964 resultados para School collaboration
The collaboration between universities and industries has become increasingly important for the development of Science and Technology. This is particularly more prominent in the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Literature suggest that the key element of University-Industry Partnership (UIP) is the exchange of knowledge that is mutually beneficial for both parties. One real example of the collaborations is Industry-Based Learning (IBL) in which university students are coming into industries to experience and learn how the skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom are implemented in work places. This paper investigate how the University-Industry Collaboration program is implemented though Industry-Based Learning (IBL) at Indonesian Universities. The research findings offer useful insights and create a new knowledge in the field of STEM education and collaborative learning. The research will contribute to existing knowledge by providing empirical understanding of this topic. The outcomes can be used to improve the quality of University-Industry Partnership programs at Indonesian Universities and inform Indonesian higher education authorities and their industrial partners of an alternative approach to enhance their IBL programs.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the challenges that relate to the implementation of virtual inquiry practises in middle school. The case was a school course in which a group of Finnish students (N = 14) and teachers (N = 7) completed group inquiries through virtual collaboration, using a web-based learning environment. The task was to accomplish a cross-disciplinary inquiry into cultural issues. The students worked mainly at home and took much responsibility for their course achievements. The investigators analysed the pedagogical design of the course and the content of the participants' interaction patterns in the web-based environment, using qualitative content analysis and social network analysis. The findings suggest that the students succeeded in producing distinctive cultural products, and both the students and the teachers adopted novel roles during the inquiry. The web-based learning environment was used more as a coordination tool for organizing the collaborative work than as a forum for epistemic inquiry. The tension between the school curriculum and the inquiry practises was manifest in the participants' discussions of the assessment criteria of the course.
A wiki, GeoGebra, and a screencasting service were combined to support the online mathematical collaboration of a Grade 10 class. This poster describes the tools employed and the steps taken to develop the skills and attitudes required for this blended learning experience.
Background: Qualified teaching staffs are neither available nor affordable to provide large numbers of children with individual attention. One solution to providing individual tuition has been the development of tutoring programs that are delivered by nonprofessional tutors, such as classmates, older children and community volunteers. Objectives: We have conducted a systematic review of cross-age tutoring interventions delivered by non-professional tutors to children between 5 and 11 years old. Only randomized controlled trials with reliable measures of academic outcomes, and continuing for at least 12 weeks, compared to instruction as usual, were included. Results: Searches of electronic databases and previous reviews, and contacts with researchers yielded 11,564 titles; after screening, 15 studies were included in the analysis. Cross-age tutoring showed small significant effects for tutees on the composite measure of reading (g=0.18, 95% CI: 0.08, 0.27, N=8251), decoding skills (g=0.29, 95% CI: 0.13, 0.44, N=7081), and reading comprehension (g=0.11, 95% CI: 0.01, 0.21, N=6945). No significant effects were detected for other reading sub-skills or for mathematics. The quality of evidence is decreased by study limitations and high heterogeneity of effects. Conclusions: The benefits for tutees of non-professional peer and cross-age tutoring can be given a positive but weak recommendation, considering the low quality of evidence and lack of cost information. Subgroup analyses suggested that highly-structured reading programs may be more useful than loosely-structured programs. Large-scale replication trials using factorial design, process evaluations, reliable outcome measures and logic models are needed to better understand under what conditions, and for whom, cross-age non-professional tutoring may be effective.
Employee collaboration and knowledge sharing is vital for manufacturing organisations wishing to be successful in an ever-changing global market place; Product Development (PD) teams, in particular, rely heavily on these activities to generate innovative designs and enhancements to existing product ranges. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to present the results of a validation study carried out during an Engineering Education Scheme project to confirm the benefits of using bespoke Web 2.0-based groupware to improve employee collaboration and knowledge sharing between dispersed PD teams. The results of a cross-sectional survey concluded that employees would welcome greater usage of social computing technologies. The study confirmed that groupware offers the potential to deliver a more effective collaborative and knowledge sharing environment with additional communication channels on offer. Furthermore, a series of recommended guidelines are presented to show how PD teams, operating in globally dispersed organisations, may use Web 2.0 tools to improve employee collaboration and knowledge sharing.
