992 resultados para Rietveld refinement program


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The solid solution based on Nb5Si3 (Cr5B3 structure type, D8(l), tl32, 14/mcm, No140, a=6.5767 angstrom, c=11.8967 angstrom) in the Nb-Si-B system was studied from the structural and thermodynamic point of view both experimentally and by ab initio calculations. Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray synchrotron data allowed to determine the boron to silicon substitution mechanism and the structural parameters. Ab initio calculations of different ordered compounds and selected disordered alloys allowed to obtain in addition to the enthalpy of formation of the solution, substitution mechanism and structural parameters which are in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The stability of the phase is discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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CexZr1-xO2 (0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.9) were synthesized with Zr and Ce chloride precursors, using the triblock copolymer Pluronic P123 and HCl (2 mol/L). The pH adjustment was performed in two ways: synthesis A used 11.4 mL of a NH4OH solution added at once to the initial mixture, composed by metal precursors and template in HCl; synthesis B was done by dripping slowly until the change of pH value (between 3 and 6). In this work, CexZr1-xO2 samples synthesized by these two processes are compared. The effects of pH values in materials characteristics were also evaluated. These samples were analysed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) with Rietveld refinement, and Nitrogen Adsorption/Desorption. In both processes, the studied materials presented two crystalline phases of CexZr1-xO2 solid solution: cubic and tetragonal. The synthesis A also presented a tetragonal phase of ZrO2. The average crystallite size and the Brunauer- Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area are bigger in process A. Both processes give samples with a mesoporous structure.


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Three-dimensional oxalate-based {[Ru(bpy)3][Cu2xNi2(1-x)(ox)3]}n (0≤ x ≤ 1, ox = C2O42-, bpy = 2,2‘bipyridine) were synthesized. The structure was determined for x = 1 by X-ray diffraction on single crystal. The compound crystallizes in the cubic space group P4132. It shows a three-dimensional 10-gon 3-connected (10,3) anionic network where copper(II) has an unusual tris(bischelated) environment. X-ray powder diffraction patterns and their Rietveld refinement show that all the compounds along the series are isostructural and single-phased. According to X-ray absorption spectroscopy, copper(II) and nickel(II) have an octahedral environment, respectively elongated and trigonally distorted. As shown by natural circular dichroism, the optically active forms of {[Ru(bpy)3][CuxNi2(1-x)(ox)3]}n are obtained starting from resolved Δ- or Λ-[Ru(bpy)3]2+. The Curie−Weiss temperatures range between −55 (x = 1) and −150 K (x = 0). The antiferromagnetic exchange interaction thus decreases when the copper contents increases in agreement with the crystallographic structure of the compounds and the electronic structure of the metal ions. At low temperature, the compounds exhibit complex long-range ordered magnetic behavior.


