901 resultados para Sant 1,26
A trial was carried out to evaluate the nutrient composition of some unconventional feedstuffs to ascertain their suitability for incorporation into fish feed. Pawpaw seed, mudskipper meal, water melon seed, almond kernel and groundnut husk were processed and analyzed for their proximate and mineral composition using internationally established procedure. The results obtained showed that the experimental feed stuffs had percentage crude protein that ranged from 7.38% to 55.85%. The highest level (55.85%) was found in mudskipper meal while the lowest (7.38%) was found in groundnut husk. The experimental feed stuffs had appreciable levels of calcium, potassium and phosphorus ranging from 0.29% to 1.87%, 0.17 to 1.26 and 0.06 to 0.97 respectively. Almond kernel can be used to replace soybean meal in aqua feed. Also, mudskipper meal can be used to replace fish meal in order to produce a cheaper fish feed; but it was recommended that feeding trials should be conducted to ascertain the inclusion level at which they can be effectively incorporated. The potentials of some of these feedstuffs in fish feed formulation seem high.
This work is the result of one year of investigations on the artisanal fisheries of the Aby-Tendo-Ehy lagoon. The structure of fish catches varies with the fisheries zones and the fishing gears, but is relatively stable all year along, in the spite of the existence of some species with well worked seasonary cycle. The composition of beach seines catches, which are relatively unselective fishing gears, is: - in the Tendo lagoon (oligohaline) and Ehy lagoon (freshwater): Chrysichthys spp. 35.1%, Tilapia spp. 18.9%, Acentrogobius schlegelii 15.7%, Ethmalosa fimbriata 12% (those are two seasonary species), Tylochromis jentinki 8.8%, Elops lacerta 5.6%, other species 3.9%. - in the south of the Aby lagoon, under tide influence, Ethmalosa fimbriata 79%, Elops lacerta 12%, Chrysichthys spp. 6%, other species 3%. A preliminary estimation of 7900 tons for this lagoon artisanal fisheries total production is made for 1979 (from representative fishing villages) and can be shared as follows: - beach seines: 5300 tons; - purse seines and "syndicat" seines: 2600 tons; individual fishing: not estimated, it mostly concerns fill nets.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de periodontite e a presença de lesões cariosas, restauradas e elementos perdidos por cárie em pacientes com Doença de Crohn (DC) e Retocolite Ulcerativa (RCUI), comparado-os a pacientes saudáveis sistemicamente. Como objetivo secundário, avaliamos a condição clínica da mucosa oral nos três grupos. Foram examinados 99 pacientes com DC (39.0 DP 12.9 anos), 80 com RCUI (43.3 13.2 anos) e 74 no grupo C (40.3 12.9 anos). A condição periodontal foi avaliada através do índice de placa visível, do sangramento gengival à sondagem, da profundidade de bolsa à sondagem (PBS) e do nível de inserção à sondagem (NIS). Indivíduos que apresentavam pelo menos quatro sítios com NIS ≥3 forma considerados como portadores de periodontite. As condições dentárias foram avaliadas pelo índice de dentes com lesões cariosas, restaurados e perdidos por cárie (CPOD). A condição clínica da mucosa oral foi investigada através da presença de lesões no tecido mole. A porcentagem de placa foi significativamente menor no grupo DC (44.0 30.5) que no C (54.1 26.4), p= 0.017. O sangramento gengival a sondagem era significativamente menor nos pacientes com DC (22.5 18.0) comparado ao grupo C (29.2 22.1), p= 0.038. A quantidade total de sítios com PBS ≥ 4mm foi significativamente menor no grupo DC (5.4 6.6), comparado ao grupo C (12.9 17.7), p= 0.02. A porcentagem de pacientes portadores de periodontite foi significativamente maior nos grupos RCUI (92.6%, p= 0.004) e DC (91.9%, p=0.019), comparado ao grupo C (79.7%). O índice de CPOD foi significativamente maior nos grupos RCUI (16.4 6.6; p< 0.0001) e no DC (15.1 7.3; p= 0.016) quando comparados ao C (12.5 6.8). Foram observadas significativamente mais lesões bucais nos grupos DC (17.2%; p= 0.0041) e RCUI (28.7%; p < 0.0001) quando comparadas ao grupo C (6.7%). Assim, conclui-se que os pacientes com Doença de Crohn e Retocolite Ulcerativa apresentam maior prevalência de periodontite, e maior índice de CPOD quando comparados aos indivíduos do grupo controle. A perda de inserção foi significativamente maior no grupo da Retocolite Ulcerativa quando comparado a Doença de Crohn. Além disso, os pacientes com comprometimento intestinal apresentam significativamente mais lesões bucais que os pacientes do grupo controle.
