971 resultados para Russian wheat aphid
Differences amongst wheat cultivars in the rate of reproductive development are largely dependent on differences in their sensitivity to photoperiod and vernalization. However, when these responses are accounted for, by growing vernalized seedlings under long photoperiods, cultivars can still differ markedly in time to ear emergence. Control of rate of development by this ‘third factor’ has been poorly understood and is variously referred to as intrinsic earliness, earliness in the narrow sense, basic vegetative period, earliness per se, and basic development rate. Certain assumptions are made in the concept of intrinsic earliness. They are that differences in intrinsic earliness (i) are independent of the responses of the cultivars to photoperiod and vernalization, (ii) apply only to the length of the vegetative period up to floral initiation (as suggested by several authors), (iii) are maintained under different temperatures, measured either in days or degree days. As a consequence of this, the ranking of cultivars (from intrinsically early to intrinsically late) must be maintained at different temperatures. This paper, by the re-analysis of published data, examines the extent to which these assumptions can be supported. Although it is shown that intrinsic earliness operates independently of photoperiod and vernalization responses, the other assumptions were not supported. The differences amongst genotypes in time to ear emergence, grown under above-optimum vernalization and photoperiod (that is when the response to these factors is saturated), were not exclusively due to parallel differences in the length of the vegetative phase, and the length of the reproductive phase was independent of that of the vegetative phase. Thus, it would be possible to change the relative allocation of time to vegetative and reproductive periods with no change in the full period to ear emergence. The differences in intrinsic earliness between cultivars were modified by the temperature regime under which they were grown, i.e. the difference between cultivars (both considering the full phase to ear emergence or some sub-phases) was not a constant amount of time or thermal time at different temperatures. In addition, in some instances genotypes changed their ranking for ‘intrinsic earliness’ depending on the temperature regime. This was interpreted to mean that while all genotypes are sensitive to temperature they differ amongst themselves in the extent of that sensitivity. Therefore, ‘intrinsic earliness’ should not be considered as a static genotypic characteristic, but the result of the interaction between the genotype and temperature. Intrinsic earliness is therefore likely to be related to temperature sensitivity. Some implications of these conclusions for plant breeding and crop simulation modelling are discussed.
Shading treatments of 50% of the incident radiation were applied to the semidwarf wheat cultivar Leones INTA before and after anthesis in two field experiments in Argentina in 1987 and 1988. The treatments reduced biological (above-ground dry matter) yield, grain yield and number of grains/m2. Number of grains/m2 was closely and linearly correlated with ear dry weight at anthesis and with the photothermal quotient, calculated from 20 days before to 10 days after anthesis. Grain yield was sink limited, and the shading treatments reduced sink strength. The contribution of preanthesis assimilates to grain yield was smaller in the shaded crops than in the unshaded controls; in unshaded crops, almost 40% of grain yield was contributed by preanthesis assimilates whilst in preanthesis shaded crops this contribution was negligible. The proportion of preanthesis assimilates contributed to the grain was closely related to the decrease in stem dry weight during grain filling. The effects of shading on main stems and tillers were the same.
This work evaluated the effect of seed size and morphology on the development and biomass of durum wheat seedlings. Three different seed-grading sizes selected by sieving were used in glasshouse experiments, and a set of three developmental and 23 biomass-related indices were measured on eight genotypes, at two moisture levels. The influence of seed size on seedling development was studied at high and low temperatures (22\12 mC, and 15\5 mC day\night temperatures, respectively), in growth chambers. The area of the seed and the area of the embryo were the seed morphological traits most affected by seed size. Seed size was strongly associated with seedling development and seedling biomass until the complete extension of the first two leaves, at the fourth leaf stage. The rate of first-leaf growth and the area of the first leaf were the developmental and biomass traits, respectively, most sensitive to seed-grading size.
