241 resultados para Recinto Ferial


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Dans ce travail de recherche nous nous proposons d étudier l oeuvre d Anna de Noailles, poétesse et romancière française qui a publié ses premières poésies à la fin du XIXème siècle. Notre corpus est constitué de trois poèmes du recueil L Ombre des Jours, publié en 1902, à savoir : Jeunesse, Le Répit et Renaissance. Initialement, nous avons traité la mise en contexte sociale et culturelle de la fin du XIXème et du début du XXème siècle. Ensuite, nous avons abordé l espace interne de l oeuvre noaillienne qui se manifeste à travers des paysages de la nature. Nous avons remarqué que dans celle-ci, il y a une identification avec le moi lyrique. Enfin, nous avons analysé les trois poèmes de notre corpus. Nous soulignons que le manque de critiques et de recherche sur l oeuvre noailliene en France et l absence de recherche sur la poétesse dans le milieu académique brésilien nous ont motivée à réaliser cette étude. Ce travail a comme objectif mettre en évidence la richesse de la poétique d Anna de Noailles. Dans notre étude sur l oeuvre l ombre des jours, nous nous sommes apperçue que l auteur possède son propre style, elle ne cherchait pas à imiter un modèle littéraire particulier à ses contemporains. Dans son esthétique, nous avons remarqué le refuge dans la nature, dans le passé et aussi une forte évocation sensorielle. L univers lyrique de l oeuvre noaillienne est representé à travers des paysages bucoliques qui évoquent des saisons. Malgré ce retour à la nature, nous avons découvert des éléments que caractérisent la poésie moderne, comme la luminosité, la quête de l expansion, la superposition des images, entre autres. L espace de l ombre des jours est grandiloquent, la poétesse mentionne fréquemment son désir d expansion et pour cette raison, nous trouvons dans les poèmes des lieux ouverts, où le contact direct avec la lumière, l air et l eau devient possible. Dans l Ombre des Jours, il est rare qu une référence à un lieu clos soit traitée; si la poétesse le fait, c est pour exprimer la suspension de la passion


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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The environmental issue has been considered of fundamental importance for the well being of the present and future generations and is inserted into the commitment of political parties at federal, state and municipal government programs, into the interests of popular organizations and business planning. The Parque Ecológico Cidade da Criança is one of the most sought after places for visitation at Presidente Prudente – SP. Located outside the Raposo Tavares Highway, next to the exhibition grounds and beside the agricultural school, has more than 30 acres of area with an infrastructure designed for recreation and leisure activities for all ages and has received new investment of the public power. Given the importance of the ecological aspects, the objective of this work is to perform an environmental diagnosis in order to be able to submit proposals for solving the problems encountered and improve the use of the environmental resources. Therefore, the study was divided into three foci: sewage disposal, erosion process and control of the stormwater drainage system. It was checked the discharge of sewage from the restaurant on exposed soil, erosion processes that develop at the camel and llama cages ground and erosion processes resulting from the convergence of the stormwater in the highest region of the park. Based on these studies, proposals of solution were made for each case, having considered the effectiveness of the project


