955 resultados para Roles


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In many organisms ``Universal Stress Proteins'' CUSPS) are induced in response to a variety of environmental stresses. Here we report the structures of two USPs, YnaF and YdaA from Salmonella typhimurium determined at 1.8 angstrom and 2.4 angstrom resolutions, respectively. YnaF consists of a single USP domain and forms a tetrameric organization stabilized by interactions mediated through chloride ions. YdaA is a larger protein consisting of two tandem USP domains. Two protomers of YdaA associate to form a structure similar to the YnaF tetramer. YdaA showed ATPase activity and an ATP binding motif G-2X-G-9X-G(S/T/N) was found in its C-terminal domain. The residues corresponding to this motif were not conserved in YnaF although YnaF could bind ATP. However, unlike YdaA, YnaF did not hydrolyse ATP in vitro. Disruption of interactions mediated through chloride ions by selected mutations converted YnaF into an ATPase. Residues that might be important for ATP hydrolysis could be identified by comparing the active sites of native and mutant structures. Only the C-terminal domain of YdaA appears to be involved in ATP hydrolysis. The structurally similar N-terminal domain was found to bind a zinc ion near the segment equivalent to the phosphate binding loop of the C-terminal domain. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that YdaA might bind a ligand of approximate molecular weight 800 daltons. Structural comparisons suggest that the ligand, probably related to an intermediate in lipid A biosynthesis, might bind at a site close to the zinc ion. Therefore, the N-terminal domain of YdaA binds zinc and might play a role in lipid metabolism. Thus, USPs appear to perform several distinct functions such as ATP hydrolysis, altering membrane properties and chloride sensing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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DNA processing protein A (DprA) plays a crucial role in the process of natural transformation. This is accomplished through binding and subsequent protection of incoming foreign DNA during the process of internalization. DprA along with Single stranded DNA binding protein A (SsbA) acts as an accessory factor for RecA mediated DNA strand exchange. H. pylori DprA (HpDprA) is divided into an N-terminal domain and a C-terminal domain. In the present study, individual domains of HpDprA have been characterized for their ability to bind single stranded (ssDNA) and double stranded DNA (dsDNA). Oligomeric studies revealed that HpDprA possesses two sites for dimerization which enables HpDprA to form large and tightly packed complexes with ss and dsDNA. While the N-terminal domain was found to be sufficient for binding with ss or ds DNA, C-terminal domain has an important role in the assembly of poly-nucleoprotein complex. Using site directed mutagenesis approach, we show that a pocket comprising positively charged amino acids in the N-terminal domain has an important role in the binding of ss and dsDNA. Together, a functional cross talk between the two domains of HpDprA facilitating the binding and formation of higher order complex with DNA is discussed.


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Single-stranded DNA binding protein (Ssb) of Deinococcus radiodurans comprises N- and C-terminal oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding (OB) folds connected by a beta hairpin connector. To assign functional roles to the individual OB folds, we generated three Ssb variants: Ssb(N) (N-terminal without connector), Ssb(NC) (N-terminal with connector) and Ssb(C) (C-terminal), each harboring one OB fold. Both Ssb(N) and Ssb(NC) displayed weak single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding activity, compared to the full-length Ssb (Ssb(FL)). The level of ssDNA binding activity displayed by SsbC was intermediate between Ssb(FL) and Ssb(N). Ssb(C) and Ssb(FL) predominantly existed as homo-dimers while Ssb(NC)/Ssb(N) formed different oligomeric forms. In vitro, Ssb(NC) or Ssb(N) formed a binary complex with Ssb(C) that displayed enhanced ssDNA binding activity. Unlike Ssb(FL), Ssb variants were able to differentially modulate topoisomerase-I activity, but failed to stimulate Deinococcal RecA-promoted DNA strand exchange. The results suggest that the C-terminal OB fold is primarily responsible for ssDNA binding. The N-terminal OB fold binds weakly to ssDNA but is involved in multimerization. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.


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The expression of a biologically active human IFN4 depends on the presence of a frameshift deletion polymorphism within the first exon of the interferon lambda 4 (IFNL4) gene. In this report, we use the lung carcinoma-derived cell line, A549, which is genetically viable to express a functional IFN4, to address transcriptional requirements of the IFNL4 gene. We show that the GC-rich DNA-binding transcription factor (TF) specificity protein 1 (Sp1) is recruited to the IFNL4 promoter and has a role in induction of gene expression upon stimulation with viral RNA mimic poly(I:C). By using RNAi and overexpression strategies, we also show key roles in IFNL4 gene expression for the virus-inducible TFs, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-B), IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF3), and IRF7. Interestingly, we also observe that overexpression of IFN4 influences IFNL4 promoter activity, which may further be dependent on the retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I)-like receptor pathway. Together, our work for the first time reports on the functional characterization of the human IFNL4 promoter.


