950 resultados para Recommended daily intake
Natural levels of uranium in the diet of São Paulo City residents were studied, and radionuclide concentrations were measured by the fission track method on samples of typical adult food items. This information was used to evaluate the daily intake of uranium in individuals living in São Paulo City which is, according to our findings, around 0.97 mu g U/day. Using the ICRP Uranium-model, we estimated the uranium accumulation and committed doses in some tissues and organs, as function of time. We compared the output of the ICRP uranium biokinetic model, tailored for the conditions prevailing in São Paulo, with experimental data from other localities. Such comparison was possible by means of a simple method we developed, which allows normalization among experimental results from different regions where distinct values of chronic daily intake are observed. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study was undertaken to verify the effect of a daily intake of a new fermented soy milk produced with Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus jugurti on the serum lipid levels in normocholesterolemic middle-aged men. The study was randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled and was performed for a period of 6 weeks. Forty-four normocholesterolemic healthy, male volunteers, aged 40-55 years old were randomly separated in two groups: The F-group received 200 ml of the fermented product daily and the P-group received 200 ml of placebo (chemically fermented). The blood samples were drawn initially and after 3 and 6 weeks and serum values for total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride were determined. The LDL-cholesterol value was estimated. No significant changes in the fermented group (F) were observed for total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol or triglyceride levels, while the HDL-cholesterol level was significantly higher (p≤ 0,05) after 6 weeks. The total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly higer (p≤ 0,05) in the placebo group (P), but no changes were found for the HDL-cholestrol and triglyceride levels during the experimental period. In conclusion, the intake of 200 ml/day of the fermented soy milk, produced with E.faecium and L. jugurti, for 6 weeks, did not affect the serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, and led an increase of 10% in the HDL-cholesterol level.
The adequate level (0.12, 0.16, 0.20, 0.24, and 0.28%) of the dietary digestible tryptophan was evaluated in 400 laying Japanese quail from 21 to 30 weeks old. The animals were housed in laying cages, with initial weight of 158.50 g and egg production average of 84.50%. A completely randomized blocks design, with eight blocks, five diets, eight replicates of ten birds per replicate and three experimental periods of 21 days each was used. Feed intake (g/bird/day), digestible tryptophan intake (mg/bird/day), egg production (%/bird/day), egg weight (g), egg mass (kg/bird/day) and feed conversion (kg feed intake per kg eggs and dozen eggs) were the characteristics evaluated. Only the characteristics digestible tryptophan intake and egg production rate show significant effects of digestible tryptophan levels in the diets. Performance response of the Japanese quails in posture, regarding the adjustment obtained through models of linear regression and broken-line regression model, and the biological interpretation, allow to conclude that to obtain the best productive performance, the Japanese quails diets should contain the level of 0.21% digestible tryptophan, that results in a daily intake of 45.0 mg/ bird of digestible tryptophan, corresponding to the digestible tryptophan: digestible lysine ratio of 21%. © 2008 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
Objectives: To evaluate the fluoride ion concentration in some fermented milks present in the market. Methods: Three brands of 6 fermented milks (Parmalat®-uva, Chamyto®, Paulista®, Batavito®, Yakult®, Vigor Club®) were analyzed. Fluoride concentration was evaluated after facilitated microdiffusion by HDMS. Results: Parmalat® products ranged from 0.022 μgF/g to 0.031 μgF/g, Chamyto® from 0.228 μgF/g to 0.272 μgF/g, Paulista® from 0.182 μgF/g to 0.220 μgF/g, Batavito® from 0.028 μgF/g to 0.030 μgF/g, Yakult® from 0.115 μgF/g to 0.206 μgF/g and Vigor Club® from 0.808 μgF/g to 1.171 μgF/g. Conclusions: The presence of fluoride could be observed in all of the fermented milks analyzed which can contribute with the total fluoride daily intake.
