971 resultados para Row houses -- Spain -- Terrassa
Isotopic, geochemical and bulk mineralogical analyses in the Trabakua and Ermua sections, Basque Basin, reveal major changes across the Paleocene-Eocene transition. Expanded sedimentary records exhibit a gradual decrease of 1.0 parts per thousand in delta(13)C values in the lower part of Zone P5 followed by a more rapid 3 parts per thousand negative excursion. The 3 parts per thousand delta(13)C excursion is associated with an abrupt decrease in carbonate sedimentation, increased detrital flux and decreased grain size which suggest changes in marine/atmospheric currents and/or size and structure of the ocean carbon reservoir. The clays recognized at Trabakua record a deep burial diagenesis as indicated by two generations of chlorite, the presence of mixed-layers chlorite-smectite and illite-smectite, the absence of smectite and the near absence of kaolinite. The very low delta(18)O values (<-3.5 parts per thousand) throughout the Trabakua and Ermua sections reflect diagenetic alteration rather than paleotemperatures. Because of deep burial diagenesis and very poorly preserved microfossils, the Trabakua Pass and Ermua sections are not optimal potential stratotypes for the Paleocene-Eocene boundary.
This study presents the results of implementing a CLIL programme in a Catalan primary school three years after the onset of the implementation. The main objective of this investigation was to determine the effects of CLIL on students’ L2 English oral performance in terms of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency (CAF). The results obtained suggest that CLIL learners outperform non-CLIL learners not only in fluency, but also in syntactic complexity. However, despite the encouraging results, the study concludes that further research which transcends the methodological limitations observed in the study is needed in order to confirm the results
Quan Miguel Primo de Rivera va pujar al poder l’any 1923, una de les primeres accions que va portar a terme fou la imposició de la censura en la premsa, tant pel que fa a les publicacions periòdiques com als llibres. A la pràctica, però, l’impacte d’aquesta censura en l’edició de llibres va ser força reduït: de fet, durant els anys que va durar el directori el món editorial va viure un creixement considerable, tant pel que fa als volums editats (originals i traduïts) com al nombre de segells editorials. Amb aquest treball em proposo construir una base de dades que inclogui totes les traduccions publicades a Catalunya de 1923 a 1930 a partir de la qual em sigui possible valorar diversos aspectes relacionats amb l’activitat traductora durant la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (per exemple, les matèries i llengües més traduïdes, el perfil dels traductors més actius o les editorials i col•leccions més actives en la traducció).
A case of acute intestinal anisakiasis has been reported; a nematode larva being found in the submucosa of the ileum of a woman in Jaén (Spain). The source of infection was the ingestion of raw Engraulis encrasicholus. On the basis of its morphology, the worm has been identified as a fourth-stage larva of Anisakis simplex. In Spain, this is the ninth report of human anisakiasis and also probably the first case of anisakiasis caused by a fourth-stage larva of A. simplex.
Two of the major problems facing the Amazon - human migration from the other areas and uncontrolled deforestation - constitute the greatest risk for the establishment of endemic Chagas disease in this part of Brazil. At least 18 species of triatomines had been found in the Brazilian Amazon, 10 of them infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, associated with numerous wild reservoirs. With wide-range deforestation, wild animals will perforce be driven into other areas, with tendency for triatomines to become adapted to alternative food sources in peri and intradomicilies. Serological surveys and cross-sectional studies for Chagas disease, carried out in rural areas of the Rio Negro, in the Brazilian Amazon, showed a high level of seropositivity for T. cruzi antibodies. A strong correlation of seroreactivity with the contact of gatherers of piaçava fibers with wild triatomines could be evidenced.
During the last twenty years, several adults of Triatoma tibiamaculata infected with Trypanosoma cruzi have been spontaneously caught by inhabitants, inside their houses in the new habitational district of Pituaçu of Salvador, Bahia. In this communication the authors call attention to the necessity of studies about the possibility of occurrence of new human cases of Chagas disease, to clarify the obscure origin of some positive blood donors in Salvador.
