927 resultados para Road traffic noise
This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines the implications of road safety for the health-care system. It focuses on the economic cost of treating and rehabilitating road traffic injury victims and, for the sake of better public policy, proposes policy changes aimed at improving data collection as well as coordination among government agencies.
Nella tesi si analizzano le principali fonti del rumore aeronautico, lo stato dell'arte dal punto di vista normativo, tecnologico e procedurale. Si analizza lo stato dell'arte anche riguardo alla classificazione degli aeromobili, proponendo un nuovo indice prestazionale in alternativa a quello indicato dalla metodologia di certificazione (AC36-ICAO) Allo scopo di diminuire l'impatto acustico degli aeromobili in fase di atterraggio, si analizzano col programma INM i benefici di procedure CDA a 3° rispetto alle procedure tradizionali e, di seguito di procedure CDA ad angoli maggiori in termini di riduzione di lunghezza e di area delle isofoniche SEL85, SEL80 e SEL75.
The characteristics of moving sound sources have strong implications on the listener's distance perception and the estimation of velocity. Modifications of the typical sound emissions as they are currently occurring due to the tendency towards electromobility have an impact on the pedestrian's safety in road traffic. Thus, investigations of the relevant cues for velocity and distance perception of moving sound sources are not only of interest for the psychoacoustic community, but also for several applications, like e.g. virtual reality, noise pollution and safety aspects of road traffic. This article describes a series of psychoacoustic experiments in this field. Dichotic and diotic stimuli of a set of real-life recordings taken from a passing passenger car and a motorcycle were presented to test subjects who in turn were asked to determine the velocity of the object and its minimal distance from the listener. The results of these psychoacoustic experiments show that the estimated velocity is strongly linked to the object's distance. Furthermore, it could be shown that binaural cues contribute significantly to the perception of velocity. In a further experiment, it was shown that - independently of the type of the vehicle - the main parameter for distance determination is the maximum sound pressure level at the listener's position. The article suggests a system architecture for the adequate consideration of moving sound sources in virtual auditory environments. Virtual environments can thus be used to investigate the influence of new vehicle powertrain concepts and the related sound emissions of these vehicles on the pedestrians' ability to estimate the distance and velocity of moving objects.
PRINCIPALS Over a million people worldwide die each year from road traffic injuries and more than 10 million sustain permanent disabilities. Many of these victims are pedestrians. The present retrospective study analyzes the severity and mortality of injuries suffered by adult pedestrians, depending on whether they used a zebra crosswalk. METHODS Our retrospective data analysis covered adult patients admitted to our emergency department (ED) between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2012 after being hit by a vehicle while crossing the road as a pedestrian. Patients were identified by using a string term. Medical, police and ambulance records were reviewed for data extraction. RESULTS A total of 347 patients were eligible for study inclusion. Two hundred and three (203; 58.5%) patients were on a zebra crosswalk and 144 (41.5%) were not. The mean ISS (injury Severity Score) was 12.1 (SD 14.7, range 1-75). The vehicles were faster in non-zebra crosswalk accidents (47.7 km/n, versus 41.4 km/h, p<0.027). The mean ISS score was higher in patients with non-zebra crosswalk accidents; 14.4 (SD 16.5, range 1-75) versus 10.5 (SD13.14, range 1-75) (p<0.019). Zebra crosswalk accidents were associated with less risk of severe injury (OR 0.61, 95% CI 0.38-0.98, p<0.042). Accidents involving a truck were associated with increased risk of severe injury (OR 3.53, 95%CI 1.21-10.26, p<0.02). CONCLUSION Accidents on zebra crosswalks are more common than those not on zebra crosswalks. The injury severity of non-zebra crosswalk accidents is significantly higher than in patients with zebra crosswalk accidents. Accidents involving large vehicles are associated with increased risk of severe injury. Further prospective studies are needed, with detailed assessment of motor vehicle types and speed.
