996 resultados para SEMI-GLOBAL SOLVABILITY


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In this work we study some properties of the differential complex associated to a locally integrable (involutive) structure acting on forms with Gevrey coefficients. Among other results we prove that, for such complexes, Gevrey solvability follows from smooth solvability under the sole assumption of a regularity condition. As a consequence we obtain the proof of the Gevrey solvability for a first order linear PDE with real-analytic coefficients satisfying the Nirenberg-Treves condition (P).


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The objective of this paper is two-fold: firstly, we develop a local and global (in time) well-posedness theory for a system describing the motion of two fluids with different densities under capillary-gravity waves in a deep water flow (namely, a Schrodinger-Benjamin-Ono system) for low-regularity initial data in both periodic and continuous cases; secondly, a family of new periodic traveling waves for the Schrodinger-Benjamin-Ono system is given: by fixing a minimal period we obtain, via the implicit function theorem, a smooth branch of periodic solutions bifurcating a Jacobian elliptic function called dnoidal, and, moreover, we prove that all these periodic traveling waves are nonlinearly stable by perturbations with the same wavelength.


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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring is a common, relevant posttranslational modification of eukaryotic surface proteins. Here, we developed a fast, simple, and highly sensitive (high attomole-low femtomole range) method that uses liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS(n)) for the first large-scale analysis of GPI-anchored molecules (i.e., the GPIome) of a eukaryote, Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. Our genome-wise prediction analysis revealed that approximately 12% of T. cruzi genes possibly encode GPI-anchored proteins. By analyzing the GPIome of T. cruzi insect-dwelling epimastigote stage using LC-MS(n), we identified 90 GPI species, of which 79 were novel. Moreover, we determined that mucins coded by the T. cruzi small mucin-like gene (TcSMUG S) family are the major GPI-anchored proteins expressed on the epimastigote cell surface. TcSMUG S mucin mature sequences are short (56-85 amino acids) and highly O-glycosylated, and contain few proteolytic sites, therefore, less likely susceptible to proteases of the midgut of the insect vector. We propose that our approach could be used for the high throughput GPIomic analysis of other lower and higher eukaryotes. Molecular Systems Biology 7 April 2009; doi:10.1038/msb.2009.13


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We analyzed the usefulness of a semi-tethered field running test (STR) and the relationships between indices of anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity and running performance in 9 trained male sprinters (22.2 +/- 2.9 yrs, 176 +/- 1 cm, 68.0 +/- 9.4 kg). STR involved an all out 120 m run attached to an apparatus that enabled power calculation from force and velocity measures. Subjects also carried out a cycloergometer Win-gate Anaerobic Test (WT), an all out 300 m run and had accessed their maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) on a treadmill. Peak and mean powers attained in STR (1 720 +/- 221 and 1 391 +/- 201 W) were greater but significantly related (r=0.82; P<0.01) to those in the WT (808 +/- 130 and 603 +/- 87 W). In addition, power measures derived from the STR were stronger related to running performance compared to those from the WT (r=0.81-0.94 vs. 0.68-0.84; P<0.05). Relationships between MAOD and most power indices were only weak to moderate. These results support the usefulness of STR for specific power assessment in field running and suggest that anaerobic power and capacity are not related entities, irrespective of having been evaluated using similar or dissimilar exercise modes.


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This paper proposes a novel computer vision approach that processes video sequences of people walking and then recognises those people by their gait. Human motion carries different information that can be analysed in various ways. The skeleton carries motion information about human joints, and the silhouette carries information about boundary motion of the human body. Moreover, binary and gray-level images contain different information about human movements. This work proposes to recover these different kinds of information to interpret the global motion of the human body based on four different segmented image models, using a fusion model to improve classification. Our proposed method considers the set of the segmented frames of each individual as a distinct class and each frame as an object of this class. The methodology applies background extraction using the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), a scale reduction based on the Wavelet Transform (WT) and feature extraction by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We propose four new schemas for motion information capture: the Silhouette-Gray-Wavelet model (SGW) captures motion based on grey level variations; the Silhouette-Binary-Wavelet model (SBW) captures motion based on binary information; the Silhouette-Edge-Binary model (SEW) captures motion based on edge information and the Silhouette Skeleton Wavelet model (SSW) captures motion based on skeleton movement. The classification rates obtained separately from these four different models are then merged using a new proposed fusion technique. The results suggest excellent performance in terms of recognising people by their gait.