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En este trabajo, materiales de tipo alúmina/Y-TZP (ZrO2 tetragonal, estabilizada con 3 mol. % Y2O3), como sistema cerámico popular por sus mejoradas propiedades mecánicas en comparación con las cerámicas de alúmina puras, han sido estudiados en términos de propiedades mecánicas y tensiones residuales. El novedoso método de colado en cinta, consistente en el apilamiento de cintas de cerámica verde a temperatura ambiente y el uso de bajas presiones, se ha escogido para la presente investigación con el fin de poder aprovechar al máximo el futuro desarrollo de materiales laminados de alúmina-óxido de circonio. Se han determinado las propiedades de los materiales obtenidos por este nuevo método de procesamiento comparándolas con las de los materiales obtenidos por “slip casting”, con el fin de analizar si el método propuesto afecta a la microestructura y, por tanto, a las propiedades mecánicas y tensiones residuales propias de estos materiales. Para analizar la idoneidad del proceso de fabricación, utilizado para evitar la presencia de discontinuidades en las intercaras entre las láminas así como otros fenómenos que puedan interferir con las propiedades mecánicas, se estudiaron materiales cerámicos con la misma composición en cintas. Por otra parte también se analizó el efecto de la adición de óxido de circonio sobre la aparición de tensiónes residuales en cerámicas Al2O3/Y-TZP, teniendo en cuenta su notable influencia sobre las propiedades microestructurales y mecánicas de los materiales, así como el requisito de co-sinterización de capas con diferentes materiales compuestos en materiales laminados. La caracterización del material incluye la determinación de la densidad, el análisis de la microestructura, la obtención de las propiedades mecánicas (módulo de elasticidad, dureza, resistencia a la flexión y tenacidad de fractura) así como de las tensiones residuales. En combinación con otros métodos de medida tradicionales, la nanoindentación también se empleó como una técnica adicional para la medida del módulo de elasticidad y de la dureza. Por otro lado, diferentes técnicas de difracción con neutrones, tanto las basadas en longitud de onda constante (CW) como en tiempo de vuelo (TOF), han sido empleadas para la medición fiable de la deformación residual a través del grosor en muestras a granel. Las tensiones residuales fueron determinadas con elevada precisión, aplicando además métodos de análisis apropiados, como por ejemplo el refinamiento de Rietveld. Las diferentes fases en cerámicas sinterizadas, especialmente las de zirconia, se examinaron con detalle mediante el análisis de Rietveld, teniendo en cuenta el complicado polimorfismo del Óxido de Zirconio (ZrO2) así como las posibles transformaciones de fase durante el proceso de fabricación. Los efectos del contenido de Y-TZP en combinación con el nuevo método de procesamiento sobre la microestructura, el rendimiento mecánico y las tensiones residuales de los materiales estudiados (Al2O3/Y-TZP) se resumen en el presente trabajo. Finalmente, los mecanismos de endurecimiento, especialmente los relacionados con las tensiones residuales, son igualmente discutidos. In present work, Alumina/Y-TZP (tetragonal ZrO2 stabilized with 3 mol% Y2O3) materials, as an popular ceramic system with improved mechanical properties compared with the pure alumina ceramics, have been studied in terms of mechanical properties and residual stresses. The novel tape casting method, which involved the stacking of green ceramics tapes at room temperature and using low pressures, is selected for manufacturing and investigation, in order to take full advantage of the future development of alumina-zirconia laminated materials. Features of materials obtained by the new processing method are determined and compared with those of materials obtained by conventional slip casting in a plaster mold, in order to study whether the proposed method of processing affects microstructure and thereby the mechanical properties and residual stresses characteristics of materials. To analyse the adequacy of the manufacturing process used to avoid the presence of discontinuities at the interfaces between the sheets and other phenomena that interfere with the mechanical properties, ceramic materials with the same composition in tapes were investigated. Moreover, the effect of addition of zirconia on residual stress development of Al2O3/Y-TZP ceramics were taken into investigations, considering its significantly influence on the microstructure and mechanical properties of materials as well as the requirement of co-sintering of layers with different composites in laminated materials. The characterization includes density, microstructure, mechanical properties (elastic modulus, hardness, flexure strength and fracture toughness) and residual stresses. Except of the traditional measurement methods, nanoindentation technique was also used as an additional measurement of the elastic modulus and hardness. Neutron diffraction, both the constant-wavelength (CW) and time-of-flight (TOF) neutron diffraction techniques, has been used for reliable through-thickness residual strain measurement in bulk samples. Residual stresses were precisely determined combined with appropriate analysis methods, e.g. the Rietveld refinement. The phase compositions in sintered ceramics especially the ones of zirconia were accurately examined by Rietveld analysis, considering the complex polymorph of ZrO2 and the possible phase transformation during manufacturing process. Effects of Y-TZP content and the new processing method on the microstructure, mechanical performance and residual stresses were finally summarized in present studied Al2O3/Y-TZP materials. The toughening mechanisms, especially the residual stresses related toughening, were theoretically discussed.


