996 resultados para QUANTUM EFFICIENCY


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The main goals of this work were the design, synthesis, and characterization of new functional polyphenylene dendrimers. Polyphenylene dendrimers are highly branched, monodisperse macromolecules consisting exclusively of benzene rings. They can be obtained in high yield by a repetitive Diels-Alder cycloaddition - deprotection protocol. Their shape-persistent dendritic scaffold allows to obtain nanoparticles with functional groups in defined relative orientation. In the first chapter polyphenylene dendrimers with a pyrene core are presented. The focus of the investigations was upon the shielding efficiency of dendritic shells of different generations upon the pyrene-functionality in the core. The herein presented materials combine high quantum efficiency, good solubility and improved film forming properties making them possible candidates for several applications in electronic devices. The defined functionalization of polyphenylene dendrimers often requires a great synthetic effort, since for every desired function the appropriate building block has to be synthesized. To overcome these disadvantages, a new functionalization concept based upon benzophenone precursors has been developed. This new concept has successfully been applied for the functionalization of the dendritic core, the dendrimer shell, and the dendrimer surface. To investigate the accessibility and reactivity of the embedded groups, many functions of different size and nature were introduced. Moreover, suitable precursors for the synthesis of dendrimer entrapped species, trityl cations, trityl radicals, and ketyl radical anions, were obtained. The combination of the synthetic protocols of core- and surface-functionalization resulted in a new type of functional molecules, highly interesting from the point of electron transfer processes. A polyphenylene dendron was used to arrange a triphenylamine donor and a perylene acceptor moiety in a defined spatial distance and orientation. The in-depth photophysical investigation of a first model compound is reported. The herein presented functionalized dendrimers are highly interesting as well from the point of view of fundamental research (looking into the optic and electronic properties of such unique shape persistent structures) as from the point of view of their potential application as tailor-made nanomaterials in the field of optoelectronics.


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Zusammenfassung Das 2,7-Polyfluoren (2,7-PF) wurde in neuer Zeit sowohl wegen seiner einfachen Synthese und hohen Fluoreszenzquantenausbeuten als auch seiner chemischen und thermischen Stabilität intensiv untersucht. Leider liegt das Emissionsmaximum von 2,7-PF in einem Bereich, bei dem das menschliche Auge nicht genügend Sensitivität aufweist. Das Leiter-Poly(p-phenylen) (LPPP) besitzt die optimale Wellenlänge. Jedoch zeigt das LPPP wegen seines steifen Rückgrates große Aggregationstendenz im Film auf, wodurch die Emissionsfarbe bathochrom verschoben und die Photolumineszenzquantenausbeute verringert wird. Es ist deshalb wünschenswert, Polymere zu synthetisieren, die eine längerwellige Emissionsbande als 2,7-PF und eine geringere Aggregationstendenz als LPPP 20 besitzen. Eine Reihe neuer blau emittierender Polymere auf der Basis von Indenofluoren- und Fluoren-Bausteinen mit geringer Aggregationstendenz, hoher thermischer und chemischer Stabilität sowie guter Verarbeitbarkeit wurden dargestellt. Die Polymere weisen eine hohe thermische Stabilität auf (Zersetzung ca.: 310 °C) und sind sehr gut löslich in organischen Lösungsmitteln. Das Absorptionsmaximum des 2,8-Polyindenofluoren (2,8-PIF) in Chloroform liegt bei 416 nm, das Emissionsmaximun bei 432 nm. Die Phasenumwandlungstemperatur beim PIF liegt ca. bei 260 °C. Leider zeigen 2,8-PIF Aggregationstendenzen im Film. Um die Aggregation komplett zu unterbinden, wurden Polyphenylene als Seitenketten an das Dibromfluoren angebracht. Anschließend wurde nach Yamamoto polymerisiert. Das dendritnische PF (DPF) weist die gleiche thermische Stabilität wie die PIFs 28 auf (Zersetzung: 340 °C). Das Polymer 62a ist sehr gut löslich in Toluol, Xylol und chlorierten organischen Lösungsmitteln. Die Absorptions- und Emissionsmaxima des DPFs in Lösung (Chloroform) weisen keine Veränderung gegenüber PF auf. Die Emissionsmaxima des DPFs im Film und nach dem Tempern (100 °C, 24 h) zeigen lediglich eine Verschiebung um 8 nm. Eine Aggregatenbande entsteht jedoch nicht. Dies unterstreicht die abschirmende Eigenschaft der dendritischen Substituenten. Durch Copolymerisation lassen sich die Eigenschaften von Polymeren variieren. Um die Aggregationstendenz der PIF-Derivate zu verringern, wurden die entsprechenden Monomere in verschiedenen Verhältnissen copolymerisiert. Durch die Copolymerisation wurde die PL-Quantenausbeute auf 50 % erhöht. Weiterhin wurden Copolymere von Indenofluoren und 9,10-Dibromanthracen, und erschiedenen Perylenen hergestellt, um zu blau, rot und grün emittierenden Polymeren zu gelangen. Alle blau emittierenden Polymeren wurden in Leuchtdioden untersucht. Das DPF und das Copolymer aus Indenofluoren und Anthracene wiesen die besten Eigenschaften hierfür auf.


