969 resultados para Proteínas proto-oncogênicas c-myc


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La polykystose rénale autosomique dominante (ADPKD) est une des maladies génétiques les plus communes. ADPKD se manifeste le plus souvent au stade adulte par la présence de kystes rénaux, et bien souvent de kystes hépatiques, avec une progression très variable. ADPKD mène à une insuffisance rénale: les seuls recours sont la dialyse puis la transplantation rénale. Les mutations dispersées sur les gènes PKD1 (majoritairement; la protéine polycystine-1, PC1) et PKD2 (la protéine polycystine-2, PC2) sont responsables de l’ADPKD. Le mécanisme pathogénétique de perte de fonction (LOF) et donc d’un effet récessif cellulaire est évoqué comme causatif de l’ADPKD. LOF est en effet supporté par les modèles murins d’inactivation de gènes PKD1/PKD2, qui développent de kystes, quoique in utéro et avec une rapidité impressionnante dans les reins mais pas dans le foie. Malgré de nombreuses études in vitro, le rôle de PC1/PC2 membranaire/ciliaire reste plutôt hypothétique et contexte-dépendant. Ces études ont associé PC1/PC2 à une panoplie de voies de signalisation et ont souligné une complexité structurelle et fonctionnelle exceptionnelle, dont l’implication a été testée notamment chez les modèles de LOF. Toutefois, les observations patho-cellulaires chez l’humain dont une expression soutenue, voire augmentée, de PKD1/PC1 et l’absence de phénotypes extrarénaux particuliers remet en question l’exclusivité du mécanisme de LOF. Il était donc primordial 1) d’éclaircir le mécanisme pathogénétique, 2) de générer des outils in vivo authentiques d’ADPKD en terme d’initiation et de progression de la maladie et 3) de mieux connaitre les fonctions des PC1/PC2 indispensables pour une translation clinique adéquate. Cette thèse aborde tous ces points. Tout d’abord, nous avons démontré qu’une augmentation de PKD1 endogène sauvage, tout comme chez l’humain, est pathogénétique en générant et caractérisant en détail un modèle murin transgénique de Pkd1 (Pkd1TAG). Ce modèle reproduit non seulement les caractéristiques humaines rénales, associées aux défauts du cil primaire, mais aussi extrarénales comme les kystes hépatiques. La sévérité du phénotype corrèle avec le niveau d’expression de Pkd1 ce qui supporte fortement un modèle de dosage. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons démontré par les études de complémentations génétiques que ces deux organes reposent sur une balance du clivage GPS de Pc1, une modification post-traductionelle typique des aGPCR, et dont l’activité et l’abondance semblent strictement contrôlées. De plus, nous avons caractérisé extensivement la biogénèse de Pc1 et de ses dérivés in vivo générés suite au clivage GPS. Nous avons identifié une toute nouvelle forme et prédominante à la membrane, la forme Pc1deN, en plus de confirmer deux fragments N- et C-terminal de Pc1 (NTF et CTF, respectivement) qui eux s’associent de manière non-covalente. Nous avons démontré de façon importante que le trafic de Pc1deN i.e., une forme NTF détachée du CTF, est toutefois dépendant de l’intégrité du fragment CTF in vivo. Par la suite, nous avons généré un premier modèle humanisant une mutation PKD1 non-sens tronquée au niveau du domaine NTF(E3043X) en la reproduisant chez une souris transgénique (Pkd1extra). Structurellement, cette mutation, qui mimique la forme Pc1deN, s’est également avérée causative de PKD. Le modèle Pkd1extra a permis entre autre de postuler l’existence d’une cross-interaction entre différentes formes de Pc1. De plus, nos deux modèles murins sont tous les deux associés à des niveaux altérés de c-Myc et Pc2, et soutiennent une implication réelle de ces derniers dans l’ADPKD tou comme une interaction fonctionnelle entre les polycystines. Finalement, nous avons démontré un chevauchement significatif entre l’ADPKD et le dommage rénal aigüe (ischémie/AKI) dont une expression augmentée de Pc1 et Pc2 mais aussi une stimulation de plusieurs facteurs cystogéniques tel que la tubérine, la β-caténine et l’oncogène c-Myc. Nos études ont donc apporté des évidences cruciales sur la contribution du gène dosage dans l’ADPKD. Nous avons développé deux modèles murins qui serviront d’outil pour l’analyse de la pathologie humaine ainsi que pour la validation préclinique ADPKD. L’identification d’une nouvelle forme de Pc1 ajoute un niveau de complexité supplémentaire expliquant en partie une capacité de régulation de plusieurs voies de signalisation par Pc1. Nos résultats nous amènent à proposer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques: d’une part, le ciblage de CTF i.e., de style chaperonne, et d’autre part le ciblage de modulateurs intracellulaires (c-Myc, Pc2, Hif1α). Ensemble, nos travaux sont d’une importance primordiale du point de vue informatif et pratique pour un avancement vers une thérapie contre l’ADPKD. Le partage de voies communes entre AKI et ADPKD ouvre la voie aux approches thérapeutiques parallèles pour un traitement assurément beaucoup plus rapide.


