999 resultados para Sistemas imageadores - Qualidade de imagem
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
ISO 26000, published in 2010, focuses on corporate social responsibility. This study presents a systematic review conducted in ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) and Elsevier's Scopus databases to answer the following question: What are the barriers and motivators affecting the adoption of ISO 26000 by organizations? The articles were selected using filters that applied two inclusion criteria. The data were summarized in a table covering the concepts of ISO 26000, the motivators, and the barriers. The motivators were globalization or competition in international markets, congruence with management systems, reputation or image, relationship with employees and improvement of the organizational environment, improvement in the relationship with external stakeholders, competitive advantage and strategy, guide to corporate social responsibility (CSR), and reduction of business risks. The barriers were lack of alignment between CSR and organizational strategy; business (national and international); unfamiliarity with ISO 26000; lack of communication, tools and sensitivity to the subject; short-term focus; knowledge management; fear of not fulfilling the standard; and financial resources. Finally, an agenda for future studies was prepared.
Techniques of image combination, with extraction of objects to set a final scene, are very used in applications from photos montages to cinematographic productions. These techniques are called digital matting. With them is possible to decrease the cost of productions, because it is not necessary for the actor to be filmed in the location where the final scene occurs. This feature also favors its use in programs made to digital television, which demands a high quality image. Many digital matting algorithms use markings done on the images, to demarcate what is the foreground, the background and the uncertainty areas. This marking is called trimap, which is a triple map containing these three informations. The trimap is done, typically, from manual markings. In this project, methods were created that can be used in digital matting algorithms, with restriction of time and without human interaction, that is, the creation of an algorithm that generates the trimap automatically. This last one can be generated from the difference between a color of an arbitrary background and the foreground, or by using a depth map. It was also created a matting method, based on the Geodesic Matting (BAI; SAPIRO, 2009), which has an inferior processing time then the original one. Aiming to improve the performance of the applications that generates the trimap and of the algorithms that generates the alphamap (map that associates a value to the transparency of each pixel of the image), allowing its use in applications with time restrictions, it was used the CUDA architecture. Taking advantage, this way, of the computational power and the features of the GPGPU, which is massively parallel
Since discovery, computed tomography is a widely used diagnostic modality. However, this modality imparts relatively high doses to the patients and with fast technological advancement, it is necessary optimize the doses used and ensure the quality of the images through a quality assurance program. This work intended to compare Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDIW) and effective dose with components of image quality: the Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), and a quality factor (Q) deduced by the Rose model for two groups of computed tomography units. The first group was composed by equipments with 10 up to 16 slices and the second one presented 40 up to 320 slices detectors, for the protocols of head and abdomen. It was realized a comparison between different selectable parameters in the protocol of a Philips Brilliance 16, too. The results of the first group to CTDIW, effective dose, SNR and CNR showed variations of 28%, 33%, 37% and 32% respectively for head protocol, and 21%, 27%, 43% and 37% respectively for abdomen protocol. The results of the group 2 to CTDIW, effective dose, SNR and CNR showed variations of 15%, 26%, 36% and 34% respectively for the head protocol, and 8%, 13%, 50% and 60% respectively for abdomen protocol. The comparison between both groups demonstrated similar levels of doses impartation to patients though having so many different configurations, if the uncertainties associated with this measurement were considered. The results of the comparison between different parameters in the Philips Brilliance 16 scanner were in agreement with expected
O uso de radiações ionizantes (R.I.), nas mais variadas atividades tem aumentado nas últimas décadas. Com o avanço tecnológico, novos e sofisticados equipamentos emissores de R.I. tem surgido no cenário nacional, o que torna imperativo a difusão do conhecimento sobre os conceitos de proteção radiológica junto à comunidade em geral, e neste sentido, o curso de física médica desenvolve um importante papel, quer seja no aspecto informativo quanto formativo de cidadãos e profissionais críticos e politicamente corretos, que possam contribuir com as Políticas Públicos dos órgãos normatizadores e fiscalizadores das atividades de vigilância sanitária. Conforme a legislação atual (Resolução SS-625 de 14/12/1994, da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, e Portaria 453 de 01/06/1998 da Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde), todos os serviços que utilizam radiações ionizantes devem realizar testes de avaliação dos parâmetros radiométricos dos equipamentos emissores de R.I., sendo exigidos as medidas de Levantamento Radiométrico das instalações, o Teste de Radiação de Fuga do cabeçote emissor e a implementação de Programa de Garantia de Qualidade dos equipamentos e dos procedimentos radiológicos. Este procedimento tem como objetivo principal a obtenção de imagens radiográficas com qualidade e a segurança de pacientes e profissionais, evitando a exposição desnecessária à radiação de pacientes e profissionais. A correta realização de procedimentos radiológicos além de reduzir a dose nos pacientes também promove significativa diminuição nos custos, por não haver necessidade da repetição dos exames. No Brasil, conforme dados da Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde SAS/MS, atualmente existem instalados 4.469 mamógrafos, 25.930 aparelhos de raios-x médicos, 39.438 aparelhos de raios-x odontológicos e...