Further genetic gains in wheat yield are required to match expected increases in demand. This may require the identification of physiological attributes able to produce such improvement, as well as the genetic bases controlling those traits in order to facilitate their manipulation. In the present paper, a theoretical framework of source and sink limitation to wheat yield is presented and the fine-tuning of crop development as an alternative for increasing yield potential is discussed. Following a top-down approach, most crop physiologists have agreed that the main attribute explaining past genetic gains in yield was harvest index (HI). By virtue of previous success, no further gains may be expected in HI and an alternative must be found. Using a bottom-up approach, the present paper firstly provides evidence on the generalized sink-limited condition of grain growth, determining that for further increases in yield potential, sink strength during grain filling has to be increased. The focus should be on further increasing grain number per m2, through fine-tuning pre-anthesis developmental patterns. The phase of rapid spike growth period (RSGP) is critical for grain number determination and increasing spike growth during pre-anthesis would result in an increased number of grains. This might be achieved by lengthening the duration of the phase (though without altering flowering time), as there is genotypic variation in the proportion of pre-anthesis time elapsed either before or after the onset of the stem elongation phase. Photoperiod sensitivity during RSGP could be then used as a genetic tool to further increase grain number, since slower development results in smoother floret development and more floret primordia achieve the fertile floret stage, able to produce a grain. Far less progress has been achieved on the genetic control of this attribute. None of the well-known major Ppd alleles seems to be consistently responsible for RSGP sensitivity. Alternatives for identifying the genetic factors responsible for this sensitivity (e.g. quantitative trait locus (QTL) identification in mapping populations) are being considered.
The 3,4-dimethyilpyirazole phosphate (DMPP), commercialized as Entec, is a nitrification inhibitor developed by BASF (Germany) that may help to minimize N losses and to obtain a higher profit from N fertilizers. A two-year field trial was established in 2001 in the Northeast of Spain to assess the effects of DMPP on N use efficiency (NUE) and to determine the economic returns. Seven treatments have been carried out comparing the effect of DMPP on pig slurry and on mineral fertilizers. The application of DMPP resulted in better efficiency indexes on mineral fertilizers. An apparent nitrogen recovery of 0.465 kg kg-1, on average, was obtained for the Entec treatment. A net benefit of € 809 ha-1, on average, was obtained for the Entec treatment compared with € 607 ha-1 for the control treatment. The results of this study suggest that the nitrification inhibitor could improve farmer profit in irrigated wheat on a calcareous soil.
In crop rotations that include alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), agronomic and environmental concerns mean that it is important to determine the N fertilizer contribution of this legume for subsequent crops in order to help to increase the sustainability of cropping systems. To determine the N fertilizer replacement value (FRV) of a 2-yr alfalfa crop on subsequent crops of corn (Zea mays L.) followed by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under irrigated Mediterranean conditions, two 4-yr rotations (alfalfa-corn-wheat and corn-corn-corn-wheat) were conducted from 2001 to 2004 in a Typic Xerofluvent soil. Corn yields were compared after two years of alfalfa and a third year of corn under monoculture and wheat yields were also compared after both rotations. Corn production after alfalfa outyielded monoculture corn at all four rates of N fertilizer application analyzed (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg N/ha). The FRV of 2-yr alfalfa for corn was about 160 kg N/ha. Wheat grown after the alfalfa-corn rotation outyielded that grown after corn under monoculture at both the rates of N studied (0 and 100 kg N/ha). The FRV of alfalfa for wheat following alfalfa-corn was about 76 kg N/ha. Soil NO3 -N content after alfalfa was greater than with the corn monoculture at all rates of N fertilizer application and this higher value persisted during the second crop after alfalfa. This was probably one of the reasons for the better yields associated with the alfalfa rotation. These results make a valuable contribution to irrigated agriculture under mediterranean conditions, show reasons for interest in rotating alfalfa with corn, and explain how it is possible to make savings when applying N fertilizer.