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El cáncer de mama en Colombia, es la tercera causa de muerte en la población en general y la segunda en mujeres. En el año 2002 el 40.5% de los casos se presentaron en mujeres menores de 50 años (Pardo, et al. 2003). El cáncer de mama resulta de múltiples factores, entre los que se incluyen cambios sucesivos en el genoma de células epiteliales originalmente normales, que pueden conducir a la activación de oncogenes, inactivación de genes supresores de tumor y pérdida de función de genes reparadores de daños al ADN. Estas alteraciones pueden también ser producto de anomalías cromosómicas tales como monosomías, trisomías, translocaciones, inversiones, pérdida de material genético y amplificaciones que también afectan la expresión de genes (1) (2) (3) (4). Sin embargo, el orden de aparición de los diferentes eventos no está completamente dilucidado. En este estudio se determinaron las anomalías cromosómicas y secuencias de ADN amplificadas en pacientes con cáncer de mama, tanto en muestras de sangre periférica como de tumor de mama de 30 pacientes. En las dos líneas celulares analizadas se observó una alta frecuencia de monosomías principalmente de los cromosomas X, 6, 7, 9, 17, 19 y 22. Hay una asociación entre las monosomías de los cromosomas 17 y 22 con el estado negativo para los receptores de estrógenos y progestágenos (p=0.027, p=0.050). También se encontró asociación entre la monosomía del cromosoma 19 con edad avanzada (p=0.034), observándose formas más agresivas de la enfermedad cuando ésta estuvo presente. Las monosomías fueron características de carcinomas ductales infiltrantes de todos los grados. En los demás tipos de carcinoma su frecuencia fue más baja. En el presente estudio se encontró una asociación significativa entre algunas anomalías cromosómicas y la enfermedad, no reportadas anteriormente, como fueron algunas monosomías, fragilidades y roturas cromosómicas y cromatídicas. La alta frecuencia de fragilidades encontradas tanto en sangre periférica (fra 9q12 p=0.001 y fra 3p14 p= 0.38) como de fragilidades expresadas espontáneamente (no inducidas por el uso de reactivos específicos) en muestras de tumor de mama (fra 1p11 p= 0.001, fra 2q11 p= 0.002), pueden ser el reflejo de una alta inestabilidad cromosómica en el genoma de estos pacientes, mostrando lautilidad de los estudios de fragilidad en la determinación de individuos en alto riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama. En ensayos de FISH no se observaron amplificaciones de los genes ERBb2 y c-myc en los pacientes analizados. Esto concuerda con lo encontrado en la literatura en donde se ha reportado, para este tipo de tumores, una sobre expresión de la proteína sin amplificación del gen, explicada por desregulación de la expresión del gen, a su vez posiblemente debida a mutaciones en la región promotora o a alteraciones, que conducen a un aumento de la tasa de transcripción (5) (6) (7). Los resultados obtenidos, aunque preliminares, aportan nuevos marcadores cromosómicos que pueden orientar el diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento de esta patología.


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Limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2H (LGMD2H) is an inherited autosomal recessive disease of skeletal muscle caused by a mutation in the TRIM32 gene. Currently its pathogenesis is entirely unclear. Typically the regeneration process of adult skeletal muscle during growth or following injury is controlled by a tissue specific stem cell population termed satellite cells. Given that TRIM32 regulates the fate of mammalian neural progenitor cells through controlling their differentiation, we asked whether TRIM32 could also be essential for the regulation of myogenic stem cells. Here we demonstrate for the first time that TRIM32 is expressed in the skeletal muscle stem cell lineage of adult mice, and that in the absence of TRIM32, myogenic differentiation is disrupted. Moreover, we show that the ubiquitin ligase TRIM32 controls this process through the regulation of c-Myc, a similar mechanism to that previously observed in neural progenitors. Importantly we show that loss of TRIM32 function induces a LGMD2H-like phenotype and strongly affects muscle regeneration in vivo. Our studies implicate that the loss of TRIM32 results in dysfunctional muscle stem cells which could contribute to the development of LGMD2H.