210Pb and 210Po concentration in fish tissues from Peníscola marsh were analyzed, being this area a radioactive naturally enhanced marsh located in the East coast of Spain. Results showed that 210Po accumulation in tissues could reach values ranging from 28±8 Bq kg-1 in muscle of Cyprinus carpio, to 8558±6378 Bq kg-1 in gut content of Chelon labrosus. On the other hand, 210Pb concentrations ranged from 8±4 Bq kg-1 in muscle of Cyprinus carpio, to 475±481 Bq kg-1 in gut content of Chelon labrosus. Bioaccumulation pattern is generally 210Po&210Pb, except in spine, where more 210Pb than 210Po is accumulated. When comparing our samples to those collected as blanks, individuals from Peníscola marsh showed an enrichment in 210Po and 210Pb in their tissues compared to the blanks. Bioaccumulation factors showed that feeding is the major input route of 210Pb and 210Po into the fish body. Highest values of 210Pb and 210Po concentration in tissues were found on Chelon labrosus and Carassius auratus, being Cyprinus carpio the species with the lowest average values of 210Pb and 210Po accumulation.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of pork value chains in Catalonia, Spain and Manitoba, Canada. Intensive hog production models were implemented in Catalonia in the 1960s as a result of agriculture crises and fostered by feedstuffs factories. The expansion of the hog sector in Manitoba is more recent (in the 1990s) and brought about in large part by the opening of the Maple Leaf Meats processing plant in Brandon, Manitoba. This plant is capable of processing 90,000 hogs per week. Both hog production models ‐ the ‘older’ one in Catalonia (Spain) and the ‘newer’ in Manitoba‐ have been, until recently, examples of success. Inventories and production have been increasing substantially and both regions have proven to have great export potential. Recently, however, tensions have been developing with the hog production models of both regions, particularly as they relate to environmental concerns. The purpose of the paper is to compare the value chains with respect to their origins (e.g. supply a growing demand for pork, ensure farm profitability) and present states (e.g. environmental concerns, profitability). Keywords: pork value chain, hog farms, agri‐food studies. JEL: Q10, Q13, O57
This article examines the governance structures for managing the location and operation of Intensive Livestock Farming Operations (ILFOs). The article focuses on the hog sector and compares two very different jurisdictions: the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, Spain. Both are regions that have witnessed recent increases in hog production, including increasing spatial concentration of ILFOs and increasing size of those ILFOs. Policy has both fostered and sought to manage the increased production. Following a brief background description of restructuring, the changing legislative framework for Manitoba and Catalonia are described. Keywords: environmental regulations, hog farms, manure management, animal feeding operations. JEL: Q15, Q58, R52, O57
The gradual implementation of new, more participatory and thus, more democratic mechanisms of intra-party decision-making has been pointed out by several party politics scholars. This phenomenon has been studied as the party elite’s reactions to a widespread trend in Western countries: the party membership decline. Spain is still a deviant case in both the party membership decline trend, and with regards to the introduction of more participatory and democratic decision-making mechanisms. However, the paper point out that support for intra-party democracy is quite widespread within Spanish party middle elites (party delegates). That is why the aim of this paper is to explain which factors are underpinning the supports for intra-party democracy amongst Spanish party delegates. After conducting a multivariate analysis, the results show that ideology, the involvement in intra-party experiences and the degree of pragmatism, amongst others, are factors strongly associated with the support for intraparty democracy in Spanish party middle elites.
La violència que pateixen les dones esdevé un fenomen que afecta totes les cultures, grups socials i edats d’arreu del món i, per tant, Catalunya no n’està exempta. Es tracta d’un fenomen universal que, fruit del sistema patriarcal, és present a gairebé totes les cultures i a tots els nivells socials i econòmics i està vinculat a les mancances de les nostres societats pel que fa a les cotes d’igualtat. La violència contra les dones és el resultat més greu d’unes relacions socials basades en la discriminació per raó de sexe. Si la violència masclista és una greu vulneració dels drets humans bàsics de les dones i la definició actual de “seguretat pública” és aquella que la presenta com a les “actuacions dels poders públics adreçades a la protecció de les persones i béns davant possibles agressions d’origen humà o natural i que comprèn les mesures de prevenció i protecció eficaces en l’assegurament dels drets i llibertats dels ciutadans ide les ciutadanes”, la violència masclista, doncs, esdevé un objectiu prioritari per a les polítiques públiques de seguretat en un Estat de dret. Així doncs, en el cas de Terrassa estan sent eficaces i eficients les polítiques públiques implementades per reduir i minimitzar la violència masclista?
In this survey we examined 87 domestic animal stool samples in order to detect the possible presence of microsporidia in animals in close contact with humans in Galicia (NW, Spain). The detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi spores was confirmed in faecal samples from two dogs and one goat by polymerase chain reaction. None of the positive samples for microsporidia in the staining method were amplified with species-specific primers for Encephalitozoon intestinalis, E. hellem and E. cuniculi. Four rabbits faecal samples reacted with anti-E. cuniculi serum. Our results could indicate the importance of domestic animals as zoonotic reservoirs of microsporidial human infections.
In most countries, Chagas disease transmission control remains based on domestic insecticide application. We thus evaluated the efficacy of intra-domicile cyfluthrin spraying for the control of Triatoma dimidiata, the only Chagas disease vector in the Yucatán peninsula, Mexico, and monitored potential re-infestation every 15 days for up to 9 months. We found that there was a re-infestation of houses by adult bugs starting 4 months after insecticide application, possibly from sylvatic/peridomicile areas. This points out the need to take into account the potential dispersal of sylvatic/peridomestic adult bugs into the domiciles as well as continuity action for an effective vector control.
Our Vision is that each individual accessing these service’s be provided with a choice of affordable, nutritious meals in a safe, warm and attractive environment.  We achieve this through the following best practice standards: – Quality service – Maintaining a high quality environment – The highest quality food standard (with choice of meals) Cafes are open to the public from 8am serving breakfast until 11.30 and lunch/dinner from 12-4pm. (open Monday – Friday) Telephone: (01) 8555577 Initiative Type Community Cafés Location Dublin 1