978 resultados para RECEPTOR ACTIVATOR


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Ligands targeting G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are currently classified as either orthosteric, allosteric, or dualsteric/bitopic. Here, we introduce a new pharmacological concept for GPCR functional modulation: sequential receptor activation. A hallmark feature of this is a stepwise ligand binding mode with transient activation of a first receptor site followed by sustained activation of a second topographically distinct site. We identify 4-CMTB (2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methyl-N-(thiazol-2-yl)butanamide), previously classified as a pure allosteric agonist of the free fatty acid receptor 2, as the first sequential activator and corroborate its two-step activation in living cells by tracking integrated responses with innovative label-free biosensors that visualize multiple signaling inputs in real time. We validate this unique pharmacology with traditional cellular readouts, including mutational and pharmacological perturbations along with computational methods, and propose a kinetic model applicable to the analysis of sequential receptor activation. We envision this form of dynamic agonism as a common principle of nature to spatiotemporally encode cellular information.


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Cross-talk between NK cells and dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the potent therapeutic response to dsRNA, but the receptors involved remained controversial. We show in this paper that two dsRNAs, polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)], similarly engaged human TLR3, whereas only poly(I:C) triggered human RIG-I and MDA5. Both dsRNA enhanced NK cell activation within PBMCs but only poly(I:C) induced IFN-gamma. Although myeloid DCs (mDCs) were required for NK cell activation, induction of cytolytic potential and IFN-gamma production did not require contact with mDCs but was dependent on type I IFN and IL-12, respectively. Poly(I:C) but not polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid synergized with mDC-derived IL-12 for IFN-gamma production by acting directly on NK cells. Finally, the requirement of both TLR3 and Rig-like receptor (RLR) on mDCs and RLRs but not TLR3 on NK cells for IFN-gamma production was demonstrated using TLR3- and Cardif-deficient mice and human RIG-I-specific activator. Thus, we report the requirement of cotriggering TLR3 and RLR on mDCs and RLRs on NK cells for a pathogen product to induce potent innate cell activation.


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The closely related TNF family ligands B cell activation factor (BAFF) and a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) serve in the generation and maintenance of mature B-lymphocytes. Both BAFF and APRIL assemble as homotrimers that bind and activate several receptors that they partially share. However, heteromers of BAFF and APRIL that occur in patients with autoimmune diseases are incompletely characterized. The N and C termini of adjacent BAFF or APRIL monomers are spatially close and can be linked to create single-chain homo- or hetero-ligands of defined stoichiometry. Similar to APRIL, heteromers consisting of one BAFF and two APRILs (BAA) bind to the receptors B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (TACI) but not to the BAFF receptor (BAFFR). Heteromers consisting of one APRIL and two BAFF (ABB) bind to TACI and BCMA and weakly to BAFFR in accordance with the analysis of the receptor interaction sites in the crystallographic structure of ABB. Receptor binding correlated with activity in reporter cell line assays specific for BAFFR, TACI, or BCMA. Single-chain BAFF (BBB) and to a lesser extent single-chain ABB, but not APRIL or single-chain BAA, rescued BAFFR-dependent B cell maturation in BAFF-deficient mice. In conclusion, BAFF-APRIL heteromers of different stoichiometries have distinct receptor-binding properties and activities. Based on the observation that heteromers are less active than BAFF, we speculate that their physiological role might be to down-regulate BAFF activity.