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Die Produktion eines spinpolarisierten Strahls mit hohem mittleren Strom ist sowohl für den Betrieb von existierenden polarisierten Quellen als auch in noch stärkerem Maße für geplante zukünftige Projekte wichtig. Die Betriebszeit solcher Quellen wird durch die Abnahme der Quantenausbeute der Photokathode mit der Zeit begrenzt. Die Problematik der Abnahme der Quantenausbeute konnte durch die Reaktion der Kathodenoberfläche mit sauerstoffhaltigen Molekülen sowie durch Ionenbombardement geklärt werden. Im Laufe dieser Arbeit wurden, teilweise zum ersten Mal, Mechanismen untersucht, die zur Entstehung der chemisch aktiven Moleküle und der Ionen beitragen und weitere Effekte, die die Betriebszeit der polarisierten Quellen reduzieren. Die Experimente wurden an einer genauen Kopie der an MAMI vorhandenen polarisierten Quelle durchgeführt. Es wurde demonstriert, dass Erwärmung der Photokathode, Ioneneinfang und Strahlverlust aufgrund der Raumladungskräfte die Kathodenlebensdauer begrenzen können. Der erste Effekt ist Erwärmung der Photokathode. Die Laserleistung wird fast vollständig in Wärmeleistung umgesetzt, was zur Absenkung der Verfügbarkeit der polarisierten Quellen führen kann, und zwar unabhängig davon, ob der Photostrom produziert wird oder nicht. Der zweite Effekt ist Ionenbombardement mit den sowohl in der Beschleunigungsstrecke als auch in der Strahlführung entstehenden Ionen. Es wurde demonstriert, dass der in der Strahlführung entstehende Ionenstrom sogar größer ist als der in der Kanone. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen können die gebildeten Ionen durch das Potenzial des Elektronenstrahls eingefangen werden und die Kanone erreichen und damit zusätzlich zur Zerstörung der negativen Elektronenaffinität beitragen. Der dritte Effekt ist Strahlverlust. Es wurde demonstriert, dass die relativen Strahlverluste kleiner als 1*10-6 sein sollten, um eine Lebensdauer von mehr als 1000 Stunden beim Strom von 100 A zu erreichen, was für die vorhandene Apparatur möglich ist. Zur Erzeugung extrem hoher Ströme wurde zum ersten Mal im Bereich der spinpolarisierten Quellen das Prinzip der „Energierückgewinnung“ eingesetzt. Experimente bei einer mittleren Stromstärke von 11.4 mA und einer Spitzenstromstärke von 57 mA bei 1% Tastverhältnis wurden bereits durchgeführt.


