952 resultados para Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2


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Polymorphisms in IL28B were shown to affect clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in genome-wide association (GWA) studies. Only a fraction of patients with chronic HCV infection develop liver fibrosis, a process that might also be affected by genetic factors. We performed a 2-stage GWA study of liver fibrosis progression related to HCV infection. We studied well-characterized HCV-infected patients of European descent who underwent liver biopsies before treatment. We defined various liver fibrosis phenotypes on the basis of METAVIR scores, with and without taking the duration of HCV infection into account. Our GWA analyses were conducted on a filtered primary cohort of 1161 patients using 780,650 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We genotyped 96 SNPs with P values <5 × 10(-5) from an independent replication cohort of 962 patients. We then assessed the most interesting replicated SNPs using DNA samples collected from 219 patients who participated in separate GWA studies of HCV clearance. In the combined cohort of 2342 HCV-infected patients, the SNPs rs16851720 (in the total sample) and rs4374383 (in patients who received blood transfusions) were associated with fibrosis progression (P(combined) = 8.9 × 10(-9) and 1.1 × 10(-9), respectively). The SNP rs16851720 is located within RNF7, which encodes an antioxidant that protects against apoptosis. The SNP rs4374383, together with another replicated SNP, rs9380516 (P(combined) = 5.4 × 10(-7)), were linked to the functionally related genes MERTK and TULP1, which encode factors involved in phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages. Our GWA study identified several susceptibility loci for HCV-induced liver fibrosis; these were linked to genes that regulate apoptosis. Apoptotic control might therefore be involved in liver fibrosis.


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Organotellurium(]V) compounds have been reported to have multiple biological activities including cysteine protease-inhibitory activity, mainly cathepsin B. As cathepsin B is a highly predictive indicator for prognosis and diagnosis of cancer, a possible antitumor potential for these new compounds is expected. In this work, it was investigated the effectiveness of organotellurium(IV) RT-04 to produce lethal effects in the human promyelocytic leukaemia cell line HL60. Using the MTT tetrazolium reduction test, and trypan blue exclusion assay, the IC50 for the compound after 24 h incubation was 6.8 and 0.35 mu M, respectively. Moreover, the compound was found to trigger apoptosis in HL60 cells, inducing DNA fragmentation and caspase-3, -6, and -9 activations. The apoptsosis-induced by RT-04 is probably related to the diminished Bcl-2 expression, observed by RT-PCR, in HL60-treated cells. In vivo studies demonstrated that the RT-04 treatment (2.76 mg/kg given for three consecutive days) produces no significant toxic effects for bone marrow and spleen CFU-GM. However, higher doses (5.0 and 10 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent reduction in the number of CFU-GM of RT-04-treated mice. These results suggest that RT-04 is able to induce apoptosis in HL60 cells by Bcl-2 expression down-modulation. Further studies are necessary to better clarify the effects of this compound on bone marrow normal cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Apoptosis and its associated regulatory mechanisms are physiological events crucial to the maintenance of placental homeostasis; imbalance of these processes, however, such as occurs under various pathological conditions, may compromise placenta function and, consequently, pregnancy success. Increased apoptosis occurs in the placentas of pregnant women with several developmental disabilities, while increased Bcl-2 expression is generally associated with pregnancy-associated tumors. Herein, we tested the hypothesis that apoptosis-associated disturbs might be involved in the placental physiopathology subjected to different maternal hyperglycemic conditions.Thus, in the present study we investigated and compared the incidence of apoptosis using TUNEL reaction and Bcl-2 expression, in term-placentas of normoglycemic, diabetic and daily hyperglycemic patients. Tissue samples were collected from 37 placentas, being 15 from healthy mothers with normally delivered healthy babies, and 22 from mothers with glucose disturbances. From these latter 22 patients, 10 showed maternal daily hyperglycemia and 12 were clinically diabetics. Both Bcl-2 expression and apoptotic DNA fragmentation were established and quantified in the trophoblasts of healthy mothers. Compared to these reference values, a higher apoptosis index and lower Bcl-2 expression were disclosed in the placentas of the diabetic women, while in the daily hyperglycemic group, values were intermediate between the diabetic and normoglycemic patients. The TUNEL/Bcl-2 index ratio in the placentas varied from 0.02 to 0.09 for pregnant normoglycemic and diabetic women, respectively, revealing a predominance of apoptosis in the diabetic group. Our findings suggest that hyperglycemia may be a key factor evoking apoptosis in the placental trophoblast, and therefore, is relevant to diabetic placenta function. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVOS: Alterações genéticas são relacionadas à gênese e progressão do câncer. Neoplasias de vários órgãos expressam o oncogene c-erbB-2. Nas proliferações intraductais da mama tem sido avaliado como fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de câncer. Foram avaliadas a imunoexpressão do c-erbB-2 em lesões epiteliais proliferativas intraductais e as possíveis correlações com características anatomopatológicas do carcinoma ductal in situ (CDIS). MÉTODOS: Foi utilizado material de arquivo, amostras teciduais fixadas em formalina e incluídas em blocos de parafina de 88 mulheres. Destas, 51 com CDIS e 37 com hiperplasia ductal sem atipias (HDT). A idade variou de 35 a 76 anos. Revisados todos os casos, verificou-se: o grau nuclear, a presença de necrose, o subtipo histológico predominante e sua extensão. Obteve-se material suficiente para o estudo imunohistoquímico do c-erbB-2 de 84 sujeitos do estudo. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada a expressão do oncogene nas hiperplasias sem atipias e nos tecidos adjacentes a todas amostras teciduais. A expressão do c-erbB-2 foi verificada em nove (19,1%) dos CDIS (p= 0,0001). A imunoexpressão não se relacionou à extensão das lesões. A imunoexpressão do c-erbB-2 no CDIS correlacionou-se com subtipo histológico (p=0,019), com a presença de necrose (p=0,0066), com o grau nuclear (p=0,0084) e com a Classificação de Van Nuys (p=0,039). CONCLUSÕES: A expressão do c-erbB-2 foi estatisticamente significante nas lesões proliferativas de risco (CDIS) e correlacionou-se com características histopatológicas: alto grau nuclear, presença de necrose, subtipo comedo. Não houve expressão nas hiperplasias sem atipias e tecidos adjacentes.