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The interaction of the chemokine receptor, CCR5, expressed in recombinant cells, with different G proteins was investigated and CCR5 was found to interact with G(i), G(o) and G(q) species. Interaction with Gi leads to G protein activation, whereas G. does not seem to be activated. Additionally, CCR5 activation also leads to phosphorylation of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2). Activation of JAK2 is independent of Gi or Gq activation. Gi protein activation was not prevented by inhibition of JAK, showing that heterotrimeric G protein activation and activation of the JAK/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway are independent of each other. (C) 2004 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is extensive evidence to show that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase plays an important role in signaling by the immune family of receptors, which has recently been extended to include the platelet collagen receptor, glycoprotein VI. In this report we present two potential mechanisms for the regulation of this enzyme on stimulation of platelets by collagen. We show that on stimulation with collagen, the regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase associates with the tyrosine-phosphorylated form of the adapter protein linker for activator of T Cells (LAT) and the tyrosine-phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif of the Fc receptor gamma-chain (a component of the collagen receptor complex that includes glycoprotein VI). The associations of the Fc receptor gamma-chain and LAT with p85 are rapid and supported by the Src-homology 2 domains of the regulatory subunit. We did not obtain evidence to support previous observations that the regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is regulated through association with the tyrosine kinase Syk. The present results provide a molecular basis for the regulation of the p85/110 form of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase by GPVI, the collagen receptor that underlies activation.


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AIM: 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) concentrations have been shown to be associated with major clinical outcomes, with a suggestion that individual risk may vary according to common genetic differences in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene. Hence, we tested for the interactions between two previously studied VDR polymorphisms and 25OHD on metabolic and cardiovascular disease-related outcomes in a large population-based study. METHODS: Interactions between two previously studied VDR polymorphisms (rs7968585 and rs2239179) and 25OHD concentrations on metabolic and cardiovascular disease-related outcomes such as obesity- (body mass index, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio (WHR)), cardiovascular- (systolic and diastolic blood pressure), lipid- (high- and low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, total cholesterol), inflammatory- (C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, insulin growth factor-1, tissue plasminogen activator) and diabetes- (glycated haemoglobin) related markers were examined in the 1958 British Birth cohort (n up to 5160). Interactions between each SNP and 25OHD concentrations were assessed using linear regression and the likelihood ratio test. RESULTS: After Bonferroni correction, none of the interactions reached statistical significance except for the interaction between the VDR SNP rs2239179 and 25OHD concentrations on waist-hip ratio (WHR) (P=0.03). For every 1nmol/L higher 25OHD concentrations, the association with WHR was stronger among those with two major alleles (-4.0%, P=6.26e-24) compared to those with either one or no major alleles (-2.3%, P≤8.201e-07, for both) of the VDR SNP rs2239179. CONCLUSION: We found no evidence for VDR polymorphisms acting as major modifiers of the association between 25OHD concentrations and cardio-metabolic risk. Interaction between VDR SNP rs2239179 and 25OHD on WHR warrants further confirmation.


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We investigated the ability of phenylephrine (PE), an alpha-adrenergic agonist and promoter of hypertrophic growth in the ventricular myocyte, to activate the three best-characterized mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) subfamilies, namely p38-MAPKs, SAPKs/JNKs (i.e. stress-activated protein kinases/c-Jun N-terminal kinases) and ERKs (extracellularly responsive kinases), in perfused contracting rat hearts. Perfusion of hearts with 100 microM PE caused a rapid (maximal at 10 min) 12-fold activation of two p38-MAPK isoforms, as measured by subsequent phosphorylation of a p38-MAPK substrate, recombinant MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MAPKAPK2). This activation coincided with phosphorylation of p38-MAPK. Endogenous MAPKAPK2 was activated 4-5-fold in these perfusions and this was inhibited completely by the p38-MAPK inhibitor, SB203580 (10 microM). Activation of p38-MAPK and MAPKAPK2 was also detected in non-contracting hearts perfused with PE, indicating that the effects were not dependent on the positive inotropic/chronotropic properties of the agonist. Although SAPKs/JNKs were also rapidly activated, the activation (2-3-fold) was less than that of p38-MAPK. The ERKs were activated by perfusion with PE and the activation was at least 50% of that seen with 1 microM PMA, the most powerful activator of the ERKs yet identified in cardiac myocytes. These results indicate that, in addition to the ERKs, two MAPK subfamilies, whose activation is more usually associated with cellular stresses, are activated by the Gq/11-protein-coupled receptor (Gq/11PCR) agonist, PE, in whole hearts. These data indicate that Gq/11PCR agonists activate multiple MAPK signalling pathways in the heart, all of which may contribute to the overall response (e.g. the development of the hypertrophic phenotype).