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Die Erzeugung von Elektronenstrahlen hoher Intensität (I$geq$2,mA) und hoher Spinpolarisation (P$geq$85%) ist für die Experimente an den geplanten glqq Linac Ringgrqq Electron--Ion--Collidern (z.B. eRHIC am Brookhaven National Laboratory) unabdingbar, stellt aber zugleich eine enorme Herausforderung dar. Die Photoemission aus ce{GaAs}--basierten Halbleitern wie z.B. den in dieser Arbeit untersuchten GaAlAs/InGaAlAs Quanten--Übergittern zeichnet sich zwar durch eine hohe Brillanz aus, die geringe Quantenausbeute von nur ca. 1% im Bereich maximaler Polarisation erfordert jedoch hohe Laserintensitäten von mehreren Watt pro $text{cm}^{2}$, was erhebliche thermische Probleme verursacht. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die Lebensdauer einer Photokathode mit steigender Laserleistung bzw. Temperatur exponentiell abnimmt. Durch Einbringen eines DBR--Spiegels zwischen die aktive Zone der Photokathode und ihr Substrat wird ein Großteil des ungenutzten Laserlichts wieder aus dem Kristall herausreflektiert und trägt somit nicht zur Erwärmung bei. Gleichzeitig bildet der Spiegel zusammen mit der Grenzfläche zum Vakuum eine Resonator--Struktur aus, die die aktive Zone umschließt. Dadurch kommt es für bestimmte Wellenlängen zu konstruktiver Interferenz und die Absorption in der aktiven Zone erhöht sich. Beide Effekte konnten durch vergleichenden Messungen an Kathoden mit und ohne DBR--Spiegel nachgewiesen werden. Dabei ergibt sich eine gute Übereinstimmung mit der Vorhersage eines Modells, das auf der dielektrischen Funktion der einzelnen Halbleiterstrukturen beruht. Von besonderer praktischer Bedeutung ist, dass die DBR--Kathode für einen gegebenen Photoemissions-strom eine um einen Faktor $geq$,3{,}5 kleinere Erwärmung aufweist. Dies gilt über den gesamten Wellenlängenbereich in dem die Kathode eine hohe Strahlpolarisation (P$>$80%) produzieren kann, auch im Bereich der Resonanz.rnAus zeitaufgelösten Messungen der Ladungsverteilung und Polarisation lassen sich sowohl Rückschlüsse über die Transportmechanismen im Inneren einer Kathode als auch über die Beschaffenheit ihrer Oberfläche ziehen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation konnte die Messgeschwindigkeit der verwendeten Apparatur durch den Einbau eines schnelleren Detektors und durch eine Automatisierung der Messprozedur entscheidend vergrößert und die resultierende Zeitauflösung mit jetzt 1{,}2 Pikosekunden annähernd verdoppelt werden.rnrnDie mit diesen Verbesserungen erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich der Transport der Elektronen in Superlattice--Strukturen stark vom Transport in den bisher untersuchten Bulk--Kristallen unterscheidet. Der Charakter der Bewegung folgt nicht dem Diffusionsmodell, sondern gibt Hinweise auf lokalisierte Zustände, die nahe der Leitungsbandunterkante liegen und Elektronen für kurze Zeit einfangen können. Dadurch hat die Impulsantwort einer Kathode neben einem schnellen Abfall des Signals auch eine größere Zeitkonstante, die selbst nach 30,ps noch ein Signal in der Größenordnung von ca. 5textperthousand der Maximalintensität erzeugt.


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In dieser Arbeit wird mithilfe verschiedener spektroskopischer Experimente, morphologischer Untersuchungen und elektrischer Charakterisierung die Eignung von Perylendiimiden als Akzeptoren in organischen Solarzellen untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es die photophysikalischen Eigenschaften von Perylendiimid-Derivaten zu verstehen und durch geeignete Substitution zu verbessern. Das Verständnis soll helfen, neue Akzeptormaterialien für organische Solarzellen mit Hilfe eines zielgerichteten Designs zu entwickeln. Um Struktur-Morphologie-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen herzustellen, wurden zunächst kovalent verbundene Dyaden untersucht, die es ermöglichen, die photophysikalischen Prozesse bei gegebener Donator-Akzeptor Ordnung mit der Nanomorphologie zu korrelieren. Anschließend wurden die photophysikalischen Eigenschaften neuer ortho-substituierter Perylendiimid-Derivate und die Auswirkungen dieser Substitution im Festkörper charakterisiert. Diese neuartigen Perylendiimid-Derivate zeigten in Kombination mit einem Donatorpolymer in organischen Solarzellen eine Verdopplung der Effizienz gegenüber bereits bekannten Perylendiimiden. Die verbleibenden Verlustkanäle konnten weiterhin durch Untersuchung der in der Solarzelle stattfindenden Prozesse einzeln nachgewiesen werden, und es wurde ein indirekter Beweis erbracht, dass die Erzeugung freier Ladungsträger ein effizienzlimitierender Prozess in Perylendiimid-basierten Solarzellen ist.