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Bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) is an α-herpesvirus that causes neurological disease in young cattle and is also occasionally involved in reproductive disorders. Although there have been many studies of the apoptotic pathways induced by viruses belonging to the family Herpesviridae, there is little information about the intrinsic programmed cell death pathway in host-BoHV-5 interactions. We found that BoHV-5 is able to replicate in both mesenchymal and epithelial cell lines, provoking cytopathology that is characterized by cellular swelling and cell fusion. Viral antigens were detected in infected cells by immunofluorescence assay at 48 to 96 h post-infection (p.i.). At 48 to 72 h p.i., anti-apoptotic BCL-2 antigens were found at higher levels than Bax antigens; the latter is considered a pro-apoptotic protein. Infected cells had increased BCL-2 phenotype cells from 48 to 96 h p.i., based on flow cytometric analysis. At 48 to 96 h p.i., Bax mRNA was not expressed in any of the infected cell monolayers. In contrast, BCL-2 mRNA was found at high levels at all p.i. in both types of cells. BoHV-5 replication apparently modulates BCL-2 expression and gene transcription, enhancing production of virus progeny. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Die PCC7-Mz1-Zellinie stellt ein geeignetes Modell dar, um frühe neurale Determinierungs- und Differenzierungsprozesse unter kontrollierten Bedingungen in vitro zu untersuchen. Aus pluripotenten Stammzellen entwickelt sich nach Behandlung mit dem Morphogen Retinsäure (RA) ein stabiles Muster aus Neuronen, Fibroblasten und Astroglia-Zellen. Parallel stirbt ein reproduzierbarer Anteil der Kultur apoptotisch. Zur näheren Aufklärung der molekularen Vorgänge während der neuralen Entwicklung wurde der Einfluß von zwei Schlüsselmolekülen - dem Proteinkinase C Substrat (PKC) GAP-43 sowie dem antiapoptotischen Bcl-2 Protein - auf die neurale Differenzierung und die damit assoziierten Apoptoseereignisse der PCC7-Mz1-Zellen untersucht. Dazu wurden stabile Zellinien, die eine Überexpression von GAP-43 bzw. von Bcl-2 aufwiesen, hergestellt. GAP-43In PCC7-Mz1-Zellen wurde die Expression von GAP-43 sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Protein-Ebene innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Zugabe von RA hochreguliert. GAP-43 war bereits in noch proliferierenden neuronalen Vorläuferzellen als Substrat für PKC und als Interaktionspartner von Calmodulin funktionell. Die Überexpression von GAP-43 in PCC7-Mz1-Zellen förderte die Ausprägung des neuronalen Phänotyps. Das Differenzierungspotential der Mz-GAP-43 Klone war eingeschränkt, da sich nach Induktion mit RA aus den Stammzellen nur noch Neurone, aber keine Fibroblasten und Astroglia-Zellen mehr entwickelten. Die Determinierung für das neuronale Entwicklungsschicksal war in den Mz-GAP-43 Klonen stärker fortgeschritten als in MzN-Klonen, die durch Subklonierung aus PCC7-Mz1-Zellen generiert wurden, da die GAP-43 überexprimierenden Zellen durch Wachstum auf Laminin nicht in den pluripotenten Phänotyp revertiert werden konnten. Aufgrund der Interaktion zwischen GAP-43 und Calmodulin in Stammzellen der Mz-GAP-43 Klone kann man vermuten, daß die neuronalen Determinierungsprozesse über Ca2+/Calmodulin-abhängige Signalwege verlaufen. Da das Gen für den Transkriptionsfaktor NCNF (