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Manganese oxide minerals have been used for thousands of years—by the ancients for pigments and to clarify glass, and today as ores of Mn metal, catalysts, and battery material. More than 30 Mn oxide minerals occur in a wide variety of geological settings. They are major components of Mn nodules that pave huge areas of the ocean floor and bottoms of many fresh-water lakes. Mn oxide minerals are ubiquitous in soils and sediments and participate in a variety of chemical reactions that affect groundwater and bulk soil composition. Their typical occurrence as fine-grained mixtures makes it difficult to study their atomic structures and crystal chemistries. In recent years, however, investigations using transmission electron microscopy and powder x-ray and neutron diffraction methods have provided important new insights into the structures and properties of these materials. The crystal structures for todorokite and birnessite, two of the more common Mn oxide minerals in terrestrial deposits and ocean nodules, were determined by using powder x-ray diffraction data and the Rietveld refinement method. Because of the large tunnels in todorokite and related structures there is considerable interest in the use of these materials and synthetic analogues as catalysts and cation exchange agents. Birnessite-group minerals have layer structures and readily undergo oxidation reduction and cation-exchange reactions and play a major role in controlling groundwater chemistry.


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Bragg diffraction peak profiles and intensities in asymmetric (Omega-2theta) diffraction using a mirror-based parallel-beam geometry were compared with symmetric parallel-beam (theta-2theta) and conventional Bragg - Brentano (theta-2theta) diffraction for a powdered quartz sample and the NIST standard reference material (SRM) 660a (LaB6, lanthanum hexaboride). A comparison of the intensities and line widths (full width at half-maximum, FWHM) of these techniques demonstrated that low incident angles (Omega < 5&DEG;) are preferable for the parallel-beam setup. For higher &UOmega; values, if 2θ < 2Omega, mass absorption reduces the intensities significantly compared with the Bragg - Brentano setup. The diffraction peak shapes for the mirror geometry are more asymmetric and have larger FWHM values than corresponding peaks recorded with a Bragg - Brentano geometry. An asymmetric mirror-based parallel-beam geometry offers some advantages in respect of intensity when compared with symmetric geometries, and hence may be well suited to quantitative studies, such as those involving Rietveld analysis. A trial Rietveld refinement of a 50% quartz - 50% corundum mixture was performed and produced adequate results.


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We report the formation and structural properties of co-crystals containing gemfibrozil and hydroxy derivatives of t-butylamine H2NC(CH3)3-n(CH2OH)n, with n=0, 1, 2 and 3. In each case, a 1:1 co-crystal is formed, with transfer of a proton from the carboxylic acid group of gemfibrozil to the amino group of the t-butylamine derivative. All of the co-crystal materials prepared are polycrystalline powders, and do not contain single crystals of suitable size and/or quality for single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Structure determination of these materials has been carried out directly from powder X-ray diffraction data, using the direct-space Genetic Algorithm technique for structure solution followed by Rietveld refinement. The structural chemistry of this series of co-crystal materials reveals well-defined structural trends within the first three members of the family (n=0, 1, 2), but significantly contrasting structural properties for the member with n=3. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The PSFC (Pr0.5Sr0.5Fe1-xCuxO3-δ) is a new mixed oxide perovskite and has been studied and evaluated the cathode materials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs), mainly due to its good compatibility with the electrolyte (CGO) and its high ionic conductivity and electronic in intermediate temperature. In this work, PSFC powders with two different compositions (Pr0,5Sr0,5Fe0,8Cu0,2O3- PSFC5582 and Pr0,5Sr0,5Fe0,6Cu0,4O3-PSFC5564) were synthesized by the citrate method using a new route. The powders obtained were characterized by thermal analysis (Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Thermogravimetry), and the material calcined at 800, 900 and 1000 °C for 5h were analyzed by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), with the Rietveld refinement of the diffraction data and dilatometry. PSFC5582 composite films were obtained by screen printing of powder calcined at 1000 °C. The films were deposited on substrate ceria doped with gadolinia (CGO) and then sintered at 1050 °C for 2h. The electrochemical performance of the electrodes was evaluated by impedance spectroscopy and the interface electrode/electrolyte was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The specific resistance area (ASR) was 0.44 Ω.cm² at 800 °C, slightly lower than those reported in the literature for cathodes containing cobalt. The thermal expansion coefficients of both the PSFC compositions were obtained and varied between 13 and 15 x 10-6 °C-1 , in a temperature range of 200 to 650 °C, demonstrating the good thermal compatibility of cathodes with Ce0,9Gd0,1O1,95 electrolytes (CET = 12 x 10-6 °C).


