, the corporate social orientation scale, and items that measure organisational identification, value commitment, job/ volunteer satisfaction, and organisational citizenship behaviours. Discussion of how other stakeholder (e.g., sponsors, consumers, etc.) perceptions on CSR potentially impacts the model and outcomes (e.g., corporate reputation, consumer behaviour) will be addressed. Analyses and results will support discussion and conclusions made to provide evidence for practitioner and researcher implications.