989 resultados para Skyrme effective interaction
The short-distance part of the low energy interaction of D-mesons and nucleons is investigated in the context of a quark model. The quark model is based on Coulomb gauge QCD. The model contains a confining Coulomb potential and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The basic mechanism for the short-distance interaction between the D-mesons and nucleons is quark interchange. Using Resonating GroupMethod techniques an effective potential for the interaction between nucleons and D mesons can be obtained and used in a Lippmann-Schwinger equation to obtain differential cross-sections and phase shifts.
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection has been the focus of several studies because this virus exhibits genetic and pathogenic characteristics that are similar to those of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). FIV causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in cats, nevertheless, a large fraction of infected cats remain asymptomatic throughout life despite of persistent chronic infection. This slow disease progression may be due to the presence of factors that are involved in the natural resistance to infection and the immune response that is mounted by the animals, as well as due to the adaptation of the virus to the host. Therefore, the study of virus-host interaction is essential to the understanding of the different patterns of disease course and the virus persistence in the host, and to help with the development of effective vaccines and perhaps the cure of FIV and HIV infections. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The application of the Restricted Dynamics Approach in nuclear theory, based on the approximate solution of many-particle Schrödinger equation, which accounts for all conservation laws in many-nucleon system, is discussed. The Strictly Restricted Dynamics Model is used for the evaluation of binding energies, level schemes, E2 and Ml transition probabilities as well as the electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole momenta of light a-cluster type nuclei in the region 4 ≤ A ≤ 40. The parameters of effective nucleonnucleon interaction potential are evaluated from the ground state binding energies of doubly magic nuclei 4He, 16O and 40Ca.
The flow of sediment from cropped land is the main pollutant of water sources in rural areas. Due to this fact, it is necessary to develop and implement technologies that will reduce water and sediment discharges. Accordingly, an experiment was conducted in the Department of Biosystems Engineering - ESALQ / USP, Piracicaba - SP with the objective to evaluate the effect of different soil cover (bean, grass and bare ground) and erosion control practices (wide base terraces and infiltration furrows in slopes (no practices to control erosion)) while measuring water losses in runoff. The statistical design adopted was randomized blocks in a 3x3 factorial scheme resulting in 9 treatments with 3 replicates (blocks). The period of rainfall data collection was December 6, 2007 to April 11, 2008. A 21.1 cm diameter rain gauge was installed in the experimental area. Terraces were the most efficient practices for reducing erosion losses in the treatments with infiltration furrows being better than the control treatment. Bean was more effective than grass in reducing erosion. Bare ground was the least efficient.
We study the charge dynamic structure factor of the one-dimensional Hubbard model with finite on-site repulsion U at half-filling. Numerical results from the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group are analyzed by comparison with the exact spectrum of the model. The evolution of the line shape as a function of U is explained in terms of a relative transfer of spectral weight between the two-holon continuum that dominates in the limit U -> infinity and a subset of the two-holon-two-spinon continuum that reconstructs the electron-hole continuum in the limit U -> 0. Power-law singularities along boundary lines of the spectrum are described by effective impurity models that are explicitly invariant under spin and eta-spin SU(2) rotations. The Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition is reflected in a discontinuous change of the exponents of edge singularities at U = 0. The sharp feature observed in the spectrum for momenta near the zone boundary is attributed to a van Hove singularity that persists as a consequence of integrability.
The aim of this study was to develop a model capable to capture the different contributions which characterize the nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. In particular, especially for non slender structures, the contribution to the nonlinear deformation due to bending may be not sufficient to determine the structural response. Two different models characterized by a fibre beam-column element are here proposed. These models can reproduce the flexure-shear interaction in the nonlinear range, with the purpose to improve the analysis in shear-critical structures. The first element discussed is based on flexibility formulation which is associated with the Modified Compression Field Theory as material constitutive law. The other model described in this thesis is based on a three-field variational formulation which is associated with a 3D generalized plastic-damage model as constitutive relationship. The first model proposed in this thesis was developed trying to combine a fibre beamcolumn element based on the flexibility formulation with the MCFT theory as constitutive relationship. The flexibility formulation, in fact, seems to be particularly effective for analysis in the nonlinear field. Just the coupling between the fibre element to model the structure and the shear panel to model the individual fibres allows to describe the nonlinear response associated to flexure and shear, and especially their interaction in the nonlinear field. The model was implemented in an original matlab® computer code, for describing the response of generic structures. The simulations carried out allowed to verify the field of working of the model. Comparisons with available experimental results related to reinforced concrete shears wall were performed in order to validate the model. These results are characterized by the peculiarity of distinguishing the different contributions due to flexure and shear separately. The presented simulations were carried out, in particular, for monotonic loading. The model was tested also through numerical comparisons with other computer programs. Finally it was applied for performing a numerical study on the influence of the nonlinear shear response for non slender reinforced concrete (RC) members. Another approach to the problem has been studied during a period of research at the University of California Berkeley. The beam formulation follows the assumptions of the Timoshenko shear beam theory for the displacement field, and uses a three-field variational formulation in the derivation of the element response. A generalized plasticity model is implemented for structural steel and a 3D plastic-damage model is used for the simulation of concrete. The transverse normal stress is used to satisfy the transverse equilibrium equations of at each control section, this criterion is also used for the condensation of degrees of freedom from the 3D constitutive material to a beam element. In this thesis is presented the beam formulation and the constitutive relationships, different analysis and comparisons are still carrying out between the two model presented.
