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This paper discusses a successful application of the Acoustic Emission Technique (AET) for the detection and location of leak paths present on an inaccessible side of an end shield of a Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR). The methodology was based on the fact that air- and water-leak AE signals have different characteristic features. Baseline data was generated from a sound end shield of a PHWR for characterising the background noise. A mock-up end shield system with saw-cut leak paths was used to verify the validity of the methodology. It was found that air-leak signals under pressurisation (as low as 3 psi) could be detected by frequency domain analysis. Signals due to air leaks from various locations of defective end shield were acquired and analysed. It was possible to detect and locate leak paths. The presence of detected leak paths was further confirmed by an alternative test.


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This paper presents an optimization algorithm for an ammonia reactor based on a regression model relating the yield to several parameters, control inputs and disturbances. This model is derived from the data generated by hybrid simulation of the steady-state equations describing the reactor behaviour. The simplicity of the optimization program along with its ability to take into account constraints on flow variables make it best suited in supervisory control applications.


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This dissertation investigates the atomic power solution in Finland between 1955 - 1970. During these years a national arrangement for atomic energy technology evolved. The foundations of the Finnish atomic energy policy; the creation of basic legislation and the first governmental bodies, were laid between 1955 - 1965. In the late 1960's, the necessary technological and political decisions were made in order to purchase the first commercial nuclear reactor. A historical narration of this process is seen in the international context of "atoms for peace" policies and Cold War history in general. The geopolitical position of Finland made it necessary to become involved in the balanced participation in international scientific-technical exchange and assistive nuclear programs. The Paris Peace Treaty of 1947 categorically denied Finland acquisition of nuclear weapons. Accordingly, from the "Geneva year" of 1955, the emphasis was placed on peaceful purposes for atomic energy as well as on the education of national professionals in Finland. An initiative for the governmental atomic energy commission came from academia but the ultimate motive behind it was an anticipated structural change in the supply of national energy. Economically exploitable hydro power resources were expected to be built within ten years and atomic power was seen as a promising and complementing new energy technology. While importing fuels like coal was out of the question, because of scarce foreign currency, domestic uranium mineral deposits were considered as a potential source of nuclear fuel. Nevertheless, even then nuclear energy was regarded as just one of the possible future energy options. In the mid-1960 s a bandwagon effect of light water reactor orders was witnessed in the United States and soon elsewhere in the world. In Finland, two separate invitations for bids for nuclear reactors were initiated. This study explores at length both their preceding grounds and later phases. An explanation is given that the parallel, independent and nearly identical tenders reflected a post-war ideological rivalry between the state-owned utility Imatran Voima and private energy utilities. A private sector nuclear power association Voimayhdistys Ydin represented energy intensive paper and pulp industries and wanted to have free choice instead of being associated themselves with "the state monopoly" in energy pricing. As a background to this, a decisive change had started to happen within Finnish energy policy: private and municipal big thermal power plants became incorporated into the national hydro power production system. A characteristic phenomenon in the later history is the Soviet Union s effort to bid for the tender of Imatran Voima. A nuclear superpower was willing to take part in competition but not on a turnkey basis as Imatran Voima had presumed. As a result of many political turns and four years of negotiations the first Finnish commercial light water reactor was ordered from the East. Soon after this the private nuclear power group ordered its reactors from Sweden. This work interprets this as a reasonable geopolitical balance in choosing politically sensitive technology. Conceptually, social and political dimensions of new technology are emphasised. Negotiations on the Finnish atomic energy program are viewed as a cooperation and a struggle, where state-oriented and private-oriented regimes pose their own macro level views and goals (technopolitical imaginaries) and defend and advance their plans and practical modes of action (schemata). Here, not only technologists but even political actors are seen to contribute to technopolitical realisations.