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The quality assurance control program (QACP) in clinical radiology is very important to acquire, image quality, patient dose reduction and cost for the institution. The verification of the real tension on the x ray tube, it is one of many parameters that may be determined on a QACP. This act on image quality as absorbed dose in patient. Once proved the importance of this fact, this study come up with the determination of tension to any X ray tube used on medical routine, on quick, safe and low cost manner. To reach the aim of this study, the methodology consisted on measuring expose rates (ER) using different thicknesses of copper (Cu) plates like filters and relating these results with Half Layer Value (HLV). Afterwards, the HLV was associated to real tension that was acquired with kilo voltage of peak (kVp) measurers used on clinical routine. So walking in this path, when performed the ER, on any X ray tube, it’s possible acquire the HLV and consequently the real kVp, considering measures obtained before, on the methodology of kVp estimative development
This project aims the verification of doses in canines and felines to chest and coxal exams due to the transition from screen-film to computed radiography system. It also seeks a possible optimization of the new techniques employed in this new system. The study was carried out in Diagnostic Imaging service in Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo using a conventional x-ray equipment. Initially, data about the physical characteristics of animals and the technique currently used in computed radiography was collected for each of 80 chest and 16 coxal X-ray examinations. The animals were divided into different groups according to the body weight. For each group, were calculated the averages of each item: thickness of the region to be imaged, voltage, current, exposure time, current-time product, size of film used, presence or absence of bucky and focus (small or large). The techniques have been reproduced in phantoms (representative of the thickness of the animal) in order to collect the air kerma entrance. Based on the average of intermediate size M group (weights less than 5 kg for cats and from 10.1 kg and 20 kg for dogs) analysis of image quality using three devices test patterns were made consisting of the evaluation of spatial resolution, low-contrast resolution and contrast-detail. In general, the results showed the dose animals decreased with the use of computed radiography and was possible to preliminary optimization of some techniques used currently in CR
This monograph has as objectives introduce digital terrestrial television, describing the process of installation of this in Spain, their technical qualities and possibilities of change and innovation that this creates. The exposure of the different chapters of this monograph has a objective presenting and discussing what are the characteristics of this new technology, your birth, what is its importance in communication and how this is inserted inside the Spanish reality. The introduction of digital terrestrial television in Spain is cited as an example of a pioneer in the development and installation of this new technology, but also appears as a nation that has come a way with some economic failures, reaching one of the largest cases of delayed installation of digital television in Western Europe. Making use of the European system for digital terrestrial television (DVB-T - Digital Video Broadcasting) it was possible some advances as the quality of communication and strengthening national public television system, but many vices of analog system were transferred this new system, as the concentration of channels to a foreign group and interactivity opportunities were wasted. Digital terrestrial television can provides better picture quality and sound, possibility of interactivity, mobility, hypermedia and multiprogramming, while the latter tool may lead to the democratization of media, opening it to other social agents. Going much further than just a technological advancement, digital television is strongly connected with the politics and the economy of the nation in which it operates
The maxillary lateral incisor has a very peculiar and internal morphology that can be influenced by the its external anatomy such as supernumerary roots and ruts deep root, which often hinders an effective endodontic treatment. Generally, this tooth have a single root with one root canal, but teeth with two to four channels can be found. The main canal can present ramifications such as accessory canals, laterals, collaterals, recorrents and apical deltas. All this factors interfere directally on endodonthics treatment. The objective of this work is a study of the internal anatomy of the maxillary lateral incisors by digital and conventional radiographics methods, comparing the results obteined by each method Six hundred upper lateral incisor were used in this study teeth of the collection of the Department of Anatomy ICT – UNESP. All the teeth were radiographed by vestibular face, using a digital radiographic unit(Dabi Atlante). After this step, all the teeth underwent by conventional radiographic technique(Kodak 2200) so that the results obtained were compared. To classify the channel system, it was adopted the classification of Pucci and Reig. All data obtained by digital technique were compared with those obtained in the conventional technique and were subjected to statistical analysis