In this thesis, a strategy to model the behavior of fluids and their interaction with deformable bodies is proposed. The fluid domain is modeled by using the lattice Boltzmann method, thus analyzing the fluid dynamics by a mesoscopic point of view. It has been proved that the solution provided by this method is equivalent to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible flow with a second-order accuracy. Slender elastic structures idealized through beam finite elements are used. Large displacements are accounted for by using the corotational formulation. Structural dynamics is computed by using the Time Discontinuous Galerkin method. Therefore, two different solution procedures are used, one for the fluid domain and the other for the structural part, respectively. These two solvers need to communicate and to transfer each other several information, i.e. stresses, velocities, displacements. In order to guarantee a continuous, effective, and mutual exchange of information, a coupling strategy, consisting of three different algorithms, has been developed and numerically tested. In particular, the effectiveness of the three algorithms is shown in terms of interface energy artificially produced by the approximate fulfilling of compatibility and equilibrium conditions at the fluid-structure interface. The proposed coupled approach is used in order to solve different fluid-structure interaction problems, i.e. cantilever beams immersed in a viscous fluid, the impact of the hull of the ship on the marine free-surface, blood flow in a deformable vessels, and even flapping wings simulating the take-off of a butterfly. The good results achieved in each application highlight the effectiveness of the proposed methodology and of the C++ developed software to successfully approach several two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction problems.
The surface properties of minerals have important implications in geology, environment, industry and biotechnology and for certain aspects in the research on the origin of life. This research project aims to widen the knowledge on the nanoscale surface properties of chlorite and phlogopite by means of advanced methodologies, and also to investigate the interaction of fundamental biomolecules, such as nucleotides, RNA, DNA and amino acid glycine with the surface of the selected phyllosilicates. Multiple advanced and complex experimental approaches based on scanning probe microscopy and spatially resolved spectroscopy were used and in some cases specifically developed. The results demonstrate that chlorite exposes at the surface atomically flat terraces with 0.5 nm steps typically generated by the fragmentation of the octahedral sheet of the interlayer (brucitic-type). This fragmentation at the nanoscale generates a high anisotropy and inhomogeneity with surface type and isomorphous cationic substitutions determining variations of the effective surface potential difference, ranging between 50-100 mV and 400-500 mV, when measured in air, between the TOT surface and the interlayer brucitic sheet. The surface potential was ascribed to be the driving force of the observed high affinity of the surface with the fundamental biomolecules, like single molecules of nucleotides, DNA, RNA and amino acids. Phlogopite was also observed to present an extended atomically flat surface, featuring negative surface potential values of some hundreds of millivolts and no significant local variations. Phlogopite surface was sometimes observed to present curvature features that may be ascribed to local substitutions of the interlayer cations or the presence of a crystal lattice mismatch or structural defects, such as stacking faults or dislocation loops. Surface chemistry was found similar to the bulk. The study of the interaction with nucleotides and glycine revealed a lower affinity with respect to the brucite-like surface of chlorite.