La idea principal de este proyecto es realizar un estudio temporal de los parámetros necesarios para evaluar el ruido ambiental. En la actualidad son muchas las medidas que se hacen a diario para evaluar el nivel de ruido ambiente, sin embargo, este nivel no es el mismo siempre. Dependiendo del momento en el que se realicen las medidas, de la longitud de la muestra tomada etc., los resultados pueden llegar a ser muy dispares entre sí. En este proyecto se estudiarán los parámetros temporales con el objetivo de determinar las características más apropiadas de la muestra que se debe tomar a la hora de realizar medidas del nivel de ruido, de tal forma que se obtengan los resultados más apropiados con un margen de error pequeño y conocido. Para comenzar, se eligieron los puntos de medida en los que se quiere centrar el estudio. En el presente proyecto se va a analizar el ruido ambiente, principalmente procedente del tráfico rodado, existente en 3 rotondas y una semirotonda. Para ello se comenzó realizando registros de larga duración del nivel de ruido de manera continua a lo largo de todo el periodo diurno, que comprende desde las 7:00 h hasta las 19:00 h. La adquisición de estos datos se realizó con una grabadora digital y un micrófono. Posteriormente, los datos registrados se volcaron al ordenador y se procesaron con el sistema de medida Symphonie con el que de obtuvieron los parámetros necesarios para el análisis. Una vez obtenidos los niveles de los registros, el siguiente paso consistió en realizar diferentes procesos de muestreo para obtener resultados y finalmente elaborar conclusiones. ABSTRACT The main idea of this project is to realice a temporary study of the necessary parameters to evaluate the ambiental noise. Nowadays, a lot of measures are done everyday to evaluate the ambiental noise, however, this level is not always the same. The results can be very different one from another depending of the moment when this measures are done, the length of the sample, etc. In this project, temporary parameters will be studied with the aim of determine the more apropiate characteristics to the sample to be taken when performing the noise level measurements, so as to obtain the most appropriate results with an small and known error margin. To start, the points where you want to focus the study were chosen. In this project we will analyze the ambient noise, mainly by road traffic, existing over three roundabouts and one semi-roundabout. For this purpose we begin performing long-term registers of the noise level throughout the day period continuously, which is from 7:00h to 19:00h. The acquisition of this data was performed with a digital recorder and a microphone. Later, data recorded were fed into the computer and processed with Symphonie measuring system, with which we obtained the parameters for the analysys. Once the level from the registers are obtained, the next step was to perform different sampling processes to get results and finally draw conclusions.
Transport is responsible for 41% of CO2 emissions in Spain, and around 65% of that figure is due to road traffic. Tolled motorways are currently managed according to economic criteria: minimizing operational costs and maximizing revenues from tolls. Within this framework, this paper develops a new methodology for managing motorways based on a target of maximum energy efficiency. It includes technological and demand-driven policies, which are applied to two case studies. Various conclusions emerge from this study. One is, that the use of intelligent payment systems is recommended; and another, is that the most sustainable policy would involve defining the most efficient strategy for each motorway section, including the maximum use of its capacity, the toll level which attracts the most vehicles, and the optimum speed limit for each type of vehicle.
In this paper we propose an innovative method for the automatic detection and tracking of road traffic signs using an onboard stereo camera. It involves a combination of monocular and stereo analysis strategies to increase the reliability of the detections such that it can boost the performance of any traffic sign recognition scheme. Firstly, an adaptive color and appearance based detection is applied at single camera level to generate a set of traffic sign hypotheses. In turn, stereo information allows for sparse 3D reconstruction of potential traffic signs through a SURF-based matching strategy. Namely, the plane that best fits the cloud of 3D points traced back from feature matches is estimated using a RANSAC based approach to improve robustness to outliers. Temporal consistency of the 3D information is ensured through a Kalman-based tracking stage. This also allows for the generation of a predicted 3D traffic sign model, which is in turn used to enhance the previously mentioned color-based detector through a feedback loop, thus improving detection accuracy. The proposed solution has been tested with real sequences under several illumination conditions and in both urban areas and highways, achieving very high detection rates in challenging environments, including rapid motion and significant perspective distortion
This article describes a knowledge-based application in the domain of road traffic management that we have developed following a knowledge modeling approach and the notion of problem-solving method. The article presents first a domain-independent model for real-time decision support as a structured collection of problem solving methods. Then, it is described how this general model is used to develop an operational version for the domain of traffic management. For this purpose, a particular knowledge modeling tool, called KSM (Knowledge Structure Manager), was applied. Finally, the article shows an application developed for a traffic network of the city of Madrid and it is compared with a second application developed for a different traffic area of the city of Barcelona.
