968 resultados para Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE::Surgery::Oncology


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Este estudo traz à tona nossa intenção de pesquisa: Compreender a história de vida de um sujeito com a Síndrome de Klinefelter, o Ramon. A Síndrome de Klinefelter é muito peculiar e vem ganhando destaque na área médica, não por sua prevalência na população, mas por sua complexidade. Na área da educação, a produção acerca dessa síndrome é incipiente encontramos apenas um estudo em Portugal. No nosso país, no entanto, ressalta-se o ineditismo dessa pesquisa. Nesse estudo pensamos, juntamente com Lev Semionovich Vigotski e outros autores que imprimem em seus textos raízes sócio-históricas, num Ramon para além do biológico, ou seja, para além dos seus limites orgânicos: um sujeito rico em subjetividade que foi valorizada. Objetivamos, assim, compreender a subjetividade desse sujeito que é singular na coletividade, assim, pensar no Ramon é pensar nos outros, nos seus pares e nas intrínsecas redes de dialogismos tecidas na imensa trama que é a vida. Buscamos também observar como ocorreu a inclusão desse sujeito no âmbito escolar. A fim de atingir os objetivos traçados, utilizamos a perspectiva histórico-cultural do desenvolvimento humano atrelando os pressupostos dessa opção teórica à metodologia história de vida. Para entender os detalhes, os indícios, as miudezas, os resquícios da história de vida do sujeito que parecem insignificantes, mas que são imprescindíveis para se compreender alguns processos de grande dimensão, nos apoiamos no paradigma indiciário de Ginzburg. Nessa pesquisa, nossos encontros com esse jovem de 22 anos são descritos e analisados, levando em conta os aspectos subjetivos. Nesses encontros, ouvimos várias narrativas para compor a história de vida do sujeito pesquisado: a do próprio Ramon, da sua mãe Marlene e das professoras da APAE e da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, ouvimos, portanto, Ramon em diferentes contextos: em casa, na APAE, na escola de ensino comum (EJA) e na casa da professora da APAE. Para colher os dados, recorremos às entrevistas biográficas semiestruturadas, as quais foram adequadas à singularidade de cada sujeito ouvido. Todas as entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas em sua totalidade e os dados obtidos foram analisados levando-se em conta o contexto histórico e social de Ramon, assim, observamos as relações dialógicas estabelecidas por Ramon com seus pares e tentamos compreendê-las para melhor entender a construção subjetiva desse sujeito que para além de biológico, é social, cultural, que aprende, apreende e que, para além disso...muito nos ensina!


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RESUMO: Com a constante evolução das novas tecnologias de informação, as organizações têm necessidade de implementar novas ferramentas de gestão de forma a gerar vantagens competitivas, é neste sentido que esta dissertação visa propor a implementação do Modelo de Gestão estratégica baseado no Balanced Scorecard numa Empresa Interbancária de Serviços, com o objectivo de auxiliar na criação de capacidades competitivas, mediante uma avaliação de desempenho mais precisa e estruturada. Esta ferramenta surgiu como alternativa aos sistemas antigos e tradicionais cujo objectivo consistia no controlo das actividades realizadas pelos funcionários, sendo que esta metodologia veio colocar a estratégia no centro das atenções e não somente o controlo, mas só em 1992 é que ela foi reconhecida como um processo revolucionário que alterava todo o processo de gestão padrão nas empresas. Nesta dissertação ira se abordar alguns conceitos desta metodologia, enfatizando, o Mapa de Estratégia, vantagens pela obtenção desta metodologia; e um estudo prático da aplicação do Modelo de Gestão Estratégica na EMIS. Por fim, é de realçar que a grande importância que as empresas têm vindo a atribuir a esta metodologia e a investir nela, garante a sua relevância como tema de pesquisa num futuro próximo. ABSTRACT: With the constant development of new information technologies, organizations need to implement new management tools in order to generate competitive advantages, in this sense this thesis aims to propose the implementation of the Strategic Management Model based on Balanced Scorecard in a Company Interbank services with the aim of assisting in the creation of competitive capabilities through a performance assessment more precise and structured. This tool has emerged as an alternative to traditional legacy systems and was aimed at controlling the activities performed by employees, the methodology that has put the strategy in the spotlight instead of control, but not until 1992 was it recognized as a revolutionary process that changed the entire standard management process in companies. In this dissertation we discuss concepts of this methodology, emphasizing the strategic map for obtaining advantages from it, and a practical application of Strategic Management Model in EMIS. Finally, it is noteworthy that the great importance that companies have been giving to this methodology and the investment they have been doing on it, guarantees its relevance as a research subject in the near future.


