893 resultados para Social Engagement
La tesi si è consolidata nell’analisi dell’impatto dei social networks nella costruzione dello spazio pubblico, nella sfera di osservazione che è la rete e il web2.0. Osservando che il paradigma della società civile si sia modificato. Ridefinendo immagini e immaginari e forme di autorappresentazione sui new media (Castells, 2010). Nel presupposto che lo spazio pubblico “non è mai una realtà precostituita” (Innerarity, 2008) ma si muove all’interno di reti che generano e garantiscono socievolezza. Nell’obiettivo di capire cosa è spazio pubblico. Civic engagement che si rafforza in spazi simbolici (Sassen, 2008), nodi d’incontro significativi. Ivi cittadini-consumatori avanzano corresponsabilmente le proprie istanze per la debacle nei governi.. Cultura partecipativa che prende mossa da un nuovo senso civico mediato che si esprime nelle “virtù” del consumo critico. Portando la politica sul mercato. Cultura civica autoattualizzata alla ricerca di soluzioni alle crisi degli ultimi anni. Potere di una comunicazione che riduce il mondo ad un “villaggio globale” e mettono in relazione i pubblici connessi in spazi e tempi differenti, dando origine ad azioni collettive come nel caso degli Indignados, di Occupy Wall Street o di Rai per una notte. Emerge un (ri)pensare la citizenship secondo due paradigmi (Bennett,2008): l’uno orientato al governo attraverso i partiti, modello “Dutiful Citizenship”; l’altro, modello “Self Actualizing Citizenship” per cui i pubblici attivi seguono news ed eventi, percepiscono un minor obbligo nel governo, il voto è meno significativo per (s)fiducia nei media e nei politici. Mercato e società civile si muovono per il bene comune e una nuova “felicità”. La partecipazione si costituisce in consumerismo politico all’interno di reti in cui si sviluppano azioni individuali attraverso il social networking e scelte di consumo responsabile. Partendo dall’etnografia digitale, si è definito il modello “4 C”: Conoscenza > Coadesione > Co-partecipazione > Corresposabilità (azioni collettive) > Cultura-bility.
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Hooking up has become a common and public practice on university campuses across the country. While much research has determined who is doing it, with whom they are doing it, and what they are hoping to get out of it, little work has been done to determine what personal factors motivate students to participate in the culture. A total of 407 current students were surveyed to assess the impact of one’s relationship with his/her opposite-sex parent on his/her attitudestoward and engagement in hookup culture on campus. Scores were assigned to the participants to divide them into categories of high and low attachment with their parent. It was hypothesizedthat heterosexual students who do not perceive themselves as having a strong, close, positive relationship with their opposite-sex parent would be more likely to engage in or attempt to engage in casual sexual behavior. This pattern was expected to be strongest for women on campus. Men and women differed in their reasons for hooking up, with whom they hook up, to what they attribute the behaviors of their peers, and what they hope to gain from their sexual interactions. Effects of parent-child relationships were significant only for women who reported hooking up because “others are doing it,” men’s agreement with the behavior of their peers, and women’s overall satisfaction with their hookups. Developmental, social, and evolutionary perspectives are employed to explain the results. University status was determined to be most telling of the extent to which a student is engaged in hookup culture.
In this dissertation, the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) serves as a nodal point through which to examine the power relations shaping the direction and practices of higher education in the twenty-first century. Theoretically, my analysis is informed by Foucault’s concept of governmentality, briefly defined as a technology of power that influences or shapes behavior from a distance. This form of governance operates through apparatuses of security, which include higher education. Foucault identified three essential characteristics of an apparatus—the market, the milieu, and the processes of normalization—through which administrative mechanisms and practices operate and govern populations. In this project, my primary focus is on the governance of faculty and administrators, as a population, at residential colleges and universities. I argue that the existing milieu of accountability is one dominated by the neoliberal assumption that all activity—including higher education—works best when governed by market forces alone, reducing higher education to a market-mediated private good. Under these conditions, what many in the academy believe is an essential purpose of higher education—to educate students broadly, to contribute knowledge for the public good, and to serve as society’s critic and social conscience (Washburn 227)—is being eroded. Although NSSE emerged as a form of resistance to commercial college rankings, it did not challenge the forces that empowered the rankings in the first place. Indeed, NSSE data are now being used to make institutions even more responsive to market forces. Furthermore, NSSE’s use has a normalizing effect that tends to homogenize classroom practices and erode the autonomy of faculty in the educational process. It also positions students as part of the system of surveillance. In the end, if aspects of higher education that are essential to maintaining a civil society are left to be defined solely in market terms, the result may be a less vibrant and, ultimately, a less just society.