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'Bcl-2-homologe Proteine aus dem Schwamm Geodia cydonium: Klonierung, Charakterisierung und Funktionsanalyse von Apoptose-Regulatoren der Porifera'. Auf der Suche nach der molekularbiologischen Grundlage der Apoptose in den Porifera, dem phylogenetisch ältesten Metazoen-Tierstamm, wurden Mitglieder der apoptoseregulatorischen Bcl?2 Familie unter Anwendung diverser Techniken im Schwamm G. cydonium identifiziert: GCBHP1 und GCBHP2. Detaillierte Analysen offenbarten Bcl-2-charakteristische Signaturen sowie eine durch apoptotische Stimuli induzierbare Expression. Die parallele HSP70-Induktion zeugte von der GCBHP2-Expression als Teil einer antiapoptotischen Streßantwort zum Schutz des Organismus'. Die kontinuierliche Transkription des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gleichfalls klonierten Proliferationsmarkers SEP1 veranschaulichte zudem die Effektivität dieser Streßreaktion. Mit der Herstellung eines rekombinanten Proteins und der Gewinnung eines Antiserums konnte auch die streßinduzierte Proteinexpression des GCBHP2 verfolgt werden. Zum Zweck der Funktionsstudie wurden Säugetierzellen (HEK-293, NIH/3T3) mit einem GCBHP2-Konstrukt stabil transfiziert und auf die Expression des Schwammproteins untersucht. Diese Zellen unterschieden sich bereits phänotypisch von mock-transfizierten Zellen. Immunzytochemische Untersuchungen enthüllten eine für antiapoptotische Bcl-2 Proteine charakteristische Assoziation mit Mitochondrien. Unter dem Einfluß zweier apoptotischer Stimuli wurde für GCBHP2-transfizierte Zellen eine vierzehn-/sechsmal höhere Vitalität und eine reduzierte Aktivierung der Caspase-Kaskade registriert (im Vergleich zu mock-transfizierten Kontrollen). Somit wurde der antiapoptotische Charakter des GCBHP2 und die Existenz apoptotischer Mechanismen in den Porifera bestätigt.


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Acetaminophen (N-acetyl-para-aminophenol (APAP), paracetamol) is a commonly used analgesic and antipyretic agent. Although considered safe at therapeutic doses, accidental or intentional overdose causes acute liver failure characterized by centrilobular hepatic necrosis with high morbidity and mortality. Although many molecular aspects of APAP-induced cell death have been described, no conclusive mechanism has been proposed. We recently identified TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and c-Jun kinase (JNK)-dependent activation of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homolog Bim as an important apoptosis amplification pathway in hepatocytes. In this study, we, thus, investigated the role of TRAIL, c-JNK and Bim in APAP-induced liver damage. Our results demonstrate that TRAIL strongly synergizes with APAP in inducing cell death in hepatocyte-like cells lines and primary hepatocyte. Furthermore, we found that APAP strongly induces the expression of Bim in a c-JNK-dependent manner. Consequently, TRAIL- or Bim-deficient mice were substantially protected from APAP-induced liver damage. This study identifies the TRAIL-JNK-Bim axis as a novel target in the treatment of APAP-induced liver damage and substantiates its general role in hepatocyte death.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a specifically designed bispecific (Bcl-2/Bcl-xL) antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) induces apoptosis and enhances chemosensitivity in human prostate cancer LNCaP cells, as Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL are both anti-apoptotic genes associated with treatment resistance and tumour progression in many malignancies, including prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Inhibition of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expression by the bispecific ASO was evaluated using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting, while growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis were analysed by a crystal violet assay, flow cytometry and Western blotting of apoptosis-relevant proteins. The effect of combined treatment with bispecific ASO and chemotherapy or small-interference RNA (siRNA) targeting the clusterin gene was also investigated. RESULTS: Bispecific ASO reduced Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expression in LNCaP cells in a dose-dependent manner. There was cell growth inhibition, increases in the sub-G0-G1 fraction, and cleavage of caspase-3 and poly(ADP-Ribose) polymerase proteins in LNCaP cells after bispecific ASO treatment. Interestingly, Bcl-2/Bcl-xL bispecific ASO treatment also resulted in the down-regulation of Mcl-1 and up-regulation of Bax. The sensitivity of LNCaP cells to mitoxantrone, docetaxel or paclitaxel was significantly increased, reducing the 50% inhibitory concentration by 45%, 80% or 90%, respectively. Furthermore, the apoptotic induction by Bcl-2/Bcl-xL bispecific ASO was synergistically enhanced by siRNA-mediated inhibition of clusterin, a cytoprotective chaperone that interacts with and inhibits activated Bax. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the concept of the targeted suppression of Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic family members using multitarget inhibition strategies for prostate cancer, through the effective induction of apoptosis.