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The rapid growth in genetics and molecular biology combined with the development of techniques for genetically engineering small animals has led to increased interest in in vivo small animal imaging. Small animal imaging has been applied frequently to the imaging of small animals (mice and rats), which are ubiquitous in modeling human diseases and testing treatments. The use of PET in small animals allows the use of subjects as their own control, reducing the interanimal variability. This allows performing longitudinal studies on the same animal and improves the accuracy of biological models. However, small animal PET still suffers from several limitations. The amounts of radiotracers needed, limited scanner sensitivity, image resolution and image quantification issues, all could clearly benefit from additional research. Because nuclear medicine imaging deals with radioactive decay, the emission of radiation energy through photons and particles alongside with the detection of these quanta and particles in different materials make Monte Carlo method an important simulation tool in both nuclear medicine research and clinical practice. In order to optimize the quantitative use of PET in clinical practice, data- and image-processing methods are also a field of intense interest and development. The evaluation of such methods often relies on the use of simulated data and images since these offer control of the ground truth. Monte Carlo simulations are widely used for PET simulation since they take into account all the random processes involved in PET imaging, from the emission of the positron to the detection of the photons by the detectors. Simulation techniques have become an importance and indispensable complement to a wide range of problems that could not be addressed by experimental or analytical approaches.


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O trabalho descrito nesta dissertação de mestrado foca-se em geral na investigação de antenas impressas. São apresentados conceitos básicos, em conjunto com alguns exemplos desenvolvidos. No entanto, o principal foco prende-se com técnicas de miniaturização e reconfigurabilidade de antenas. A miniaturização de antenas é um tema de investigação de longa data, no entanto, novas técnicas e soluções são apresentadas regularmente. Nesta tese, é aplicada uma técnica recente, baseada na introdução de indutores encapsulados no elemento ressonante de uma antena, que permite miniaturizar um monopólio impresso com uma frequência de ressonância de 2.5 GHz. Outro assunto abordado neste trabalho é a reconfigurabilidade de antenas. Algumas das técnicas mais comuns na investigação actual são apresentadas e debatidas. Uma solução com recurso a díodos PIN é usada para estudar esta capacidade. Os conceitos e características deste tipo de componentes são apresentadas sendo feito o desenho e fabrico de um possível monopólio impresso reconfigurável para operação em dupla banda. Por fim, são combinadas as técnicas de miniaturização com inductor encapsulado e reconfigurabilidade através de díodos PIN, por forma a projectar uma antena reconfigurável muito pequena, para operação em duas bandas distintas. Os resultados são discutidos e com base nestes, algumas possíveis otimizações são propostas. The work reported in this dissertation is focused in the printed antenna research. Basic concepts of printed antennas are presented, along with a few examples that were developed. The main focus however, is around miniaturization and reconfigurability of antennas. Antenna miniaturization is a long time research subject, however, new techniques and solutions are presented everyday. In this thesis, a recent technique based on the introduction of chip inductors in the resonating element of a printed antenna is used in order to miniaturize a monopole with a resonating frequency at 2.5 GHz. Another issue approached in this work is antenna reconfigurability. Some common techniques used in antenna reconfiguration are presented and debated. A solution with PIN diodes is used to study this capability. The concepts and characteristics of this type of components are presented and an example of a reconfigurable printed monopole for dual-band operation is designed and fabricated. At last, miniaturization with chip inductor and reconfigurability through PIN diodes are used together to create a very small antenna for dual-band operation. The simulated and measured results are discussed and upon these, some possible optimizations are proposed.