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Six species of the genus Callithrix can be found across the Atlantic Forest extension, being the Callithrix geoffroyi, Geoffroy`s marmoset, the least studied species. The objective of this study is to investigate the behavioral aspects of the species in captivity, and how the environmental enrichment techniques influence those behaviors. To this end, we have studied three specimens of C. geoffroyi, in captivity at Municipal Zoo of Piracicaba, São Paulo. The enclosure includes a 37m2 with under masonry, concrete platforms with external deep, trunks, a floor of grass and soil, e grid in their other three sides. The sampling method was focal per time interval, with records every 30 seconds in sessions of 30 minutes, totaling 30 hours for each animal, which were distributed in a baseline phase, an environmental enrichment phase and post-enrichment phase (n = 3660 records in each phase). The twelve enrichment techniques were applied: the physical environment (branches for perches and hoses fabrics for bedding and vanishing points), cognitive (radio, mirror, puzzle food) and food (insects, flowers and eggs hidden, wrapped). Initially, to determine the period of greatest activity of marmosets, we investigated the pattern of activity for three days (9:00 am to 17:00 pm) consecutively at intervals of 15 minutes, recording the number of active and inactive individuals. The 495 records signaled greater activity in the morning, then selected period for the completion of this work. The ethogram comprised 16 behaviors. The inactivity was the predominant phase behavior baseline and post-enrichment with a significant decrease (h=8,62, p <0.01) in the enrichment phase, and a significant increase in the post enrichment (h=18,15, p <0.001). The same was seen for the use of substrate (grid and ground vs. Trunk and concrete, h=5,09, p <0.001 and h=3,98, p <0.05)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Atualmente o encalhe de filhotes órfãos representa uma das principais ameaças à conservação do peixe-boi marinho (Trichechus manatus manatus) no litoral nordeste do Brasil. O Projeto Peixe-boi resgata os filhotes encalhados, reabilita em cativeiro e reintroduz estes animais em áreas de ocorrência histórica e em locais onde a população está em declínio. Estudos sobre comportamento animal fornecem uma importante ferramenta para avaliação dos Programas de Reintrodução. Os trabalhos existentes sobre comportamento de peixes-boi marinhos em vida livre sujeitos a interações antrópicas restringem-se a animais nativos na Flórida. No Brasil, há estudos etológicos apenas com espécimes em cativeiro ou recinto em ambiente natural. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar possíveis alterações comportamentais de peixes-boi reintroduzidos, ou seja, que passaram parte da vida em cativeiro e foram soltos em ambiente natural, em função de interações antrópicas. No período de Fevereiro a Julho de 2010, com o auxílio da radio-telemetria, uma fêmea e dois machos (8 anos de idade) foram observados diariamente, em períodos alternados, com a metodologia do “animal focal”. Para o monitoramento, utilizou-se bicicleta, caiaque e, em locais de difícil acesso, o mesmo foi feito a pé. Totalizou-se 114 horas de observação para Arani e 167 horas para Potiguar. As observações da fêmea Aira ficaram comprometidas em função da perda do equipamento de radio-telemetria. A análise dos dados mostrou uma alta freqüência de comportamentos de interação (mais de 50%) em relação aos demais comportamentos de função vital para os dois machos. Dessas interações, as com animais de mesma espécie e objeto atingiram elevadas freqüências. Verificou-se ainda que a categoria afiliativa foi predominante nas interações entre peixes-bois... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The use of electricity for obtaining light has been quite an issue currently discussed, either through new technologies that are emerging, the quest for greater efficiency, reduced waste and rational use. This work comprises a lighting design applied to a metallurgical based Brazilian Standard 5413 which mentions levels of luminance for interior and, in the case of this work, for a sandblasting booth. Ways to improve the workplace and luminosity presented before the project and also after its implementation are discussed. Technologies are chosen guided by technical calculations according to the illuminance values they want to reach for the environment studied. All pertinent design features are critically analyzed and discussed, and at the end proposals are presented, relating to each other in a comparative framework, so the best solution is applied in a practical way in the enclosure. Results are also presented concerning the maintenance of a bank of capacitors to correct the power factor for the metals studied company