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Plasmodium falciparum, the most lethal malarial parasite, expresses an ortholog for the protein kinase C (PKC) activator RACK1. However, PKC has not been identified in this parasite, and the mammalian RACK1 can interact with the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R). Therefore we investigated whether the Plasmodium ortholog PfRACK also can affect InsP3R-mediated Ca(2+) signaling in mammalian cells. GFP-tagged PfRACK and endogenous RACK1 were expressed in a similar distribution within cells. PfRACK inhibited agonist-induced Ca(2+) signals in cells expressing each isoform of the InsP3R, and this effect persisted when expression of endogenous RACK1 was reduced by siRNA. PfRACK also inhibited Ca(2+) signals induced by photorelease of caged InsP3. These findings provide evidence that PfRACK directly inhibits InsP3-mediated Ca(2+) signaling in mammalian cells. Interference with host cell signaling pathways to subvert the host intracellular milieu may be an important mechanism for parasite survival. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Carraro-Lacroix LR, Malnic G, Girardi AC. Regulation of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 by glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist exendin-4 in renal proximal tubule cells. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 297: F1647-F1655, 2009. First published September 23, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00082.2009.-The gut incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is released in response to ingested nutrients and enhances insulin secretion. In addition to its insulinotropic properties, GLP-1 has been shown to have natriuretic actions paralleled by a diminished proton secretion. We therefore studied the role of the GLP-1 receptor agonist exendin-4 in modulating the activity of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 in LLC-PK(1) cells. We found that NHE3-mediated Na(+)-dependent intracellular pH (pH(i)) recovery decreased similar to 50% after 30-min treatment with 1 nM exendin-4. Pharmacological inhibitors and cAMP analogs that selectively activate protein kinase A (PKA) or the exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (EPAC) demonstrated that regulation of NHE3 activity by exendin-4 requires activation of both cAMP downstream effectors. This conclusion was based on the following observations: 1) the PKA antagonist H-89 completely prevented the effect of the PKA activator but only partially blocked the exendin-4-induced NHE3 inhibition; 2) the MEK1/2 inhibitor U-0126 abolished the effect of the EPAC activator but only diminished the exendin-4-induced NHE3 inhibition; 3) combination of H-89 and U-0126 fully prevented the effect of exendin-4 on NHE3; 4) no additive effect in the inhibition of NHE3 activity was observed when exendin-4, PKA, and EPAC activators were used together. Mechanistically, the inhibitory effect of exendin-4 on pHi recovery was associated with an increase of NHE3 phosphorylation. Conversely, this inhibition took place without changes in the surface expression of the transporter. We conclude that GLP-1 receptor agonists modulate sodium homeostasis in the kidney, most likely by affecting NHE3 activity.


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Somatostatin, originally identified as a peptide involved in neurotransmission, functions as an inhibitor of multiple cellular responses, including hormonal secretion and proliferation. Somatostatin acts through activation of G-protein-coupled receptors of which five subtypes have been identified. We have recently established that human CD34/c-kit expressing hematopoietic progenitors and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells exclusively express SSTR2. A major mechanism implicated in the antiproliferative action of somatostatin involves activation of the SH2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1. While 0.1-1 x 10(-9) M of somatostatin, or its synthetic stable analog octreotide, can inhibit G-CSF-induced proliferation of AML cells, little or no effects are seen on GM-CSF- or IL-3-induced responses.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: To study the mechanisms underlying the antiproliferative responses of myeloblasts to somatostatin, clones of the IL-3-dependent murine cell line 32D that stably express SSTR2 and G-CSF receptors were generated. RESULTS: Similar to AML cells, octreotide inhibited G-CSF-induced but not IL-3-induced proliferative responses of 32D[G-CSF-R/SSTR2] cells. Somatostatin induced SHP-1 activity and inhibited G-CSF-induced, but not IL-3-induced, activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription proteins STAT3 and STAT5.
CONCLUSION: Based on these data and previous results, we propose a model in which recruitment and activation of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 by SSTR2 is involved in the selective negative action of somatostatin on G-CSF-R signaling.


