1000 resultados para Saber-poder
A pesquisa analisa e epistemologia ontológica de Paul Tillich. Considerando a influência de F. W. J. Schelling pretende-se destacar o lugar de certas premissas ontológicas que fundamentaram o pensamento de Tillich, principalmente o Princípio de Identidade , como um dos princípios epistemológicos chave. Partindo do pressuposto de que sua ontologia depende do Princípio de identidade a fim de que possa relacionar essência e existência, destaca-se a identidade substancial entre teologia e filosofia, permitindo melhor compreensão da relação entre ontologia e teologia, caracterizando de forma geral tanto a noção teológicofilosófica da experiência de finitude - choque ontológico como sua relação com as importantes noções de Deus como o Ser-em-si, e ultimate concern enquanto categoria ontológico-teológica. A seguir, críticas voltadas para sua construtividade ontológica serão destacadas e analisadas em termos de seus pressupostos e em seu poder de alcance. Neste âmbito crítico, considerar-se-á breve comparação entre a tentativa do sistema ontológicoteológico de Tillich e os sistemas de Kant e Hegel, com o objetivo de apresentar paralelos críticos entre a postura de tais sistemas no campo epistemológico e ontológico, e suas influências sobre a teologia. Ao final, pretende-se entender as implicações de sua ontologiateológica tanto para a forma metodológica de correlação entre situação e resposta, como na relação com outros sistemas teológicos, que possibilitaram ou não, mediações entre cultura e teologia. Neste segmento, notar-se-á como uma das implicações da ontologia-teológica de Tillich, o imprescindível retorno do saber teológico entre os demais saberes delineadores da realidade; considerando-se certas possibilidades críticas a partir de seu pensamento com respeito ao uso da razão instrumental, ética e espiritualidade.
El propósito de la presentación será proponer una triple vertiente del saber (clerical-letrado, guerrero y real) que observamos en el personaje de Alejandro Magno y en la concepción que subyace en el Libro de Alexandre (a partir de aserciones, también, del narrador y otros personajes), en tanto testimonio de la emergencia de la literatura castellana a comienzos del siglo XIII. Asimismo, tendremos en cuenta y analizaremos el rol del saber en la legitimación de una empresa imperial y el lugar de la conquista, como 'corredora de límites', que permite la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos. En este sentido, haremos hincapié en la utilización del saber como instrumento de poder
Based on the empirical comparative study between two churches from Pentecostal guidance - both located in Parnamirim/RN - and supported on a dialogic interaction between my interlocutors and theoretical references, I proposed me to reflect about how this protestant segment represents and articulates questions such as gender and power relationships, and the daily impact of that in their followers life. In other words, this dissertation aims to understand the reason of the asymmetry attributed to male and female, especially in what concerns the distribution of ecclesiastic works and the authority given to male, as well as the implication of this reality in the reconfiguration of morality and religious praxis in daily life of individuals and involved groups. From this perspective, this work was divided in three chapters, in which I investigate the tension/relationship between faith and secularism, for from this question on concessions and/or prohibitions related to the limits and involvement of the followers with the world and with the very Pentecostal ethos arise. I also analyze here aspects concerning to both ecclesiastic hierarchy and power, with the objective of elucidating how it occurs, what kind of criteria and implications they consider as well as about the nature of the religious labor division between men and women and, finally, I try to understand how the conversion/adhesion of members is reflected in the redefinitions of gender and its relationship between the ecclesiastical and domestic spaces. The diligence and energy spent in this work is in the hope that its fruits can corroborate in the expansion of anthropological knowledge which, in this particular case, involves the Brazilian Pentecostal phenomenon