The product lifecycle management (PLM) system has a significant role to support the collaboration and manage the partnership between OEM and supplier to enable the success of supplier integration. Today great rates of cooperation as suppliers have been dedicated to SMEs. Since one of the PLM task is to control the collaboration between OEM and suppliers, this paper provide supplier (SMEs) a framework to find their level of relationship with OEM and the steps that they can improve it. To respond to this trend, we defined a methodology based on collaborative matrix maturity levels and four PLM axes of strategic, organization, process and tools levels. Finally, according to this matrix, we proposed a structure of a proper questionnaire and example that shows suppliers how to evaluate their positions in terms of collaboration in PLM.
This paper investigates the impact of wiki-based activities on student participation and collaborative learning in a large postgraduate international management course. The wiki was used in this study as a facilitator for engagement and collaboration rather than a means of online discussions. Based on both qualitative and quantitative data, we find strong evidence that the use of the wiki facilitated student engagement and collaboration, both inside and outside the classroom. Moreover, student learning had significantly improved as a result of the enhanced learning environment.
Little research has been done on inclusive education in the context of the Jewish day school general studies classroom. This qualitative case study research examines the inclusive teaching experiences of 2 general studies teachers in their respective grade 4 classrooms in 2 traditionally structured dual curriculum Jewish day schools. Data analysis of qualitative open-ended interviews, classroom observations, postobservation discxissions, and school and formal curriculum documents yielded understandings about the participants' inclusive practice and the challenges of the traditional Jewish day school structure. Eight themes that emerged related to understandings and questions about time limitations, an emphasis on efficiency, the day school structure, inclusion models, the need for increased teacher collaboration, and tension between curriculum-as-plan and curriculum-as-lived. Discussion of the findings suggests the need for further research in inclusion and integrated curriculimi in order to better understand possible restructuring of the traditional Jewish day school fi-om the time efficiency constrained dual curriculiun structure to a more flexible structure conducive of a meaningful and dynamic lived curriculum.
Abstract The purpose of this paper was to explore the ways one partnership evaluated its partners and relationships using Gray‟s model of collaboration (2000). The model consists of five approaches that are made up of: problem-focused, relational, cognitive, structural, and political. These approaches were tested at one „Living School‟ partnership that was constituted by a school, a public health department, the City‟s Park and Recreation Department, commercial enterprises, and organizations from the non-profit sector. Eight pre-arranged interviews were conducted using conversational interview technique, with three additional interviews on-site. The results of the research revealed that based on Gray‟s five approaches, this one Living School partnership was found to be successful. Consistent with partnership research, trust, social capital and structure were found to be key ingredients, as well as new themes of leadership, role clarity, and a shared vision were also found to be vital.