Aldosterone acting on the brain stimulates sodium appetite and sympathetic activity by mechanisms that are still not completely clear. In the present study, we investigated the effects of chronic infusion of aldosterone and acute injection of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonist RU 28318 into the fourth ventricle (4th V) on sodium appetite. Male Wistar rats (280-350 g) with a stainless-steel cannula in either the 4th V or lateral ventricle (LV) were used. Daily intake of 0.3 M NaCl increased to 46 ± 15 and 130 ± 6 ml/24 h after 6 days of infusion of 10 and 100 ng/h of aldosterone into the 4th V (intake with vehicle infusion: 2 ± 1 ml/24 h). Water intake fell slightly and not consistently, and food intake was not affected by aldosterone. Sodium appetite induced by diuretic (furosemide) combined with 24 h of a low-sodium diet fell from 12 ± 1.7 ml/2 h to 5.6 ± 0.8 ml/2 h after injection of the MR antagonist RU 28318 (100 ng/2 μl) into the 4th V. RU 28318 also reduced the intake of 0.3 M NaCl induced by 9 days of a low-sodium diet from 9.5 ± 2.6 ml/2 h to 1.2 ± 0.6 ml/2 h. Infusion of 100 or 500 ng/h of aldosterone into the LV did not affect daily intake of 0.3 M NaCl. The results are functional evidence that aldosterone acting on MR in the hindbrain activates a powerful mechanism involved in the control of sodium appetite. © 2013 the American Physiological Society.
Sixty female Wistar rats were submitted to a daily intake of ration doped with uranium from weaning to adulthood. Uranium in bone was quantified by the SSNTD (solid state nuclear track detection) technique, and bone mineral density (BMD) analysis performed. Uranium concentration as a function of age exhibited a sharp rise during the first week of the experiment and a drastic drop of 70% in the following weeks. Data interpretation indicates that uranium mimics calcium. Results from BMD suggest that radiation emitted by the incorporated Uranium could induce death of bone cells. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A criação de abelhas sem ferrão é antiga nas Américas. No entanto, a atividade ainda esta subdesenvolvida, necessitando de melhorias nas técnicas de manejo. Este estudo avaliou alternativas nutricionais para a abelha amazônica Melipona flavolineata, visando substituição da alimentação com mel e pólen fermentado. As seguintes alternativas nutricionais foram comparadas com o mel (T1): xarope de açúcar invertido com minerais (T2) e este xarope acrescido de solução de aminoácidos e vitaminas nas seguintes concentrações: 0,5% (T3), 1,0% (T4) e 10% (T5). Ao pólen fermentado (T1) foram comparados alimentos fermentados com inóculo de pólen fermentado de M. flavolineata, constituídos de: pólen apícola (T2); levedo (T3); e extrato de soja, em duas diferentes concentrações de proteínas (T4, 12% e T5, 18%). O valor nutricional das dietas foi baseado no consumo diário, no peso das operárias, no tamanho dos acinos das glândulas hipofaringeas e no tamanho dos oócitos. Avaliaram-se, tambem, os custos dos ingredientes das dietas. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que dentre as alternativas para o mel, não houve diferenças estatísticas entre o controle e todos os tratamentos. Foram encontradas diferenças apenas entre os tamanhos dos acinos das operárias alimentadas com os tratamentos 2 e 4, sendo o tratamento 4 superior. Os custos dos ingredientes indicaram o tratamento 2 como sendo mais barato que os demais. Dentre as alternativas para o sabura foram encontradas maiores diferenças. O consumo do tratamento 4 foi significativamente superior ao do T3, indicando maior aceitação do extrato de soja em relação ao levedo. Em relação aos demais parâmetros avaliados, o tratamento 5 foi superior a todos os demais e seu custo foi muito inferior ao do T2 e semelhante ao dos T3 e T4. Concluiu-se que as melhores alternativas para a nutrição de M. flavolineata sao o xarope de acucar invertido com minerais, e o pólen fermentado semi-artificial à base de extrato de soja. Colônias recém-formadas, com 500-600 abelhas, devem receber 10 a 20 ml de xarope e 25 g de pólen fermentado semi-artificial semanalmente.
Levels of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn were determinated by FAAS in the tea and dry matter from senescent leaf from Montrichardia linifera, plant used in folk medicine Amazon. The content of these metals that are transferred of the leaf to the infusions have presented significant reductions, however, the Mn values in the infusion may exceed the tolerable daily intake (11 mg) if consumption of this tea is greater than 1.0 L per day. So the tea of senescent leaves of M. linifera may be considered as a toxic beverage and thus its use is not advised.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Egg quality of semi-heavy laying hens fed on low protein diets (14.0% CP) and on different lysine levels is evaluated, while maintaining the same ratio of digestible amino acids / digestible lysine. Four hundred and twenty commercial strain Isa Brown laying hens, 28 weeks old, were divided into 42 experimental plots. A completely randomized design with six treatments and seven replicates was employed in four production cycles of 28 days each. Treatments comprised Control - 16.92% CP; 0.750% digestible lysine. Treatments 1 to 5, with CP levels 14% and digestible lysine levels 0.600, 0.675, 0.750, 0.825 and 0.900% respectively. Levels of Treatments 1 and 2 (0.546 and 0.640% digestible Met + Cys / 0.600 and 0.675% digestible lysine) provided smaller egg size. On the other hand, eggs had higher shell percentage when compared to control diet. When compared to other digestible amino acids, digestible lysine requirement may be estimated at 0.750% in a diet with 14% CP, which corresponds to the average daily intake of 876 mg dig. lysine hen-1 day-1 and 798 mg dig. Met + Cys hen-1 day-1, without jeopardizing performance and eggs' internal and external quality.