This study was a critical investigation of the configuration of discourse on work in the Brazilian criminal legal discourse. We problematized the discourse of an alleged reintegrative social function proposed by the criminal legal system and analyzed the role of such discourse in the core of disciplinary power strategies that impose on individuals the honest worker condition as a major criterion for their rehabilitation and return to society as citizens. This critique is our starting point to build the argument that discourse on work as it appears in current criminal legal texts operates more as a criminalization index of those who do not have a lawful occupation than a guarantee of legitimate social transit for convicts and recognition of their dignity. For this purpose, we used as corpus the main sources of Law, namely the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Penal Code, the Penal Execution Law, the Brazilian criminal doctrine and an extensive, more recent penal jurisprudence with regard to techniques of resocialization through work. This critical line enabled us to recognize complexity and plurality of discourses - antagonistic, at times - that build the world of work as portrayed in legal texts. We also sought reference in the discussion on the centrality of work as a formative category of the social being as well as theories that defend the non-centrality of work. Throughout our investigation, we sough to question the very condition of such centrality and to understand the ways in which it was possible to produce a legitimating discourse on work as a model of emancipatory social conduct defended and demanded by the Brazilian punitive system. In a context of precariousness, unemployment and flexibilization of the world of work in contemporary society, convicts hardly ever succeed to resume the identity of honest, hard-working citizens - and no longer offenders. In this context, we also questioned the formulation of a discourse that speaks about human labor as the essence of man and criticizes the Marxist vision that is based on work centrality, and we approached the concept of Michel Foucault, our theoretician of reference, who understands work more as a mechanism of power that promotes the individuals’ submission and adaptation to a goods-producing society than the natural activity of man. We ascribe our study to the field of questions that tackle the political conception of the body as subject to labor imposed as productive and political force. It is about the issue of political technology of individuals, a technology of power, as named by the French author. The intended analysis has not dismissed the material existence of labor relations but sought to discuss the validity of a discourse that considers work the main resource for convict rehabilitation and index for the recognition of dignity and honesty. The Foucauldian discourse analysis was the foundation for the investigation of our object, especially if we understand discourses as social practices with power to institute knowledge and produce truths.
Esta tesis se ha construido a partir del método arqueológico que hemos establecido, a su vez, a partir de la obra de M. Foucault La Arqueología del Saber, así como de sus seminarios del Collège de France. Desde ella hemos definido una alternativa metodológica para estudiar el arte, respecto a las otras propuestas metodologías tradicionales de la Historia del Arte; centrándonos principalmente en los discursos producidos por el saber artístico. A partir de los problemas que encierra la Historia, y por consiguiente la Historia del Arte, como hemos puesto de manifiesto al analizar los términos barroco y rococó, nos hemos alejado de las diversas corrientes historiográficas que definen la Historia del Arte, determinadas por los problemas de la Historia y de la Forma, proponiendo una nueva aproximación al análisis del arte a través de la Arqueología del Saber de M. Foucault, que -sin duda- ha condicionado la forma de nuestro trabajo. Esto nos ha conducido a centrarnos principalmente en los discursos artísticos, esto es, en los discursos producidos por el propio saber artístico, trabajando sobre los textos teóricos, las conferencias, los panfletos o libelos de las polémicas artísticas, sobre los poemas elogiosos hacia determinadas obras o sobre las descripciones periodísticas. Hemos intentado estudiar en profundidad, por tanto, todo ese mundo de discursos producidos desde y por el arte, que constituirán en su conjunto un saber artístico, dejando en un segundo plano las formas artísticas. Esta elección de una metodología arqueológica ha condicionado por tanto la forma de nuestro trabajo, pues éste no ha intentado reconstruir el proceso artístico o creativo de una obra, ni tampoco las vicisitudes por las que ha pasado una obra concreta. Tampoco hemos pretendido desde la obra, entendida como evento o acontecimiento –al modo que hace la Historia- analizar la sociedad de la época; como si el arte fuera el reflejo de una Verdad histórica o de un espíritu de su tiempo. Nuestro objetivo ha consistido en intentar comprender en qué medida el arte, en tanto que saber y conjunto de discursos, se ve afectado por los cambios en la verdad-poder que suceden en su época. Pero estas transformaciones han sido estudiadas no desde la obra en sí -como tradicionalmente se ha hecho- sino desde los discursos arriba señalados, pues es más fácil analizar las formas de actuación del poder a través de los discursos que genera que a través de las formas artísticas, cuyos “comportamientos” no son tan fácilmente cognoscibles desde la palabra, a la que tiende a expulsar, como bien señaló Platón en su República...