The aim of this paper is to describe an intelligent system for the problem of real time road traffic control. The purpose of the system is to help traffic engineers in the selection of the state of traffic control devices on real time, using data recorded by traffic detectors on motorways. The system follows an advanced knowledge-based approach that implements an abstract generic problem solving method, called propose-and-revise, which was proposed in Artificial Intelligence, within the knowledge engineering field, as a standard cognitive structure oriented to solve configuration design problems. The paper presents the knowledge model of such a system together with the strategy of inference and describes how it was applied for the case of the M-40 urban ring for the city of Madrid.
Road traffic is the greatest contributor to the carbon footprint of the transport sector and reducing it has become one of the main targets of sustainable transport policies. An analysis of the main factors influencing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is essential for designing new energy- and environmentally efficient strategies for the road transport. This paper addresses this need by (i) identifying factors which influence the carbon footprint, including traffic activity, fuel economy and socioeconomic development; and (ii) proposing a methodological framework which uses Modified Laspeyres Index decomposition to analyze the effect of important drivers on the changes in emissions of road transport in Spain during the period from 1990 to 2010. The results demonstrate that the country׳s economic growth has been closely linked to the rise in GHG emissions. The innovative contribution of this paper is the special analysis of the changes in mobility patterns and GHG emissions during the economic crisis, when, for the first time, Spanish road traffic emissions decreased. The reduction of road transport and improved energy efficiency has been powerful contributors to this decrease, demonstrating the effectiveness of energy-saving measures. On the basis of this analysis, several tailored policy recommendations have been suggested for future implementation.
El presente documento, evalúa y analiza el ruido existente en las inmediaciones del CEIS (Centro Estudio, Innovación y Servicios), situado en la carretera Villaviciosa de Odón a Móstoles (M-856) en el Km 1,5. El objetivo es obtener datos de nivel de ruido en función del tiempo para conocer su variabilidad a lo largo de la semana, para promover una intercomparación entre laboratorios con ruido real. La zona que contempla el proyecto tiene variedad de ruido medioambiental: ruido de tráfico rodado, ruido industrial, ruido de instalaciones y ruido de tráfico aéreo. Estas fuentes de ruido pueden presentarse en diversas combinaciones. Para el ruido total existente, se analiza por un lado el ruido específico de la carretera M-856, y por otro lado el ruido residual asociado a sucesos aislados, como el ruido de tráfico aéreo, ruido industrial y de instalaciones. Para el cálculo de los niveles sonoros de la zona se realiza una evaluación del índice de ruido Ld, para el periodo de día, utilizando como herramienta de cálculo el programa CadnaA versión 4.2. Se realiza la validación de los niveles sonoros obtenidos en el CadnaA en las inmediaciones de la carretera Villaviciosa de Odón a Móstoles. Para ello se comparan los niveles obtenidos en el modelo acústico de la zona elaborado mediante CadnaA y los niveles medidos “in-situ”. Una vez obtenidos los niveles sonoros, se calcula la incertidumbre de las medidas ejecutadas “in-situ” en la última jornada de mediciones realizada, correspondientes a niveles de presión sonora continuos equivalente ponderado A (LAeq, 5min) y de las medidas simuladas en CadnaA , teniendo en cuenta las posibles desviaciones ocasionadas por el equipo de medida, condiciones meteorológicas, variaciones del tráfico, metodología de ensayo..... Por último se valoran los datos obtenidos y se evalúa la posibilidad de promover una intercomparación entre laboratorios realizada con el ruido real de tráfico de la zona. ABSTRACT. The next document evaluates the noise in sorrounding areas of CEIS (Centro Estudio, Innovación y Servicios), located in the road from Villaviciosa de Odón to Móstoles (M-856), in 1.5 km. The aim of this project is to get precise information during time to promove an intercomparation between laboratories with real noise. The area included in