Objectives: Epidemiological studies have shown a relationship between long-term use of proton pump inhibitors and bone metabolism. However, this relationship has not yet become established. The aim of the present study was to analyze the mechanical properties and bone mineral density (BMD) of rats that were subjected to long-term omeprazole use. Methods: Fifty wistar rats weighing between 200 and 240 g were divided equally into five groups: OMP300 (omeprazole intake at a dose of 300 moL/kg/day); OMP200 (200 moL/ kg/day); OMP40 (40 moL/kg/day); OMP10 (10 moL/kg/day); and Cont (control group; intake of dilution vehicle). The solutions were administered for 90 consecutive days. After the rats had been sacrificed, their BMD, the mechanical properties of the dissected femurs and their serum Ca++ levels were analyzed. Results: The BMD of the OMP300 group was lower than that of the controls (p = 0.006). There was no difference in comparing the OMP200, OMP40 and OMP10 groups with the controls. The maximum strength and rigidity of the femur did not differ in the experimental groups in comparison with the controls. The OMP300 group had a statistically lower serum Ca++ concentration than that of the controls (p = 0.049), but the other groups did not show any difference in relation to the controls. Conclusion: Daily intake of 300moL/kg/day of omeprazole decreased the BMD of the femur, but without changes to the rigidity and strength of the femur in adult rats. © 2
Sodium cyclamate contents in the widely consumed low calorie soft drinks were determined. Low calorie soft drinks made from cola, guarana, orange, lemon and grape were analyzed following the technique described by Sjörberg and Alanko (1987), with some modifications. The methodology recovery assays were carried out at three spiked levels, and the average recovery of 92.5% and 110.3% were found in cola and guarana, respectively; and the relative standard deviation was of 3.7%. The average sodium cyclamate contents ranged from 27.1 ± 1.1 (cola A) to 127.3 ± 1.5 mg.100 mL-1 (lemon B), indicating that the acceptable daily intake of the sweetener can be easily exceeded after drinking low calorie beverages. All of the analyzed low calorie soft drinks showed sodium cyclamate contents higher than those stated on the label, ranging from 12.9% (cola A) to 19.0% (lemon B). Among 18 low calorie soft drinks analyzed, only four showed the average sodium cyclamate contents in accordance with the maximum limit permitted by Brazilian legislation, that is 40 mg.100 mL-1 of beverage; and in other samples the sweetener exceeded ranging from 74.8% (orange) to 218.3% (lemon B) above of the limit permitted.
Compensatory Health Beliefs (CHB) are a common strategy used to reduce the cognitive discomfort that arises from participating in recognizably unhealthy behaviors. The current research examines relationships between CHB and other cognitive variables. Data was collected in two phases, using survey methodology. Study 1 explored relationships between the use of CHB, impulsiveness, and coping styles. Study 2 expanded the inquiry by exploring relationships to health perception and knowledge. Results revealed that participants who scored high on overall CHB were more likely to: engage in maladaptive coping strategies (r = .47, p < .01) [including avoidant coping styles (r = .38, p < .01) and unhealthy coping styles (r = .47, p < .01)], score higher on measures of impulsivity (r = .43, p < .01), be well-informed about their general health (r =-.21, p < .05), eat fast food more often ( r = p < .05), and consider it safe to smoke more frequently (r = .18, p < .05). Participants with lower CHB scores considered themselves more well-informed about their general health (r = -.21, p < .05), including understanding the minimum recommended amounts of physical activity needed to maintain health (r = -.35, p < .01 ), and knowing the health risks of stress ( r = -.19, p < .05). In addition, maladaptive coping was positively correlated with lack of general health knowledge (r = -.22 p < .01), less understanding of the risks of stress and alcohol (r = .20, p < .05), less knowledge of the recommended daily amounts of physical activity needed for health (r = -.26, p < .01), less frequent exercise (r = -.26, p < .01 ), and generally more unhealthy daily habits (r = -.26, p < .01). These findings contribute to a new area of investigation and may be useful to those who want to motivate behavior change.