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The synthesis and optimization of two Li-ion solid electrolytes were studied in this work. Different combinations of precursors were used to prepare La0.5Li0.5TiO3 via mechanosynthesis. Despite the ability to form a perovskite phase by the mechanochemical reaction it was not possible to obtain a pure La0.5Li0.5TiO3 phase by this process. Of all the seven combinations of precursors and conditions tested, the one where La2O3, Li2CO3 and TiO2 were milled for 480min (LaOLiCO-480) showed the best results, with trace impurity phases still being observed. The main impurity phase was that of La2O3 after mechanosynthesis (22.84%) and Li2TiO3 after calcination (4.20%). Two different sol-gel methods were used to substitute boron on the Zr-site of Li1+xZr2-xBx(PO4)3 or the P-site of Li1+6xZr2(P1-xBxO4)3, with the doping being achieved on the Zr-site using a method adapted from Alamo et al (1989). The results show that the Zr-site is the preferential mechanism for B doping of LiZr2(PO4)3 and not the P-site. Rietveld refinement of the unit-cell parameters was performed and it was verified by consideration of Vegard’s law that it is possible to obtain phase purity up to x = 0.05. This corresponds with the phases present in the XRD data, that showed the additional presence of the low temperature (monoclinic) phase for the powder sintered at 1200ºC for 12h of compositions with x ≥ 0.075. The compositions inside the solid solution undergo the phase transition from triclinic (PDF#01-074-2562) to rhombohedral (PDF#01-070-6734) when heating from 25 to 100ºC, as reported in the literature for the base composition. Despite several efforts, it was not possible to obtain dense pellets and with physical integrity after sintering, requiring further work in order to obtain dense pellets for the electrochemical characterisation of Li Zr2(PO4)3 and Li1.05Zr1.95B0.05(PO4)3.


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The comprehensive study on the coupling of magnetism, electrical polarization and the crystalline lattice with the off-stoichiometric effects in self-doped multiferroic hexagonal h-LuMnxO3±δ (0.92≤x≤1.12) ceramic oxides was carried out for the PhD work. There is a complex coupling of the three ferroic degrees. The cancelation of the magnetic moments of ions in the antiferromagnetic order, electric polarization with specific vortex/antivortex topology and lattice properties have pushed researchers to find out ways to disclose the underlying physics and chemistry of magneto-electric and magneto-elastic couplings of h-RMnO3 multiferroic materials. In this research work, self-doping of Lu-sites or Mn-sites of h-LuMnxO3±δ ceramics prepared via solid state route was done to pave a way for deeper understanding of the antiferromagnetic transition, the weak ferromagnetism often reported in the same crystalline lattices and the ferroelectric properties coupled to the imposed lattice changes. Accordingly to the aim of the PhD thesis, the objectives set for the sintering study in the first chapter on experimental results were two. First, study of sintering off-stoichiometric samples within conditions reported in the bibliography and also extracted from the phase diagrams of the LuMnxO3±δ, with a multiple firings ending with a last high temperature step at 1300ºC for 24 hours. Second, explore longer annealing times of up to 240 hours at the fixed temperature of 1300 ºC in a search for improving the properties of the solid solution under study. All series of LuMnxO3±δ ceramics for each annealing time were characterized to tentatively build a framework enabling comparison of measured properties with results of others available in literature. XRD and Rietveld refinement of data give the evolution the lattice parameters as a function to x. Shrinkage of the lattice parameters with increasing x values was observed, the stability limit of the solid solution being determined by analysis of lattice parameters. The evolution of grain size and presence of secondary phases have been investigated by means of TEM, SEM, EDS and EBSD techniques. The dependencies of grain growth and regression of secondary phases on composition x and time were further characterized. Magnetic susceptibility of samples and magnetic irreversibility were extensively examined in the present work. The dependency of magnetic susceptibility, Neel ordering transition and important magnetic parameters are determined and compared to observation in other multiferroics in the following chapter of the thesis. As a tool of high sensitivity to detect minor traces of the secondary phase hausmannite, magnetic measurements are suggested for cross-checking of phase diagrams. Difficulty of previous studies on interpreting the magnetic anomaly below 43 K in h-RMnO3 oxides was discussed and assigned to the Mn3O4 phase, with supported of the electron microscopy. Magneto-electric coupling where AFM ordering is coupled to dielectric polarization is investigated as a function of x and of sintering condition via frequency and temperature dependent complex dielectric constant measurements in the final chapter of the thesis. Within the limits of solid solubility, the crystalline lattice of off-stoichiometric ceramics was shown to preserve the magneto-electric coupling at TN. It represents the first research work on magneto-electric coupling modified by vacancy doping to author’s knowledge. Studied lattices would reveal distortions at the atomic scale imposed by local changes of x dependent on sintering conditions which were widely inspected by using TEM/STEM methods, complemented with EDS and EELS spectroscopy all together to provide comprehensive information on cross coupling of distortions, inhomogeneity and electronic structure assembled and discussed in a specific chapter. Internal interfaces inside crystalline grains were examined. Qualitative explanations of the measured magnetic and ferroelectric properties were established in relation to observed nanoscale features of h-LuMnxO3±δ ceramics. Ferroelectric domains and topological defects are displayed both in TEM and AFM/PFM images, the later technique being used to look at size, distribution and switching of ferroelectric domains influenced by vacancy doping at the micron scale bridging to complementary TEM studies on the atomic structure of ferroelectric domains. In support to experimental study, DFT simulations using Wien2K code have been carried out in order to interpret the results of EELS spectra of O K-edge and to obtain information on the cation hybridization to oxygen ions. The L3,2 edges of Mn is used to access the oxidation state of the Mn ions inside crystalline grains. In addition, rehybridization driven ferroelectricity is also evaluated by comparing the partial density of states of the orbitals of all ions of the samples, also the polarization was calculated and correlated to the off-stoichiometric effect.