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The dissertation is devoted to the investigation of the process of triplet-triplet annihilation assisted upconversion (TTA – UC). The current state of the art of the used nowadays emitters and sensitizers was overviewed. The new emitters, synthesized mainly on the base of perylene, were created and analyzed for the applicability for TTA – UC in the combination with the sensitizers from tetrabenzo- and tetranaphtoporphyrin families. A strong influence of the excitation beam parameters on UC efficiency was shown. The new strategy of an effective UC emitter’s creation by comprising the functions of two chromophors in a dyad, where the function of the triplet-triplet transfer (TTT) and the triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) are attributed to different parts of the molecule, was represented. The successful transfer of an UC medium into the water environment by the encapsulation of hydrophobic UC dyes into the micelles, formed by the PTS surfactant, was done. Resulting quantum efficiency is comparable with that in an organic solvent. An extremely strong dependence of the efficiency of the TTA – UC process on temperature in such micellar structures was obtained


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Lo scopo di questo lavoro è la caratterizzazione fisica del flat panel PaxScan4030CB Varian, rivelatore di raggi X impiegato in un ampio spettro di applicazioni cliniche, dalla radiografia generale alla radiologia interventistica. Nell’ambito clinico, al fine di una diagnosi accurata, è necessario avere una buona qualità dell’immagine radiologica mantenendo il più basso livello di dose rilasciata al paziente. Elemento fondamentale per ottenere questo risultato è la scelta del rivelatore di radiazione X, che deve garantire prestazioni fisiche (contrasto, risoluzione spaziale e rumore) adeguati alla specifica procedura. Le metriche oggettive che misurano queste caratteristiche sono SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) ed NPS (Noise Power Spectrum), che insieme contribuiscono alla misura della DQE (Detective Quantum Efficiency), il parametro più completo e adatto a stabilire le performance di un sistema di imaging. L’oggettività di queste misure consente anche di mettere a confronto tra loro diversi sistemi di rivelazione. La misura di questi parametri deve essere effettuata seguendo precisi protocolli di fisica medica, che sono stati applicati al rivelatore PaxScan4030CB presente nel laboratorio del Centro di Coordinamento di Fisica Medica, Policlinico S.Orsola. I risultati ottenuti, conformi a quelli dichiarati dal costruttore, sono stati confrontati con successo con alcuni lavori presenti in letteratura e costituiscono la base necessaria per la verifica di procedure di ottimizzazione dell’immagine radiologica attraverso interventi sul processo di emissione dei raggi X e sul trattamento informatico dell’immagine (Digital Subtraction Angiography).


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I will present my work about constructing and characterizing a single photon detector. Using the 1550nm laser and second harmonic light generation, I am able to count single photons on a Multi‐Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) silicon APD. My results show that upwards of 22% quantum efficiency is achievable with the MPPC. Future work will include coincidence detection of correlated photon‐pair.


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Two benzodifuran (BDF)-coupled spiropyran (SP) systems and their BDF reference compounds were obtained in good yields through HuisgenMeldalSharpless click chemistry and then subjected to investigation of their electrochemical and photophysical properties. In both SP and merocyanine (MC) forms of the coupled molecules, the BDF-based emission is quenched to around 1 of the quantum yield of emission from the BDF reference compounds. Based on electrochemical data, this quenching is attributed to oxidative electron-transfer quenching. Irradiation at 366nm results in ring opening to the MC forms of the BDF-coupled SP compounds and the SP reference compound with a quantum efficiency of about 50. The rate constants for the thermal ring closing are approximately 3.4x103s1. However, in the photostationary states the MC fractions of the coupled molecules are substantially lower than that of the reference SP compound, attributed to the observed acceleration of the ring-closing reaction upon irradiation. As irradiation at 366nm invariably also excites higher-energy transitions of the BDF units in the coupled compounds, the ring-opening reaction is accelerated relative to the SP reference, which results in lower MC fractions in the photostationary state. Reversible photochromism of these BDF-coupled SP compounds renders them promising in the field of molecular switches.