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Transposon mutagenesis has been applied to a hyper-invasive clinical isolate of Campylobacter jejuni, 01/51. A random transposon mutant library was screened in an in vitro assay of invasion and 26 mutants with a significant reduction in invasion were identified. Given that the invasion potential of C. jejuni is relatively poor compared to other enteric pathogens, the use of a hyper-invasive strain was advantageous as it greatly facilitated the identification of mutants with reduced invasion. The location of the transposon insertion in 23 of these mutants has been determined; all but three of the insertions are in genes also present in the genome-sequenced strain NCTC 11168. Eight of the mutants contain transposon insertions in one region of the genome (approximately 14 kb), which when compared with the genome of NCTC 11168 overlaps with one of the previously reported plasticity regions and is likely to be involved in genomic variation between strains. Further characterization of one of the mutants within this region has identified a gene that might be involved in adhesion to host cells.


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Last year, Jisc began work with EDUCAUSE - the US organisation for IT professionals in higher education - to find out the skillset of the CIO of the future. One of the findings of our project was that many aspiring technology leaders find it difficult to make the step up. Louisa Dale, director Jisc group sector intelligence, talks through the learnings and opens a call for IT professionals to get involved in the next phase of work.


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Le Rane : Collana di Studi e Testi. Studi ; 55 - El teatro clásico en el marco de la cultura griega y su pervivencia en la cultura occidental ; 13


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The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) organized a workshop titled “Enhancing Women’s Roles in Fisheries in India” during 1-3 February 2010 in Navi Mumbai, India. The workshop was meant to discuss and analyze the role of women in fisheries, and reflect on issues facing women in fishing communities and organizations in contemporary India. Not only did the workshop expose the participants to women’s issues, organizational strategies, policies, schemes and legislation relevant to fishing communities, but it also stimulated discussions and exchange of views, which helped them explore a vision of a fisheries that sustains both communities and livelihoods. The workshop strengthened the linkages between diverse groups, and helped them search for strategies to protect the spaces of women in fisheries and their sources of livelihood. (PDF contains 61 pages)


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The common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibious Linn. 1758) contributes to the productivity of aquatic systems where it lives. This paper reviews ecological roles of the hippo in this regard. Desk review of available literature information complemented with field observations were employed in the data collection. The ecological roles of the common hippopotamus being presented draw examples from East, West, Central and South African sub regions. The nutritional importance of the amphibious hippopotamus to rural communities was highlighted. In Southern Ethiopia, the Bodi, Bacha and Mura tribes eat hippo meat and this has led to severe hunting consequences on the wild populations of the animal. The important relationships between the hippopotamus and fish were presented. Hippopotamuses usually defecate in water and their excrements enrich the nutrients in the water resulting in favourable conditions for large fish populations. Some fish, including Labeo spp. were observed to feed on the micro-organisms and algae that grow on the skin of the hippotamus. A strong case was made for hippo-cum-fish integrated farm development in Nigeria based on ecological relationships so observed between the amphibious mammals and fish. This is one of the meeting points of fisheries and wildlife management that should be exploited for the benefits of the teeming Nigerian population


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The signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor (SR) are universally conserved protein machineries that deliver nascent peptides to their proper destination. The SRP RNA is a universally conserved and essential component of SRP, which serves as the “catalyst” of the protein targeting cycle. The SRP RNA accelerates SRP-SR complex formation at the beginning of the protein targeting reaction, and triggers GTP hydrolysis and SRP-SR complex disassembly at the end. Here we combined biochemical and biophysical approaches to investigate the molecular mechanism of the functions of the SRP RNA. We found that two functional ends in the SRP RNA mediate distinct functions. The tetraloop end facilitates initial assembly of SRP and SR by mediating an electrostatic interaction with the Lys399 receptor, which ensures efficient and accurate substrate targeting. At the later stage of the SRP cycle, the SRP-SR complex relocalizes ~ 100 Angstrom to the 5’,3’-distal end of the RNA, a conformation crucial for GTPase activation and cargo handover. These results, combined with recent structural work, elucidate the functions of the SRP RNA during the protein targeting reaction.


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Assembling a nervous system requires exquisite specificity in the construction of neuronal connectivity. One method by which such specificity is implemented is the presence of chemical cues within the tissues, differentiating one region from another, and the presence of receptors for those cues on the surface of neurons and their axons that are navigating within this cellular environment.