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The low-molecular-weight (LMW) glutenin subunits are components of the highly cross-linked glutenin polymers that confer viscoelastic properties to gluten and dough. They have both quantitative and qualitative effects on dough quality that may relate to differences in their ability to form the inter-chain disulphide bonds that stabilise the polymers. In order to determine the relationship between dough quality and the amounts and properties of the LMW subunits, we have transformed the pasta wheat cultivars Svevo and Ofanto with three genes encoding proteins, which differ in their numbers or positions of cysteine residues. The transgenes were delivered under control of the high-molecular-weight (HMW) subunit 1Dx5 gene promoter and terminator regions, and the encoded proteins were C-terminally tagged by the introduction of the c-myc epitope. Stable transformants were obtained with both cultivars, and the use of a specific antibody to the c-myc epitope tag allowed the transgene products to be readily detected in the complex mixture of LMW subunits. A range of transgene expression levels was observed. The addition of the epitope tag did not compromise the correct folding of the trangenic subunits and their incorporation into the glutenin polymers. Our results demonstrate that the ability to specifically epitope-tag LMW glutenin transgenes can greatly assist in the elucidation of their individual contributions to the functionality of the complex gluten system.


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Somatic neural and neural crest stem cells are promising sources for cellular therapy of several neurodegenerative diseases. However, because of practical considerations such as inadequate accessibility of the source material, the application of neural crest stem cells is strictly limited. The secondary palate is a highly regenerative and heavily innervated tissue, which develops embryonically under direct contribution of neural crest cells. Here, we describe for the first time the presence of nestin-positive neural crest-related stem cells within Meissner corpuscles and Merkel cell-neurite complexes located in the hard palate of adult Wistar rats. After isolation, palatal neural crest-related stem cells (pNC-SCs) were cultivated in the presence of epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor under serum-free conditions, resulting in large amounts of neurospheres. We used immunocytochemical techniques and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction to assess the expression profile of pNC-SCs. In addition to the expression of neural crest stem cell markers such as Nestin, Sox2, and p75, we detected the expression of Klf4, Oct4, and c-Myc. pNC-SCs differentiated efficiently into neuronal and glial cells. Finally, we investigated the potential expression of stemness markers within the human palate. We identified expression of stem cell markers nestin and CD133 and the transcription factors needed for reprogramming of somatic cells into pluripotent cells: Sox2, Oct4, Klf4, and c-Myc. These data show that cells isolated from palatal rugae form neurospheres, are highly plastic, and express neural crest stem cell markers. In addition, pNC-SCs may have the ability to differentiate into functional neurons and glial cells, serving as a starting point for therapeutic studies.


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Adult neural crest related-stem cells persist in adulthood, making them an ideal and easily accessible source of multipotent cells for potential clinical use. Recently, we reported the presence of neural crest-related stem cells within adult palatal ridges, thus raising the question of their localization in their endogenous niche. Using immunocytochemistry, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy, we identified myelinating Schwann cells within palatal ridges as a putative neural crest stem cell source. Palatal Schwann cells expressed nestin, p75(NTR), and S100. Correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy revealed the exclusive nestin expression within myelinating Schwann cells. Palatal neural crest stem cells and nestin-positive Schwann cells isolated from adult sciatic nerves were able to grow under serum-free conditions as neurospheres in presence of FGF-2 and EGF. Spheres of palatal and sciatic origin showed overlapping expression pattern of neural crest stem cell and Schwann cell markers. Expression of the pluripotency factors Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc, Oct4, the NF-κB subunits p65, p50, and the NF-κB-inhibitor IκB-β were up-regulated in conventionally cultivated sciatic nerve Schwann cells and in neurosphere cultures. Finally, neurospheres of palatal and sciatic origin were able to differentiate into ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal cell types emphasizing their multipotency. Taken together, we show that nestin-positive myelinating Schwann cells can be reprogrammed into multipotent adult neural crest stem cells under appropriate culture conditions.