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Most of the phyllosilicates detected at the surface of Mars today are probably remnants of ancient environments that sustained long-term bodies of liquid water at the surface or subsurface and were possibly favorable for the emergence of life. Consequently, phyllosilicates have become the main mineral target in the search for organics on Mars. But are phyllosilicates efficient at preserving organic molecules under current environmental conditions at the surface of Mars? We monitored the qualitative and quantitative evolutions of glycine, urea, and adenine in interaction with the Fe3+-smectite clay nontronite, one of the most abundant phyllosilicates present at the surface of Mars, under simulated martian surface ultraviolet light (190-400 nm), mean temperature (218 +/- 2 K), and pressure (6 +/- 1 mbar) in a laboratory simulation setup. We tested organic-rich samples that were representative of the evaporation of a small, warm pond of liquid water containing a high concentration of organics. For each molecule, we observed how the nontronite influences its quantum efficiency of photodecomposition and the nature of its solid evolution products. The results reveal a pronounced photoprotective effect of nontronite on the evolution of glycine and adenine; their efficiencies of photodecomposition were reduced by a factor of 5 when mixed at a concentration of 2.6x10(-2) mol of molecules per gram of nontronite. Moreover, when the amount of nontronite in the sample of glycine was increased by a factor of 2, the gain of photoprotection was multiplied by a factor of 5. This indicates that the photoprotection provided by the nontronite is not a purely mechanical shielding effect but is also due to stabilizing interactions. No new evolution product was firmly identified, but the results obtained with urea suggest a particular reactivity in the presence of nontronite, leading to an increase of its dissociation rate. Key Words: Martian surface-Organic chemistry-Photochemistry-Astrochemistry-Nontronite-Phyllosilicates. Astrobiology 15, 221-237.


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Photosynthetic parameters of phytoplankton and sea ice algae from landfast sea ice of the Chukchi Sea off Point Barrow, Alaska, were assessed in spring 2005 and winter through spring 2006 using Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry including estimates of maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm), maximum relative electron transport rate (rETRmax), photosynthetic efficiency (alpha), and the photoadaptive index (Ek). The use of centrifuged brine samples allowed to document vertical gradients in ice algal acclimation with 5 cm vertical resolution for the first time. Bottom ice algae (0-5 cm from ice-water interface) expressed low Fv/Fm (0.331-0.426) and low alpha (0.098-0.130 /(µmol photons/m**2/s)) in December. Fv/Fm and alpha increased in March and May (0.468-0.588 and 0.141-0.438 /(µmol photons/m**2/s), respectively) indicating increased photosynthetic activity. In addition, increases in rETRmax (3.3-16.4 a.u.) and Ek (20-88 µmol photons/m**2/s) from December to May illustrates a higher potential for primary productivity as communities become better acclimated to under-ice light conditions. In conclusion, photosynthetic performance by ice algae (as assessed by PAM fluorometry) was tightly linked to sea ice salinity, temperature, and inorganic nutrient concentrations (mainly nitrogen).


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Little is known concerning the effect of CO2 on phytoplankton ecophysiological processes under nutrient and trace element-limited conditions, because most CO2 manipulation experiments have been conducted under elements-replete conditions. To investigate the effects of CO2 and iron availability on phytoplankton ecophysiology, we conducted an experiment in September 2009 using a phytoplankton community in the iron limited, high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region of the Bering Sea basin . Carbonate chemistry was controlled by the bubbling of the several levels of CO2 concentration (180, 380, 600, and 1000 ppm) controlled air, and two iron conditions were established, one with and one without the addition of inorganic iron. We demonstrated that in the iron-limited control conditions, the specific growth rate and the maximum photochemical quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) of photosystem (PS) II decreased with increasing CO2 levels, suggesting a further decrease in iron bioavailability under the high-CO2 conditions. In addition, biogenic silica to particulate nitrogen and biogenic silica to particulate organic carbon ratios increased from 2.65 to 3.75 and 0.39 to 0.50, respectively, with an increase in the CO2 level in the iron-limited controls. By contrast, the specific growth rate, Fv/Fm values and elemental compositions in the iron-added treatments did not change in response to the CO2 variations, indicating that the addition of iron canceled out the effect of the modulation of iron bioavailability due to the change in carbonate chemistry. Our results suggest that high-CO2 conditions can alter the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients through decreasing iron bioavailability in the iron-limited HNLC regions in the future.