A cruise aboard the vessel Cassiopeia was held from 14 to 22 November 2000. The objective to map the fishing areas, to study the variation of the catch, income, specific composition and length on wishbone Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) in relation to fishing areas, depth and immersion time of the fish pots. The total capture registered was 4.350,00 Kg for 1600 fish pots and 32 effectuated throws. The highest capture per throw was registered in the interval of depth between the 140 to 180 meters. Regarding the time of immersion, the better captures were obtained in the interval between 25 and 30 hours. The profits during this cross were for fish-trap (2, 71 kg), per throw 135,00 Kg and for immersion hour 6,07 kg. P. coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) was more abundant in number in Quissico, while in Zavora it was abundant in number and also in weight. Likewise, the cachucho was more abundant in number and weight in the captures of the fish pots submerged less than 24 hours, 100-140 meters depth. Cachucho catch under 100 meters depth was quite reduced (less than 1 %). The middle length of the cachucho captured during the cross was 275,7 mm. There were significant differences in the lengths of the cachucho accordingly to depth or fishing area. The smallest individual (fish) was captured by fish pots that were submerged more than 24 hours. The principal recommendations of the study refer to maintenance of the current fishing effort with regard to the number of fish pots, and explore the fishing areas on a rotating basis, to avoid the local effort, currently high.
A leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA) ou Calazar é um exemplo de doença infecciosa reemergente, cuja urbanização a uma das principais marcas da alteração de seu padrão epidemiológico de ocorrência. No Brasil, a infecção por L. chagasi tem se comportado de forma epidêmica em diversas regiões e as estratégias de controle não tem sido efetivas na contenção da propagação da doença. Para melhor compreensão deste processo, estudaram-se associações da imunidade tardia, medida por meio do teste de intradermorreação de Montenegro (IDRM), com fatores demográficos, sociais, econômicos e ambientais em área urbana com alta forca de transmissão. A análise dos dados foi feita tendo como base o modelo de regressão de Poisson ajustado pelo qui-quadrado, onde foram calculadas as razões de prevalência (RP) e seus respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança (IC). Foi detectada maior prevalência da positividade a IDRM para o sexo masculino (RP = 1,32 IC: 1,11 1,56), com o aumento da idade (RP = 1,18 IC: 1,10 1,26), com a posse de cao por período de três anos ou mais (RP = 1,26 IC: 1,01 1,56) e com presença de fossa rudimentar no domicilio (RP = 1,33 IC: 0,99 1,77). Indivíduos com maior escolaridade (RP = 0,81 IC; 0,66 0,99), convivendo com três ou mais pessoas no domicilio (RP = 0,66 IC; 0,47 0,93), com história de Calazar no domicílio (RP = 0,40 IC: 0,16 0,99) e com parede com tijolo sem reboco (RP= 0,79 IC: 0,64 0,98) apresentaram prevalências mais baixas mostrando possível proteção infecção anterior. Os resultados obtidos podem contribuir para o melhor entendimento do dinamismo da doença em contexto urbano, permitindo melhor direcionamento das estratégias de intervenção.
Population parameters of Pennahia anea and Nibea maculata in the Palk Bay/Gulf of Mannar area, India
The population parameters of the two most abundant sciaenids comprising the trawl catch in the Palk Bay/Gulf of Mannar area are presented. The following parameters were estimated: 233 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.26 yr super(1) (K), -0.08 yr (t sub(0)), 4.24 yr super(1) (Z) and 2.24 yr super(1)(M) for Pennahia anear, 284 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.08 yr super(1) (K), -0.05 yr (t sub(0)), 4.41 yr super(1) (Z) and 1.92 yr super(1) for Nibea maculata. Length at first capture was 97 mm for P. anea and 124 mm for N. maculata. These lengths were noted to be less than the corresponding length at first maturity for both species. The exploitation rates (E) derived indicate that the two species are heavily fished, which may account for the decline in sciaenid catches from 1988 to 1992.
In this study, length-frequency data on Spanish sardine (Sardinella aurita) from northeastern Venezuela were analyzed for the period 1967-1989. Average growth parameters for the von Bertalanffy equation were established as L sub( infinity )= 26.6 cm (TL) and K = 1.26 year super(-1). The number of recruits to the fishing area, estimated from length-structured Virtual Population Analysis, varied from <10 super(8) in the late 1960s to >10 super(9) at the end of the 1980s. Exploited biomass estimates for the same period varied from less than 20,000 t in the first year to more than 100,000 in 1989. Both recruitment and exploited biomass showed different seasonal patterns between 1976-1983 and 1984-1988. Despite some uncertainty regarding these estimates, it is considered that major population tendencies are adequately represented by this analysis
In July 2006, a mandatory observer program was implemented to characterize the commercial reef fish fishery operating in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. The primary gear types assessed included bottom longline and vertical line (bandit and handline). A total of 73,205 fish (183 taxa) were observed in the longline fishery. Most (66%) were red grouper, Epinephelus morio, and yellowedge grouper, E. flavolimbatus. In the vertical line fishery, 89,015 fish (178 taxa) were observed of which most (60%) were red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, and vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens. Based on surface observations of discarded under-sized target and unwanted species, the majority of fish were released alive; minimum assumed mortality was 23% for the vertical line and 24% for the bottom longline fishery. Of the individuals released alive in the longline fishery, 42% had visual signs of barotrauma stress (air bladder expansion/and or eyes protruding). In the vertical line fishery, 35% of the fish were released in a stressed state. Red grouper and red snapper size composition by depth and gear type were determined. Catch-per-unit-effort for dominant species in both fisheries, illustrated spatial differences in distribution between the eastern and western Gulf. Hot Spot Analyses for red grouper and red snapper identified areas with significant clustering of high or low CPUE values.