Wheat plants (Triticum durum Desf., cv. Regallo) were grown in the field to study the effects of contrasting [CO2] conditions (700 versus 370 μmol mol−1) on growth, photosynthetic performance, and C management during the post-anthesis period. The aim was to test whether a restricted capacity of sink organs to utilize photosynthates drives a loss of photosynthetic capacity in elevated CO2. The ambient 13C/12C isotopic composition (δ13C) of air CO2 was changed from-10.2 in ambient [CO2] to-23.6 under elevated [CO2] between the 7th and the 14th days after anthesis in order to study C assimilation and partitioning between leaves and ears. Elevated [CO2] had no significant effect on biomass production and grain filling, and caused an accumulation of C compounds in leaves. This was accompanied by up-regulation of phosphoglycerate mutase and ATP synthase protein content, together with down-regulation of adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphatase protein. Growth in elevated [CO2] negatively affected Rubisco and Rubisco activase protein content and induced photosynthetic down-regulation. CO2 enrichment caused a specific decrease in Rubisco content, together with decreases in the amino acid and total N content of leaves. The C labelling revealed that in flag leaves, part of the C fixed during grain filling was stored as starch and structural C compounds whereas the rest of the labelled C (mainly in the form of soluble sugars) was completely respired 48 h after the end of labelling. Although labelled C was not detected in the δ13C of ear total organic matter and respired CO2, soluble sugar δ13C revealed that a small amount of labelled C reached the ear. The 12CO2 labelling suggests that during the beginning of post-anthesis the ear did not contribute towards overcoming flag leaf carbohydrate accumulation, and this had a consequent effect on protein expression and photosynthetic acclimation.
This book explores Russian synthesis that occurred in Russian economic thought between 1890 and 1920. This includes all the attempts at synthesis between classical political economy and marginalism; the labour theory of value and marginal utility; and value and prices. The various ways in which Russian economists have approached these issues have generally been addressed in a piecemeal fashion in history of economic thought literature. This book returns to the primary sources in the Russian language, translating many into English for the first time, and offers the first comprehensive history of the Russian synthesis. The book first examines the origins of the Russian synthesis by determining the condition of reception in Russia of the various theories of value involved: the classical theories of value of Ricardo and Marx on one side; the marginalist theories of prices of Menger, Walras and Jevons on the other. It then reconstructs the three generations of the Russian synthesis: the first (Tugan-Baranovsky), the second, the mathematicians (Dmitriev, Bortkiewicz, Shaposhnikov, Slutsky, etc.) and the last (Yurovsky), with an emphasis on Tugan-Baranovsky's initial impetus. This volume is suitable for those studying economic theory and philosophy as well as those interested in the history of economic thought.
Tutkimus tarkastelee Luoteis-Venäjän liikennelogistiikkaklusteria. Tarkoitus on selvittää klusterin nykyinen rakenne ja kilpailukyky sekä klusterin tarjoamat liiketoimintamahdollisuudet suomalaisille logistiikkayrityksille. Työssä käsitellään neljää perusliikennemuotoa: rautatie-, maantie-, meri- ja sisävesi-, sekä ilmaliikennettä. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty tutkimusta varten laadituista kyselyistä, haastatteluista sekä aiemmin julkaistusta materiaalista. Venäjä on suunnitellut kehittävänsä voimakkaasti liikenneinfrastruktuuria, mm. julkaisemalla protektionistisen liikennestrategiasuunnitelman. Ongelmana ovat olleet toteutukset, jotka ovat jääneet yleensä puutteellisiksi. Tällä hetkellä todellista kilpailukykyä löytyy ainoastaan rautatieliikenteestä, muut kolme liikennemuotoa omaavat potentiaalisen kilpailukyvyn. Venäjällä on mahdollisuus hyötyä laajasta pinta-alastaan Aasian ja Euroopan liikenteen yhdistäjänä. Yksi konkreettisimmista esimerkeistä on Trans Siperian rautatie, joka kaipaisi vielä lisäkehitystä. Suomi on toiminut Venäjän liikenteessä arvotavaran kauttakulkumaana, vuonna 2003 noin 30–40 % Venäjän tuonnin arvosta kulki Suomen kautta. Venäjälle tullaan tuomaan arvotavaraa vielä useita vuosia, mutta reittien osalta kilpailu on tiukentunut. Suomalaisten yritysten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin esitetään kaksi mallia: kauttakulkuliikenteen lisäarvologistiset (VAL) operaatiot Suomessa tai etabloituminen Venäjän logistisiin ketjuihin. Suomalaisten olisi syytä parantaa yhteistyötään yritysten ja yliopistojen ym. koulutuslaitosten välillä. Myös yhteistyökumppaneiden hakeminen esimerkiksi Ruotsista voisi tuoda merkittäviä etuja. Suomalaista osaamista voitaisiin hyödyntää parhaiten etabloitumalla Venäjän markkinoille, esimerkiksi keskittymällä Venäjän logististen ketjujen johtamiseen. Myös VAL palveluiden johtamiseen Venäjällä olisi erittäin hyvä tilaisuus, koska Venäjän oma tietotaito logistiikassa ei ole vielä kehittynyt kansainväliselle tasolle, mutta kustannustaso on alhaisempi kuin Suomessa.