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Objetivo: identificar fontes de estresse e estratégias de coping em enfermeiros que exercem funções em três Serviços de Oncologia de Cirurgia Cabeça e Pescoço, de três hospitais centrais de Portugal. Método: estudo transversal, de carácter descritivo e exploratório, cuja amostra foi constituída pelos 96 enfermeiros dos três serviços. Na recolha de dados, foram utilizados: Questionário Sociodemográfico, Questionário de Saúde Geral-12, Inventário de Estressores Ocupacionais e Brief COPE. Resultados: verificaram-se níveis razoáveis de saúde geral. Os estressores mais referidos foram: sobrecarga de trabalho, baixa remuneração salarial, espaço físico onde se desenvolve a profissão, situações emocionalmente perturbadoras e falta de reconhecimento da profissão. As estratégias de coping mais utilizadas foram: planeamento, coping ativo, aceitação e autodistração. Conclusão: os estressores identificados relacionam-se principalmente a aspetos organizacionais e condições de trabalho, e as estratégias de coping escolhidas estão direcionadas para a resolução de problemas e melhoria do bemestar dos enfermeiros. Percentagem expressiva de enfermeiros apresentou níveis elevados de pressão e emoções deprimidas. Os resultados apresentados corroboram estudos anteriores que alertam para a importância do desenvolvimento de estratégias de prevenção dos níveis de estresse.


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O interesse no tema das medicinas alternativas e complementares tem aumentado, principalmente entre pacientes oncológicos. Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura na base de dados PubMed sobre o perfil dos pacientes que optam pelo uso dessas medicinas e suas motivações. As palavras-chaves utilizadas na busca foram "cancer and complementary alternative medicine" e "oncology and complementary alternative medicine", no período 1995-2005. Os critérios de seleção foram: presença dos descritores no título dos artigos, idiomas português, inglês ou espanhol e terem sido realizados em população adulta. A partir de 43 artigos analisados, concluiu-se que a utilização de medicinas alternativas e complementares é parte do escopo social desses pacientes. Seu uso é importante na construção da identidade de pacientes com câncer, ajudando-os nas decisões em relação ao tratamento convencional.


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Mestrado em Fisioterapia


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This paper aims to explore the ways in which standard art history terminology shapes the practice of art history by conditioning the interpretation of specific works of art and, in certain cases, the definition of a research subject (especially where questions of genre and periodization are concerned). Taking as a case study a painting by Georges de La Tour, the Peasant Couple Eating, I will argue that terms such as realism, realistic, naturalistic etc. used for its description and/or interpretation, far from constituting objective stylistic characterizations, shape our perception of the work in question. Bringing the question of social class to the center of the discourse on realism, I propose to show how the social divide between the painter and his subject matter (in this case, the peasants) is internalized in the painting’s style and meaning, and how it is fundamental for the understanding of its intentionality and function.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)


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The study of the domestic architecture evolution in Late Antiquity performs a fairly recent research subject within Hispanic historiography and represents one of the most significant results emerging from urban archaeology that has uncovered a relevant and innovative group of data related with the occupation of cities with Roman foundation between the fourth and eight centuries. In Braga the excavations conducted since 1976 identified remains of several domus that have been the object of systematic research studies in the past decade.2 In reality, the vast majority of the city Late Antiquity occupation continued to privilege areas where the previous domus of High Empire foundation were located. They were object of important reforms between the late third/early fourth centuries in a time when Bracara Augusta was elevated to capital of the new Callaecia province and endured an important urban renovation.


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La maîtrise des compétences cliniques est extrêmement importante pour le médecin. Leur enseignement est aujourd'hui facilité grâce à la disponibilité du «Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Medical Training» où sont décrits les niveaux de compétence à atteindre au terme des études de médecine. Un carnet de bord a été préparé à la Faculté de biologie et de médecine de Lausanne à partir de ce document. Il a permis de mettre en évidence chez les étudiants une très nette amélioration de la maîtrise des compétences cliniques entre le début et la fin des stages en médecine interne, chirurgie/orthopédie, pédiatrie, gynécologie/obstétrique et psychiatrie. Un tel outil devrait permettre dans l'avenir de mieux guider l'apprentissage des étudiants et de suivre leurs progrès à chaque étape du curriculum. [Abstract] The mastering of the clinical skills is of utmost importance for the physician. The teaching of the skills is nowadays made easier with the <<Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Medical Training>> which lists all the skills and their respective level of expected mastering at graduation. In order to do a survey on how good the students are at those skills, a logbook based on this document has been setup at the Faculty of biology and medicine of the University of Lausanne. This has shown that students went through a clear progression of the mastering of the skills during their elective year in internal medicine, surgery/orthopaedics, paediatric, obstetric and gynaecology as well as psychiatry. Such an instrument should in the future help to better guide the learning process of the clinical skills and to do a better follow-up of their progress.