Since 1984, annual bottom trawl surveys of the west coast (California–Washington) upper continental slope (WCUCS) have provided information on the abundance, distribution, and biological characteristics of groundfish resources. Slope species of the deep-water complex (DWC) are of particular importance and include Dover sole, Microstomus pacificus; sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria; shortspine thornyhead, Sebastolobus alascanus; and longspine thornyhead, S. altivelis. In the fall of 1994, we conducted an experimental gear research cruise in lieu of our normal survey because of concerns about the performance of the survey trawl. The experiment was conducted on a soft mud bottom at depths of 460–490 m off the central Oregon coast. Treatments included different combinations of door-bridle rigging, groundgear weight, and scope length. The experimental design was a 2 ´ 2 ´ 2 factorial within a randomized complete-block. Analysis of variance was used to examine the effects of gear modifications on the engineering performance of the trawl (i.e. trawl dimensions, variation in trawl dimensions, and door attitude) and to determine if catch rates in terms of weight and number of DWC species and invertebrates were affected by the gear modifications. Trawl performance was highly variable for the historically used standard trawl configuration. Improvements were observed with the addition of either a 2-bridle door or lighter ground gear. Changes in scope length had relatively little effect on trawl performance. The interaction of door bridle and ground gear weight had the most effect on trawl performance. In spite of the standard trawl’s erratic performance, catch rates of all four DWC species and invertebrates were not significantly different than the 2-bridle/heavy combination, which did the best in terms of engineering performance. The most important factor affecting DWC catch rates was ground gear. Scope length and the type of door bridle had little effect on DWC catch rates. Subsequent revisions to survey gear and towing protocol and their impact on the continuity of the slope survey time series are discussed.
O Chá Verde, derivado das folhas da planta Camellia sinensis, rico em flavonóides, cuja maior concentração é de Epigalocatequina gallato (EGCG), possui efeito termogênico, além de promover a oxidação da gordura corporal, tendo potencial interesse para o tratamento da obesidade, que atinge prevalência alarmante em diversos países no mundo. O objetivo deste estudo foi a avaliação de parâmetros bioquímicos e investigação da função endotelial em mulheres com Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) entre 30kg/m2 e 40kg/m2, na faixa de 30 e 50 anos, antes e após 03 meses de consumo de chá verde (600mL/dia, equivalente a 114,42mg de EGCG). Todas as 60 pacientes voluntárias foram submetidas à análise das medidas antropométricas (Peso, Altura, Índice de Massa Corporal, Circunferência de Cintura, Circunferência de Quadril, Relação Cintura-Quadril, Pressão Arterial, à análise da bioquímica de rotina (Glicemia e Insulina de jejum, Triglicerídeos, Colesterol Total, HDL-Colesterol, LDL-Colesterol, Teste Oral de Tolerância à Glicose, Hemograma Completo, Proteína C-Reativa), à análise da bioquímica específica para estresse oxidativo e inflamação (Interleucinas 1 e 6, Fator de Necrose Tumoral Alfa, LDL-Oxidado, VCAM Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule, ICAM Intercellular Adhesion Molecule, e E-Selectina) e à Pletismografia de Oclusão Venosa (variação de fluxo médio máximo durante a Hiperemia Reativa/Fluxo Basal 1 (VQ Hiper) e fluxo após administração de 0,4mg de Nitroglicerina Sublingual/Fluxo Basal 2 (VQ Nitro)). Após os 3 meses (3M) de tratamento houve redução no peso corporal (86,35[83,00-94,25] vs 3M = 86,00[81,50-92,00] Kg, P < 0,05); no IMC (34,02[32,05-35,62] vs 3M = 33,13[32,28-35,05] kg/m2, P < 0,05); na circunferência de cintura (99[93-107] vs 3M = 98[91-105]cm, P < 0,001); na circunferência de quadril (115[110-119] vs 3M = 114[110-117] cm, P < 0,001); na relação cintura-quadril (0,89[0,84-0,93] vs 3M = 0,88[0,83-0,93], P < 0,001); e, na pressão arterial diastólica (75[73-82] vs 3M = 69[67-72] mmHg, P < 0,001); e, melhora significativa no fluxo sanguíneo da VQ Hiper (4,57[3,54-5,01] vs 3M = 5,83[4,46-6,56], P < 0,001); e da VQ Nitro (1,26[1,13-1,38] vs 3M = 1,41[1,25-1,50], P < 0,001). Com o uso do chá verde, 600mL/dia, contendo 114,42mg de EGCG, durante 3 meses observamos a redução de 3% no IMC e a redução da circunferência de cintura e de circunferência de quadril em 1cm; a não modificação do padrão bioquímico, incluindo os marcadores de inflamação e de estresse oxidativo; e, o aumento das vasodilatações endotélio-dependente e endotélio-independente, visualizadas por Pletismografia de Oclusão Venosa Não-Invasiva.