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To assess the importance of the leucine residues in positions 262 and 265 of the angiotensin AT, receptor for signaling pathways and receptor expression and regulation, we compared the properties of CHO cells transfected with the wild type or the L262D or L265D receptor point mutants. It was found that the two mutants significantly increased the basal intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) formation in an agonist-independent mode. The morphology transformation of CHO cells was correlated with the increased cAMP formation, since forskolin, a direct activator of adenylate cyclase mimicked this effect on WT-expressing CHO cells. DNA synthesis was found to be inhibited in these cell lines, indicating that cAMP may also have determined the inhibitory effect on cell growth, in addition to the cell transformation from a tumorigenic to a non-tumorigenic phenotype. However a role for an increased Ca2(+) influx induced by the mutants in non-stimulated cells cannot be ruled out since this ion also was shown to cause transformed cells to regain the morphology and growth regulation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In sepsis, toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 modulates the migration of neutrophils to infectious foci, favoring bacteremia and mortality. In experimental sepsis, organ dysfunction and cytokines released by activated macrophages can be reduced by gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptor (GRPR) antagonist RC-3095. Here we report a link between GRPR and TLR-4 in experimental models and in sepsis patients. RAW 264.7 culture cells were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and RC-3095 (10 ng/mL), Male Wistar rats were subjected to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), and RC-3095 was administered (3 mg/kg, subcutaneously); after 6 h, we removed the blood, bronchoalveolar lavage, peritoneal lavage and lung. Human patients with a clinical diagnosis of sepsis received a continuous infusion with RC-3095 (3 mg/kg, intravenous) over a period of 12 h, and plasma was collected before and after RC-3095 administration and, in a different set of patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or sepsis. GRP plasma levels were determined. RC-3095 inhibited TLR-4, extracellular-signal-related kinase (ERK)-1/2, Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) and Akt and decreased activation of activator protein 1 (AP-1), nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B and interleukin (IL)-6 in macrophages stimulated by LPS. It also decreased IL-6 release from macrophages stimulated by TNF-alpha. RC-3095 treatment in CLP rats decreased lung TLR-4, reduced the migration of cells to the lung and reduced systemic cytokines and bacterial dissemination. Patients with sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome have elevated plasma levels of GRP which associates with clinical outcome in the sepsis patients. These findings highlight the role of GRPR signaling in sepsis outcome and the beneficial action of GRPR antagonists in controlling the inflammatory response in sepsis through a mechanism involving at least inhibition of TLR-4 signaling. Online address: http://www.molmed.org doi: 10.2119/molmed.2012.00083


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[EN] To examine whether obesity-associated leptin resistance could be due to down-regulation of leptin receptors (OB-Rs) and/or up-regulation of suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) in skeletal muscle, which blunt janus kinase 2-dependent leptin signalling and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation and reduce AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation. Deltoid and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were obtained from 20 men: 10 non-obese control subjects (mean +/- s.d. age, 31 +/- 5 years; height, 184 +/- 9 cm; weight, 91 +/- 13 kg; and percentage body fat, 24.8 +/- 5.8%) and 10 obese (age, 30 +/- 7 years; height, 184 +/- 8 cm; weight, 115 +/- 8 kg; and percentage body fat, 34.9 +/- 5.1%). Skeletal muscle OB-R170 (OB-R long isoform) protein expression was 28 and 25% lower (both P < 0.05) in arm and leg muscles, respectively, of obese men compared with control subjects. In normal-weight subjects, SOCS3 protein expression, and STAT3, AMPKalpha and ACCbeta phosphorylation, were similar in the deltoid and vastus lateralis muscles. In obese subjects, the deltoid muscle had a greater amount of leptin receptors than the vastus lateralis, whilst SOCS3 protein expression was increased and basal STAT3, AMPKalpha and ACCbeta phosphorylation levels were reduced in the vastus lateralis compared with the deltoid muscle (all P < 0.05). In summary, skeletal muscle leptin receptors and leptin signalling are reduced in obesity, particularly in the leg muscles.