The most important property controlling the physicochemical behaviour of polyelectrolytes and their applicability in different fields is the charge density on the macromolecular chain. A polyelectrolyte molecule in solution may have an effective charge density which is smaller than the actual charge density determined from its chemical structure. In the present work an attempt has been made to quantitatively determine this effective charge density of a model polyelectrolyte by using light scattering techniques. Flexible linear polyelectrolytes with a Poly(2-Vinylpyridine) (2-PVP) backbone are used in the present study. The polyelectrolytes are synthesized by quaternizing the pyridine groups of 2-PVP by ethyl bromide to different quaternization degrees. The effect of the molar mass, degree of quaternization and solvent polarity on the effective charge is studied. The results show that the effective charge does not vary much with the polymer molar mass or the degree of quaternization. But a significant increase in the effective charge is observed when the solvent polarity is increased. The results do not obey the counterion condensation theory proposed by Manning. Based on the very low effective charges determined in this study, a new mechanism for the counterion condensation phenomena from a specific polyelectrolyte-counterion interaction is proposed
Cytoplasmic dynein in filamentous fungi accumulates at microtubule plus-ends near the hyphal tip, which is important for minus-end-directed transport of early endosomes. It was hypothesized that dynein is switched on at the plus-end by cargo association. Here, we show in Aspergillus nidulans that kinesin-1-dependent plus-end localization is not a prerequisite for dynein ATPase activation. First, the Walker A and Walker B mutations in the dynein heavy chain AAA1 domain implicated in blocking different steps of the ATPase cycle cause different effects on dynein localization to microtubules, arguing against the suggestion that ATPase is inactive before arriving at the plus-end. Second, dynein from kinA (kinesin 1) mutant cells has normal ATPase activity despite the absence of dynein plus-end accumulation. In kinA hyphae, dynein localizes along microtubules and does not colocalize with abnormally accumulated early endosomes at the hyphal tip. This is in contrast to the colocalization of dynein and early endosomes in the absence of NUDF/LIS1. However, the Walker B mutation allows dynein to colocalize with the hyphal-tip-accumulated early endosomes in the kinA background. We suggest that the normal ability of dyenin to interact with microtubules as an active minus-end-directed motor demands kinesin-1-mediated plus-end accumulation for effective interactions with early endosomes.
29I is one of the major dose-determining nuclides in the safety analysis of deep storage of radioactive waste. Iodine forms anionic species that hardly sorb on the surfaces of common host-rock minerals. Recently, interest has arisen on the role of pyrite, an accessory mineral capable of binding anionic selenium. Whereas the interaction of selenium with pyrite is well documented, corresponding results on iodine sorption are still scarce and controversial. Pyrite is present in argicilleous rocks which are being considered in many countries as potential host rocks for a radioactive waste repository. The uptake of iodide (I−) on natural pyrite was investigated under nearly anoxic conditions (O2 < 5 ppm) over a wide concentration range (10−11–10−3 M total I−) using 125I as the radioactive tracer. Weak but measurable sorption was observed; distribution coefficients (R d) were less than 0.002 m3 kg−1 and decreased with increasing total iodide concentration. Iodide sorption was connected to the presence of oxidized clusters on the pyrite surface, which were presumably formed by reaction with limited amounts of dissolved oxygen. The results obtained indicated that pyrite cannot be considered as an effective scavenger of 129I under the geochemical conditions prevailing in underground radioactive waste geologic storage.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Mechanical thrombectomy is a promising new modality of interventional stroke treatment. The various devices differ with regard to where they apply force on the thrombus, taking a proximal approach such as aspiration devices or a distal approach such as basket-like devices. The study compares the in vivo effectiveness and thrombus-device interaction of these 2 approaches. METHODS: Angiography and embolization with a radioopaque whole blood thrombus was performed in 10 swine. Mechanical thrombectomy was performed in 20 cranial vessels using a proximal aspiration device (Vasco35) and a distal basket-like device (Catch) with and without proximal balloon occlusion. Fifty-six retrieval attempts were made. RESULTS: The proximal device allowed fast repeated application with a low risk of thromboembolic events (3%) and vasospasm, but it had a significantly lower success rate (39.4%) in retrieving thrombotic material than the distal device (DD) (82.6%; odds ratio, 7.3; 95% CI, 2.0 to 26.4). The compaction of the thrombus during retrieval with DD increased the risk of vessel wall irritation significantly (P<0.01) and complicated retrieval into the guiding catheter. The number of embolic events was significantly higher with DD (26%; odds ratio, 11.3; 95% CI, 1.35 to 101.6) unless proximal balloon occlusion was used. CONCLUSIONS: The proximal and the distal approaches to mechanical thrombectomy proved to be effective at achieving recanalization of cranial vessels. The proximal device is faster in application and allowed repeated attempts with a low complication rate. The DD is more successful at removing thrombotic material, but its method of application and attendant thrombus compaction increase the risk of thromboembolic events and vasospasms.