the project has several environmental noise: traffic noise, industrial noise and air traffic noise. These noise sources can be combined in different ways. The specific noise of the M-856 on one hand, and the residual noise associated with air traffic noise and industrial noise on the other. The calculation tool CadnaA, 4.2 version, simulates sound levels for the day period and the index Ld. The validation of sound levels around the road Villaviciosa de Odon to Móstoles, is made by comparing the obtained levels in the acoustic model and the real measured levels “in situ” . The uncertainty of the measures "in-situ", and the uncertainty of the sound levels simulated in the acoustic model CadnaA, is calculated using the measurements “in situ” (LAeq, 5min) of the last day. For that calculation, is necessary to take into account the deviations resulting from the measurement equipment, weather conditions, traffic variations, test methodology.... Finally the obtained data are evaluated, considering the possibility of promote an intercomparison between laboratories with real traffic noise of the area.
El sector del transporte por carretera es uno de los principales contribuyentes de consumo de combustible y emisiones de España. Por lo tanto, la evaluación de los impactos ambientales del tráfico rodado es esencial para los programas de mitigación del cambio climático y la eficiencia energética. Sin embargo, uno de los retos en la planificación del transporte y el diseño de políticas consiste en la aplicación de metodologías de evaluación de emisiones consistentes, el diseño de estrategias y la evaluación de su eficacia. Las metodologías existentes de evaluación de las emisiones del transporte por carretera, utilizan diferentes niveles de análisis y períodos. Sin embargo, estos análisis son puntuales y no existe una continuidad en el análisis de diferentes estrategias o políticas. Esta tesis doctoral proporciona conocimientos y herramientas para el análisis de las políticas destinadas a reducir las emisiones de tráfico, tomando España como caso de estudio. La investigación se estructura en dos partes: i) el desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías para el análisis de factores y políticas que contribuyen en la evolución de las emisiones GEI del transporte por carretera en España; desde una perspectiva nacional; y ii) el desarrollo y aplicación de un marco metodológico para estimar las emisiones del tráfico interurbano y de evaluar estrategias centradas en la operación del tráfico y en la infraestructura. En resumen, esta tesis demuestra la idoneidad de utilizar diferentes herramientas para analizar las emisiones de tráfico desde diferentes puntos de vista. Desde el diseño de políticas de mitigación y eficiencia energética a nivel nacional, a estrategias centradas en la operación del tráfico interurbano y la infraestructura. Road transport is one of the major contributors to fuel consumption and emissions in Spain. Consequently, assessing the environmental impacts of road traffic is essential for climate change mitigation and energy efficiency programs. However, one of the key challenges of policy makers and transport planners consists of implementing consistent assessment emissions methodologies, applying mitigation strategies, and knowing their effectiveness. Current state-of-the-art emissions assessment methodologies estimate emissions from different levels and periods, using different approaches. Nevertheless, these studies are timely and they usually take different methodologies for analysing different strategies or policies, regardless of the assessment as a whole. This doctoral thesis provides knowledge and methodologies for analysing policies designed to reduce road traffic emissions, using the case study of Spain. The research procedure consists of two main scopes: i) the development and application of methodologies for analysing key factors and policies driving the GHG emissions of road transport in Spain; from a national perspective; and ii) the development and application of a road traffic emissions model for assessing operational and infrastructure strategies of the interurban road network at segment level. In summary, this thesis demonstrates the appropriateness to use different tools to analyse road traffic emissions at different levels: from appropriate nationwide mitigation and energy efficiency policies, to strategies focused on the operation of interurban traffic and infrastructure.