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RÉSUMÉ : Elucider les bases moléculaires et cellulaires du fonctionnement des cellules souches s'avère crucial dans la compréhension de l'organisation cellulaire au sein des tissus et des organes ainsi que pour le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques en médecine régénérative et en oncologie. Les cellules souches adultes les mieux connues sont celles responsables de l'hématopoïèse, les cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH). Durant ces dernières années, la recherche a porté une attention particulière à l'isolation prospective de CSH dérivées de la moelle osseuse de souris en utilisant des marqueurs de surface cellulaire ainsi que des propriétés fonctionnelles alléguées. Par la suite, la capacité fonctionnelle des CSH a été vérifiée classiquement par leur transplantation intraveineuse dans des souris réceptrices conditionnées et par l'analyse de leur aptitude à reconstituer le système hématopoïétique à long terme. Des études récentes suggèrent que la transplantation des cellules directement dans la moelle osseuse pourrait non seulement aboutir à une prise de greffe plus rapide et plus efficace, mais pourrait même aider à l'identification de cellules qui ont certes des propriétés intrinsèques de CSH, mais qui n'ont pas la capacité de trouver leur niche au sein de la moelle osseuse et ont donc échoué dans les analyses classiques de reconstitution. Dans cette étude, nous comparons à deux niveaux la fonction de différents sous-groupes de cellules souches de la moelle osseuse, définis par leur phénotype de surface cellulaire. Premièrement, nous étudions leur capacité à reconstituer des souris létalement irradiées après injection soit intraveineuse soit intrafémorale. Deuxièmement, par analyse cytométrique de flux à 8 couleurs, nous comparons leur activité relative de « side population » (SP) par exclusion du colorant fluorescent Hoechst 33342. Nos résultats préliminaires renforcent en effet l'idée que la transplantation intrafémorale aboutit à une greffe plus rapide et plus efficace. Par contre, en utilisant cette approche, nous n'arrivons pas à identifier des cellules capables de prendre greffe spécifiquement quand elles sont injectées en intrafémorale. Finalement, bien qu'une confirmation in vivo soit encore nécessaire, nous suggérons sur la base de nos analyses cytométriques de flux, que les cellules SP Sca1t~és éie~~ CD48t~és bas sont très enrichies en CSH. Ceci permettrait l'isolation ex vivo de CSH de la moelle osseuse de souris par une stratégie à la fois nouvelle et simple. SUMMARY : Elucidating the molecular and cellular bases of stem cell function is crucial for the understanding of cellular organisation within tissues and organs as well as for the development of new therapeutic strategies in regenerative medicine and oncology. The best-known adult stem cells are those responsible for haematopoiesis, the haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). In recent years, much effort has been put into the prospective isolation of mouse bone marrow (BM)-derived HSCs using cell-surface markers and alleged functional properties. Upon isolation, the functional capacity of putative HSCs has been classically assessed by intravenous transplantation into conditioned recipient mice and analysis of their ability to reconstitute the haematopoietic system at long-term. It has recently been suggested that transplanting the cells directly into the BM might not only result in more rapid and more effective engraftment, but even help to identify cells that have intrinsic HSC properties but lack the ability to home to their BM niche and have thus failed to succeed in classical reconstitution assays. In this study, we compare the function of different BM cell subsets, as defined by their cell surface phenotype, on two levels. Firstly, we assess their ability to reconstitute lethally irradiated mice, when injected either intravenously or intrafemorally. Secondly, using 8-colour flow cytometric analysis, we compare their relative side population (SP) activity by exclusion of the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342. Our preliminary results indeed reinforce the idea that intrafemoral transplantation results in faster and more effective engraftment, however, using this approach, we are unable to identify cells that are capable of engrafting specifically when injected intrafemorally. Finally, although in vivo confirmation is still required, we propose, based on the results of our flow cytometric analyses, that SP Scat Very h'9h CD48Very'°W cells should be highly enriched for HSCs. This would allow for a simple new strategy for the isolation of mouse BM HSCs ex vivo.