Minimizing the risks of an investment portfolio but not in the favour of expected returns is one of the key interests of an investor. Typically, portfolio diversification is achieved using two main strategies: investing in different classes of assets thought to have little or negative correlations or investing in similar classes of assets in multiple markets through international diversification. This study investigates integration of the Russian financial markets in the time period of January 1, 2003 to December 28, 2007 using daily data. The aim is to test the intra-country and cross-country integration of the Russian stock and bond markets between seven countries. Our test methodology for the short-run dynamics testing is the vector autoregressive model (VAR) and for the long-run cointegration testing we use the Johansen cointegration test which is an extension to VAR. The empirical results of this study show that the Russian stock and bond markets are not integrated in the long-run either at intra-country or cross-country level which means that the markets are relatively segmented. The short-run dynamics are also relatively low. This implies a presence of potential gains from diversification.
Lectio praecursoria 3.6.2005 Tampereen yliopisto
Objective of this work was to clarify the competitive situation of Russian mobile telecommunications market: who are the main players, are there many regional operators, what is the possibility of new entrants and how intensive is the competition. In the beginning the history of Russian mobile telecommunications sector is described. In the next chapter environmental factors of the market are examined with the help of PESTEL analysis. After that, players of the market are introduced to ease the following of next chapters. The main theory for this work was industry analysis of five competitive forces by Michael Porter, which is presented before the theory related industry analysis of Russian mobile telecommunications industry. Research for the industry analysis is mainly based on up-to-date articles describing Russian market. As a result of the industry analysis, competitive situation of Russian mobile telecommunications industry and the future prospects are described with the help of factors coming from the PESTEL-analysis. Finally development and future prospects for Russian 3G are reported. As a result of this work, it can be said that Russian mobile telecommunications market is not likely to maintain the growth of previous years, because the market is near saturation. According to passive SIM-cards it has already received saturated. The saturation will also make the market share game between operators more volatile. The market is dominated by three national operators that covered 88% of the income in the first half of 2007. In addition to these three, there are also several regional operators. Structure of the market is likely to consolidate.
INTRODUCTION: Occupational exposure to grain dust causes respiratory symptoms and pathologies. To decrease these effects, major changes have occurred in the grain processing industry in the last twenty years. However, there are no data on the effects of these changes on workers' respiratory health. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the respiratory health of grain workers and farmers involved in different steps of the processing industry of wheat, the most frequently used cereal in Europe, fifteen years after major improvements in collective protective equipment due to mechanisation. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Information on estimated personal exposure to wheat dust was collected from 87 workers exposed to wheat dust and from 62 controls. Lung function (FEV1, FVC, and PEF), exhaled nitrogen monoxide (FENO) and respiratory symptoms were assessed after the period of highest exposure to wheat during the year. Linear regression models were used to explore the associations between exposure indices and respiratory effects. RESULTS: Acute symptoms - cough, sneezing, runny nose, scratchy throat - were significantly more frequent in exposed workers than in controls. Increased mean exposure level, increased cumulative exposure and chronic exposure to more than 6 mg.m (-3) of inhaled wheat dust were significantly associated with decreased spirometric parameters, including FEV1 and PEF (40 ml and 123 ml.s (-1) ), FEV1 and FVC (0.4 ml and 0.5 ml per 100 h.mg.m (-3) ), FEV1 and FVC (20 ml and 20 ml per 100 h at >6 mg.m (-3) ). However, no increase in FENO was associated with increased exposure indices. CONCLUSIONS: The lung functions of wheat-related workers are still affected by their cumulative exposure to wheat dust, despite improvements in the use of collective protective equipment.