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Adult human neural crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) are of extraordinary high plasticity and promising candidates for the use in regenerative medicine. Here we describe for the first time a novel neural crest-derived stem cell population within the respiratory epithelium of human adult inferior turbinate. In contrast to superior and middle turbinates, high amounts of source material could be isolated from human inferior turbinates. Using minimally-invasive surgery methods isolation is efficient even in older patients. Within their endogenous niche, inferior turbinate stem cells (ITSCs) expressed high levels of nestin, p75(NTR), and S100. Immunoelectron microscopy using anti-p75 antibodies displayed that ITSCs are of glial origin and closely related to nonmyelinating Schwann cells. Cultivated ITSCs were positive for nestin and S100 and the neural crest markers Slug and SOX10. Whole genome microarray analysis showed pronounced differences to human ES cells in respect to pluripotency markers OCT4, SOX2, LIN28, and NANOG, whereas expression of WDR5, KLF4, and c-MYC was nearly similar. ITSCs were able to differentiate into cells with neuro-ectodermal and mesodermal phenotype. Additionally ITSCs are able to survive and perform neural crest typical chain migration in vivo when transplanted into chicken embryos. However ITSCs do not form teratomas in severe combined immunodeficient mice. Finally, we developed a separation strategy based on magnetic cell sorting of p75(NTR) positive ITSCs that formed larger neurospheres and proliferated faster than p75(NTR) negative ITSCs. Taken together our study describes a novel, readily accessible source of multipotent human NCSCs for potential cell-replacement therapy.


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The ruthenium compound [Ru(2)Cl(Ibp)(4)] (or RuIbp) has been reported to cause significantly greater inhibition of C6 glioma cell proliferation than the parent HIbp. The present study determined the effects of 0-72 h exposure to RuIbp upon C6 cell cycle distribution, mitochondrial membrane potential, reactive species generation and mRNA and protein expression of E2F1, cyclin D1, c-myc, pRb, p21, p27, p53, Ku70, Ku80, Bax, Bcl2, cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 (COX1 and COX2). The most significant changes in mRNA and protein expression were seen for the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 which were both increased (p<0.05). The marked decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (p<0.01) and modest increase in apoptosis was accompanied by a decrease in anti-apoptotic Bcl2 expression and an increase in pro-apoptotic Bax expression (p<0.05). Interestingly, COX1 expression was increased in response to a significant loss of prostaglandin E(2) production (p<0.001), most likely due to the intracellular action of Ibp. Future studies will investigate the efficacy of this novel ruthenium-ibuprofen complex in human glioma cell lines in vitro and both rat and human glioma cells growing under orthotopic conditions in vivo. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Gene amplification increases the number of genes in a genome and can give rise to karyotype abnormalities called double minutes (DM) and homogeneously staining regions (HSR), both of which have been widely observed in human tumors but are also known to play a major role during embryonic development due to the fact that they are responsible for the programmed increase of gene expression. The etiology of gene amplification during carcinogenesis is not yet completely understood but can be considered a result of genetic instability. Gene amplification leads to an increase in protein expression and provides a selective advantage during cell growth. Oncogenes such as CCND1, c-MET, c-MYC, ERBB2, EGFR and MDM2 are amplified in human tumors and can be associated with increased expression of their respective proteins or not. In general, gene amplification is associated with more aggressive tumors, metastases, resistance to chemotherapy and a decrease in the period during which the patient stays free of the disease. This review discusses the major role of gene amplification in the progression of carcinomas, formation of genetic markers and as possible therapeutic targets for the development of drugs for the treatment of some types of tumors.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Porcine parvovirus (PPV) is associated with reproductive failure and it has been found worldwide, including Brazil. Many diagnostic procedures are used for its detection, for example, immunofluorescence, HA, HI and PCR and this is an important technique because it is very specific and sensitive. In this work, the presence of PPV in fetuses from swine farms with reproductive problems was detected by PCR. All of 170 samples from aborted fetuses, mummies or stillborns were sampled by PCR with primers designed to VP2 region of PPV and c-myc (endogenous control). Only 142 samples (83,53%) were positive for c-myc and among them six samples (4,22%) were positive for PPV which were tested in HA. In this test, erythrocytes suspension 1% was used and three samples (50%) agglutinated but they presented low titer (4). For this work, porcine parvovirus was detected in the samples analyzed by PCR and HA. It is important to emphasize the use of endogenous control when material with elevated degree of autolysis is examined