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This paper presents a study of a specific type of beam-to-column connection for precast concrete structures. Furthermore, an analytical model to determine the strength and the stiffness of the connection, based on test results of two prototypes, is proposed. To evaluate the influence of the strength and stiffness of the connection on the behaviour of the structure, the results of numerical simulations of a typical multi-storey building with semi-rigid connections are also presented and compared with the results using pinned and rigid connections. The main conclusions are: (a) the proposed design model can reasonably evaluate the studied connection strength; (b) the evaluation of strength is more accurate than that of stiffness; (c) for a typical structure, it is possible to increase the number of storeys of the structure from two to four with lower horizontal displacement at the top, and only a small increase of the column base bending moment by replacing the pinned connections with semi-rigid ones; and (d) although there is significant uncertainty in the connection stiffness, the results show that the displacements at the top of the structure, and the column base moments present low susceptibility deviations to this parameter.


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This paper deals with the calculation of the discrete approximation to the full spectrum for the tangent operator for the stability problem of the symmetric flow past a circular cylinder. It is also concerned with the localization of the Hopf bifurcation in laminar flow past a cylinder, when the stationary solution loses stability and often becomes periodic in time. The main problem is to determine the critical Reynolds number for which a pair of eigenvalues crosses the imaginary axis. We thus present a divergence-free method, based on a decoupling of the vector of velocities in the saddle-point system from the vector of pressures, allowing the computation of eigenvalues, from which we can deduce the fundamental frequency of the time-periodic solution. The calculation showed that stability is lost through a symmetry-breaking Hopf bifurcation and that the critical Reynolds number is in agreement with the value presented in reported computations. (c) 2007 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By means of continuous topology optimization, this paper discusses the influence of material gradation and layout in the overall stiffness behavior of functionally graded structures. The formulation is associated to symmetry and pattern repetition constraints, including material gradation effects at both global and local levels. For instance, constraints associated with pattern repetition are applied by considering material gradation either on the global structure or locally over the specific pattern. By means of pattern repetition, we recover previous results in the literature which were obtained using homogenization and optimization of cellular materials.


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An ultra-low carbon steel (30 ppm after decarburization) containing Al and Si was aged for distinct soaking times at 210 degrees C. The core loss increased continuously until around 24 h. After that, only slight changes were verified. It was found that only the hysteresis loss component changed during the aging treatment. By internal friction test and transmission electron microscopy it was seen that carbon precipitation caused the magnetic aging. By scanning electron microscopy it could be concluded that the increase of aging index was attributed to the high number of carbides larger than 0.1 mu m. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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In this work a new method for crosslinking ultra-thin films with potential applications in sensor systems is proposed. The films were produced by layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly using a conducting polymer, poly(o-ethoxyaniline) (POEA), alternated with a thermosetting resin, novolac-type phenolformaldehyde (PF), crosslinked by a simple thermal treatment. The PF resin served as both alternating and crosslinking agents. The films were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, thermogravimetry (TG), desorption, doping/dedoping cycling and electrical measurements. The results showed that film architecture and crosslinking degree can be controlled by the conditions used for film deposition (number of bilayers, polymer concentration, pH, and deposition time), and crosslinking time. Moreover, this approach offers several advantages such as fast curing time and low cost, indicating that these films can be used to produce sensors with improved stability.


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This work considers a semi-implicit system A, that is, a pair (S, y), where S is an explicit system described by a state representation (x)over dot(t) = f(t, x(t), u(t)), where x(t) is an element of R(n) and u(t) is an element of R(m), which is subject to a set of algebraic constraints y(t) = h(t, x(t), u(t)) = 0, where y(t) is an element of R(l). An input candidate is a set of functions v = (v(1),.... v(s)), which may depend on time t, on x, and on u and its derivatives up to a Finite order. The problem of finding a (local) proper state representation (z)over dot = g(t, z, v) with input v for the implicit system Delta is studied in this article. The main result shows necessary and sufficient conditions for the solution of this problem, under mild assumptions on the class of admissible state representations of Delta. These solvability conditions rely on an integrability test that is computed from the explicit system S. The approach of this article is the infinite-dimensional differential geometric setting of Fliess, Levine, Martin, and Rouchon (1999) (`A Lie-Backlund Approach to Equivalence and Flatness of Nonlinear Systems`, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44(5), (922-937)).