Careers today increasingly require engagement in proactive career behaviors; however, there is a lack of validated measures assessing the general degree to which somebody is engaged in such career behaviors. We describe the results of six studies with six independent samples of German university students (total N = 2,854), working professionals (total N = 561), and university graduates (N = 141) that report the development and validation of the Career Engagement Scale - a measure of the degree of which somebody is proactively developing her or his career as expressed by diverse career behaviors. The studies provide supprt for measurement invariance across gender and time. In support of convergent and discriminant validity, we find that career engagement is more prevalent among working professionals than among university students and that this scale has incremental validity above several specific career behaviors regarding its relation to vocational identity clarity and career self-efficacy beliefs among students and to job and career satisfaction among employees. In support of incremental predictive validity, beyond the effects of several more specific careeer behaviors, career engagement while at university predicts higher job and career satisfaction several months later after beginning work.
The present study applies a micro‐level perspective on how within‐individual differenc motivational and social‐cognitive factors affect the weekly fluctuations of engageme proactive career behaviors among a group of 67 German university students. Career efficacy beliefs, perceived career barriers, experienced social career support, positive negative emotions, and career engagement were assessed weekly for 13 consecutive w Hierarchical linear regression analyses showed that above‐average levels of career engage within individuals were predicted by higher than average perceived social support and pos emotions during a given week. Conversely, within‐individual differences in self‐effi barriers, and negative emotions had no effect. The results suggest that career interven should provide boosts in social support and positive emotions.
Proactive career behaviors become increasingly important in today's career environment, but little is known about how and when motivational patterns affect individual differences. In a six-month longitudinal study among German university students (Study 1; N = 289) it was demonstrated that motivation in terms of “can do” (self-efficacy and context beliefs), “reason to” (autonomous career goals), and “energized to” (positive affect) significantly predicted career behaviors. Contrary to expectation, negative context beliefs had a positive effect when combined with other motivational states. Study 2 replicated and extended those results by investigating whether “can do” motivation mediates the effect of proactive personality and whether those effects are conditional upon the degree of career choice decidedness. We tested a moderated multiple mediation model with a unique sample of 134 German students, assessed three times, each interval being 6 weeks apart. The results showed that effects of proactivity were partially carried through higher self-efficacy beliefs but not context beliefs. Supporting a moderation model, indirect effects through self-efficacy beliefs were not present for students with very low decidedness.
Scholarly interest in callings is growing, but our understanding of how and when callings relate to career outcomes is incomplete. The present study investigated the possibility that the relationship of calling to work engagement is mediated by work meaningfulness, occupational identity, and occupational self-efficacy – and that this mediation depends on the degree of perceived person-job fit. I examined a highly educated sample of German employees (N=529) in diverse occupations and found support for two of the three hypothesized mediators – work meaningfulness and occupational identity – after controlling for the relation of core self-evaluations to work engagement. Contrary to expectations, the mediated relations of callings to work engagement were not conditional upon the degree of person-job fit. The findings are considered in terms of the pathways through which callings may relate to work engagement and other career development outcomes.