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Thermonuclear fusion is a sustainable energy solution, in which energy is produced using similar processes as in the sun. In this technology hydrogen isotopes are fused to gain energy and consequently to produce electricity. In a fusion reactor hydrogen isotopes are confined by magnetic fields as ionized gas, the plasma. Since the core plasma is millions of degrees hot, there are special needs for the plasma-facing materials. Moreover, in the plasma the fusion of hydrogen isotopes leads to the production of high energetic neutrons which sets demanding abilities for the structural materials of the reactor. This thesis investigates the irradiation response of materials to be used in future fusion reactors. Interactions of the plasma with the reactor wall leads to the removal of surface atoms, migration of them, and formation of co-deposited layers such as tungsten carbide. Sputtering of tungsten carbide and deuterium trapping in tungsten carbide was investigated in this thesis. As the second topic the primary interaction of the neutrons in the structural material steel was examined. As model materials for steel iron chromium and iron nickel were used. This study was performed theoretically by the means of computer simulations on the atomic level. In contrast to previous studies in the field, in which simulations were limited to pure elements, in this work more complex materials were used, i.e. they were multi-elemental including two or more atom species. The results of this thesis are in the microscale. One of the results is a catalogue of atom species, which were removed from tungsten carbide by the plasma. Another result is e.g. the atomic distributions of defects in iron chromium caused by the energetic neutrons. These microscopic results are used in data bases for multiscale modelling of fusion reactor materials, which has the aim to explain the macroscopic degradation in the materials. This thesis is therefore a relevant contribution to investigate the connection of microscopic and macroscopic radiation effects, which is one objective in fusion reactor materials research.


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A general model of a foam bed reactor has been developed which rigorously accounts for the extent of gas absorption with chemical reaction occurring in both the storage and foam sections. Its applicability extends to a wide spectrum of reaction velocities. The possibilities of the predominance of the bulk-liquid reaction in the storage section or the absorption with reaction in the foam section can be handled as merely special cases of the general analysis. The importance of foam for carrying out a particular gas-liquid reaction is characterised by a criterion in terms of the fractional rate of reaction in the foam section. Trends of variations in the concentrations of dissolved free A, solute B, and gas-phase A with time of operation of the reactor are presented. The nature of the variation in the fractional rate of reaction in the foam section with time, at different reaction velocities, and the effect of the liquid flow rate (across the storage section) on the transience are also illustrated. Finally, the predictions of the general model have been validated using the available experimental data on the oxidation of sodium sulphide in a foam bed reactor. The agreement between the experimental and the present theoretical information is fairly good, apart from being more insightful than all the previous models of this reactor.


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Improved performance of plasma in raw engine exhaust treatment is reported. A new type of reactor referred to as of cross-flow dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) was used, in which the gas flow is perpendicular to the corona electrode. In raw exhaust environment, the cross-flow (radial-flow) reactor exhibits a superior performance with regard to NOX removal when compared to that with axial flow of gas. Experiments were conducted at different flow rates ranging from 2 L/min to 25 L/min. The plasma assisted barrier discharge reactor has shown encouraging results in NOx removal at high flow rates.


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Ultrasonication of aqueous KI solution is known to yield I2 due to reaction of iodide ions with hydroxyl radicals, which in turn are generated due to cavitation. Based on this conceptual framework, a model has been developed to predict the rate of iodine formation for KI solutions of various concentrations under different gas atmospheres. The model follows the growth and collapse of a gas—vapour cavity using the Rayleigh—Plesset bubble dynamics equation. The bubble is assumed to behave isothermally during its growth phase and a part of the collapse phase. Thereafter it is assumed to collapse adiabatically, yielding high temperatures and pressures. Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed in the bubble at the end of collapse phase. The contents of the bubble are assumed to mix with the liquid, and the reactor contents are assumed to be well stirred. The model has been verified by conducting experiments with KI solutions of different concentrations and using different gas atmospheres. The model not only explains these results but also the existence of a maximum when Ar---O2 mixtures of different compositions are employed.


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Ultrasonication of aqueous KI solution is known to yield I2 due to reaction of iodide ions with hydroxyl radicals, which in turn are generated due to cavitation. Based on this conceptual framework, a model has been developed to predict the rate of iodine formation for KI solutions of various concentrations under different gas atmospheres. The model follows the growth and collapse of a gas-vapour cavity using the Rayleigh-Plesset bubble dynamics equation. The bubble is assumed to behave isothermally during its growth phase and a part of the collapse phase. Thereafter it is assumed to collapse adiabatically, yielding high temperatures and pressures. Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed in the bubble at the end of collapse phase. The contents of the bubble are assumed to mix with the liquid, and the reactor contents are assumed to be well stirred. The model has been verified by conducting experiments with KI solutions of different concentrations and using different gas atmospheres. The model not only explains these results but also the existence of a maximum when Ar-O2 mixtures of different compositions are employed.