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The facilities location problem for companies with global operations is very complex and not well explored in the literature. This work proposes a MILP model that solves the problem through minimization of the total logistic cost. Main contributions of the model are the pioneer carrying cost calculation, the treatment given to the take-or-pay costs and to the international tax benefits such as drawback and added value taxes in Brazil. The model was successfully applied to a real case of a chemical industry with industrial plants and sales all over the world. The model application recommended a totally new sourcing model for the company.


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The canopy disturbance regime and the influence of gap methods on the interpretation of forest structure and dynamics were evaluated in a tropical semi-deciduous forest in south-eastern Brazil. We encountered a gap density of 11.2 gaps ha(-1) and an average size which varied from 121 to 333 m(2) depending on the gap delimitation method considered (minimum gap size was 10 m(2)). Although average size was slightly higher, the median value obtained (78 m(2)) was comparable to other tropical forest sites and the gap size-class distribution found supported the pattern described for such forest sites. Among 297 gap makers, snapping and uprooting were the most common modes of disturbance. The number and basal area of gap makers were good predictors of gap size. Almost 25% of all gaps suffered from repeated disturbance events that brought about larger gap sizes. Such processes, along with delimitation methods, strongly influenced the estimation of turnover rate and therefore the interpretation of forest dynamics. These results demonstrated the importance of further studies on repeated disturbances, which is often neglected in forest studies.


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The water-wind crisscross region of the Loess Plateau in China is comprised of 17.8 million hectares of highly erodible soil under limited annual rainfall. This requires a sustainable water balance for the restoration of dryland ecosystems to reduce and manage soil erosion. In this region, alfalfa has been one of the main legumes grown to minimize soil erosion. However, alfalfa yields were significantly lower in years of reduced rainfall suggesting that high water use and deep rooting alfalfa make it an unsustainable crop due to the long-term decline in soil water storage and productivity. Our objectives in this Study were to evaluate the soil water balance of Loess Plateau soils during vegetative restoration and to evaluate practices that prevent soil desiccation and promote ecosystem restoration and sustainability. Field observations of soil moisture recovery and soil erosion were carried out for five years after alfalfa was replaced with different crops and with bare soil. Soil water content changes in cropland, rangeland, and bare soil were tracked over several years, using a water balance approach. Results indicate that growing forages significantly reduced runoff and sediment transport. A forage-food-crop rotation is a better choice than other cropping systems for achieving sustainable productivity and preventing soil erosion and desiccation. However, economic considerations have prevented its widespread adoption by local farmers. Alternatively, this study recommends consideration of grassland crops or forest ecosystems to provide a sustainable water balance in the Loess Plateau of China. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, supercritical technology was used to obtain extracts from Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil) with CO(2) and the cosolvent H(2)O at 1, 10, and 20% (w/w). The raw material was obtained from hydroponic cultivation. The extract`s global yield isotherms, chemical compositions, antioxidant activity, and cost of manufacturing were determined. The extraction assays were done for pressures of 10 to 30 MPa at 303 to 323 K. The identification of the compounds present in the extracts was made by GC-MS and ESI-MS. The antioxidant activity of extracts was determined using the coupled reaction of beta-carotene and linolenic acid. At 1% of cosolvent, the largest global yield was obtained at 10 MPa and 303 K (2%, dry basis-d.b.); at 10% of cosolvent the largest global yield was obtained at 10 and 15 MPa (11%, d.b.), and at 20% of cosolvent the largest global yield was detected at 30 MPa and 303 K (24%, d.b.). The main components identified in the extracts were eugenol, germacrene-D, epi-alpha-cadinol, malic acid, tartaric acid, ramnose, caffeic acid, quinic acid, kaempferol, caffeoylquinic acid, and kaempferol 3-O-glucoside. Sweet basil extracts exhibited high antioxidant activity compared to beta-carotene. Three types of SFE extracts from sweet basil were produced, for which the estimated cost of manufacturing (class 5 type) varied from US$ 47.96 to US$ 1,049.58 per kilogram of dry extract.