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The organization of the nervous and immune systems is characterized by obvious differences and striking parallels. Both systems need to relay information across very short and very long distances. The nervous system communicates over both long and short ranges primarily by means of more or less hardwired intercellular connections, consisting of axons, dendrites, and synapses. Longrange communication in the immune system occurs mainly via the ordered and guided migration of immune cells and systemically acting soluble factors such as antibodies, cytokines, and chemokines. Its short-range communication either is mediated by locally acting soluble factors or transpires during direct cell–cell contact across specialized areas called “immunological synapses” (Kirschensteiner et al., 2003). These parallels in intercellular communication are complemented by a complex array of factors that induce cell growth and differentiation: these factors in the immune system are called cytokines; in the nervous system, they are called neurotrophic factors. Neither the cytokines nor the neurotrophic factors appear to be completely exclusive to either system (Neumann et al., 2002). In particular, mounting evidence indicates that some of the most potent members of the neurotrophin family, for example, nerve growth factor (NGF) and brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), act on or are produced by immune cells (Kerschensteiner et al., 1999) There are, however, other neurotrophic factors, for example the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), that can behave similarly (Kermer et al., 2000). These factors may allow the two systems to “cross-talk” and eventually may provide a molecular explanation for the reports that inflammation after central nervous system (CNS) injury has beneficial effects (Moalem et al., 1999). In order to shed some more light on such a cross-talk, therefore, transcription factors modulating mu-opioid receptor (MOPr) expression in neurons and immune cells are here investigated. More precisely, I focused my attention on IGF-I modulation of MOPr in neurons and T-cell receptor induction of MOPr expression in T-lymphocytes. Three different opioid receptors [mu (MOPr), delta (DOPr), and kappa (KOPr)] belonging to the G-protein coupled receptor super-family have been cloned. They are activated by structurallyrelated exogenous opioids or endogenous opioid peptides, and contribute to the regulation of several functions including pain transmission, respiration, cardiac and gastrointestinal functions, and immune response (Zollner and Stein 2007). MOPr is expressed mainly in the central nervous system where it regulates morphine-induced analgesia, tolerance and dependence (Mayer and Hollt 2006). Recently, induction of MOPr expression in different immune cells induced by cytokines has been reported (Kraus et al., 2001; Kraus et al., 2003). The human mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) promoter is of the TATA-less type and has clusters of potential binding sites for different transcription factors (Law et al. 2004). Several studies, primarily focused on the upstream region of the OPRM1 promoter, have investigated transcriptional regulation of MOPr expression. Presently, however, it is still not completely clear how positive and negative transcription regulators cooperatively coordinate cellor tissue-specific transcription of the OPRM1 gene, and how specific growth factors influence its expression. IGF-I and its receptors are widely distributed throughout the nervous system during development, and their involvement in neurogenesis has been extensively investigated (Arsenijevic et al. 1998; van Golen and Feldman 2000). As previously mentioned, such neurotrophic factors can be also produced and/or act on immune cells (Kerschenseteiner et al., 2003). Most of the physiologic effects of IGF-I are mediated by the type I IGF surface receptor which, after ligand binding-induced autophosphorylation, associates with specific adaptor proteins and activates different second messengers (Bondy and Cheng 2004). These include: phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase (Vincent and Feldman 2002; Di Toro et al. 2005) and members of the Janus kinase (JAK)/STAT3 signalling pathway (Zong et al. 2000; Yadav et al. 2005). REST plays a complex role in neuronal cells by differentially repressing target gene expression (Lunyak et al. 2004; Coulson 2005; Ballas and Mandel 2005). REST expression decreases during neurogenesis, but has been detected in the adult rat brain (Palm et al. 1998) and is up-regulated in response to global ischemia (Calderone et al. 2003) and induction of epilepsy (Spencer et al. 2006). Thus, the REST concentration seems to influence its function and the expression of neuronal genes, and may have different effects in embryonic and differentiated neurons (Su et al. 2004; Sun et al. 2005). In a previous study, REST was elevated during the early stages