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Abbiamo più volte ribadito all’interno di questa tesi che una delle più importanti azioni che Borges compie con la sua scrittura è quella di riportare in vita, attraverso le memorie passate, la città di Buenos Aires, e in particolare il sobborgo. Il poeta si riappropria della sua città d’infanzia con un processo di allontanamento da quei tratti che oggi contraddistinguono Buenos Aires (come ad esempio la rumorosità assordante della vita metropolitana) a favore di quei connotati che un tempo rendevano la città mitica. Questo è il tentativo di elevare e recuperare l’aspetto autoctono del “suo” quartiere, valorizzando gli elementi caratterizzanti il sobborgo, che portano alla scoperta delle bellezze dei “quartieri amici” come scritto nel prologo di Fervore di Buenos Aires. Un altro elemento fondamentale che ha guidato questo lavoro è il tango. Borges opera in un‘epoca in cui non esiste un’identità argentina chiara e definita. Il processo di immigrazione ha fatto sì che la mescolanza di culture provenienti dall’estero, soprattutto dall’Europa, frammentasse quelli che erano le abitudini e i costumi primordiali del paese. Dunque Borges affronta questo tema facendo del tango il mezzo per la riconquista di un’identità che con il tempo si è perduta; questo perché il tango è uno dei pochi elementi, forse l’unico, che permane nella cultura argentina, nonostante le diverse vicissitudini che il paese attraversa nel corso della sua storia. Sono numerose le questioni che Borges tratta all’interno delle sue opere, come ad esempio il tema del sobborgo, del recinto, del patio e del rapporto che le architetture domestiche hanno con la luce e con lo spazio esterno ad esse. Nella sua opera più matura intervengono temi quali il labirinto, lo specchio e il sogno, che avvicinano la sua dimensione letteraria più ad un immaginario idealizzato che alla realtà percepita. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di fare una trasposizione di tutti questi elementi attraverso un processo di trasfigurazione della letteratura in un progetto architettonico-compositivo. Un punto fermo e imprescindibile è la ricerca dell’identità, dunque, si è cercato di arrivare ad un progetto di architettura chiaro e riconoscibile per Buenos Aires; un edificio nel quale il cittadino possa identificare sé stesso e la città che egli abita. Il sistema con il quale si intende affrontare questo processo è quello di legare la cultura letteraria argentina e la cultura del tango in un complesso architettonico, affinché il sobborgo, tanto amato da Borges, possa essere “riconquistato”.


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Intento della tesi è fornire una soluzione progettuale capace di comprendere e valorizzare i vuoti urbani che caratterizzano la città di Berlino comprendendone la genesi e l'evoluzione. La fase di analisi ha portato all'individuazione di un isolato, l’Holzuferblock, caratterizzato da tutte le peculiarità dei vuoti urbani berlinesi. Questo isolato, nonostante si presenti particolarmente frammentato e privo di identità, ha in sé tutte le caratteristiche per incentivare fenomeni di riappropriazione dei luoghi: la presenza di un edificio industriale abbandonato, la vicinanza del fiume e la presenza di resti del sistema di difesa del Muro. Cogliendo nei numerosi frammenti presenti nell’area un valore anziché una criticità, il progetto ha portato alla definizione di un “recinto” residenziale in grado di valorizzare i vuoti urbani e i frammenti presenti, tra cui la Eisfabrik, l’ex fabbrica del ghiaccio ormai abbandonata. Individuando nella fabbrica un potenziale catalizzatore urbano in grado di innescare la rivitalizzazione dell’area, è stato progettato un sistema di supporto in grado di lavorare in sinergia con essa, costituendo un sistema unitario. Il limite che definisce il vuoto è costituito da un sistema di blocchi residenziali che, reinterpretando il blocco urbano berlinese, concretizzano l’eterogeneità e la diversità tipiche dell’area.


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White coat color has been a highly valued trait in horses for at least 2,000 years. Dominant white (W) is one of several known depigmentation phenotypes in horses. It shows considerable phenotypic variation, ranging from approximately 50% depigmented areas up to a completely white coat. In the horse, the four depigmentation phenotypes roan, sabino, tobiano, and dominant white were independently mapped to a chromosomal region on ECA 3 harboring the KIT gene. KIT plays an important role in melanoblast survival during embryonic development. We determined the sequence and genomic organization of the approximately 82 kb equine KIT gene. A mutation analysis of all 21 KIT exons in white Franches-Montagnes Horses revealed a nonsense mutation in exon 15 (c.2151C>G, p.Y717X). We analyzed the KIT exons in horses characterized as dominant white from other populations and found three additional candidate causative mutations. Three almost completely white Arabians carried a different nonsense mutation in exon 4 (c.706A>T, p.K236X). Six Camarillo White Horses had a missense mutation in exon 12 (c.1805C>T, p.A602V), and five white Thoroughbreds had yet another missense mutation in exon 13 (c.1960G>A, p.G654R). Our results indicate that the dominant white color in Franches-Montagnes Horses is caused by a nonsense mutation in the KIT gene and that multiple independent mutations within this gene appear to be responsible for dominant white in several other modern horse populations.