The achievement of the limit values established in the European legislation pose an important handicap for large urban areas with intense road traffic, such as Madrid (Spain). Despite permanent measures included in air quality plans it is important to assess additional measures that may be temporally applied under unfavourable conditions. This paper reports on the simulation of different traffic restriction strategies in Madrid for high-pollution episodes.
Entre los problemas medioambientales más trascendentales para la sociedad, se encuentra el del cambio climático así como el de la calidad del aire en nuestras áreas metropolitanas. El transporte por carretera es uno de los principales causantes, y como tal, las administraciones públicas se enfrentan a estos problemas desde varios ángulos: Cambios a modos de transporte más limpios, nuevas tecnologías y combustibles en los vehículos, gestión de la demanda y el uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (ICT) aplicadas al transporte. En esta tesis doctoral se plantea como primer objetivo el profundizar en la comprensión de cómo ciertas medidas ICT afectan al tráfico, las emisiones y la propia dinámica de los vehículos. El estudio se basa en una campaña de recogida de datos con vehículos flotantes para evaluar los impactos de cuatro medidas concretas: Control de velocidad por tramo, límites variables de velocidad, limitador de velocidad (control de crucero) y conducción eficiente (eco‐driving). Como segundo objetivo, el estudio se centra en la conducción eficiente, ya que es una de las medidas que más ahorros de combustible presenta a nivel individual. Aunque estas reducciones están suficientemente documentadas en la literatura, muy pocos estudios se centran en estudiar el efecto que los conductores eficientes pueden tener en el flujo de tráfico, y cuál sería el impacto si se fuera aumentando el porcentaje de este tipo de conductores. A través de una herramienta de microsimulación de tráfico, se han construido cuatro modelos de vías urbanas que se corresponden con una autopista urbana, una arteria, un colector y una vía local. Gracias a los datos recogidos en la campaña de vehículos flotantes, se ha calibrado el modelo, tanto el escenario base como el ajuste de parámetros de conducción para simular la conducción eficiente. En total se han simulado 72 escenarios, variando el tipo de vía, la demanda de tráfico y el porcentaje de conductores eficientes. A continuación se han calculado las emisiones de CO2 and NOx mediante un modelo de emisiones a nivel microscópico. Los resultados muestran que en escenarios con alto porcentaje de conductores eficientes y altas demandas de tráfico las emisiones aumentan. Esto se debe a que las mayores distancias de seguridad y las aceleraciones y frenadas suaves hacen que aumente la congestión, produciendo así mayores emisiones a nivel global. Climate change and the reduced air quality in our metropolitan areas are two of the main environmental problems that the society is addressing currently. Being road transportation one of the main contributors, public administrations are facing these problems from different points of view: shift to cleaner modes, new fuels and vehicle technologies, demand management and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) applied to transportation. The first objective of this thesis is to understand how certain ICT measures affect traffic, emissions and vehicle dynamics. The study is based on a data collection campaign with floating vehicles to evaluate the impact of four specific measures: section speed control, variable speed limits, cruise control and eco‐driving. The second objective of the study focuses on eco‐driving, as it is one of the measures that present the largest fuel savings at an individual level. Although these savings are well documented in the literature, few studies focus on how ecodrivers affect the surrounding vehicles and the traffic, and what would be the impact in case of different eco‐drivers percentage. Using a traffic micro‐simulation tool, four models in urban context have been built, corresponding to urban motorway, urban arterial, urban collector and a local street. Both the base‐case and the parameters setting to simulate eco‐driving have been calibrated with the data collected through floating vehicles. In total 72 scenarios were simulated, varying the type of road, traffic demand and the percentage of eco‐drivers. Then, the CO2 and NOx emissions have been estimated through the use of an emission model at microscopic level. The results show that in scenarios with high percentage of co‐drivers and high traffic demand the emissions rise. Higher headways and smooth acceleration and decelerations increase congestion, producing higher emissions globally.
Transportation Department, Office of Noise Abatement, Washington, D.C.