Connections from one part of the nervous system to another often take the form of a topographic mapping. One widely studied model system that involves such a mapping is the vertebrate retinotectal projection-the set of connections between the eye and the optic tectum of the midbrain, which is the primary visual center in non-mammals and is homologous to the superior colliculus in mammals. In this projection the two-dimensional surface of the retina is mapped smoothly onto the two-dimensional surface of the tectum, such that light from neighboring points in visual space excites neighboring cells in the brain. This mapping is implemented at least in part via differential chemical cues in different regions of the tectum.

The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their cell-surface ligands, the ephrins, have been implicated in a wide variety of processes, generally involving cellular movement in response to extracellular cues. In particular, they possess expression patterns-i.e., complementary gradients of receptor in retina and ligand in tectum- and in vitro and in vivo activities and phenotypes-i.e., repulsive guidance of axons and defective mapping in mutants, respectively-consistent with the long-sought retinotectal chemical mapping cues.

The tadpole of Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed frog, is advantageous for in vivo retinotectal studies because of its transparency and manipulability. However, neither the expression patterns nor the retinotectal roles of these proteins have been well characterized in this system. We report here comprehensive descriptions in swimming stage tadpoles of the messenger RNA expression patterns of eleven known Xenopus Eph and ephrin genes, including xephrin-A3, which is novel, and xEphB2, whose expression pattern has not previously been published in detail. We also report the results of in vivo protein injection perturbation studies on Xenopus retinotectal topography, which were negative, and of in vitro axonal guidance assays, which suggest a previously unrecognized attractive activity of ephrins at low concentrations on retinal ganglion cell axons. This raises the possibility that these axons find their correct targets in part by seeking out a preferred concentration of ligands appropriate to their individual receptor expression levels, rather than by being repelled to greater or lesser degrees by the ephrins but attracted by some as-yet-unknown cue(s).


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In most lakes, zooplankton production is constrained by food quantity, but frequently high C:P poses an additional constraint on zooplankton production by reducing the carbon transfer efficiency from phytoplankton to zooplankton. This review addresses how the flux of matter and energy in pelagic food webs is regulated by food quantity in terms of C and its stoichiometric quality in terms of C:P. Increased levels of light, CO2 and phosphorus could each increase seston mass and, hence, food quantity for zooplankton, but while light and CO2 each cause increased C:P (i.e. reduced food quality for herbivores), increased P may increase seston mass and its stoichiometric quality by reducing C:P. Development of food quality and food quantity in response to C- or P-enrichments will differ between 'batch-type' lakes (dominated by one major, seasonal input of water and nutrients) and 'continuous-culture' types of lakes with a more steady flow-rate of water and nutrients. The reciprocal role of food quantity and stoichiometric quality will depend strongly on facilitation via grazing and recycling by the grazers, and this effect will be most important in systems with low renewal rates. At high food abundance but low quality, there will be a 'quality starvation' in zooplankton. From a management point of view, stoichiometric theory offers a general tool-kit for understanding the integrated role of C and P in food webs and how food quantity and stoichiometric quality (i.e. C:P) regulate energy flow and trophic efficiency from base to top in food webs.From a management point of view, stoichiometric theory offers a general tool-kit for understanding the integrated role of C and P in food webs and how food quantity and stoichiometric quality (i.e. C:P) regulate energy flow and trophic efficiency from base to top in food webs.


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Los cuentos infantiles son importantes factores de socialización en la infancia así como elementos de transmisión de roles de género. Partiendo de esta base se analizan en este trabajo un cuento clásico y un cuento no sexista con la intención de comprobar si el tratamiento de género varía en relación a los personajes y al discurso


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Microglia are largely known as the major orchestrators of the brain inflammatory response. As such, they have been traditionally studied in various contexts of disease, where their activation has been assumed to induce a wide range of detrimental effects. In the last few years, a series of discoveries have challenged the current view of microglia, showing their active and positive contribution to normal brain function. This Research Topic will review the novel physiological roles of microglia in the developing, mature and aging brain, under non-pathological conditions. In particular, this Research Topic will discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which microglia contribute to the formation, pruning and plasticity of synapses; the maintenance of the blood brain barrier; the regulation of adult neurogenesis and hippocampal learning; and neuronal survival, among other important roles. Because these novel findings defy our understanding of microglial function in health as much as in disease, this Research Topic will also summarize the current view of microglial nomenclature, phenotypes, origin and differentiation, sex differences, and contribution to various brain pathologies. Additionally, novel imaging approaches and molecular tools to study microglia in their non-activated state will be discussed. In conclusion, this Research Topic seeks to emphasize how the current research in neuroscience is challenged by never-resting microglia.