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Bok is a member of the Bcl-2 protein family that controls intrinsic apoptosis. Bok is most closely related to the pro-apoptotic proteins Bak and Bax, but in contrast to Bak and Bax, very little is known about its cellular role. Here we report that Bok binds strongly and constitutively to inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs), proteins that form tetrameric calcium channels in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and govern the release of ER calcium stores. Bok binds most strongly to IP3R1 and IP3R2, and barely to IP3R3, and essentially all cellular Bok is IP3R bound in cells that express substantial amounts of IP3Rs. Binding to IP3Rs appears to be mediated by the putative BH4 domain of Bok and the docking site localizes to a small region within the coupling domain of IP3Rs (amino acids 1895–1903 of IP3R1) that is adjacent to numerous regulatory sites, including sites for proteolysis. With regard to the possible role of Bok-IP3R binding, the following was observed: (i) Bok does not appear to control the ability of IP3Rs to release ER calcium stores, (ii) Bok regulates IP3R expression, (iii) persistent activation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent cell signaling causes Bok degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, in a manner that parallels IP3R degradation, and (iv) Bok protects IP3Rs from proteolysis, either by chymotrypsin in vitro or by caspase-3 in vivo during apoptosis. Overall, these data show that Bok binds strongly and constitutively to IP3Rs and that the most significant consequence of this binding appears to be protection of IP3Rs from proteolysis. Thus, Bok may govern IP3R cleavage and activity during apoptosis.


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The role of oxidative stress and apoptosis has recently been recognized as an important determinant in the development of a variety of diseases known to man. The oncogene BCL-2 is known to regulate sensitivity to induction of apoptosis and appears to function in an antioxidant pathway by regulating glutathione. We have investigated various steps in the oxidative stress cascade to determine possible sites of action for BCL-2. The fluorescent probes H2DCFDA, dihydroethidium and cis-parinaric acid were used to quantitate generation of peroxides, superoxide and lipid peroxidation, respectively. While each of these agents was able to detect substantial increases in oxidative stress following exposure of cells to ionizing radiation, there was no significant difference between cells expressing high or low levels of BCL-2. Investigation of mitochondrial dysfunction during apoptosis revealed a possible site of bcl-2 intervention, but, analysis of kinetic events occurring during apoptosis suggested that the observed effect is not in the direct apoptotic effector pathway. When glutathione was studied, localization to the nucleus was observed in cells overexpressing BCL-2 that did not occur in cells lacking BCL-2. Additionally, nuclear accumulation of glutathione was sufficient to block granzyme b-mediated nuclear DNA fragmentation, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage and caspase activity suggesting that nuclear accumulation of glutathione via a bcl-2 dependent process is functionally relevant to suppression of apoptosis. Thus, a model system emerges where BCL-2 is able to regulate a cell's ability to prevent apoptosis by modifying the cell's antioxidant systems at the organelle level to compensate for oxidative stresses placed upon it. ^