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Background: The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an essential process in the tumor progression and metastasis. In human prostate carcinoma (PCa), the upregulation of cytokeratin and E-cadherin and down-regulation of vimentin have been associated with aggressive phenotype and poor prognosis. Due to the importance of canine cancer model it was evaluated the immunoexpression of AE1/AE3, E-cadherin and vimentin in canine prostatic lesions. Patients and Methods: A total of 75 prostatic tissues formalin-fixed paraffin embedded from dogs was selected: 10 normal prostatic tissues, 20 benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 25 proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA) and 20 PCa. AE1/AE3 was detected with a monoclonal antibody (Invitrogen, 180132) at a 1:300 dilution, applied for 45 min at room temperature (RT). The antibody against Vimentin (V9, Invitrogen) and E-cadherin (NCH-38, Dako cytomatiomn) were monoclonal mouse antibodies, used at a 1:300 and 1:200, respectively, for 45 min at RT. The immunolabelling was performed by a polymer method (Histofine, Nichirei Biosciences,). A negative control was performed for all antibodies by omitting the primary antibody and substituting with Tris-buffered saline. The percentage of C-MYC, E-cadherin, and p63- positive cells per lesion was evaluated according to Prowatke et al. (2007). The samples were scored separately according to staining intensity and graded semi-quantitatively as negative, weakly positive, moderately positive, and strongly positive. The score was done in one 400 magnification field, considering only the lesion, since this was done in a TMA core of 1 mm. For statistical analyses, the immunostaining classifications were reduced to two categories: negative and positive. The negative category included negative and weakly positive staining. Chi-square or Fisher exact test was used to determine the association between the categorical variables. Results: All prostatic normal and BPH tissue were positive for cytokeratin, E-cadherin and negative for vimentin. Similarly, all PIA samples were positive for AE1/AE3. From those samples, 48% (12/25) were also positive for vimentin. 55% of PCa (11/25) was positive for vimentin and among these samples 75% (6/11) was also positive for AE1/AE3 and 45% (5/11) was negative for AE1/AE3. PIA and PCa presented a higher number of vimentin positive cells when compared with normal tissue (p=0.032). E-cadherin expression had no statistical difference among diagnosis groups, but we found a higher number of positive cases, with more than 51% of positive immunostaining in BPH and PIA (81.25% and 78.60% of the cases, respectively) than in PCa (55.55%). Conclusion: The carcinogenesis process regarding prostatic epithelial cells in dogs showed higher vimentin protein expression associated with concomitant loss of the cytokeratin and E-cadherin, similar in humans.


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Background: COX-2 is one of the most important prostaglandin involved in urologic cancer and seems to be associated with tumor progression, invasion, and metastasis. In addition, several effects have been reported for VEGF, including inducing angiogenesis, promoting cell migration, and inhibiting apoptosis. COX2 and VEGF up-regulation have been reported in human prostate cancer. Due to the importance of canine natural model for prostate cancer, the aim of this study was to evaluate COX-2 and VEGF protein expression in canine carcinogenic process. Material and Methods: Seventy-four prostatic tissues from dogs were selected to be evaluated for protein expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC), including: 10 normal prostatic tissues, 20 benign prostatic hyperplasias (BPH), 25 proliferative inflammatory atrophies (PIA) and 20 prostatic carcinomas (PCa). COX-2 and VEGF were detected using the monoclonal antibody CX-294 (1:50 dilution, Dako Cytomation and sc-53463 (1:100 dilution, Santa Cruz), respectively. The immunolabelling was performed by a polymer method (Histofine, Nichirei Biosciences). All reaction included negative controls by omitting the primary antibody. The percentage of C-MYC, E-cadherin, and p63- positive cells per lesion was evaluated according to Prowatke et al. (2007). The samples were scored separately according to staining intensity and graded semi-quantitatively as negative, weakly positive (1), moderately positive, and strongly positive. The score was done in one 400 magnification field, considering only the lesion, since this was done in a TMA core of 1 mm. For statistical analyses, the immunostaining classifications were reduced to two categories: negative and positive. The negative category included negative and weakly positive staining. Chi-square or Fisher exact test was used to determine the association between the categorical variables. Results: The COX-2 protein expression was elevated in the cytoplasm of the canine PCa and PIA compared to normal prostate (p=0.002). VEGF protein expression was increased in 94.75% of the PCa and 100% of the PIA compared with to normal prostate (p = 0.001). No difference was found when compared normal prostate with BPH. Conclusions: This study has demonstrated that the carcinogenesis of canine prostatic tissue may be related to gain of COX-2 and VEGF protein expression.