Paediatric diagnostic radiology can be considered as a separate specialty and with distinct characteristics of the radiology applied in adult patients. This in reason of the variability in the anatomical structures size and bigger sensitivity of tissues. The literature present in its majority methodologies for segmentation and tissue classification in adult patients, and works on tissue quantification are rare. This work had for objective the development of a biological tissue classifier and quantifier algorithm, from histograms, and that converts the quantified average thickness of these tissues for its respective simulator materials. The results will be used in the optimization process of paediatrics images, in future works, since these patients are frequently over exposed to the radiation in the repeated attempts of if getting considered good quality radiographic images. The developed algorithm was capable to read and store the name of all the archives, in the operational system, to filter artifacs, to count and quantify each biological tissues from the histogram of the examination, to obtain the biological tissues average thicknesses and to convert this value into its respective simulator material. The results show that it is possible to distinguish bone, soft, fat and pulmonary tissues from histograms of tomographic examinations of thorax. The quantification of the constituent materials of anthropomorphic phantom made by the algorithm, compared with the data of literature shows that the biggest difference was of 21,6% for bone. However, the literature shows that variations of up to 30% in bone thickness do not influence of significant form in the radiographic image quality. The average thicknesses of biological tissues, quantified for paediatrics patients, show that one phantom can simulate patients with distinct DAP ranges, since variations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This study aims to determine surface skin doses in dogs (with suspected pulmonary metastasis) submitted to chest X-rays using the technique of thermoluminescence dosimetry. Twenty seven exams from different dogs were performed at the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade Estadual Paulista (FMVZ-UNESP/Botucatu). The doses were evaluated using thermoluminescent dosimeters of calcium sulphate doped with dysprosium (CaSO4:Dy) produced by the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN). The pulmonary metastasis exams are carried out in three projections, one dorsal-ventral and two lateral-lateral. During the procedures the projection thicknesses and source-skin surface distances were registered. To simulate the dog phantom the dosimeters were positioned in a cubic simulator (30x30x30 cm) of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) filled with water and irradiated according to the parameters of projections with the X-ray energies ranging from 45 to 70 kV. To estimate the surface skin dose the dose-response curves were obtained for X-ray energies of 50 and 70 kV using the diagnostic X-ray beam machine of the Instruments Calibration Laboratory of IPEN for doses of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.0 mGy. The main difficulty of this work was the dog immobilization that is reflected in poor-quality diagnostic imaging and, consequently, demands the repetition of the exams, which contributes to the increase of the doses received by the animals being studied and the clinical staff. The doses evaluated in this type of procedure are between 0.43 and 4.22 mGy. This research has shown to be extremely important for the assessment of doses involved in veterinary diagnostic radiology procedures, and as a parameter in the individual monitoring of pet’s owners who assist the animal positioning and occupationally exposed workers of the Department of Veterinary Radiology
A virtual studio system can use technologies as augmented reality and digital matting to decrease production costs at the same time it provides the same resources of a conventional studio. With this, it’s possible for the current studios, with low cost and using conventional devices, to create productions with greater image quality and effects. Some difficulties are recurrent in virtual studio applications that use augmented reality and digital matting. The virtual objects registration in augmented reality techniques suffer from problems caused by optical distortions in the camera, errors in the marker tracking system, lack of calibration on the equipments or on the environment (lighting, for example), or even by delays in the virtual objects display. On the other hand, the digital matting’s main problem is the real-time execution to preview the scene, which must have optimized processing speed at the same time while maintain the best image quality possible. Taking the given context into consideration, this work aims to give continuity to a virtual studio system called ARStudio, by enhancing digital matting, virtual objects registration and introducing a segmentation based on depth map, yet adding better control over functionalities previously implemented
Em 2003, quando da publicação do decreto nº 4.901, que institui o Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital SBTVD , o panorama vislumbrado era imenso e inspirador: o que despontava era a possibilidade de se ter acesso à internet e todas as vantagens decorrentes dela em cada aparelho de TV do país. Com as discussões sobre qual sistema adotar e posteriormente com as indefinições sobre o middleware, houve tempo suficiente para a internet se afirmar como mídia essencialmente interativa, deixando, por hora, para a TV Digital a qualidade de imagem . O que vemos agora é a qualidade da imagem que alcança em banda larga a tela do computador, seduzindo ainda mais os usuários de TV. Com o Plano Nacional de Banda Larga que visa à popularização da internet de alta velocidade no Brasil, prometido pelo Governo Lula, a TV Digital pode de um lado garantir o canal de retorno necessário para a interatividade plena e, de outro lado, perder uma importante batalha para a internet, que se firmará de vez como mídia interativa.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In veterinary medicine, the same clinician usually follows an animal from birth to old age, whereas in human medicine different specialists are required. It is therefore essential that veterinarians know the normal imaging, biochemical, hematological and physical exam values for younglings, which differ significantly from those of adults of the same species. Abdominal radiographies of young animals are poorly defined due to differences in tissue constitution in relation to adults. These same factors, however, substantially improve sonographic images of the region. Nonetheless, the interpretation of B-mode sonographic findings in puppies is difficult due to the lack of information about the normal parameters in this phase of life. The objective of this study was to compile information about peculiarities of abdominal B-mode ultrasonography in puppies and kittens.