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Bcl-2 oncogene expression plays a role in the establishment of persistent viral infection by blocking virus-induced apoptosis. This might be achieved by preventing virus-induced activation of caspase-3, an IL-1beta-converting enzyme (ICE)-like cysteine protease that has been implicated in the death effector phase of apoptosis. Contrary to this model, we show that three cell types highly overexpressing functional Bcl-2 displayed caspase-3 activation and underwent apoptosis in response to infection with alphaviruses Semliki Forest and Sindbis as efficiently as vector control counterparts. In all three cell types, overexpressed 26 kDa Bcl-2 was cleaved into a 23 kDa protein. Antibody epitope mapping revealed that cleavage occurred at one or two target sites for caspases within the amino acid region YEWD31 (downward arrow) AGD34 (downward arrow) A, removing the N-terminal BH4 region known to be essential for the death-protective activity of Bcl-2. Preincubation of cells with the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD prevented Bcl-2 cleavage and partially restored the protective activity of Bcl-2 against virus-induced apoptosis. Moreover, a murine Bcl-2 mutant having Asp31, Asp34 and Asp36 substituted by Glu was resistant to proteolytic cleavage and abrogated apoptosis following virus infection. These findings indicate that alphaviruses can trigger a caspase-mediated inactivation of Bcl-2 in order to evade the death protection imposed by this survival factor.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon-gamma (IFN) activate macrophages and produce nitric oxide (NO) by initiating the expression of inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS). Prolonged LPS/IFN-activation results in the death of macrophage-like RAW 264.7 cells and wild-type murine macrophages. This study was implemented to determine how NO contributes to LPS/IFN-induced macrophage death. The iNOS-specific inhibitor L-NIL protected RAW 264.7 cells from LPS/IFN-activated death, supporting a role for NO in the death of LPS/IFN-activated macrophages. A role for iNOS in cell death was confirmed in iNOS-/- macrophages which were resistant to LPS/IFN-induced death. Cell death was accompanied by nuclear condensation, caspase 3 activation, and PARP cleavage, all of which are hallmarks of apoptosis. The involvement of NO in modulating the stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK)/c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signal transduction pathway was examined as a possible mechanism of LPS/IFN-mediated apoptosis. Western analysis demonstrated that NO modifies the phosphorylation profile of JNK and promotes activation of JNK in the mitochondria in RAW 264.7 cells. Inhibition of JNK with sIRNA significantly reduced cell death in RAW 264.7 cells, indicating the participation of the JNK pathway in LPS/IFN-mediated death. JNK has been demonstrated to induce mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis through modulation of Bcl-2 family members. Therefore, the effect of NO on the balance between pro- and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members was examined. In RAW 264.7 cells, Bim was upregulated and phosphorylated by LPS/IFN independently of NO. However, co-immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that NO promotes the association of Bax with the BimL splice variant. Examination of Bax phosphorylation by metabolic labeling demonstrated that Bax is basally phosphorylated and becomes dephosphorylated upon LPS/IFN treatment. L-NIL inhibited the dephosphorylation of Bax, indicating that Bax dephosphorylation is NO-dependent. NO also mediated LPS/IFN-induced downregulation of Mcl-1, an anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member, as demonstrated by Western blotting for Mcl-1 protein expression. Thus, NO contributes to macrophage apoptosis via a JNK-mediated mechanism involving interaction between Bax and Bim, dephosphorylation of Bax, and downregulation of Mcl-1. ^


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Overexpression and amplification of HER2/neu have been documented in many primary tumors, most notably in breast. Not only do approximately 30% of breast cancer patients carry tumors that overexpress the gene, but those that do generally have shorter overall and disease-free survival times than patients with tumors expressing low levels of HER2/neu. Thus, overexpression of HER2/neu plays an important role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. We have examined the mechanisms that result in HER2/neu overexpression in breast cancer by using, as a model system, established breast cancer cell lines that express much higher levels of HER2/neu mRNA than normal breast tissue while maintaining a near normal HER2/neu gene copy number. Nuclear run-on experiments indicate that the breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB453, BT483, and BT474 have an increased HER2/neu gene transcription rate. By using HER2/neu promoter-CAT constructs, we have found that the enhanced HER2/neu transcription rate in MDA-MB453 cells is due to activation of the gene in trans, while the enhanced transcription rate in BT483 cells is due to activation of the gene in either trans or cis. In BT474 cells, transcriptional upregulation is primarily due to gene amplification. Since the levels of increased transcription are not as high as the levels of HER2/neu mRNA in any of these three lines, post-transcriptional deregulation that increases HER2/neu expression must also be functioning in these cells. The half-life of HER2/neu mRNA was measured and found to be equivalent in these lines as in a control. Thus, the post-transcriptional deregulation is not increased stability of the HER2/neu transcript.^ Much work has been performed in characterizing the altered trans-acting factor involved in increased HER2/neu transcription in MDA-MB453 cells. Using promoter deletion constructs linked to a reporter gene, the region responsive to this factor was localized in the rat neu promoter. When human HER2/neu promoter constructs were used, the homologous sequence in the human promoter was identified. Furthermore, a number of protein/DNA complexes are detected when these promoter regions are used in gel mobility shift assays. UV-crosslinking experiments indicate DNA-binding proteins of roughly 110 kDa, 70 kDa, and 35 kDa are capable of interacting with the human promoter element. ^