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Nickel-based catalysts supported on alumina have been widely used in various reactions to obtain synthesis gas or hydrogen. Usually, higher conversion levels are obtained by these catalysts, however, the deactivation by coke formation and sintering of metal particles are still problems to be solved. Several approaches have been employed in order to minimize these problems, among which stands out in recent years the use of additives such as oxides of alkali metals and rare earths. Similarly, the use of methodologies for the synthesis faster, easier, applicable on an industrial scale and to allow control of the microstructural characteristics of these catalysts, can together provide the solution to this problem. In this work, oxides with spinel type structure AB2O4, where A represents divalent cation and B represents trivalent cations are an important class of ceramic materials investigated worldwide in different fields of applications. The nickel cobaltite (NiCo2O4) was oxides of spinel type which has attracted considerable interest due to its applicability in several areas, such as chemical sensors, flat panel displays, optical limiters, electrode materials, pigments, electrocatalysis, electronic ceramics, among others. The catalyst precursor NiCo2O4 was prepared by a new chemical synthesis route using gelatine as directing agent. The polymer resin obtained was calcined at 350°C. The samples were calcined at different temperatures (550, 750 and 950°C) and characterized by X ray diffraction, measurements of specific surface area, temperature programmed reduction and scanning electron microscopy. The materials heat treated at 550 and 750°C were tested in the partial oxidation of methane. The set of techniques revealed, for solid preparations, the presence of the phase of spinel-type structure with the NiCo2O4 NixCo1-xO solid solution. This solid solution was identified by Rietveld refinement at all temperatures of heat treatment. The catalyst precursors calcined at 550 and 750°C showed conversion levels around 25 and 75%, respectively. The reason H2/CO was around 2 to the precursor treated at 750°C, proposed reason for the reaction of partial oxidation of methane, one can conclude that this material can be shown to produce synthesis gas suitable for use in the synthesis Fischer-Tropsch process


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In this work, ceramic powders belonging to the system Nd2-xSrxNiO4 (x = 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6) were synthesized for their use as catalysts to syngas production partial. It was used a synthesis route, relatively new, which makes use of gelatin as organic precursor. The powders were analyzed at several temperatures in order to obtain the perovskite phase and characterized by several techniques such as thermal analysis, X-rays diffraction, Rietveld refinement method, specific surface area, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy of X-rays and temperature programmed reduction. The results obtained using these techniques confirmed the feasibility of the synthesis method employed to obtain nanosized particles. The powders were tested in differential catalytic conditions for dry reforming of methane (DRM) and partial oxidation of methane (POM), then, some systems were chosen for catalytic integrals test for (POM) indicating that the system Nd2-xSrxNiO4 for x = 0, 0.4 and 1.2 calcined at 900 °C exhibit catalytic activity on the investigated experimental conditions in this work without showing signs of deactivation