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A medical and scientific multidisciplinary consensus meeting was held from 29 to 30 November 2013 on Anti-Doping in Sport at the Home of FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland, to create a roadmap for the implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. The consensus statement and accompanying papers set out the priorities for the antidoping community in research, science and medicine. The participants achieved consensus on a strategy for the implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. Key components of this strategy include: (1) sport-specific risk assessment, (2) prevalence measurement, (3) sport-specific test distribution plans, (4) storage and reanalysis, (5) analytical challenges, (6) forensic intelligence, (7) psychological approach to optimise the most deterrent effect, (8) the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) and confounding factors, (9) data management system (Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS), (10) education, (11) research needs and necessary advances, (12) inadvertent doping and (13) management and ethics: biological data. True implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code will depend largely on the ability to align thinking around these core concepts and strategies. FIFA, jointly with all other engaged International Federations of sports (Ifs), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), are ideally placed to lead transformational change with the unwavering support of the wider antidoping community. The outcome of the consensus meeting was the creation of the ad hoc Working Group charged with the responsibility of moving this agenda forward.


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The discovery of hypocretins (orexins) and their causal implication in narcolepsy is the most important advance in sleep research and sleep medicine since the discovery of rapid eye movement sleep. Narcolepsy with cataplexy is caused by hypocretin deficiency owing to destruction of most of the hypocretin-producing neurons in the hypothalamus. Ablation of hypocretin or hypocretin receptors also leads to narcolepsy phenotypes in animal models. Although the exact mechanism of hypocretin deficiency is unknown, evidence from the past 20 years strongly favours an immune-mediated or autoimmune attack, targeting specifically hypocretin neurons in genetically predisposed individuals. These neurons form an extensive network of projections throughout the brain and show activity linked to motivational behaviours. The hypothesis that a targeted immune-mediated or autoimmune attack causes the specific degeneration of hypocretin neurons arose mainly through the discovery of genetic associations, first with the HLA-DQB1*06:02 allele and then with the T-cell receptor α locus. Guided by these genetic findings and now awaiting experimental testing are models of the possible immune mechanisms by which a specific and localised brain cell population could become targeted by T-cell subsets. Great hopes for the identification of new targets for therapeutic intervention in narcolepsy also reside in the development of patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell systems.


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Diplomityö on tehty pienelle alkoholijuomia valmistavalle yritykselle, joka on toiminut alalla 18vuotta. Yrityksellä on takanaan mittavat investoinnit uusiin koneisiin ja laitteisiin. Yrityksen suunnitelmissa on kasvattaa tuotantoaan laajentamalla vientiin. Työssä tarkastellaan sitä, mikä laadunhallintajärjestelmä ISO 9001:2000 on, miten laadunhallintajärjestelmä on kehittynyt, miten se toimii sekä miksi yritykset ovat ottaneet laatujärjestelmän käyttöön. Työssä on läpikäyty Pk-sektorin yritysten luokitteluperusteet, tarkasteltu Pk-yritysten ominaispiirteitä alan tutkimuksen mukaan sekä Pk-yritysten lukumäärääja niiden suhteellista osuutta kaikista yrityksistä. Diplomityössä tarkastellaan standardin vaatimuksia ja tarkoitusta sekä avataan niitä käytännön toimenpiteitä, joita standardien käyttöönotto vaatii organisaatiolta. Työn teoreettisena perustana on käytetty alan kirjallisuuden ja tutkimustulosten suosituksia siitä, miten laadunhallintajärjestelmä tulisi rakentaa ja ottaa käyttöön. Käytännön osuuden työstä muodostaa sertifioidun laadunhallintajärjestelmä ISO 9001:2000 rakentaminen kyseiseen yritykseen. Koska yrityksen lähtötilanne laadun osalta oli erittäin hyvä, standardin vaatimukset oli kohtuullisen helppo täyttää, eivätkä ne aiheuttaneet toimintaan mainittavia muutoksia. Työssä on käsitelty ne standardin vaatimusten täyttämiseksi tehdyt toimenpiteet ja päätökset, joilla yritys saavutti vaatimustenmukaisuuden. Laadunhallintajärjestelmän rakentamisessa tehtyjä toimenpiteitä, päätöksiä ja havaintoja on verrattu alan kirjallisuuden ja tutkimuksen tuloksiin. Tekijä esittää lisäksi omia huomioitaan siitä, kuinka standardin eri vaatimusten kohdalla kannattaa menetellä.