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Leak detection in the fuel channels is one of the challenging problems during the in-service inspection (ISI) of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). In this paper, the use of an acoustic emission (AE) technique together with AE signal analysis is described, to detect a leak that was ncountered in one (or more) of the 306 fuel channels of the Madras Atomic Power Station (PHWR), Unit I. The paper describes the problems encountered during the ISI, the experimental methods adopted and the results obtained. Results obtained using acoustic emission signal analysis are compared with those obtained from other leak detection methods used in such cases.


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Hydrolytic polymerization of caprolactam to Nylon 6 in a semibatch reactor is carried out by heating a mixture of water and caprolactam. Evaporation of volatiles caused by heating results in a pressure build-up. After the pressure reaches a predetermined value, vapors are vented to keep the pressure constant for some time, and thereafter, to lower the pressure to a value slightly above atmospheric in a preprogrammed manner. The characteristics of the polymer are determined by the chemical reactions and the vaporization of water and caprolactam. The semibatch operation has been simulated and the predictions have been compared with industria data. The observed temperature and pressure histories were predicted with a fair degree of accuracy. It was found that the predictions of the degree of polymerization however are sensitive to the vapor-liquid equilibrium relations. A comparison with an earlier model, which neglected mass transfer resistance, indicates that simulation using the VLE data of Giori and Hayes and accounting for mass transfer resistance is more reliable.


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Gas-phase controlled absorption of ammonia in foams made of solutions of sulphuric acid has been studied experimentally. Effects of gas-phase concentration of ammonia and type of surfactant on the performance of the foam-bed reactor are investigated. Gas-phase controlled absorption from a spherical bubble is anaylzed using the asymptotic value of Sherwood number (Sh = 6.58), for both negligible as well as significant changes in the volume of the bubble. The experimental data are shown to be in good agreement with the single-stage model of the foam-bed reactor using these asymptotic sub-models, as well as the diffusion-in-sphere analysis available in literature. Influence of effective diffusivity on the time dependence of fractional gas absorption has been found to be unimportant for foam columns with large times of contact. The asymptotic sub-models have been compared and use of the rigid-sphere asymptotic sub-model is recommended for foam columns of practical relevence.


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Experimental investigations into the effect of temperature on conversion of NO in the presence of hydrocarbons (ethylene, acetylene and n-hexane) are presented. An AC energized dielectric barrier discharge reactor was used as the plasma reactor. The experiments were carried out at different temperatures up to 200 degreesC. The discharge powers were measured at all the temperatures. The discharge power was found to increase with temperature. NO conversion in the presence of ethylene and n-hexane was better than that of acetylene at all temperatures. The addition of acetylene at room temperature showed no better conversion of NO compared to no additive case. While at higher temperatures, it could enhance the conversion of NO. A slight enhancement in NO and NOx removal was observed in the presence of water vapor. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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CFD investigations are carried out to study the heat flux and temperature distribution in the calandria using a 3–Dimensional RANS code. Internal flow computations and experimental studies are carried out for a calandria embedded with a matrix of tubes working together as a reactor. Numerical investigations are carried on the Calandria reactor vessel with horizontal inlets and outlets located on top and the bottom to study the flow pattern and the associated temperature distribution. The computations have been carried out to simulate fluid flow and convective heat transfer for assigned near–to working conditions with different moderator injection rates and reacting heat fluxes. The results of computations provide an estimate of the tolerance bands for safe working limits for the heat dissipation at different working conditions by virtue of prediction of the hot spots in the calandria. The isothermal CFD results are validated by a set of experiments on a specially designed scaled model conducted over a range of flows and simulation parameters. The comparison of CFD results with experiments show good agreement.