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We investigated the protective potential of recombinant his-tagged antigens recNcMIC1, recNcMIC3 and recNcROP2, applied either as single vaccines or as vaccine combinations, in BALB/c mouse models for cerebral and fetal infection. Subsequently, mice were mated and challenged by i.p. inoculation of 2 x 10(6)Neospora caninum tachyzoites at day 7 of pregnancy. The mortality and morbidity of adult mice (non-pregnant and dams) and of the newborn pups was studied for a period of 40 days following birth. Vaccination of non-pregnant mice with recNcROP2 or combinations of recNcROP2 with recNcMIC antigens significantly reduced the numbers of mice suffering from clinical signs, and morbidity was completely prevented with the combination of all three antigens. Of the dams, the groups receiving either recNcROP2 alone or the combination of all three antigens did not exhibit any morbidity, the groups receiving ROP2 mixed with either MIC1 or MIC3 exhibited reduced numbers of deaths, and in the infection control group and the adjuvant group 50% and 43% of mice, respectively, succumbed to disease. For pups, the highest survival rates were noted for the groups receiving recNcROP2 (50%) and recNcROP2/NcMIC1/NcMIC3 (35%), while in the infection- and adjuvant- control groups all pups died, the latest at days 25 and 30, respectively. Quantification of parasite DNA by N. caninum-specific real-time PCR revealed consistently lower parasite burdens in brain tissue of pups from vaccinated groups compared with the controls. However, dense granule antigen 2 (GRA2) real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR on brain tissue of surviving pups (applied here to detect viable parasites) demonstrated that only the pups from the group vaccinated with all three antigens in combination appeared free of viable tachyzoites, while in all other groups viable parasites were still present. Serological analysis of humoral (total IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a) and serum cytokine (IL-4 and IFN-gamma) responses showed that this effect was associated with a Th-2-biased immune response, with a clearly elevated IL-4/IFN-gamma ratio in the mice receiving all three antigens in combination. In conclusion, a mixture of recombinant antigens representing important secretory micronemal and rhoptry proteins leads to a significant protection against vertical transmission of N. caninum in mice.


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Recent publications demonstrated that a fragment of a Neospora caninum ROP2 family member antigen represents a promising vaccine candidate. We here report on the cloning of the cDNA encoding this protein, N. caninum ROP2 family member 1 (NcROP2Fam-1), its molecular characterization and localization. The protein possesses the hallmarks of ROP2 family members and is apparently devoid of catalytic activity. NcROP2Fam-1 is synthesized as a pre-pro-protein that is matured to 2 proteins of 49 and 55 kDa that localize to rhoptry bulbs. Upon invasion the protein is associated with the nascent parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM), evacuoles surrounding the host cell nucleus and, in some instances, the surface of intracellular parasites. Staining was also observed within the cyst wall of 'cysts' produced in vitro. Interestingly, NcROP2Fam-1 was also detected on the surface of extracellular parasites entering the host cells and antibodies directed against NcROP2Fam-1-specific peptides partially neutralized invasion in vitro. We conclude that, in spite of the general belief that ROP2 family proteins are intracellular antigens, NcROP2Fam-1 can also be considered as an extracellular antigen, a property that should be taken into account in further experiments employing ROP2 family proteins as vaccines.


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Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite that is capable of infecting, a wide range of tissues. The fact that Neospora represents an important abortion-causing parasite in cattle has transformed neosporosis research from an earlier, rather esoteric field, to a significant research topic, and considerable investments have been made in the last years to develop an efficacious vaccine or other means of intervention that would prevent infection and abortion due to N. caninum infection in cattle. Antigenic molecules associated with proteins involved in adhesion/invasion or other parasite-host-cell interaction processes can confer protection against Neospora caninum infection, and such proteins represent valuable targets for the development of a vaccine to limit economical losses due to neosporosis. Although not ideal, small laboratory animal models that mimic cerebral infection, acute disease and fetal loss upon infection during pregnancy have been used for the assessment of vaccine candidates, in parallel with studies on experimental infections in cattle. Herein, we review and critically assess these vaccination approaches and discuss potential options for improvements.