While the system stabilizing function of reciprocity is widely acknowledged, much less attention has been paid to the argument that reciprocity might initiate social cooperation in the first place. This paper tests Gouldner’s early assumption that reciprocity may act as a ‘starting mechanism’ of social cooperation in consolidating societies. The empirical test scenario builds on unequal civic engagement between immigrants and nationals, as this engagement gap can be read as a lack of social cooperation in consolidating immigration societies. Empirical analyses using survey data on reciprocal norms and based on Bayesian hierarchical modelling lend support for Gouldner’s thesis, underlining thereby the relevance of reciprocity in today’s increasingly diverse societies: individual norms of altruistic reciprocity elevate immigrants’ propensity to volunteer, reducing thereby the engagement gap between immigrants and natives in the area of informal volunteering. In other words, compliance with altruistic reciprocity may trigger cooperation in social strata, where it is less likely to occur. The positive moderation of the informal engagement gap through altruistic reciprocity turns out to be most pronounced for immigrants who are least likely to engage in informal volunteering, meaning low, but also high educated immigrants.
Motivation plays a key role in successful entry into working life. Based on a cross-sectional and a one-year longitudinal study, we used a person-centered approach to explore work-related motivation (i.e., autonomous goals, positive affect, and occupational self-efficacy) among 577 students in 8th grade (Study 1) and 949 adolescents in vocational training (Study 2). Based on latent profile analysis, in both studies we identified four groups that were characterized by different levels of overall motivation and one group characterized by low positive affect and mean levels in autonomous goals and self-efficacy. Profiles characterized by high levels of motivation showed the highest levels of positive work expectations and goal engagement and the lowest levels of negative work expectations in Study 1 and the highest levels of person-job fit, work engagement, and job satisfaction in Study 2. Moreover, latent difference score analysis showed that motivational profiles predicted changes in person-job fit and work engagement across one year but not in job satisfaction. The results imply that career counselors should be aware of characteristic motivational patterns of clients that may require specific counseling approaches.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of work engagement of Taiwanese nurses with 3 specific aims: (1) understand Taiwanese nurses' perceptions of work engagement; (2) explore the factors influencing work engagement, and (3) examine how work engagement impacts nursing care for patients. ^ Design. The study used an ethnographic approach with participant observation and semi-structured interviews with RNs. ^ Setting. The study was conducted in the highest and lowest nurse turnover medical surgical units at a regional teaching hospital in southwestern Taiwan. ^ Sample. Purposive sampling resulted in 28 formal interviews with RNs who provided direct patient care, had at least 3 months experience in nursing, and were full-time employees. ^ Methods. Descriptive data were collected through participant observation in each unit. Observations were made while attending meetings, continuing education sessions, and informal conversations with RNs. Field notes and audio recorded semi-structured interviews were analyzed using qualitative thematic analytic techniques. ^ Findings. Findings revealed perceptions of work engagement spanned four domains: patients ("wholehearted care"), work (positive attitude), self (fulfillment and happiness), and others (relationships with colleagues). Providing "wholehearted care" toward patients was the foundation of work engagement for nurses in Taiwan. Engaged nurses felt fulfilled, happy, and found "meaning" through the process of patient care. The study revealed five factors that influenced work engagement: personal, organizational, social, patient, and professional. The impact of work engagement on nurse and patient outcomes are confirmed. ^ Conclusions. Taiwanese nurses connect work engagement with patients, the job, oneself, and colleagues. "Wholehearted patient care" is the core manifestation of work engagement among these nurses. In contrast, studies in western business only focused on work attitudes. Losing interest and "heart" lead to work routines which can lead to individual unhappiness. Findings from this study validate the multiple factors contributing to work engagement of nurses. Job demands and resources can only partially explain what hinders work engagement. Work disengagement and burnout share some commonality but should be measured differently. An understanding of RNs' perceptions of work engagement may provide direction for strategies that improve work engagement leading to decreased RN turnover. ^