In 2004, the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport (MHPS) established Active2010: Ontario’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy. Active2010 demonstrates a strong provincial government policy emphasis regarding sport participation and physical activity (PA), and identifies the school system as a primary vehicle for enhancing PA levels. This study examines the sport and PA initiatives MHPS is undertaking within the school system. Theoretical context regarding neo-liberalism in Canada and Canadian sport frames this study, while a revised version of Van Meter and Van Horn’s (1975) top-down model of policy implementation guides the research process. A case study of the school-based PA system is conducted which relies on the analysis of 11 semi-structured interviews and 47 official organizational documents. Four emergent categories of Jurisdictional Funding, Coercive Policy, Sector Silos, and Community Champions are identified. Additional insight is provided regarding neo-liberalism, provincial level government, interministerial collaboration, and government/non-profit sector partnership.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how teacher identity norms relate to teacher collaboration among the practices of elementary teachers in Ontario. Using quantitative research methods, the data indicated two clusters of teacher identity norms. The norm cluster of innovation, interdependence, and cooperation showed positive correlations with collaboration and the norm cluster of conservatism, individualism, and competition showed negative correlations with collaboration. The two clusters of norms also correlated with each other. The data showed that teachers highly valued collaboration as part of their teaching practice but did not always experience it in their school setting. The analysis suggested that if schools reinforce norms of innovation, interdependence, and cooperation, collaboration will be nurtured. Further, the data showed that if norms of conservatism, individualism, and competition are continued in school cultures, then collaboration will not be sustained. As a broad educational reform agenda, teacher collaboration is used (a) to support school cultures, (b) to change teaching practices, and (c) to implement policy-based initiatives. This research is expected to benefit teachers in its capacity to inform policy makers concerning the highly complex nature of teacher collaboration and some of the factors that impact it. With an understanding of the relationships between teacher identity norms and collaboration, it may be possible for policy makers to provide appropriate support structures that reinforce collaboration in teachers' practices as well as predict potential levels of collaboration within school cultures.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Dans le contexte actuel de l’éducation, l’enfant est davantage placé au cœur des relations entre la famille, l’école et la communauté, et les parents sont invités à accompagner leur enfant tout au long de son parcours scolaire. Quant aux enseignants, ils sont conviés à collaborer de façon systématique avec les familles. La collaboration entre les enseignants et les parents devient donc une condition essentielle à la réussite scolaire des élèves, notamment avec ceux qui éprouvent des difficultés d’apprentissage. Actuellement, dans nos écoles, la collaboration se situe principalement au niveau des communications obligatoires de base prescrites par le Régime pédagogique. En ce sens, Kalubi et Lesieux (2006) soulignent que le partenariat tant souhaité dans les documents officiels des ministères concernés ne transparaît pas toujours dans les pratiques quotidiennes. D’ailleurs, la littérature scientifique montre qu’il existe de nombreux obstacles liés à la collaboration école-famille-communauté, tout particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit d’entretenir des relations harmonieuses avec les parents d’élèves à risque. À cet égard, une plus grande participation parentale est sollicitée en vue d’intensifier la collaboration entre l’école et la famille. Effectivement, les enseignants désirent que les parents s’impliquent davantage auprès de leur enfant dans les travaux et les devoirs à la maison et, du côté des parents, ils se demandent souvent comment agir pour aider encore mieux leurs enfants dans leur apprentissage (Gouvernement du Québec, 2000). Le plan d’intervention est un outil reconnu par les milieux scolaires pour aider l’élève à risque dans son cheminement scolaire puisqu’il sollicite la participation des parents et encourage la collaboration école-famille-communauté. De fait, il s’inscrit dans une démarche dynamique et prend appui sur une vision systémique de la situation de l’élève, ce qui permet de mieux identifier les besoins de l’élève à risque et d’y répondre adéquatement (Gouvernement du Québec, 2004). En prolongement à ce que l’on connaît déjà sur la participation parentale et la collaboration école-famille-communauté, nous orientons cette recherche sur les perceptions et les attentes d’enseignants au primaire en classe ordinaire et de parents d’élèves à risque à l’égard de la participation parentale et de la collaboration école-famille dans le cadre de l’élaboration et du suivi du plan d’intervention. Cette étude emprunte une approche de recherche qualitative de type exploratoire et elle est menée auprès de huit enseignants au primaire et de sept parents d’élèves à risque. Les participants ont délibérément été choisis pour leur représentativité par rapport à l’objet d’étude (Mongeau, 2009). Une procédure d’échantillonnage par volontariat a été appliquée et les données ont été recueillies par le biais d’entrevues semi-dirigées. L’analyse des entrevues révèle que les parents participent au plan d’intervention parce qu’ils veulent soutenir et aider leur enfant dans leur cheminement scolaire. Il existe cependant de multiples façons pour les parents de participer à la réussite scolaire de leur enfant, celles-ci variant particulièrement selon leurs intérêts, leurs compétences et leurs disponibilités. En ce qui concerne les enseignants, les entrevues nous dévoilent qu’ils ont globalement des perceptions positives à l’égard des parents, ce qui favorise grandement l’établissement de relations harmonieuses. Par contre, ils s’attendent à une plus grande participation parentale dans le suivi scolaire de l’enfant à la maison. Tant d’un côté que de l’autre, les résultats indiquent qu’il faut favoriser davantage la participation des parents à l’élaboration et au suivi du plan d’intervention de l’élève à risque. Idéalement, les enseignants et les parents devraient s’enrichir mutuellement de leurs ressources et de leurs expertises complémentaires en créant des relations collaboratives plutôt que hiérarchiques. Ce niveau de collaboration est sans aucun doute celui qui favoriserait avantageusement la réussite scolaire des élèves à risque.