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En esta tesina nos proponemos analizar el trabajo artesanal frente a momentos de crisis. Para llevar a cabo dicho objetivo nos basaremos en un análisis de la Feria Artesanal, Regional y Artística de Villa Gesell dónde analizaremos cómo los trabajadores en espacios laborales "atípicos", en particular los artesanos, experiencian y perciben distintos momentos de crisis, sean estos internacionales, nacionales, regionales, locales, o intraferiales. Nuestro análisis adoptará un abordaje cuanti y cualitativo, a partir de un trabajo de campo que consistió en encuestas y entrevistas en profundidad a trabajadores artesanos que se encuentran desarrollando sus actividades laborales en dicha feria. Nos interesa observar la repercusión que tienen las crisis sobre sus actividades laborales; sobre el espacio ferial y sobre sus trayectorias laborales. Por tanto analizaremos las distintas formas de percepción, apropiación y vivencia de las crisis, y cómo ellas repercuten en distintas esferas de su vida. En este sentido haremos especial hincapié en las características de la feria artesanal como una actividad de temporada, analizando la gravitación que tienen las crisis nacionales y regionales, sobre sus actividades laborales y cómo estos momentos de crisis desencadenan disputas y conflictos intraferiales


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En esta tesina nos proponemos analizar el trabajo artesanal frente a momentos de crisis. Para llevar a cabo dicho objetivo nos basaremos en un análisis de la Feria Artesanal, Regional y Artística de Villa Gesell dónde analizaremos cómo los trabajadores en espacios laborales "atípicos", en particular los artesanos, experiencian y perciben distintos momentos de crisis, sean estos internacionales, nacionales, regionales, locales, o intraferiales. Nuestro análisis adoptará un abordaje cuanti y cualitativo, a partir de un trabajo de campo que consistió en encuestas y entrevistas en profundidad a trabajadores artesanos que se encuentran desarrollando sus actividades laborales en dicha feria. Nos interesa observar la repercusión que tienen las crisis sobre sus actividades laborales; sobre el espacio ferial y sobre sus trayectorias laborales. Por tanto analizaremos las distintas formas de percepción, apropiación y vivencia de las crisis, y cómo ellas repercuten en distintas esferas de su vida. En este sentido haremos especial hincapié en las características de la feria artesanal como una actividad de temporada, analizando la gravitación que tienen las crisis nacionales y regionales, sobre sus actividades laborales y cómo estos momentos de crisis desencadenan disputas y conflictos intraferiales


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En esta tesina nos proponemos analizar el trabajo artesanal frente a momentos de crisis. Para llevar a cabo dicho objetivo nos basaremos en un análisis de la Feria Artesanal, Regional y Artística de Villa Gesell dónde analizaremos cómo los trabajadores en espacios laborales "atípicos", en particular los artesanos, experiencian y perciben distintos momentos de crisis, sean estos internacionales, nacionales, regionales, locales, o intraferiales. Nuestro análisis adoptará un abordaje cuanti y cualitativo, a partir de un trabajo de campo que consistió en encuestas y entrevistas en profundidad a trabajadores artesanos que se encuentran desarrollando sus actividades laborales en dicha feria. Nos interesa observar la repercusión que tienen las crisis sobre sus actividades laborales; sobre el espacio ferial y sobre sus trayectorias laborales. Por tanto analizaremos las distintas formas de percepción, apropiación y vivencia de las crisis, y cómo ellas repercuten en distintas esferas de su vida. En este sentido haremos especial hincapié en las características de la feria artesanal como una actividad de temporada, analizando la gravitación que tienen las crisis nacionales y regionales, sobre sus actividades laborales y cómo estos momentos de crisis desencadenan disputas y conflictos intraferiales