Los escenarios cambiantes que se presentan en la vida de las organizaciones actuales requieren de un nuevo desafío que deberán afrontar aquellas que quieran salir adelante de manera exitosa y trascender en el tiempo. Este desafío, desde el punto de vista de los recursos humanos, se refiere a concebir equipos de trabajo altamente eficientes y colaboradores que estén realmente comprometidos con los objetivos y valores corporativos. En la búsqueda de herramientas que permitan enfrentar estos entornos cambiantes y llenos de incertidumbres, se comienzan a investigar y analizar diferentes conceptos que permitan la formación y permanencia de equipos altamente eficientes, ambientes de trabajo cálidos, colaboradores satisfechos y conformes con sus trabajos. En fin, comenzar a ver las empresas como una comunidad de personas con sus propias reglas, dónde cada uno actúa con compromiso en pos del beneficio común. El concepto que más se acerca a la mirada anterior es el de clima laboral. Pero adentrándonos en su estudio se comienza a pensar que el mismo no es lo suficientemente abarcativo. Pero este primer avance abrió camino a las lecturas iniciales sobre “engagement", y se descubre una mirada distinta hacia los recursos humanos que se acerca más a las herramientas que se buscan. De aquí surge el interés en seguir profundizando en este último concepto y analizar cuáles son los beneficios que brinda a las organizaciones que lo implementan. La investigación que aquí se presenta tratará el concepto de “engagement" orientado a una PyME mendocina y cuál es su rol en la dirección de la compañía. La primera parte del trabajo hace referencia al marco teórico, la segunda parte plantea los aspectos metodológicos sobre los que se basa la investigación, en la tercera parte se realiza la presentación del caso de estudio y presentación de los resultados del estudio empírico, y finalmente se exponen las conclusiones y la propuesta de mejora.
En los últimos años Mar del Plata está intentando pasar de ser una ciudad balnearia para ser una ciudad turística. Por esto las estrategias turísticas surgidas desde los organismos oficiales han sido posicionar a la ciudad bajo el lema 'Mar del Plata todo el año'. En esto, el alojamiento y básicamente el sector hotelero, juegan un rol fundamental. Además, la industria hotelera es una de las que mayor empleo genera en las ciudades en las que se ubica. Nuestro estudio se focaliza en el sector hotelero y sus recursos humanos, analizando los cambios en el trabajo impuestos por las nuevas condiciones y la globalización y como esto repercute en la Salud Ocupacional del sector: las consultas por patologías originadas en el trabajo o afectadas por él, se han multiplicado en forma alarmante. Enfermedades psicosomáticas, ataques de pánico, depresión, burn out, víctimas de mobbing, etc., sin olvidar las gastritis, contracturas cervicales, lumbalgias o reacciones alérgicas varias, síntomas contemporáneos que se han incorporado casi naturalmente a nuestro estilo de vida. La epidemiología concibe el fenómeno salud enfermedad, como un proceso dinámico en que se pasa de un estado a otro, repetidamente en un proceso de búsqueda permanente del equilibrio, en el que inciden factores de orden social, político, sanitario, genético, ecológico, demográfico, cultural, etc.. La salud ocupacional permite el enriquecimiento humano y profesional en el trabajo. Para la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT, 1984) los factores psicosociales en el trabajo, consisten por un lado en interacciones entre el trabajo, su medio ambiente, la satisfacción en el trabajo y las condiciones de su organización, y por el otro, en las capacidades del trabajador, sus necesidades, su cultura y su situación personal fuera del trabajo, todo lo cual, a través de percepciones y experiencias, puede influir en el rendimiento y la satisfacción en el trabajo y afectar la salud del trabajador. El grupo GIPsIL de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, se ha propuesto una investigación en el sector hotelero, tan importante de la realidad marplatense. El grupo es interdisciplinario, conformado por Lic. En Psicología, Lic. En Turismo, Lic. En