Ce mémoire propose de décrire et comprendre les pratiques communicationnelles menant à la prise de décision consensuelle d’une collaboration interorganisationnelle (CI) spécifique, la Table québécoise de la sécurité routière (TQSR). Nous adoptons la perspective de la communication constitutive des organisations (CCO) développée par « l’École de Montréal » pour appréhender les dimensions constitutives de ces pratiques de communication et de ce mode privilégié de décision en CI. Après un aperçu de la littérature disponible en matière de CI et concernant la notion de consensus, nous proposons de nous concentrer sur les pratiques communicationnelles du consensus en adoptant la perspective du consensus par absence d’opposition d’Urfalino (2014). L’analyse de conversation et les principes d’une approche rhétorique sont ensuite mobilisés pour rendre compte des pratiques de communication qui permettent l’accomplissement du consensus lors d’une séance plénière du troisième cycle de travail de la TQSR, spécifiquement consacrée à la rédaction de son rapport final. Nous verrons que 1) les pratiques communicationnelles mobilisées facilitent l’arrêt de la décision et que 2) celles-ci sont constitutives du consensus qui favorise l’unité du collectif de collaboration.
Dans les classes spécialisées auprès des élèves en trouble du comportement (TC), l’enseignant et le technicien en éducation spécialisé (TES) sont encouragés à travailler en collaboration afin de soutenir l’adaptation scolaire et sociale des élèves auprès desquels ils œuvrent chaque jour. Toutefois, malgré les nombreux avantages à travailler ensemble pour atteindre un but commun visant ici la réussite des élèves, la collaboration interprofessionnelle comporte néanmoins de nombreux défis qui, s’ils ne sont pas relevés avec professionnalisme, peuvent affecter les élèves. L’objectif de cette étude est de vérifier s’il existe un lien entre la qualité de la collaboration entre ces deux professionnels et l’adaptation sociale en classe spécialisée des élèves ayant un TC. Une méthodologie s’appuyant sur un devis de type corrélationnel a été privilégiée. Des enseignants titulaires de classe accueillant des élèves TC ont complété un questionnaire visant à évaluer l’adaptation sociale de leurs élèves en classe alors que les TES associés à ces classes ont été invités à compléter un questionnaire visant à qualifier la collaboration établie au sein de leur duo avec l’enseignant. Au total, 71 duos de professionnels provenant de 9 écoles du grand Montréal ont participé à cette étude. Bien que la qualité de la collaboration varie de façon significative selon les duos de professionnels, les résultats ne permettent toutefois pas d’établir une relation. D’après cette recherche, il n’y a donc pas de lien significatif entre l’adaptation sociale des élèves en classe et le niveau de collaboration de l’enseignant et du TES. Ces résultats, contraires à notre hypothèse de départ, sont discutés à la lumière des écrits scientifiques portant sur le sujet. Les forces, limites et considérations pour les futures recherches sont également discutées.