of neural induction by IGF-I in neuroblastoma cells. REST may contribute to the down-regulation of genes not yet required by the differentiation program, but its expression decreases after five days of treatment to allow for the acquisition of neural phenotypes. Di Toro et al. proposed a model in which the extent of neurite outgrowth in differentiating neuroblastoma cells was affected by the disappearance of REST (Di Toro et al. 2005). The human mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) promoter contains a DNA sequence binding the repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST) that is implicated in transcriptional repression. Therefore, in the fist part of this thesis, I investigated whether insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), which affects various aspects of neuronal induction and maturation, regulates OPRM1 transcription in neuronal cells in the context of the potential influence of REST. A series of OPRM1-luciferase promoter/reporter constructs were transfected into two neuronal cell models, neuroblastoma-derived SH-SY5Y cells and PC12 cells. In the former, endogenous levels of human mu-opioid receptor (hMOPr) mRNA were evaluated by real-time PCR. IGF-I upregulated OPRM1 transcription in: PC12 cells lacking REST, in SH-SY5Y cells transfected with constructs deficient in the REST DNA binding element, or when REST was down-regulated in retinoic acid-differentiated cells. IGF-I activates the signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) signaling pathway and this transcription factor, binding to the STAT1/3 DNA element located in the promoter, increases OPRM1 transcription. T-cell receptor (TCR) recognizes peptide antigens displayed in the context of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and gives rise to a potent as well as branched intracellular signalling that convert naïve T-cells in mature effectors, thus significantly contributing to the genesis of a specific immune response. In the second part of my work I exposed wild type Jurkat CD4+ T-cells to a mixture of CD3 and CD28 antigens in order to fully activate TCR and study whether its signalling influence OPRM1 expression. Results were that TCR engagement determined a significant induction of OPRM1 expression through the activation of transcription factors AP-1, NF-kB and NFAT. Eventually, I investigated MOPr turnover once it has been expressed on T-cells outer membrane. It turned out that DAMGO induced MOPr internalisation and recycling, whereas morphine did not. Overall, from the data collected in this thesis we can conclude that that a reduction in REST is a critical switch enabling IGF-I to up-regulate human MOPr, helping these findings clarify how human MOPr expression is regulated in neuronal cells, and that TCR engagement up-regulates OPRM1 transcription in T-cells. My results that neurotrophic factors a and TCR engagement, as well as it is reported for cytokines, seem to up-regulate OPRM1 in both neurons and immune cells suggest an important role for MOPr as a molecular bridge between neurons and immune cells; therefore, MOPr could play a key role in the cross-talk between immune system and nervous system and in particular in the balance between pro-inflammatory and pro-nociceptive stimuli and analgesic and neuroprotective effects.


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Fas (also called CD95 or APO-1), a member of a subgroup of the tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily that contain an intracellular death domain, can initiate apoptosis signalling and has a critical role in the regulation of the immune system. Fas-induced apoptosis requires recruitment and activation of the initiator caspase, caspase-8 (in humans also caspase-10), within the death-inducing signalling complex. In so-called type 1 cells, proteolytic activation of effector caspases (-3 and -7) by caspase-8 suffices for efficient apoptosis induction. In so-called type 2 cells, however, killing requires amplification of the caspase cascade. This can be achieved through caspase-8-mediated proteolytic activation of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homology domain (BH)3-only protein BH3-interacting domain death agonist (Bid), which then causes mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation. This in turn leads to mitochondrial release of apoptogenic proteins, such as cytochrome c and, pertinent for Fas death receptor (DR)-induced apoptosis, Smac/DIABLO (second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase/direct IAP binding protein with low Pi), an antagonist of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP), which imposes a brake on effector caspases. In this review, written in honour of Juerg Tschopp who contributed so much to research on cell death and immunology, we discuss the functions of Bid and XIAP in the control of Fas DR-induced apoptosis signalling, and we speculate on how this knowledge could be exploited to develop novel regimes for treatment of cancer.