Administración, Contador, y estudiantes interesados en el tema Existen distintas conceptualizaciones y formas diferentes de medir el engagement, que impiden la formulación de una única definición sintética. Adherimos a un modelo en el que el engagement, entendido como estado psicológico está mediando el impacto de los recursos laborales y de los recursos personales en los resultados organizacionales. Esto significa que los recursos tanto laborales como personales tienen un impacto indirecto en los resultados organizacionales a través del estado psicológico de los trabajadores. Para incrementar el engagement de los empleados, se debe saber no sólo qué es y cómo medirlo, sino también cuáles son sus causas y sus consecuencias. El engagement se considera el antídoto positivo del Burnout. Para los trabajadores engaged, el trabajo es algo positivo porque disfrutan con y de lo que hacen. En cambio, los trabajadores quemados o con Burnout, se sienten agotados y fatigados, tienen actitudes cínicas y escépticas sobre su trabajo, y se sienten mal en ellos. Ambos tipos de bienestar psicosocial son opuestos se ilustra en la correlación negativa que existe entre Burnout y engagement
En los últimos años Mar del Plata está intentando pasar de ser una ciudad balnearia para ser una ciudad turística. Por esto las estrategias turísticas surgidas desde los organismos oficiales han sido posicionar a la ciudad bajo el lema 'Mar del Plata todo el año'. En esto, el alojamiento y básicamente el sector hotelero, juegan un rol fundamental. Además, la industria hotelera es una de las que mayor empleo genera en las ciudades en las que se ubica. Nuestro estudio se focaliza en el sector hotelero y sus recursos humanos, analizando los cambios en el trabajo impuestos por las nuevas condiciones y la globalización y como esto repercute en la Salud Ocupacional del sector: las consultas por patologías originadas en el trabajo o afectadas por él, se han multiplicado en forma alarmante. Enfermedades psicosomáticas, ataques de pánico, depresión, burn out, víctimas de mobbing, etc., sin olvidar las gastritis, contracturas cervicales, lumbalgias o reacciones alérgicas varias, síntomas contemporáneos que se han incorporado casi naturalmente a nuestro estilo de vida. La epidemiología concibe el fenómeno salud enfermedad, como un proceso dinámico en que se pasa de un estado a otro, repetidamente en un proceso de búsqueda permanente del equilibrio, en el que inciden factores de orden social, político, sanitario, genético, ecológico, demográfico, cultural, etc.. La salud ocupacional permite el enriquecimiento humano y profesional en el trabajo. Para la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT, 1984) los factores psicosociales en el trabajo, consisten por un lado en interacciones entre el trabajo, su medio ambiente, la satisfacción en el trabajo y las condiciones de su organización, y por el otro, en las capacidades del trabajador, sus necesidades, su cultura y su situación personal fuera del trabajo, todo lo cual, a través de percepciones y experiencias, puede influir en el rendimiento y la satisfacción en el trabajo y afectar la salud del trabajador. El grupo GIPsIL de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, se ha propuesto una investigación en el sector hotelero, tan importante de la realidad marplatense. El grupo es interdisciplinario, conformado por Lic. En Psicología, Lic. En Turismo, Lic. En Administración, Contador, y estudiantes interesados en el tema Existen distintas conceptualizaciones y formas diferentes de medir el engagement, que impiden la formulación de una única definición sintética. Adherimos a un modelo en el que el engagement, entendido como estado psicológico está mediando el impacto de los recursos laborales y de los recursos personales en los resultados organizacionales. Esto significa que los recursos tanto laborales como personales tienen un impacto indirecto en los resultados organizacionales a través del estado psicológico de los trabajadores. Para incrementar el engagement de los empleados, se debe saber no sólo qué es y cómo medirlo, sino también cuáles son sus causas y sus consecuencias. El engagement se considera el antídoto positivo del Burnout. Para los trabajadores engaged, el trabajo es algo positivo porque disfrutan con y de lo que hacen. En cambio, los trabajadores quemados o con Burnout, se sienten agotados y fatigados, tienen actitudes cínicas y escépticas sobre su trabajo, y se sienten mal en ellos. Ambos tipos de bienestar psicosocial son opuestos se ilustra en la correlación negativa que existe entre Burnout y engagement