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Nickel-bases catalysts have been used in several reform reactions, such as in the partial oxidation of methane to obtain H2 or syngas (H2 + CO). High levels of conversion are usually obtained using this family of catalysts, however, their deactivation resulting from carbon deposition still remains a challenge. Different approaches have been tested aiming at minimizing this difficulty, including the production of perovskites and related structures using modern synthesis methods capable of producing low cost materials with controlled microstructural characteristics at industrial scale. To establish grounds for comparison, in the present study LaNixFe1-xO3 (x=0, 0.3 or 0.7) perovskites were prepared following the Pechini method and by microwave assisted self-combustion. All samples were sub sequently calcined at 900 °C to obtain the target phase. The resulting ceramic powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, X ray diffraction, specific area and temperature programmed reduction tests. Calcined samples were also used in the partial oxidation reaction of methane to evaluate the level of conversion, selectivity and carbon deposition. The results showed that the calcined samples were crystalline and the target phase was formed regardless of the synthesis method. According to results obtained by Rietveld refinement, we observed the formation of 70.0% of LaNi0.3Fe0.7O3 and 30.0% of La2O3 for samples LN3F7-900- P, LN3F7-900-M and 41,6% of LaNi0.7Fe0.3O3, 30.7% of La2NiO4 and 27.7% of La2O3 for samples LN7F3-900-P and LN7F3-900-M.Temperature-programmed profiles of the LaNiO3 sample revealed the presence of a peak around 510 °C, whereas the LaFeO3 sample depicted a peak above 1000°C. The highest l evel of methane conversion was obtained for LaNiO3 synthesized by the Pechini method. Overall, catalysts prepared by the Pechini method depicted better conversion levels compared to those produced by microwave assisted self-combustion


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The research and development of nanostructured materials have been growing significantly in the last years. These materials have properties that were significantly modified as compared to conventional materials due to the extremely small dimensions of the crystallites. The tantalum carbide (TaC) is an extremely hard material that has high hardness, high melting point, high chemical stability, good resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock and excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion. The Compounds of Tantalum impregnated with copper also have excellent dielectric and magnetic properties. Therefore, this study aimed to obtain TaC and mixed tantalum oxide and nanostructured copper from the precursor of tris (oxalate) hydrate ammonium oxitantalato, through gas-solid reaction and solid-solid respectively at low temperature (1000 ° C) and short reaction time. The materials obtained were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Spectroscopy X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermogravimetric (TG), thermal analysis (DTA) and BET. Through the XRD analyses and the Reitiveld refinement of the TaC with S = 1.1584, we observed the formation of pure tantalum carbide and cubic structure with average crystallite size on the order of 12.5 nanometers. From the synthesis made of mixed oxide of tantalum and copper were formed two distinct phases: CuTa10O26 and Ta2O5, although the latter has been formed in lesser amounts


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La0.6Sr0.4M0.1Fe0.9O3-δ (M: Co, Ni and Cu) perovskite nanostructures were synthesized using low frequency ultrasound assisted synthesis technique and effect of substitution of Fe by Co, Ni and Cu on crystal structure and mechanical properties in La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ perovskite were studied. The HRTEM and Rietveld refinement analyses revealed the uniform equi-axial shape of the obtained nanostructures with the existence of La0.6Sr0.4M0.1Fe0.9O3−δ with mixed rhombohedral and orthorhombic structures. Substitution of Cu decreases the melting point of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ. The results of mechanical characterizations show that La0.6Sr0.4Co0.1Fe0.9O3−δ and La0.6Sr0.4Ni0.1Fe0.9O3−δ have ferroelastic behavior and comparable elastic moduli, however, subtitution of Ni shows higher hardness and lower fracture toughness than Co in Bsite doping