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This study aimed to examine interactive effects between ocean acidification and temperature on the photosynthetic and growth performance of Neosiphonia harveyi. N. harveyi was cultivated at 10 and 17.5 °C at present (~380 µatm), expected future (~800 µatm), and high (~1500 µatm) pCO2. Chlorophyll a fluorescence, net photosynthesis, and growth were measured. The state of the carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM) was examined by pH-drift experiments (with algae cultivated at 10 °C only) using ethoxyzolamide, an inhibitor of external and internal carbonic anhydrases (exCA and intCA, respectively). Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of acetazolamide (an inhibitor of exCA) and Tris (an inhibitor of the acidification of the diffusive boundary layer) on net photosynthesis was measured at both temperatures. Temperature affected photosynthesis (in terms of photosynthetic efficiency, light saturation point, and net photosynthesis) and growth at present pCO2, but these effects decreased with increasing pCO2. The relevance of the CCM decreased at 10 °C. A pCO2 effect on the CCM could only be shown if intCA and exCA were inhibited. The experiments demonstrate for the first time interactions between ocean acidification and temperature on the performance of a non-calcifying macroalga and show that the effects of low temperature on photosynthesis can be alleviated by increasing pCO2. The findings indicate that the carbon acquisition mediated by exCA and acidification of the diffusive boundary layer decrease at low temperatures but are not affected by the cultivation level of pCO2, whereas the activity of intCA is affected by pCO2. Ecologically, the findings suggest that ocean acidification might affect the biogeographical distribution of N. harveyi.


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We examined the long-term effect of naturally acidified water on a Cymodocea nodosa meadow growing at a shallow volcanic CO2 vent in Vulcano Island (Italy). Seagrass and adjacent unvegetated habitats growing at a low pH station (pH = 7.65 ± 0.02) were compared with corresponding habitats at a control station (pH = 8.01 ± 0.01). Density and biomass showed a clear decreasing trend at the low pH station and the below- to above-ground biomass ratio was more than 10 times lower compared to the control. C content and delta 13C of leaves and epiphytes were significantly lower at the low pH station. Photosynthetic activity of C. nodosa was stimulated by low pH as seen by the significant increase in Chla content of leaves, maximum electron transport rate and compensation irradiance. Seagrass community metabolism was intense at the low pH station, with significantly higher net community production, respiration and gross primary production than the control community, whereas metabolism of the unvegetated community did not differ between stations. Productivity was promoted by the low pH, but this was not translated into biomass, probably due to nutrient limitation, grazing or poor environmental conditions. The results indicate that seagrass response in naturally acidified conditions is dependable upon species and geochemical characteristics of the site and highlight the need for a better understanding of complex interactions in these environments.


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1. Biological interactions can alter predictions that are based on single-species physiological response. It is known that leaf segments of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica will increase photosynthesis with lowered pH, but it is not clear whether the outcome will be altered when the whole plant and its epiphyte community, with different respiratory and photosynthetic demands, are included. In addition, the effects on the Posidonia epiphyte community have rarely been tested under controlled conditions, at near-future pH levels. 2. In order to better evaluate the effects of pH levels as projected for the upcoming decades on seagrass meadows, shoots of P. oceanica with their associated epiphytes were exposed in the laboratory to three pH levels (ambient: 8.1, 7.7 and 7.3, on the total scale) for 4 weeks. Net productivity, respiration, net calcification and leaf fluorescence were measured on several occasions. At the end of the study, epiphyte community abundance and composition, calcareous mass and crustose coralline algae growth were determined. Finally, photosynthesis vs. irradiance curves (PE) was produced from segments of secondary leaves cleaned of epiphytes and pigments extracted. 3. Posidonia leaf fluorescence and chlorophyll concentrations did not differ between pH treatments. Net productivity of entire shoots and epiphyte-free secondary leaves increased significantly at the lowest pH level yet limited or no stimulation in productivity was observed at the intermediate pH treatment. Under both pH treatments, significant decreases in epiphytic cover were observed, mostly due to the reduction of crustose coralline algae. The loss of the dominant epiphyte producer yet similar photosynthetic response for epiphyte-free secondary leaves and shoots suggests a minimal contribution of epiphytes to shoot productivity under experimental conditions. 4. Synthesis. Observed responses indicate that under future ocean acidification conditions foreseen in the next century an increase in Posidonia productivity is not likely despite the partial loss of epiphytic coralline algae which are competitors for light. A decline in epiphytic cover could, however, reduce the feeding capacity of the meadow for invertebrates. In situ long-term experiments that consider both acidification and warming scenarios are needed to improve ecosystem-level predictions.