Based on the empirical comparative study between two churches from Pentecostal guidance - both located in Parnamirim/RN - and supported on a dialogic interaction between my interlocutors and theoretical references, I proposed me to reflect about how this protestant segment represents and articulates questions such as gender and power relationships, and the daily impact of that in their followers life. In other words, this dissertation aims to understand the reason of the asymmetry attributed to male and female, especially in what concerns the distribution of ecclesiastic works and the authority given to male, as well as the implication of this reality in the reconfiguration of morality and religious praxis in daily life of individuals and involved groups. From this perspective, this work was divided in three chapters, in which I investigate the tension/relationship between faith and secularism, for from this question on concessions and/or prohibitions related to the limits and involvement of the followers with the world and with the very Pentecostal ethos arise. I also analyze here aspects concerning to both ecclesiastic hierarchy and power, with the objective of elucidating how it occurs, what kind of criteria and implications they consider as well as about the nature of the religious labor division between men and women and, finally, I try to understand how the conversion/adhesion of members is reflected in the redefinitions of gender and its relationship between the ecclesiastical and domestic spaces. The diligence and energy spent in this work is in the hope that its fruits can corroborate in the expansion of anthropological knowledge which, in this particular case, involves the Brazilian Pentecostal phenomenon
El propósito de la presentación será proponer una triple vertiente del saber (clerical-letrado, guerrero y real) que observamos en el personaje de Alejandro Magno y en la concepción que subyace en el Libro de Alexandre (a partir de aserciones, también, del narrador y otros personajes), en tanto testimonio de la emergencia de la literatura castellana a comienzos del siglo XIII. Asimismo, tendremos en cuenta y analizaremos el rol del saber en la legitimación de una empresa imperial y el lugar de la conquista, como 'corredora de límites', que permite la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos. En este sentido, haremos hincapié en la utilización del saber como instrumento de poder
El propósito de la presentación será proponer una triple vertiente del saber (clerical-letrado, guerrero y real) que observamos en el personaje de Alejandro Magno y en la concepción que subyace en el Libro de Alexandre (a partir de aserciones, también, del narrador y otros personajes), en tanto testimonio de la emergencia de la literatura castellana a comienzos del siglo XIII. Asimismo, tendremos en cuenta y analizaremos el rol del saber en la legitimación de una empresa imperial y el lugar de la conquista, como 'corredora de límites', que permite la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos. En este sentido, haremos hincapié en la utilización del saber como instrumento de poder
The dialectic tension between the phenomenon of illiteracy and the remedial efforts of the literate to provide a voice for those who don t have one, reflects at the same time the difficulties that the emerging discourses have to struggle with, and highlights the importance of this struggle as one that belongs to the opressed, not the well-meaning educators and political activists. It also informs the latter s efforts on behalf of the uneducated. Naturally these issues have attracted a good deal of attention of some specialists in South America. There is now a movement afoot there that aims at placing illiterate discourse inside the societal discourse proper without letting the latter manipulate the former for its own ends. I will address the typical exigencies and limitations inherent in such efforts, but at the same time point to new ways of understanding and handling the problem of literacy in a developing country.
This study contemplates reports and reflections about gender and the interfaces with work, power and woman's political participation within the Bororo indigenous communities in Mato Grosso, Guarani/Kaiowá and Kadiwéu ones, in Mato Grosso do Sul. In the study with the Bororo community, the woman valorization occurred because she represents the guardian of the culture and of the traditional knowledge, and at the same time, she is an important speaker for the Bororo and the non indigenous society. In the case of Guarani/Kaiowá community, the most important facts are, on one side, the departure of the men and their wish to become city men, and on the other, the women who wish or need to keep the Guarani identity and live in the reserve. In the Kadiwéu community, the most important fact is the women political power and a role division between men and women, without the attribution of more value to one role or the other.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física