1000 resultados para Ronce les Bains
Stepped cascades and spillways have been used for more than 3,500 years. The recent regain of interest for the stepped chute design is associated with the introduction of new construction techniques, the development of new design techniques and newer applications. Stepped chute flows are characterised by significant free-surface aeration that cannot be neglected. Two-phase flow measurements were conducted in a large-size model (h =0.10 m, α = 22o). Experimental observations demonstrate the existence of a transition flow regime for a relatively wide range of flow rates. Detailed air-water flow measurements were conducted for both skimming flows and transition flows. Skimming flows exhibit gradual variations of the air-water flow properties, whereas transition flows are characterised by rapid flow redistributions between adjacent steps.
Plus d???une vingtaine d???ann??es d???existence d??di??es ?? la mission de d??velopper les comp??tences des fonctionnaires pour augmenter la capacit?? de l?????tat dans la gestion des politiques publiques fait de l???ENAP un mod??le dans le domaine de la formation. Rattach??e au Minist??re du Plan, du Budget et de la Gestion, l?????cole, d??s sa cr??ation en 1986, a re??ue 245 mille fonctionnaires de tout le pays. En 2007, 26 mille fonctionnaires de l???administration f??d??rale ont attendu un de nos 60 stages offerts.
Revista Lusófona de Educação
RESUMO: Breve apresentação de uma família e sua problemática, beneficiária do Rendimento Social de Inserção, bem como as dificuldades que a técnica encontra no acompanhamento da mesma. ABSTRACT: Brief presentation of a family and set of problems raised by their social situation that receives a social subsidy for reinsertion, as well as the difficulties that the social worker encounters.
RESUMO: Esta intervenção propõe-se apresentar as relações da escola da actualidade com as famílias dos alunos, com todas as dificuldades e desafios que estas relações implicam. Seguem-se a exposição de dois casos, dois alunos inseridos no Âmbito do projecto Novas Oportunidades. ABSTRACT: This intervention proposes to describe the relationships between School and student’s families of today, with their issues and challenges that are implied. It is followed by the presentation of two students within the context of New Opportunities programme.
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