998 resultados para Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula


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A cross-sectional case-control study designed to evaluate the role of malnutrition in the association between the intensity of Schistosoma mansoni infection and clinical schistosomiasis, was conducted in an area with both low frequency of infection and low morbidity of schistosomiasis in Brazil. Cases (256) were patients with a positive stool examination for S. mansoni; their geometrical mean number of eggs/gram of feces was 90. Controls (256) were a random sample of the negative participants paired to the cases by age, sex and length of residence in the area. The clinical signs and symptoms found to be associated with S. mansoni infection, comparing cases and controls, were blood in stools and presence of a palpable liver. A linear trend in the relative odds of these signs and symptoms with increasing levels of infection was detected. Adjusting by the level of egg excretion, the existence of an interaction between palpable liver and ethnic group (white) was suggested. No differences in the nutritional status of infected and non-infected participants were found.


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Applications of niclosamide at three-monthly intervals were undertaken for 14 years in foci of Biomphalaria glabrata in the water sources of Peri-Peri (Capim Branco, MG). All the residents of the area were submitted to an annual fecal examination (Kato/Katz) and those individuals eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs were treated with oxamniquine. A malacological survey was undertaken at three-monthly intervals by means of ten scoops with a perforated ladle each ten metres along the two banks of the ditches and streams of the region. Where snails were found, molluscicide was applied by means of dripping or aspersion using a 3 ppm aqueous suspension of niclosamide. Initially, a mean of 14.3% of snails in the region were found to be eliminating cercariae. Following the first four applications of molluscicide, this was reduced to 0.0% and maintained at about 1.5% throughout the program. Thus, there was a continued possibility of schistosomiasis transmission in the area and it was observed that the population of snails reestablished itself within three months of molluscicide application. The results obtained in this study do not encourage the continual use of niclosamide as the only method of control of schistosomiasis.


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Three calves experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni, and passing viable eggs in feces, as well as 5 normal calves (coming from a non-endemic area for schistosomiasis) kept as controls, were maintained in an enclosure (850 m² in area). In this enclosure, a tank with water received 500 laboratory reared Biomphalaria glabrata. All the control calves were infected for a period ranging from 79 to 202 days after the beginning of the experiment, and afterwards presented viable S. mansoni eggs in feces. The mean worm recovery was 555. The snail population increased throughout the experimental period, showing a high number of B. glabrata infected with S. mansoni (42% on average). According to the present study, bovine has been suggested as having potentially a role in the maintenance of the life cycle of S. mansoni


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Cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni inoculated into the peritoneal cavity of naive mice induced host cell adhesion to their surface, but after 90 minutes the number of adherent cells sharply decreased. The cell detachment is progressive and simultaneous to the cercaria-schistosomule transformation. The histological study showed mainly neutrophils in close contact with the larvae. Mononuclear cells and some eosinophils were occasionally seen surrounding the adherent neutrophils. The scanning electron microscopy showed cells displaying twisted microvilli and several microplicae contacting or spreading over the larval surface, and larvae completely surrounded by clusters of cells. These results suggest that the neutrophils recognize molecules on the cercarial surface which induce their spreading


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Schistosoma mansoni cercariae were inoculated into the peritoneal cavity of naive mice and recovered 30 minutes later. Ultrastructural studies showed that neutrophils adhere to the larval surface and participate in the removal of glycocalyx by phagocytosis. This finding suggests that the neutrophils can play a role on the cercaria-schistosomulum transformation process.


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The treatment of naive mice with high closes of oxamniquine, 1 hour before the intraperitoneal inoculation of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, induces a delay in the transformation process resulting in a longer host cell adhesion.


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The effect of anesthetic drugs on the localization of adult worms in albino mice was compared. The animals with 56 days of infection were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium, ether or chlorophorm. Perfusion was carried out immediately after, recovering the worms and classifying them in relation to their localization on the liver or portal vein and the mesenteric veins. Our results showed that pentobarbital sodium produced a greater displacement of the worms to the liver (89%) than ether (76%) and chlorophorm (34%) did, when compared to the control group (22%). The difference between pentobarbital sodium and ether was significant (p < 0.05). We suggest that anesthetic drugs may not be used in studies on the distribution of adult worms in several hosts.


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Aiming at demonstrating a decrease of acquired immunity after chemotherapeutic cure, a group of mice was infected with 25 Schistosoma mansoni cercariae (LE strain). A part of these animals was treated with 400 mg/kg oxamniquine, at 120 days after infection. Challenge infections were carried out at 45, 90 and 170-day-intervals after treatment (185, 210 and 290 days after primoinfection, respectively). Recovery of worms at 20 days after reinfections showed that a residual immunity remains up to 90 days after treatment, and disappears at 170 days after cure. Using the ELISA method, it was possible to detect a decrease of antibody levels (total IgG) in the treated group, when antigens from different evolutive stages of S. mansoni were used. The epidemiological implications of the present results, and the possible mechanisms involved in the decrease of acquired immunity after treatment are discussed.


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Cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, inoculadas na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos da linhagem AKR/J, conseguiram sobreviver in situ e chegar à maturidade sexual. Ao contrário da linhagem convencional (SWISS), onde as fêmeas que se desenvolveram no peritônio não produziram ovos, 7,7% das fêmeas retiradas da cavidade peritoneal de camundongos AKR/J apresentavam ovo normal no útero. Os parasitos recuperados da cavidade peritoneal de ambas as linhagens não apresentaram pigmento hemoglobínico, indicando que os mesmos sobrevivem na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos sem a necessidade de ingestão de hemácias. O desenvolvimento do parasito na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos AKR/J, com produção de ovos normais, reforça os dados, já existentes na literatura, que mostram que o ciclo evolutivo do parasito pode ser completado sem a necessidade da fase pulmonar.


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Mice transcutaneously infected with about 400 cercariae were submitted to treatment with oxamniquine (400 mg/kg), 24 hours after infection. The recovery of schistosomules, at 4, 24, 48 and 72 hours and 35 days after treatment, showed the activity of the drug on the parasites, thus practically preventing their migration from the skin to the lungs. Worm recovery performed in the lungs (96 hours after treatment) showed recovery means of 0.6 worms/mouse in the treated group and 53.8 in the control group (untreated). The perfusion of the portal system carried out at 35 days after treatment clearly showed the elimination of all the parasites in the treated group, whereas a recovery mean of 144.7 worms/mouse was detected in the control group (untreated). These findings confirm the efficacy of oxamniquine at the skin phase of infection, and also show similarity with the immunization method that uses irradiated cercariae. The practical application of these findings in the medical clinic is discussed too


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Treatment with dexamethasone (DMS) in the early phases of the experimental Schistosoma mansoni infection causes an indirect effect on the cercaria-schistosomulum transformation process. This is observed when naive albino mice are treated with that drug (50 mg/Kg, subcutaneously) and infected intraperitonealy 01 hour later with about 500 S. mansoni cercariae (LE strain). An inhibition in the host cell adhesion to the larvae, with a simultaneous delay in the cercaria-schistosomulum transformation, is observed. This effect is probably due to a blockade of the neutrophil migration to the peritoneal cavity of mice, by an impairment of the release of chemotactic substances. Such delay probably favors the killing of S. mansoni larvae, still in the transformation process, by the vertebrate host defenses, as the complement system.


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Mice infected with about 90 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain) were treated during five consecutive days with dexamethasone (50 mg/Kg, subcutaneously), starting on the 42th day of infection. Groups of five mice were then daily sacrificed from the first day after onset of treatment until the first day after. The perfusion of the portal system was performed and a piece of the intestine was processed for qualitative and quantitative oograms. This treatment carries to larger numbers of eggs in the tissues of treated mice, when compared with untreated groups. No changes were observed in the kinetics of oviposition, as all stages of viable eggs were observed in the tissues of treated and control mice. These data reinforce the hypothesis of a partial blockade of the egg excretion in immunossupressed mice.


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The development of resistance in three stages throughout an active infection (pre-ovular, acute and initial chronic stages) was studied, comparing the total number of adult worms recovered from the reinfected group and the control groups. It was shown that Nectomys squamipes was unable to develop resistance in the tested conditions and, on the other hand, reinfection in the pre-ovular period of the parasite led the rodent to present the phenomenonacilitation, with reduction of natural resistance and an increase in the parasite load. These results suggest the existence of other forms of immunity diverse from the concomitant immunity in the host-parasite relationship, according to the employed model.


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A fourteen year schistosomiasis control program in Peri-Peri (Capim Branco, MG) reduced prevalence from 43.5 to 4.4%; incidence from 19.0 to 2.9%, the geometric mean of the number of eggs from 281 to 87 and the level of the hepatoesplenic form cases from 5.9 to 0.0%. In 1991, three years after the interruption of the program, the prevalence had risen to 19.6%. The district consists of Barbosa (a rural area) and Peri-Peri itself (an urban area). In 1991, the prevalence in the two areas was 28.4% and 16.0% respectively. A multivariate analysis of risk factors for schistosomiasis indicated the domestic agricultural activity with population attributive risk (PAR) of 29.82%, the distance (< 10 m) from home to water source (PAR = 25.93%) and weekly fishing (PAR = 17.21%) as being responsible for infections in the rural area. The recommended control measures for this area are non-manual irrigation and removal of homes to more than ten meters from irrigation ditches. In the urban area, it was observed that swimming at weekly intervals (PAR = 20.71%), daily domestic agricultural activity (PAR = 4.07%) and the absence of drinking water in the home (PAR=4.29%) were responsible for infections. Thus, in the urban area the recommended control measures are the substitution of manual irrigation with an irrigation method that avoids contact with water, the creation of leisure options of the population and the provision of a domestic water supply. The authors call attention to the need for the efficacy of multivariate analysis of risk factors to be evaluated for schistosomiasis prior to its large scale use as a indicator of the control measures to be implemented.